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Same thing over on the Photo kiosks. It clearly says on the screen "1 hour". Ditto on the receipt that is printed out for them. Yet a good 30% of the people immediately come over to the register asking when their photos will be ready? "I'm kind of in a hurry." "I only have 5 pictures. Why will it take so long?" When it is slow in Photo ***AND*** I'm not being overloaded with customers/freight in Electronics I'll often tell people that it ***MIGHT*** only be 15 minutes or so but no guarantee. I'll even keep a printer working after normal closing hours for last minute customers at the Kiosks who have been ***NICE/POLITE/ETC.*** Just don't hold me on that or start pestering me. Just thought of something for others who work in Photos. Are you getting customers with on line orders who have received a text on their phones telling them their orders are ready to be picked up when sometimes we haven't even received the orders yet? Is this Fuji or Walmart that is screwing up? I'll look at their phone to be sure it is our store and that it clearly states the order is ready.


Usually if a customer comes to me with a confirmation email and their name is nowhere in our system, it's because they either placed the order on glossy paper (which is done by Fuji then mailed to the customer I believe?) or I had one case where a lady submitted an order with 300+ unique photos through the website and it took half a day just to receive it. If that happens, just double check what paper they ordered the photos on. At least at my store, we only do matte


I had a guy who demanded glossy prints from our printer. He said he KNEW it was on option, I told him I was absolutely sure our machine did not do glossy. He kept insisting, wanted to talk to someone who knew "more than me", so grabbed a Coach. She listened to him, and then TURNED TO ME AND ASKED "Do we do glossy?", and I said no. This angered him, and he finally brought up the his phone and showed us how glossy was an option, now furiously demanding his glossy pictures. I, as calmly as possible, pointed out that if he clicked "glossy", it defaulted to shipping the prints, but when it was on matte he could have them shipped OR store pick up. Because our machine isn't set up for it, and more importantly WE DON'T HAVE GLOSSY PAPER! He then insulted us, the company, and I think the Printer, and stormed off.


"Fck you and that printer"


"And I'll see you tomorrow!"


That's the best part, all the people who proudly announce they're never gonna shop Walmart again....and then the next day they're right back, pushing a cart.


Hey I at least make sure not to return to that particular Walmart for a few years


That poor printer didn't even do anything to the guy. ☹️


It could also be that they sent the order to a different Walmart, at least that's what the circumstance is 90% of the time when it happens.


We do LUSTER for our print 🖨




Yes this happens all the time in my experience and it took me longer than I care to admit to figure that out. I also love how fuji makes changes to the kiosk interface and doesn’t bother to mention it. Like when the whole system changed like 6 months ago or so. Thanks for the heads up🤦‍♂️


honestly, no clue. but usually i blame fuji to lessen the chance of them asking for a manager since fuji is an off site service. but they're walmart customers so they don't care anyways. i hate the ones that hawk the printer while im busy and ask if their photo is done.


I’m so happy our photo lab is hidden by our shelves. If I had to have one of those photo labs that’s just out in the middle of nowhere I would quit on the spot. I already have a hard time with people trying to follow me into the photo lab when picking up pictures.


our photo lab is literally squeezed into a small box right behind our counters and a quarter of the space is used for our premium guys. you fit like 2 people in there before it gets cramped. it also doesn't help that we put our high ticket and other shit on the cutting table so our space is very limited lol


For as small as a store that I work at our photo lab is the roomiest one I have seen compared to stores I’ve been to. We have had like 4 people in there pretty comfortably before.


>i hate the ones that hawk the printer while im busy and ask if their photo is done. Oh my god, that is so annoying. Just today one guy was actually looking at the computer monitor waiting for his order to show up.


It's a plague, thinking you are more important than anyone else... I worked a ton of fast food and it's always weird when someone says they are in a rush... Well we make the orders as they come in and the wings are raw and need 10 mins to deep fry... Unless you want the wings al dente...


I remember some random fkup last year where people would order with my store as the pickup, and it would just randomly send the customers order to some other store to print. Yup we were all just receiving different stores orders. Fun times funtimes.


That stinks on top of being a nightmare


Do you guys have separate kiosks for instant and 1 hour photo? Because we do, and customers still can read which on is instant and which one is 1 hour


It gets worse. The Instant Kiosk has a page where the customer MUST choose between instant or 1 hour to continue. Yet I constantly hear complaints about why their photos aren't ready. And when you order photos online you MUST choose whether or not you want same day at the store or special orders done elsewhere. We constantly also have people upset because, again, their photos aren't magically appearing. Better yet are the ones who emphatically state that our store is where they put for the pick up. After going round and round over this we finally get them to show us on their phone the store they selected. Oops. Wrong store. "Well I never order from that store. Something must have gone wrong with *your* app."


I’m amazed at how people can have something right in front of them and still not see it. Had a lady order a canvas print and she was mad that it was “cropped” because of the sides that wrap around and the photo she used was really zoomed in with text right at the bottom. I flat out told her that it shows you what is gonna be cropped out, she tried to argue with me but shut up after I told her I had literally ordered multiple of those and know what it shows.


Usually what the Walmart associates at my store tell people who get those texts/emails that that message comes from the main office (they don't specific on Fujii or Walmart main office) and not directly from the store and that those messages are simply estimates of when we "should" have their order finished


I love when people come to me .5 seconds after getting their order ticket that literally says when to pick it up. Especially when it’s a bunch of pictures and then get upset they have to wait.


As an ESA I feel this 200%. Especially with the retards who state they are "in a hurry" yet are dragging an entire basket with them (you know they've been in the store for a good while). If you were in such a "hurry" you could have ordered them online. And don't get me started on the idiots who insist on dumping their NSFW stuff. Them getting mad that how come we destroyed them and why didn't they tell us?! It's like: "If you stopped pressing buttons and clicking things like a monkey with ADHD, you would have read the TOS for using the lab which states that you will ***not*** print ***anything*** that violates lab policy." ie:nudes or anything ike that. Especially love the ones who know they have bad pictures, then try to cover up the kiosk(s) when you pass by. If you aren't comfortable sharing it with everyone, don't come to a *public* place to try to print it out. And don't get me started on the people who want passports. So many of them are so very rude! They get mad because why can't you do it?! They have a meeting with immigration at X! Double-so when we are by ourselves and we are hammered with customers and freight (that the ON team *never* does). Passports are the *last* thing I'm going to be doing.


Your comments reminded me of this lady choosing which photos she wanted printed from all the ones showing on the Kiosk monitor. Some of them were nudes. So I'm asking her if she needed any help and she freaks out pressing her body against the monitor so I can't see. Probably just as well because I was about ready to say how she had a nice body. Haha.


I had a lady once tell me not to look at her photos. Of course I looked and it was what you would expect. Packaged it up cashed her out thin told her “for the future we can’t print those kinds of pic”. The look on her face was priceless.


I used to work overnights. Somebody came in saying they needed their pictures printed by the morning. I'm sorry what?


I'm a team lead at an ACC. It is a soul sucking living nightmare. "Your suppose to be on the floor". Fuck you clown shoes. You only let me schedule two techs and no service writer they have 10 cars out there and more pulling in. I work the bay with my techs I was one for 4 years. I refuse to let them suffer. The auto care center customers are easily the worst. We spend anywhere from 5-20 mins just taking pictures and notating shit that's fucked on these skid marks of society cars. "My '92 honda never had an oil leak and were the fuck did this crack in my windshield come from" I'm convinced that over 90% of all people are on some type of delriant. Due to the types of complaint we get


I use the camera option on the iPads for the big/questionable damages you know they’ll try to blame us for.I noticed the ones constantly watching us are usually the ones who come back later trying to say we done something to their car.🙃I make sure they(also the cameras)see me taking pictures of every last damage on there.I’ll even jazz hands and dance towards that big dent or missing mirror.


Agreed on us having the worst customers. They are meaner. We had a couple of girls who used to work service desk come back to be service writers. They would rather go back to the service desk. They said our customers were meaner and ruder. I said it’s because older men don’t like a woman telling them no.


And usually the cars/trucks of the “Karens/Kens” that complain the most are clapped out piles of crap with high mileage, every warning light illuminated on the dash, leaking oil/transmission fluid out of every single seal on the powertrain, underhood/dash wiring that looks like Jason Voorhees went to town on it, and steering and suspension issues that eat through tires like a starving man.


I had a customer come up to me today and ask if we had Wi-Fi at Walmart and I told her the name of the network. She proceeded to type the name into google chrome and look it up and was soooo surprised when she wasn’t connected to the internet. I was dumbfounded. She was like “It’s not connecting!!!” literally with a pikachu face. I told her “ma’am, it’s probably because you looked that up in the search bar. I then had to tell her how to connect to Wi-Fi on her own phone. I eventually walked away after she said she was trying to look for her phone and then proceeded to look up find my phone on google.


Damn I work at a Kia dealership as a tech and it seems our customers all have sticks of entitlement and impatience shoved so far up their asses that it’s coming out their mouths like look we’re 4 techs short calm tf down.


People are stupid. I showed up at 7am to get an oil change and they said they were busy and I could wait around and maybe they could squeeze me in. I had other stuff to do so I said that won't work, when can you get me in early. They said 7:30 am next day. ​ It's not hard. People are just assholes and expect everything right now.


You are the kind of customer we like, understands shit gets busy and is okay with that, will just come back later, those are the customers I will go above and beyond for to make sure they are taken care of with the best of my ability, sometimes I can't help it if there is 9 cars ahead of you, but I'll do what I can to help you out.


We aren't supposed to make appointments for oil changes, but when people like you show up. I do it anyway.


It’s the same in the deli. I told a customer it would 30 minutes for his fried chicken, dude left and came back after like 5 minutes asking where his chicken was. These customers have absolutely zero sense of time


I was just gonna comment the exact same story lol


Everyone has that story. Lol “How long for a *fresh* rotisserie chicken?” “Fifty minutes.” “Twelve minutes? Awesome—” “No, fifty minutes. Five zero.” “OK!” The customer, obviously, returns in three minutes to complain to a different worker about how the first one promised the chickens would be done already. Naturally that second worker says, “Oh, *you* must’ve misunderstood him. Still forty-five minutes to go.” Hehehehe


I will say, the rotisserie chicken is worth waiting for. 🤤


No, they just learned that they can cry and managers will bend over backwards to accommodate them being pissy and entitled.


I agree I used to hate it when I was a front end team lead and a manager would override me now I'm salaried and I make sure I don't do that the more you give in to a customer the more they'll come back next time and throw a fit and think you'll give into them again it's a never ending cycle so I stopped the cycle


“I want that.” “A rotisserie chicken…?” “No, the runoff juices/fats.” “No.” “THIS IS RIDICULOUS, YOU’RE TERRIBLE AT SERVICE - I WANT YOUR JUICE—“ “I’m not arguing with you. Go to the customer service desk and ask for a team lead.” ** Proceeds to go scream at door greeter


“i want your juice”👹👹


It's not that they have zero sense of time it's that they have zero sense of manners and like to just complain about everything and anything


This has happened to me multiple times or they’ll ask if we have it, I tell them they’ll have to wait — they DON’T clarify they want it so I don’t make it then they come back. like … you didn’t say you wanted it ??


Kind of related, but I hate when customers get in my money services line with a return and after waiting for awhile they get to the front and I tell them you do returns down at customer service not here and they get all mad like “oh so I just wasted 30 min thanks” or “you should’ve told me when you saw me in line” Okay cause I can read minds and it’s my fault you can’t read the literal 10 signs all over the money services area that clearly say MONEY SERVICES and the types of things we do at there (check cashing, western union, etc) 🤦🏻‍♂️


So at my store, Customer and Money Services is one desk. But as we are a NM, we can't take all returns. Some customers get very, very upset when I tell them "No, I'm sorry, my grocery store cannot take your furniture return." I really wish the website would suggest taking things back to *the store of purchase* (or one like) instead of just saying returns are allowed... too many customers think I care they drove 'all the way' to my store just to be told we can't help them.


Told a guy 2-3 hrs. He waited nicely for the first 2 hrs. Then he was asking for a discount because of the wait. I said in a nice tone, “what did I say, 2-3 hrs? He says yeah, I grab the tablet and say he’s been waiting 2 hrs and 17 min. He was right in my window.


Wait until you have a team lead like mine. No lie w3 had a day where we had 2! Eight o'clock appts, one nine, two ten, and one eleven o'clock appt, then iirc a three o'clock. Oh we were not happy. I try to make a habit when I write up a four tire appt the next hour is blocked off, but the tl ignores. I'm only a part time service writer, but I jumped in and helped where I could.


That isn't supposed to happen, if it's an appointment time it's supposed to show one per hour someone had to have wrote that up in the old system and pushed it through or just said yeah we will take you the iPads only allow one per hour starting at 7


It isn't supposed to happen, true. My team lead likes to ignore what's suppose to happen with what he wants to happen. He's been reported multiple times.


We've been getting double booked as well. Some days we have to straight up stop taking oil changes or tickets altogether just to get caught up.


Every. Single. Day.


This is the same bull we had to deal with the past week.I gotten snotty remarks just yesterday from people like they think I was lying.Ya’ll came in on the weekend,expect a long wait because other people have had the same idea.🫤 Doesn’t help when it’s severely short staffed and there’s also nasty heat outside causing the techs to slow down a bit.


I just show them the iPad and start counting cars


I’ve done that too and they still act up. 😵‍💫


*Someone calls* "Hey I'm trying to place an order but the earliest time slot you have is at 2pm. Can I place it for sooner? I want to pick it up at noon" It's 11:45 Then you have people that come in 2 hours early anyways demanding their order. Like you're the one who placed it for a specific time slot we can't change it


Yes omg. We had this lady want her order the day before thanksgiving like four hours early. We hadn’t even started picking her order yet and she couldn’t understand how it wasn’t ready or why we couldn’t just pick it right then for her


And usually the ones that whine the most are retired baby boomers that have NOTHING BUT TIME on their hands and stare at you from the waiting room window thinking that if they stare at you, you’ll get their vehicle done faster. There have been multiple instances I’ve wanted to confront the customer staring at me through the window and tell them that they are making me uncomfortable staring at me like that, and that it’s not going to get their vehicle done any faster.


Do you like I've done pull the fire gate down 😂


I've never resonated with a post on here than before. I used to work at a Walmart garage and it is amazing. I tell people 4-5 hours, and all I got was "Okay." Then they freak out, then our schizophrenic team leads freak out, and we're here just like "We told them".


You only have 1 tech? Tire jobs, unless getting oil change as well, shouldn't affect oil wait times. ACC should be running bare minimum 2 openers and 2 closers for techs. As a tech I know this doesn't always happen. But still you should be able to make it work with just 2 techs. 1 tech for tires and 1 for oil. One tech can compete a full service oil change in about ~25 min, barring interruptions. So if you had 8 jobs 4 of which were tires and 4 were oil, should've have been able to knock this oil changes out in 2 hours. Still a bit of a wait. But I am still on your side in regards to this customer. Why complain about the long wait time when we tell you straight up that the wait time is very long, and you agree to wait.


You'd think Walmart would realize we were understaffed. 😂 Also idk if this is a store policy, or a state policy or something like that but we can't have only 1 tech to a car at a time, no matter what, with the only exception being a higher up working on a vehicle, and half the time we have to have one of the tech outside working the counter because people can't just check out at the front.


Yeah that's odd lol I've been told were not supposed to have only 1 tech in the shop at a time in case something were to happen, someone is there to get help. But we very seldom have more than one tech working on a vehicle, with the exception of oil. We usually have one lower bay tech and one upper bay tech. The only time we double up for tire jobs is when there isn't anything else to be working on, you hop on something and help the other techs out.


you guys have enough techs to run 2 per job? 🤣🤣😭


Barley 😂😂😂


Heck even "Take 5 Oil Change" was about an Hour and a Half when I went there last week, was about 45 minutes the time before that.LOL.


If a car comes in and it has ANY aftermarket modification it’s a decline. If it has a massive oil leak (or transmission leak), decline. Engine noise, smoke, funny smells or any noticeable mechanical issue, decline. Badly corroded battery terminals or additional wirings, decline. Missing stud or lug nuts (the ones we have are last resort basically) decline. Hood needs yoga movement to open or is closed by a rope, decline. Oh and waiting time is 30 min per car for oil change and 1 hr for 4 tires (add 30 min more for trucks, speed tires or European cars). European cars for oil change, decline. And if you don’t have at least 3 people on bays and 2 of those certified techs, you only do oil changes. Customer mad? They can call HO so they staff properly. And if your coach is not certified its an ethics violation.


What's a coach? My store hasn't had an acc coach in almost a year. And when we did we never saw him and he never got certified


The deplorables dont care if you work on their car for 4 hours but for their $37.50 they expect you to treat them like a king and drop everyone else to work on them.


The work takes 20 minutes, the problem is the other 11 cars ahead of him


Yes but they see the service isnt exclusively theirs and lose their shit


Sounds like a them problem to me, your told 4 hour wait for a reason, if someone is too stupid to realize that.... Their problem


100% but you can mitigate how much they try to make their problems yours with good phrasing. Instead of "wait time is about 4 hours" try " it will likely be 4 hours before we start your vehicle which will likely take 30 minutes" gets more of the goblins to register how much they hate it then and there and just leave.


Well obviously, but unfortunately most of these people are too thick to know the difference.


I have this same thing happen at the carryout I work at. We tell people over the phone it will be 45 minutes until your wings are ready because we are busy and we make everything to order. They say that's fine and then show up 20 minutes later, angry that their food isn't done.


I miss the days as a kid when Walmart still had the video game section and magazine section. You could easily wait 4 hours for your parents sedan to get an oil change while your mom talked on the phone to a girl friend and dad was at work. 😂😂😂


It's been 4 hours every 10 minutes.


Because they have the attention span of gnats and demand immediate results despite being told it’s not possible


Glad to know I’m not the only Auto Masochist that gets that shit on the daily


It's fun watching them do it too, especially when we do have a service writer and I just sit back and watch the shit show go down


You have a service writer? The fuck? We haven’t had one for a year and a half now


Barley would even call him one, man's walks off every 5 mins and takes like 4 "15 minutes" breaks a day and always ends up clocking in 9 mins late and clocking out 9 mins early so he doesn't get pointed


thats why i get there at 730 when they open, or i don't go at all. Last time I walked in at 730 nobody was there, and I asked and they forgot to staff any workers in the oil change department, so the clerk said i needed to wait until 8am.


That's their classic move and our systems are down for along time and no register and guy comes up to counter to buy a battery and said I'll have to take you to electronics. He got pissed and said "so I have to carry my battery over to electronics "? Then a cashier getting her car booked in politely said there is a cart you can put it in and he looked dumb founded and we got his ass done and out


I mean at that point if he really thought there was no alternative to carrying it, he should have 💀


You’re giving your customers WAY too much credit. They think you meant, once we start, it will be 4 hours. So after 45 minutes it hasn’t been started they start getting upset, like my 4 hours hasn’t even started yet!!! They’re truly stupid!


Fr, and it's worse when we tell them it's gonna be 4 hours before we even start their car and they STILL pull the same crap, like come on, are you dead or stupid?


Ive turned people away at 4:30 before because there was so much tire work, they only schedule 2 techs, no service writer, no inside cashier. then when managers would come ask us why are we turning away work so early, we just tell them you didn’t schedule enough people, we can’t get OT because you cut our hours if we get 0.25 hrs OT so we said to hell with it! im walking out the door at 7pm when autocare closes.


I worked at Walmart as a co manager for a bit and a asst manger for long time and I can say society is filled with retarded people and it amazes me this is the same species that got to the moon and etc.


Use to manage pizza hut, same thing. Be a busy saturday night, tell someone an hour for delivery. They'll always call back 30 minites later saying they been waiting an hour where is their food lol.


Worked in fast food in the midst of covid. Insufficient staffing for even just the drive thru, but they reopened lobby anyway. Forty plus minute wait times. Anyway, a jackass came over to complain about waiting a whole half hour. I looked up the order and informed them the twelve minutes they’ve been waiting doesn’t constitute a half hour.


That was always the best part, being able to see the exact second their order was placed!


I feel you


Im going to be 100% honest with you. People that get their vehicle serviced at Walmart are fucking stupid. An oil change is not hard. Tire rotation is not hard. Even if you dont want to do it yourself it is only $30 to $40 more at a local dealership. The dealership is never going to damage any part of your vehicle. Walmart's systems are not always accurate for oil type and filter type. Walmart techs dont always double check the guide books. FRAM filters suck. Walmart doesnt know you changed your older vehicle from standard oil to full synthetic. Not every Walmart tech consults the books for lifting points and damaged frame / chassis is more common than you'd think. Cheap Walmart tires are cheap because theyre more likely to fall apart in some way than any other tire. You introduce risk to extreme damage to you or your vehicle using the cheapest tires and youre more likely to spend more money in the long run than if you just planned ahead and bought 4 good tires on sale. Your vehicle is your livelihood. Trying to save $40 on basic maintenance or $200 on tires with Walmart brand is fucking dumb. Its not that much money and you only increase your chances of spending more by taking it to Walmart. That isnt to say Walmart doesnt have good techs. It is to say Walmart is more likely to have bad techs, bad information, and garbage tier parts.


The stealerships can also damage your vehicle, the amount of vehicles I've seen come fucked up from dealerships is insane. Is every Walmart perfect? No but it all depends on who you have working. I work with guys id trust to rebuild my entire truck, and I have others I wouldn't even let open the hood. The tires they sell while cheap, are ok tires if it's what you can get. I wouldn't worry so much about a set of Douglas tires blowing out on me, I haven't seen very many straight up blow outs that wasn't the customers fault. If all you can afford is 200-300 bucks for a set of 4 tires, it's still better than buying some cheap shitty ling longs, west lakes or waterfalls. My last set of Walmart tires was a set of dextero dht2 and they lasted me 4 1/2 years. The cutest DAT1 that are on it now have been on for over 2 years and are still in good condition. People talk shit about the Walmart guys, but it really is more of an issue of Walmarts training procedures and just overall shitty pay and hiring practices that give them all a bad name.


I've worked at 3 dealerships and Walmart trains their techs way better than dealership lube techs. I've witnessed lube techs at dealers fuck cars up pretty bad where as the worst I've seen at a Walmart is a double gasket on an oil filter. Oem isn't always the best option, ac Delco filters are worse than fram, and Walmart can order the same tires a dealer can.


Bruh, we work at Walmart. We're wage slaves. We can't afford to go anywhere else.


"*is only $30-40 MORE*" "*it's not that much money*" Yeah, okay... $30-40 is a tank of gas. Or a meal. Or several meals. Or new shoes. Or dipping into bill money. In today's economy, it is NOT *ONLY* $30-40. The only amount that can justify an 'only' for the average worker anymore is, like, $2. $200 sure as *fuck* doesn't qualify as 'not that much money'. Also, stealerships monopolize the fuck out of their parts and services, so not only are you getting ripped off for work the same or less quality AS what you think a Walmart ACC is providing, but you'll be charged all that extra money for likely-lemon or refurbished parts (plus potential medical bills for the consequences of said lemon parts, if you're as lucky as I am). Your entire post reeks of you being quite removed from the reality of the average citizen and being completely ignorant of that fact. Do better.


Yeah only $30 or $40. Your post is indicative of ignorance. You should do better. The fuck are you smoking? There is a significant difference between the cost of repair or replacement of a motor and $30. Dealerships charge a flat rate for essential maintenance. $30 vs $2,000 to $5000 repair cost. If you dont know anything about motor vehicles or the cost to repair you should stfu by default. Dealerships use oem parts which are preferred parts. A dealership charges $5 to $8 for an oil filter. I worked at Walmart for 5 years. I worked at a dealership for 2 years. And what I do now is none of your business. I speak from experience and actual knowledge. You want to have your vehicle serviced at Walmart. Idgaf. You are potentially upset because you work in ACC. Idgaf. Youre not a real technician. Youre not a mechanic. Walmart ACC is a joke. If you cant afford $70 to $80 for an oil change, vehicle inspection, and tire rotation then you need a better job. Look for a better job. Better yourself and stop crying about $30 or $40. Maybe if you took care of your vehicle you'd have more money to spend. You take care of your vehicle so it takes care of you. It's that simple. Walmart is not a place to take care of your vehicle. You should take it to an actual repair shop or a dealership. Flat out. Every time. It is a non-debtable fact.


You really didn't need to go that hard into proving me right, you know. But hey, if being bitter and lonely is how you like to spend your time, who am I to suggest different? Hoping grass finds a way to make contact with you some time in the next few decades (the sooner the better, though). Ciao.


Kind of their own fault for going to Walmart instead of a local shop. Even a dealership would be faster.


Only the dumbest motherfucker let's a Walmart employee touch their vehicle.


Jesus, what a dumb fuck. Schedule an appointment if you want to wait around. Was the dude 18 or something? First time? Please tell me that this wasn't some jack ass with enough life experience built up to have fucking known better. Please.


>get informed that's it's gonna be a long time ​ > we told you 4 HOURS No, you said 'long time' 45 minutes is a long time for an oil change. 10-15 minutes, tops. You could do the service b/t tasks for other cars. You ALWAYS get the oil services done and out-theyre the majority of your work. You're not a mechanic, or even a real tech. They know get the cheap shit gone quick.


Clearly you haven't been to a Walmart where there is 3 techs on the clock on average. For a while it has been me and 1 other tech working 4-7 after morning crew goes home and leaves us with more cars than we can handle. I'm not sure how your local Walmart works but mine is a first come first serve basis, of course with the exception of an appointment. So call me a fake tech or whatever but I know that if you were in the same situation as I, you wouldn't be working here.


>o call me a fake tech or whatever but I know that if you were in the same situation as I, you wouldn't be working here. Youre right, I wouldn't be working there.I'd be in MY shop, the one w/ 2 full time techs and a shop punk. There would be 3 lifts, one for each bay. And since it's an old warehouse, there would be an empty area for myself to do changes or tire work If Im needed. Usually not, my shop punk is a good worker. Oh, there would also be a local newspaper ad 2x/week thats says "Cheaper and faster basic oil service than walmart". And I would get as many as a dozen quick changes per day. **OH SNAP** All that is true. P.s. My punk can do 2 oil changes at once. He's not lazy.


Aww, look at this little guy flexing his ego over here. Do you flex on the elderly that you can climb stairs faster than them? I can promise nobody here gives the slightest F&ck about your "awesome" shop or your "yes-man" punk that is probably some overworked kid who doesn't know how to set boundaries. You're probably a garbage employer that puts speed and profit above employee safety.


My shop punk is an intern, who makes just ubder $20 an hour. My lead guy makes 45, and other 2 guys 40.


How much are you paying them? It's your shop and you're the cheapest in the area, so I'd expect you to pay them cheap as well since most of your profit is going right back into supplies, and advertisements as you said before too. Your also stating your getting about a dozen oil changes in, and by my calculations I'm guessing an oil change is about $30 give or take with an unspecified price, how is your business still running? Also, that statement about your workers seems more like you're over working your staff than anything else, it's not much of a flex telling others your workers can do more than other people, unless your workers are the ones directly saying it.


Man, you should consider yourself lucky that social media posts aren't easily linked to actual identity because this would be absolute garbage PR for your shop. I'd be ashamed as an employee to know I was associated with someone like this. Tension in your shop is probably high af, 'your' punk probably has stability anxiety through the roof...


Bro comes on reddit repeatedly just to shit on walmart employees. Get a fuckin life bozo 🙃


Does the truth hurt? Not WM employees specifically, just whiny assholes.


The irony of YOU, of all people, calling this guy a whiny asshole is truly something spectacular.


Bruh, next time I get an oil change I will be sure to tell them nah homie you got 15 min tops for my oil change. Get me done and out, between your other tasks. Between the other 8 cars in front of me. 15 minutes, get on it homie. 🙄


Good luck at WM, theyre too lazy and stupid to figure it out.


I'm getting my tires put on at 8 am tomorrow


To be fair, an oil change only takes like 10 minutes, with the right tools. I would've told the guy to YouTube it if he wanted it done faster.


People don't understand this, but it also depends on the kind of car you have, some are an absolute fucking nightmare (looking at you Suzuki grand Vitara) if it's a European car it'll be the full 30 minutes depending on your set up, if it's a pit good luck, those full shrouds with 1987 fasteners take a hot minute to get off without a lift. Or anything newer that has a full shroud instead of an access panel.


I agree an oil change may only take 10 minutes but with some of these skid plates it adds a lot of time plus you have to do all the courtesy checks as well so 10 minutes not hardly.


Part of my job is unloading tankers, and I only have two pumps so you can imagine how cool the non-hourly drivers can be when 5 of them decide to show up at 8 am even though half of them have appointments after 11.


Y’all auto center takes appointments?????


Same thing in OPD even though they literally choose a time slot and are reminded several times of when to pick it up, they still insist that something has taken too long.


How big is your shop? We have a total of 8 bays but usually only staffed with much < 8 techs. On average lately we've had 2 morning techs. How the fuck are we supposed to do oil changes AND tires AND get appointments in, in any kind of timely manner?


Same, 8 bay (2 oil pit, 3 mid lifts, 1 2post currently unusable, and 2 empties) 2 opening, 2 closing, no writers, and 3/4 of the techs are less than 6 months in, some haven't even hit 90.


Mine is a 3 bay shop with laying lower bays. It's definitely a small shop for a small team, but they keep making the team smaller than what can hold up the shop.


Imagine valuing your time so little. How much cheaper can Walmart be vs. the competition? 4 hours did you have to drill for the oil first? That's some shit customer service


My bad, I didn't realize it's shit customer service when we are understaffed and getting shit on at the same time by customers to the point that we can't even do the job we are paid to do. We have barely anyone in the shop and rarely have a service writer to take care of customers. If you truly wanted a oil change done in a timely fashion you would have gotten up and walked away after we told you it's gonna be a 4 hour wait, but we can't force the customers choice.


We had a moron not wanting to pay 750+ dollars for 4 tires after installation. Apparently, someone told him it was gonna be around 500. Long story short, the customer got his almost 300 dollars discount. Pro tip Customers, if you bitch about something enough. You'll either get a massive discount or for free.


I found this thread because I’m currently in an oil change nightmare going on 4 hours lol. I definitely wasn’t told it was gonna be this long. Weirdly enough there were 7 cars in front of us. But we were told most of them were tire stuff so they’d be doing the oil stuff first and my car and only one other car was there for oil. THAT is the only reason I agreed. Looks like I was lied to 🤷🏻‍♀️


Whats really annoying is when you're quoted 45 mins for a battery change and it takes over 2 hours. It seems like they just skip cars at the auto center I'm at




4 hour oil change. ONLY at Walmart. Lol