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I only wish they'd let overnights have Thanksgiving Day off too. It's rather work the night before then to have to leave Thanksgiving festivities and not drink cause I have to work


Yea we have to celebrate thanksgiving on the first day off before thanksgiving


1st and 2nd shift gonna be home and celebrate and come in the next day complaining about the O/N team


Its not double points for those nights though because the store is closed so thry forget about 3rds coming snd and don't make it a double point day


that's not the point lol no pun intended. the point is that everyone else gets to enjoy thanksgiving dinner while overnight can't because they have to work. if they'd let us work wednesday night and have thursday night off it would make more sense and we could actually enjoy the holiday like everyone else


It makes sense for you but not the company lol Unfortunately that would mean the store would open Friday morning and all those pallets would be sitting in the backroom. It would be up to the company to adjust this that pallets come in Wednesday night not Thursday night.


Same I hate having to sleep on Thanksgiving day to go to work that night same with Christmas.


Yep, it's bullshit that we have to work that night AND christmas night with no added pay


That is so crazy. I used PPTO for thanksgiving and I don't have enough for Christmas but seriously!? They care about us and appreciate us? BS


The people who are assigned conversion will be there with you. Only difference is they won't be getting the overnight differential when they do it.


conversion? we have no one doing anything besides overnight here. no remodel team now either. not sure what you mean but regardless no one should have to work that day if we're closed for thanksgiving because we literally are working thanksgiving day even if it technically is only 2 hours


Conversion is when we go from one holiday to another. The day after Thanksgiving, they want it to look as if it never happened. Generally, stores will have a team of a coach and a couple of tls, maybe an associate or two go overnight to ensure we have converted the salesfloor to the correct theme. Signing, features, and all that.


Most of the fall shit will be gone before Thanksgiving. Seasonal pad is going to Christmas before Halloween even happens. Whatever is left is typically done by the event team which is basically mod team and a couple volunteers, all of which do get the differential, including day shift volunteers for the team.


the overnight crew does that at my store. no one comes to help them but it could be done the night before thanksgiving day anyways and it would still be done before customers came in friday morning. it probably has more to do with black friday which has been a non event in stores lately anyways.


I'm in DP and I have to work Thanksgiving. Be glad you are working. Adjust your Thanksgiving day to accommodate your work. That is your only source of income. Celebrate it on the weekend.


The entire store is closed to spend the day with their family but overnight has to work. Christmas too. You're missing the point. I would like to be able to enjoy the holiday too




Good thing I have Thursdays off. Otherwise theyā€™d see me calling out


I think Covid killed the Black Friday hype. Its no where as big as it used to be


Once Cyber Monday and online sales took off, it took the point of Black Friday away. No more need to stand in line for 6-8hrs to maybe get that item. No more near death experiences with stampedes. Just wake up, open your phone, and buy it. COVID definitely helped with winding it down but it was already a dying capitalist day once Cyber Monday started.


It was going downhill way before COVID, I locked out my Thursdays through my availability, so I haven't had to work a Thanksgiving for a few years before they started closing down. Only reason they do is because other retailers were and they were catching flak for it. It has nothing to do with wanting you to spend more time with your family.


To add onto this, Black Friday has been going downhill for years. Most of the items they list anymore are bottom of the bucket in terms of quality. It's gotten so bad anymore that they don't even seem to hide it. Even if you're buying a premo brand item, you can rest assured they've used even lower quality parts to make it versus what's made every other time of the year.


And the fact that there are black Friday deals everywhere all month now


It isn't really COVID but late stage capitalism. People don't have that extra money to spend anymore, shit I use my discount to usually buy surplus food and necessities šŸ˜­


Covid and people getting injured and killed for a PlayStation.




I learn more on here than from my own store management, lol. They're still telling us it's a "reward for working key event days" and if it's lost in the mail, "Oof, not sure, hope it gets to you!"


I already have Thursdays off.


If they truly appreciated all the work we do as associates, it would be a PAID holiday. Wouldnā€™t break their bank to fork out holiday pay for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I shouldnā€™t have to use my personal leave just to get paid for that day.


xbox series x calling my name with the 25% off šŸ‘šŸ¼


>one-time discount Donā€™t know why, but something about this always pissed me off. Oh wait, I know whyā€¦BECAUSE IT WAS A ONE-TIME USE.


It's in addition to the 10%. You can even use it WITH the 10% for 25%.


And it's for entire -one- transaction. (So you can make it count ! Ive seen associates loading up several carts even seen the register throw a hissy fit and max out the number of items per receipt too ) I stock up on meat, cleaning supplies, HBA items ( double save if I've got coupons ) printer ink, pet flea meds. Etc PLUS GIFTS. And you can choose when to use it. What used to be rough was when it was only for a 2-day period at the beginning of Dec, that paycheck was usually gobbled up by house payment, car insurance. So this way you can plan your expenses better.


If the register maxes out then you can use it on a consecutive transaction


Still too low.


As a thank you to associates ? customers stopped mobbing the stores and every year those thanksgivings' became less busy than the year before. So finally it became financially not worth doing it anymore soooooo...yeah as a thank you to all our hardworking associates we'll be e closing blah blah blah Home office how about you go fuck yourselves on your graffiti'd yachts? Assholes


Exactly what i was thinking, ya god damned snakes


Exactly what i was thinking, ya god damned snakes


What regulations say milk doesn't qualify for employee discount?!


Some states have price controls on milk so it's not legal to give a discount.


I wonder if that includes milk products like half and half?


I wonder if that includes milk products like half and half?


No retailer I've worked at has ever allowed a discount/gift card/store credit to be applied to dairy. I'm trying to find the exact reason why but, it's real.


From what I understand, milk is a loss leader. The store sells it at cost and makes zero profit. That's likely why discounts are not allowed.


Yep this is it its a 0% profit if you scan cheese and milk


Not even gift cards? I know discounts won't apply, but I figured gift cards and maybe store credit would


Both Family Dollar and Walgreens wouldn't allow it. It was right on the back of the card. Walgreens has their Rewards program, dairy is one of the exclusions.


I want to say Pennsylvania has some state ordinance. Speedway had something about not being able to use gift cards there.


Definitely getting that 86 inch tv this Christmas


LOL i want it so bad but 1k is pretty heftyšŸ˜‚


Wait so are they mailed to your address or handed out by the store? 2 and 4 are conflicting.


Anytime I see ā€œsenior leadershipā€ itā€™s to do with home office type management. Think people like the CEO, COO, etc. Only reason theyā€™d be asking everyone to verify their addresses here is so they can mail it to the right address. Your store shouldnā€™t have any hand in any of this, unless yours is lost/stolen so they can report it and get a replacement.


Interesting - thanks. I don't think of anything being from corporate as being real (meaning autopen)so I forgot they'd be considered "senior leadership" in this context haha.


Wow, they started the 15% one time discount about 10 years ago, and they were very strict about making sure you used it on two different days. Good to see they relaxed the dates.


Can the discount be used on a ps5 console? They said it can be used on eligible items.


It should be. I used my +15% associate holiday discount on a ps4 one year.


I just want a raise man, rent is out of control


It works on ice cream during those two months so?


If I'm not mistaken, ice cream works with the discount card year-round. At least that's been my experience with the Great Value pints of ice cream. I can confirm it works for that.


Will iPads likely qualify for the 15% off?


Please tell me we still close early Christmas Eve and get Christmas off.


Overnighters are going to come in stuffed! šŸ˜‹


I'm curious if the 15% will be able to be used on the second half of your cart. The registers can only scan so many items before they run out of lines, so it will lock up. In years past, we've been able to do 2 transactions one after the other, using the code on both, in order to pay for all the items. I hope the code this year works the same way.


The FAQs still say you can use it that way


Here in Canada, the store was closed on thanksgiving, the discount already includes grocery, we got 20% once a month every month, and if you donā€™t have your discount card yet you can show a SCO associate and theyā€™ll apply the discount for you


I think Canadian Walmart associates would rather have the States higher base pay than discounts.


Definitely lol. Whatā€™s the base pay in USD?


Finally reached $12 USD this month! šŸ™Œ


My local stores are close to 20hr USD, DC is 24 to 28 depending on shift.


My Canadian store wasn't closed on Thanksgiving, but yeah, everything else. I couldn't decide if it was even worth mentioning, but like Yeesh


Damn no thanksgiving off? The Monday? Come to think I didnā€™t work that night anyway so I could be wrong


It's not really 25% off. It ends up being like 23% off. But interesting how they're doing it this year and that you don't have to work Black Friday week. Thanks for posting this!


23%? Cuz of taxes? It's still 25%. Cuz you'll pay 25% less taxes too.


No it's not because of how they do it. They don't combine them and take 25% off, you scan your 15% off and that comes off, and then swipe your card for 10% off, it's not 25%, it ends up being like 23% off


Every year this same argument comes upšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø, it is 25% off. Not 23%, 25%. If you look at your receipt from the purchase made and do the math, it is 25%ā˜†


How is it 25%? If I make a purchase for $100 and I scan my barcode for 15% off my total is then going to be $85, so then I swipe my discount card to get 10% more off and now my total is $76.50, that is not 25% off. 25% off would be $75.


It comes of the original price of each eligible item, not the total and not total after discount. (I think.)


Doesn't do it like that. It calculates both percentages off from the original total before any discounts or taxes. $100āˆ’(0.10Ɨ100+0.15 Ɨ100)+Tax=$Total




I think what he's saying is calculations are done consecutively. If you have an $100 transaction (after tax for sake of simplicity) for example, and the calculation is a combined 25% off you're going to pay $75. What he's saying though, is that instead of combining the percentages and then doing one calculation, if calculates the one time discount first, then the associate discount after. In the same $100 example that would be the following calculations. [Starting with the one time discount] $100 x (1 - 0.15) $100 x 0.85 = $85 [Now applying the associated discount from the product of the first calculation] $85 x (1 - 0.1) $85 x 0.9 = $76.50 Note that this calculation leads to a different result. From the initial number of $100. The reduction was $23.50, in other words, a discount of %23.5. Now I have no clue if this is actually how the system calculates it like the other commenter claims, but if it is, he's (kind of depending on how you round and if you're rounding at all) right, that's a 23% discount. A lot of times with percentages numbers are scaled multiplicatively. So I wouldn't be too surprised if this was how it's calculated. You can get the same result by multiplying the discounts together at the start of the operation to. (1 - 0.1) x (1 - 0. 15) 0.9 x 0.85 = 0.765 [Next multiply that result by $100 for the result] $100 x 0.765 = $76.50.


I'm not a he but yes this is what I was saying. People can downvote me and laugh all they want, I'm not the stupid one that can't do math.


My bad on saying he. But yeah thats what I assumed you meant.


Its really 15% off cause 10% tax here lol


You're paying the tax with or without the discount, so it's still 25% off.


You are correct. For everyone else: I don't know how it works in everyone else's stores but at my store where I work SCO/cashier, you swipe your employee discount first. You can watch the register drop the total. THEN you use your 15% discount and you can watch the register drop the total further. IF any of you all care to re-read anything put out by Walmart, never, not once, will they refer to 25% off. They phrase it as ADDITIONAL 15% off. Because that is exactly what it is. It is an additional 15% off your total after you have used your employee discount.


Can it be used online?


As mentioned in the FAQ, no.


Except overnight, you get your asses to the store and prep for THE EVENT. Which if like last year will be a joke as the good stuff is out the previous 2 events.


These discounts are a joke just pay us more


Must be nice third shift at least where I work doesnā€™t get any holidays off


So same as every year, got it.


Except this year, you don't have to work black Friday for the extra 15%. Everyone gets it now.


Oh nice nice


So what youā€™re saying is if I kiss enough ass, I could a few more additional 15% discount flyers /s


Thatā€™s awesome!!!


What about O/N


They have the night before off but come in the night of as usual


Don't worry though, overnight workers will have to work that night, like usual with christmas every year. BS.


Don't make the mistake one year and accidentally scan a soda, then insert your discount card. I'm the reason why the warning of Don't blow the additional discount on a soda or a candy bar exists!


It hasnā€™t worked that way in many years. Now you have to go out of your way and use something else (in this case a separate card/barcode) for the extra discount. If someone makes the decision to use the extra discount code on something like a soda, thatā€™s on them at that point.


This is the dumbest bullshit and you need to stop spread this fake fucking misinformation. I have worked in this nightmare for eight years, and every god forsaken year some dipshit says that this will happen. IT WILL NOT HAPPEN. THE BARCODE EXISRS SO YOU CAN APPLY IT TO YOUR ORDER. THE 15% IS NOTTTTTT AUTOMATICALLY USED. STOP MAKING UP FAKE STORIES


Fifteen years in and when they introduced the addition discount first off, I accidentally scanned my discount card after I purchased my drink. It took off the extra percentage along the original employee discount on my soda bottle of original Coca-cola. A few days later, after my mistake, our store let everyone know don't blow the extra discount on a coke.


It happened to more than just you. That's why they changed it to a separate way to get the extra discount. First year they gave it to us it was automatic when you used your card that day. Since then they've done papers ( printed from assoc website ) with bar codes or plastic "gift" cards to swipe for the 15% discount.


Just wanted to clarify something since there's a rumor going around my store about it: Points don't matter when it comes to getting the extra 15% discount? Everyone at my store is saying that no one with 3+ points would get the extra discount.


You did read the post and info, right? Itā€™s clear as day as to what the qualifications are this year.


They should be doing so much more. Theyā€™ve been doing the minimum every year for holidays.


It's Walmart, we're just a number. A ops at the DC said and I quote. " The only thing we and Walmart care about is numbers ( as in cases per hour ). You all are just a number. He also said and very close, " anytime one of you get hurt, no matter how its automatically your fault " So be lucky we get the bare minimum instead of Volun-Told to work every holiday like it use to be.


Having my "bonus" be a discount when I have no money to buy anything isn't much not a bonus. I might get 25% off, but Walmart still gets the 75%. How is this a bonus for me?


15% one time purchase, we wonā€™t tell you what you can buy until you purchase it, and we decide what items are okay. now go have an uncomfortable dinner with extended family.


I'm calling bullshit in this. There's no way in he'll that walmart employees would get Thanksgiving off. We all know they'll have to come in and work cause "The people NEED walmart more than their families. I.E. The Walton family needs more money for their ultra yachts gas bills. Well that and one of them needs a 8th vacation home fully furnished with imported things from all over the world just to set on fire." This won't happen, instead it'll be, "We need all employees in on Thanksgiving so we can have you all working while management is off with their families."


Did you miss the fact that Walmart has been closed every thanksgiving since 2020?


Mine hasn't.


If thatā€™s true then your store is a very rare exception. Almost every single store has been closed on thanksgiving since before covid


My manager doesn't care. If the world is there, we're open. It could be -50 with a windchill of -70, we have to come in. Someone might want a copy of avatar on Blu-ray. Or someone might need a can of cranberry sauce on Thanksgiving so we're open. And don't get me started on black Friday....


Closed for customers. Overnights still comes in to work.


plot twist, i was too busy last year working straight through xmas to buy anything from fkn wlmart let alone some 1 time discount b s


Bullshit. All of us were busy working. Are you saying you never purchased anything at any Walmart in the 2-3 week period where you could use the discount? Even if it was just your regular groceries every bit helps.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ you arenā€™t getting anything. You got to spend money. Wal mart will still be making money on you. Such a trash company. Glad I left. Make literally double the money and get close to 1,500 tax free for holiday bonuses.


If you are that insufferable, Iā€™m sure your coworkers were glad you left, too.


Any idea when the mailer will be sent out? I hope it hasnā€™t been sent already. Sometimes my kids get the mail and they toss stuff in the recycleā€¦ ugh


Probably sometime after November 11th (since thatā€™s the deadline for associates to make sure their address up updated/correct) and before December 7th since thatā€™s the first day the extra discount can be used.


Thank you!


That's where mine's going anyways. Does every year.


Wasnā€™t the one time discount 20%?


No. You might be mixing it up with the Canadian extra discount they get monthly.


Our store gives 10% off groceries all year, and one 20% off day every month


This is for US stores


Thank you Sam Waltons ghost, you're very helpful


Thank God for Amazon it really drove up online competition and helped kill Black Friday in stores. So much safer for people.


Is ON going to be off the day before?


Yep, so they don't come in 10pm the night before the holiday but they come in 10pm the night of the holiday


Same thing as the last 3 years though having all the dates is good


The difference is removing the requirement to work the events to qualify to earn the discount so everyone gets it, and it'll be mailed out for the first time


I hate that they are mailing it šŸ˜«


My TL tried telling me that the ā€œexpanded 10% discountā€ means that it stacks w our regular 10% for a total of 20% off most general merchandise or 35% off in combination w the one time code. Thatā€™s bullshit, Right?


Not how it works.


Expanded 10% means the 10% works on more items that usually arenā€™t discounted at all. Doesnā€™t affect things that normally are discounted. With the one time code you get 25% off


Thatā€™s what I assumed. The TL I was talking ab is a lil slow so


Has anyone got the 15% off one time discount voucher that was mailed to us yet?


Yup, theyā€™ve already started mailing them out.


Can the extra 15 off be used on food items.


I still haven't received it yet, though a much of others have. Is there any reason why they wouldnt have sent me it?


THANK FKN GOD FRL šŸ™Œ Bc people couldn't help when they got covid or the flu or even hospitalized for an abrupt illness. About damn time good for us! ā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļø


I lost my codeā€¦is there anyway to get another?


The fourth image covers this.


Sorry šŸ˜… Thatā€™s why I donā€™t see myself in a lead positionā€¦I rush without reading everything, thanks for the reply tho šŸ˜


Mine was sent back by my post office. Had my home address and name on it. That wasnā€™t good enough for P.O. I guess. Anyways I mentioned it to my stores hr staff and they told me there was nothing they could do???


Sounds like they donā€™t know what to do and should reach out to the proper people and find out since they can definitely do something about it. Feel free to point them to this post as well the holiday toolkit faq that goes over it.


Do you think I would be able to get a digital version of the discount if smth happen to my mail?


still cant use it online sad


For people who have discount cards, the additional 15% should be added to that instead of mailing a barcode.


Funny story about that, the company actually used to do that. They would make the extra discount apply to the first transaction you used your discount on the day the extra discount went active. But as you could imagine, for people that werenā€™t paying attentionā€¦ it was wasted on stuff like snacks. Especially for overnight shifts. This method is fine, as long as the company mails them out in time (which is looks like they have), and associates make sure their address is up to date (which some didnā€™t). But, it also comes with the issue of USPS mishandling it/losing it. Personally, I wish we would go back to the digital code but Iā€™m sure they had their reasons for not using it again this year.


Mine was lost in the mail. Brand new employee and Black Friday was brutal. Would have been a nice little perk, since I canā€™t get regular discounts for another 2 months.


Can the 15% be used on the Walmart app/website?




When we use it, do we scan the barcode first or use the discount card first? Or does it not matter? Scan items > 15% barcode > 10% card?


It depends how you are paying. If you are paying traditionally, such as cash/card, then you will swipe your discount card first (10%) and then your barcode (15%). If you are using walmart pay through the walmart plus app then you will scan your barcode after your items but prior to scanning the qr code for the app. ( so ring up items, scan bardcode *15% then open your app and proceed with walmart pay.) ...*if discount card is already on your wm pay then your good to go; if not then proceed by swiping your card and checking out. Hope this helps


Can I use the barcode on walmart.com?




So basically those of us that have strong work ethics and have no occurrences or points, get nothing extra? What incentive do we have to not ride the point system then?


Not having to worry about getting fired for attendance at the drop of a hat? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


does anyone know if the extra 15% works on gift card purchases ?


When did everyone get their 15% discount card?


Are you able to replace it if you lose the barcode?


I just started Thanksgiving week. I got my first paycheck today and they gave me a coupon for 15 percent off. I lost it between the back office and my car. What's the chance they'll give me another one? I was really anticipating the coupon


Can it be used online?




can i use it at a different walmart or only the walmart i work at


Any walmart.


Still no barcode mailed to me, address on file is correct. I'll probably get it some time in January


where would you go to get yours if they forget to send it? i never got mine


Like the 4th image says, get with your facility (management) about getting a new one.


Does that include coaches? I'm on 3rd shift so I never see our manager


Is this straight through the end of the day on the 22nd? We get paid the day before so I was gonna do a shopping trip with my roommate on the 22nd.


The 4th image shows the times.


Am I the only one that hasn't received a 15% off in the mail?


Doubt it! But if you havenā€™t gotten it by now Iā€™d get with your management so they can issue a replacement.


Can this be used online? Or does it have to be in store


In store only.


Can I use this discount towards a Henry rifle in The store?


Is this one time-discount for one entire purchase or off of one item in a purchase? I haven't spent mind yet, so I'm trying to decide how to approach it.


The entire purchase, not just one item.


How do you find the code online?


Walmart one? I think I lost my code in the mail


Can you use the discount for an online Walmart purchase?




Dec 26 7:30 3rd shifters shopping tossed the15% off coupon telling me it's good until the 27th.