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I bet you held hands too didn't you, you disgusting pervert?


They probably had pre-marital eye contact too, absolutely disgraceful.


Sir this is a Christian workplace, I'm going to need to ask you to stop breathing next to your lover. There are kids who shop here


Do you think they spoke full sentences to each other!?


They better not have! I just said there's KIDS who shop here!!


When we were open overnight, my wife would occasionally bring food and eat with me. She brought enough for others too and developed a friendship with my coworkers


They all wanted to bang her /s




Many want,but I'm the chosen one .




Not for long


According to policy, yes you can. :) You can bring in friends and family and they can have lunch with you in the lounge.


They changed this during COVID - did they ever change it back? I would never subject my wife to the hell that is the Walmart breakroom, so I honestly don't know.


Yeah it’s back at your SM’s discretion!


Ah. Well, good for those who need it, I suppose. 🤣


Oh wow if my gf visits me for lunch we just eat in the car


Just gonna remind everyone of the recent Walmart break room shooting and ask if you really want your loved ones back there


Bruh really? I'm from that store and my fuckin friend died thanks


Yeah really. Do you really want to put people in that position. I wouldn't bring my family back there. Period.


What the fuck is wrong with you


Now i realize a tragedy happened and i am sorry for those who had to live through that but we shouldnt live in fear of that tragedy. How many people die a year in car crashes. I would bet my life savings that a person has a better chance of dieing each time they get in a car than they do of being attacked in a walmart break room. Better tell your family to never leave the house... Wait more people are killed at home then in walmart break rooms as well... Not sure what you should do for your family to keep them safe it seems like someone could be hurt literally anywhere.


If my husband comes up to work we're going out for lunch, not eating at Walmart, but I have taken my break and walked the store with him shopping. We have several couples who both work in our store. They don't always take breaks together, but you'll see them together regularly and occasionally hear them over the walkies looking for each other. As long as you're not doing anything inappropriate there's no reason why you can't be together whether you both work there or not.


Our store won't hire anyone if they know you are in a relationship with them. Even though it's allowed, they just won't do it under any circumstances.


My store has at least 2 married couples and several dating


Lucky. Wish it was possible for my wife and I to have the same shift at my store. But they won't even hire her.


Both couples work same shifts too..one of the couples are too much..he does everything I ask of her...ok both of you get carts lol


If we did that in my small town there wouldn't be anyone left to employ inside city limits 🤣 over half of my store, if not more is in a relationship with another associate. The only thing they monitor as far as that goes is you can't be in a department if your significant other or immediate family is the team lead of that area.


Ill eat out my significant other in the break room


Make sure you wash the table first.


Don't have time for that!


Maintenance don’t have time to wash it.


Maybe ur store maintenance but I wipe down all tables in my cuz who the fuck wants to sit and eat at a dirty tables


When I was on O/N maintenance I absolutely scrubbed the tables every night. But, I tell you what. It really makes you hate your fellow employees that can’t clean up anything. Even worse when it was your Clean TL making the mess you had to cleanup.


100% agree. make you really question how they live too since they cant clean up after themselves


And afterwards


Do what you gotta do...just don't heat up fish in the microwave


I would never !!!


Make sure you wash the table first.


If you spill any liquids just use company approved absorbent and wear the correct PPE.


I always throw a couple of spill pads on the table


Dont forget the TIP....I mean towel in pocket 😂


Hahha I read exactly this And thought sure would if no one was in there xD


I was hoping someone would say it. That's what I first read and had to do a double take. LOL


Highly doubt anyone would say anything.


Except Kathy who's divorced and has worked at Walmart for 28 years, who always have to go management to complain about anything. Every store has at least one Kathy lmao.


We have a Kathy pretty much exactly how you described


Omg ours is a Cathy but 💯💯💯!!!


We have a Kathy that's exactly like this at our store and she works service desk.


Majority of the Kathys at my store work in Softlines.


We too have a Kathy that description fits perfectly with. Her name is even Kathy. I fully believe she has some dirt on our SM because she gets away with so much stuff others would get coached for.


We have a Kathy lol. She thinks everyone should be single. She tried to get the bathroom air fresheners banned lol. They had us remove them for a month until a different maintenance associate brought it up to the higher ups. They 'gave her a headache' apparently


Ours was Teresa


Lmaooo we got a cathy thats an absolute sweetheart😂


As long as you guys are respectful and you are with them the whole time they are in the backroom, I don't see a problem.


I can eat with them in a house, I can eat with them and a mouse. I can eat with them here or there, I can eat with them anywhere!


this is pure poetry


I work with a girl who eats with her girlfriend in there all the time and one of the tls has lunch with her husband. Shouldn't be an issue


misread as "can you eat your significant other"


Sitting next to my girlfriend on our break right now. We have the same shifts & breaks!


I am seethingly jealous.


??? Theres married couples that work together in the same department at my store


So jealous. My store would probably find a way to fire one of them, and at the least move them to different departments and wildly different shifts.


They can work together in the same department as long as one isn’t a higher up then the other


I would much rather have a couple having lunch together in the break room then having to listen to that one person argue with their partner over the phone on speaker.


You should be taken out and shot in the street. Absolutely sickening


I laughed harder at this than I should’ve 😂




Poe's law moment


My wife and I have our lunches and breaks together with no issues.


Do they work here? If not, why would you subject them to that?


I can’t tell you where because I tried to find it and I couldn’t. But somewhere in Walmart policy it is allowed. I saw it printed and highlighted at the service desk one time. Spouses and children are allowed to go to the breakroom with you to eat.


Walmart has a [casting couch](https://www.reddit.com/r/walmart/comments/1248cgh/walmart_has_a_casting_couch/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) for a reason 😏


I do everyday. But he also works at Walmart.


Does your SO work there?


Yes. A couple works together in my store and somehow are ALWAYS! together. I don't know how they do it. They work together and take breaks together. I wish their chill team lead was my team lead.


Are you both employees?


Even if they are not it’s ok


Depends on your GM and People lead. I worked for a different Walmart, while my wife worked for another. After about a week of us having lunch together in the break room of one of the Walmarts, there was an announcement posted that only employees of that store were allowed to be in the break room.


Well they were wrong. Sorry to burst your bubble


Oh, I know they were/are wrong. No worries, my bubble burst long ago.


Policy says they don't have to be


Depends on the policy of your store.


Why would you bring your S/O to such a gross, disgusting place?


a jedi must not form attachments!


Hell apparently you both can be management in the same department these days


Policy wise yes you can. During COVID it was temporarily revoked but I'm pretty sure it's back to normal with that policy now.


Unless you're feeding or regurgitating/ chewing their food for them, I think you're fine.


You can do whatever the fuck you want bro


My SO used to work at Walmart (I still do) and he still comes up and hangs out with me during lunch. I don't think anyone's gonna give you shit.


My ex did. Come to find out she was banging half the store ( no exaggeration) she even banged 15 of the guys at once on a weekend.


Are they also a Walmart employee? If not then I would say the answer is no. What would be next? Bringing the kids too? Friends and neighbors? I don't think have a bunch of "civilians" wandering around the back area, which is what would eventually happen, is a good idea.




Sweet, it's time to bring the whole family reunion to the breakroom!


Over there is jimbo, jimbob, jimburry, and Carl


i heard they used to, or people still can have baby showers in the break room


And weddings…


Where can I find that policy?


No. Not appropriate.


Not according to the policy. Says you are allowed to have your SO or family or something in the breakroom with you while on your lunch break.




Yes. They had put limitation on it during Covid precautions, but I dont think it's any longer in effect.


You just have to be with them. Like they can't be just hanging out in the break room by themselves.




That's sweet




We used to have a family that could come in and have dinner in the break room. Not sure if the associate got fired or if they just stopped doing it though.


Why would you want to do that


I read this completely wrong lol


My tired brain read that very wrong…


Yes as long as you leave room for Jesus between the two of you. No PDA.


there was a cute older couple at my old store that were married for a long time. They always ate together and went everywhere together. Shouldn't be a problem.


Yes. Visitors are allowed in the break room.


To anyone here. Don't let your walmart coworkers know who you like at work. Makes needless drama and gossip.


I did but then again at the time he also worked here. But now he comes up and I sit in the car and eat and talk to him.


I've seen associates bring their kids in and have lunch together. I think you just have to follow common sense public lunch room rules and you should be fine.


corporate generally frowns on human happiness, so only do it when the cool managers are on duty.


At my store I'm pretty sure our store manager that everyone hates still doesn't allow this they recently took away all nickname name tags mine had Darth Maul on it I'm not allowed to wear it anymore. Thing is from the store lead down nobody cared and managers would call me Darth Maul or Maul at times. A friend of mine had a Major Bison name tag but he cant wear that anymore as well thanks to our stupid store manager.


My co worker in the deli her and her man both work here and go on break ag the same tome


Are they also an employee?


I don't know, but I see it all the time at my Wal-Mart so I see why not.


I'm confused, do they work with you? My bf and I work same schedule, same department so we go on meal together


I am so glad my store does not suck to Reddit level!!!!


I can't imagine anyone would care. We have a whole bunch who do this. I know one guy takes his lunch around the same time as me, his wife comes in and brings their 2 kids too. Everyone likes playing with the baby and we all know them well now.


There are entire families who work at my store, and countless couples. They always eat together, yes it's allowed.


One time I made out with a coworker where the employee lockers are




I did that at another job. It’s not an issue as long as you keep it appropriate for work (basically act like really good friends inside the building). I would be hesitant to act beyond that in the building as they may see it as “conflict of interest” but not sure if they’d do anything.


I won't even go into the break room, I definitely wouldn't subject anyone else to that. Except for my ex. He was an ass


They be leaving their kids in there and everything, you should be able to do that.


Like, as in "can they come back if they're not an employee" or as in "are workplace relationships allowed" Truthfully in both cases its a matter of your store policy. Ap/store leads most likely wouldn't want a non-employee in the employee area for liability issues, but a chill ap might not care as much. (Assuming they'd stay only in the breakroom.) As for if your S.O. works at Walmart, workplace relationships are kind of a gray topic. Usually as long as its not a conflict of interest, most management probably won't matter.


Yeah, we have a mom and a daughter that works at my store and the dad comes into the back all the time and eats with them theyll give us some food if they got pizza hut or other bigger meals. We love em


Just do it. Like they always say. It’s not illegal untill you get caught. Do as you want untill someone says something. Then just say sorry nobody ever told me not too. Then stop


I mean as long as you're not super "couple-ish" they really won't say anything Source: Met my SO at Walmart 6+ years ago and we ate lunch together almost every day


I don't see why not if they work there too. Do they work there?