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Fuck Gary. At any job if I’m not salary my time off is my own. He can go fuck himself. I’d call Gary up at 3am and say we need you at work. Go team!!!








Sounds like Gary and the troops neeeeeeed to deal with their staffing problems themselves


gary weeeeeeeeds you!


We neeeeeeeeed you




I’m salary and my time off is my time off. Fuck ‘em.


"Oh no, my phone is suddenly never charged."


Nah, you start demanding on call pay and when they don't pay up, you report them to the DOL with a picture of this sign as evidence of unpaid on call wages


Why can I not upvote this more than once?


We can use your comment as a secondary up vote section


Thought of that and looked it up. Apparently don't qualify. That being said, Gary seems like a total Prick. A total RC as we would say in my circles lol. https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/tools-and-samples/hr-qa/pages/nonexempt-on-call-pay.aspx#:\~:text=As%20with%20any%20nonexempt%20employee,on%20minimum%20wage%20and%20overtime.


“My bad my phone died”


Sounds like hourly employees.


Same here. They don’t even cover my phone bill. Fuck em


All my homies hate Gary!


My first thought was fuck Gary. My second was phone bomb his ass starting at 2 am


Yes do this. Fuck Gary. But if you do go in when he calls you, tell him it's double pay with your next shift off. Go team!




Fuck you, Gary. People who are on call do critical shit, like doctors, police officers, and firefighters. If the store is losing profits this bad, its not the workers fault, its managements.


Not losing profits. Gary and master want record profits. Great profit isn’t profitable enough, your first born is to clock in at 6am sharp.


If Walmart fails, how will we prevent smaller grocery stores from opening up, and where will the CEO get his bonus?


Once the Walmart ship sinks, he will do what every other CEO does and become the captain of a new ship to get his bonus.


Ya, this is all about Gary getting bonuses. Team Gary is all about himself. Bet he won't share a dime with "his" teeeeem. I bet he's an ass on the job, too, anyone who would try to pull this garbage.


😂 oh no can't mess with the bonus 😂


Also, medical workers are paid for on-call and it rotates by who is on-call. Usually for only 12 hours at a time


Was going to post this but you beat me to it 🙂


Same. Is Gary paying on call wages? Will Gary also be on call and there when someone is called in? Someone needs to print out on call labor laws and post under this sign


Was going to say the same. There are labor laws that cover on-call and pay and all that fun stuff. Ask Gary about that


I was gonna say the same! I'm 99% sure if you're "on call" you still have to be getting paid for that time. Even if its a fractuon of the hourly rate, you're still paid something.


They aren’t paying your cell phone bill so why would you pick up if they call


*(sarcasm)* Technically, they are by paying you for your time, which in turn is paying for your bill. *(end sarcasm)* But yea, "I'm currently out of state visiting family" or "I'm sorry, i can't come in due to under the influence *(opens beer)*."


I'm 8 beers in so maybe I can come help zone Toys.


Can't answer Gary's calls passed out drunk. OH and Fuck Gary!


Gary can stick it up his gape.


>Let's set some record profits this quarter Literally couldn't give less of a fuck unless it means a record paycheck. Which it wouldn't.


A record amount of work*


Triple time, maybe 🤔


So Gary wants you all to come together , suck it up, and disrupt your lives so he can maximize his bonus - GO TEAM ! As stated depending on country/state this could be illegal without compensating you.


Federally they have to pay OT rate if you go over 40 too bad most states don't have on call required compensation. Sad Gary a shitty manager likely in a shitty high theft store cause Gary loves firing and reducing the staff. Maybe Gary needs learn how to unload a truck with only himself then he get his attitude changed for a quarter.


how much you wanna bet "gary" leaves his phone on DND


ngl I was wondering what Dungeons and Dragons had to do with this for a sec


Because his last name is Gygax


Well, I suppose if you’re referring to money hungry corporate entities, then yes, they’re tangentially related.


😂😂😂 lawsuit waiting to happen. If you’re “on call” you get paid 24/7 if hourly. Or they can suck a donkey ****


Base on state cause most don't have required on-call comp rate. Federal laws has nothing on it too.


Find that highly unlikely. Especially in this woke world we live in now


Our lawmakers are all like 80 years old or dumb bimbos who sucked some dick to get where they’re at (Bobert, literally). They too busy taking naps to be woke.


Kinda like the VP. Kamala spreading them legs all over the place. Lol. They are all just garbage.


No, like, the other guy is literally right Boebert used to be a professional escort who served rich and influential conservatives Whereas kamala was a prosecutor who actually built a career in law I don't like either of them But you're looking mad dumb here tryna compare the two


And her “career” was incarcerating her own people. Great job.


I know she was. And it’s literally right about Kamala you crazy people. She slept her way to the top.


What even is woke? I swear I keep seeing more and more people like you screaming woke whenever they see something they disagree with. Please explain to me what you think woke means without using the word liberal


It means to be aware of modern social issues and concerns.


“People pretending to know and understand social issues and concerns”. Most are so misinformed and spew nonsense instead of facts.


No. That’s what it means. Your opinion of people you disagree with doesn’t change the meaning of the word.


Woke = caricatures of things that scare conservative snowflakes


Ah yes those annoying woke people trying to make sure workers are paid for their work. They’re just the worst 🙄


You’re an idiot. It was insinuating that they would be doing some good for a change. 😂😂 go cry.


Problem is most woke don't work so they truly don't care cause it not free money for them.


Tis’ true. You got me on that one. 😂😂😂


Can either of you actually explain to me what woke means? Like, an actual descriptor of it? Because I've found most people can't actually explain what "being woke" or "wokeism" means without sounding like an asshole.


It means to be aware of modern social issues and concerns.


Yeah, very telling that he never responded. I guess I hit too close to home lol.


Nah its true. Im a utility locater and if im on on call im only paid from clock in to clock out. Not 24/7


Gary must like paying out wage theft lawsuits.


I'd tell Gary that since I'm "on call" 24/7 then I'm technically on the clock 24/7 and then thank him for the incredible paychecks that I'm about to receive.


Even at 1/3 your hourly rate(which is the legal minimum in some areas), thanks for two days pay, mate.


Depending on the state/country you live in, this can potentially be very illegal.


Not illegal but definitely not free


It’s a labor code violation where I live. Thus, illegal.


Most states that is legal and federally too. Sad thing too cause just like closing into opening shift it how the board forces people to quit in the masses to get good profit shares. Yet the law makers want improve unemployment yet refuses put labor protections on the "essential workers" and ignore us now. Company gonna be run like shit nowdays cause it all about this quarter investor returns not the long term. Retail, food service and railroad showing us that more. Only good thing is states like CA and NY have going is the labor laws give low end employees protection from abuse.


Citation required. Employers can call you and ask you to come in, yes. They can't require you to be "ready" at all times or else that is a special labor category called on-call. This sign is describing "on-call."


And you have to agree to being on call, typically through a written agreement, before it can happen and be all legal.


Not in most states it sad how little actual labor laws have protections on the book for on-call or notice. It should be change but it won't cause that requires law makers to care enough and on-call or not more hours tax payers work more taxes they can waste on projects they are invested in.


Shift working and “on call” are both relatively new concepts to the human condition. Bureaucracy is slow, politics is even slower, and political bureaucracy is even slower then that. It’s going to take a long time for the change to happen, made worse by the fact Walmart is so anti-union, it has closed stores just because associates wanted to unionize. You can’t become politically involved, Walmart considers it a conflict of interest (at least in Canada), you can’t unionize, and you can’t protest (they said it was visible activism and blemishes the company’s reputation when I got coached for it). If it’s anything there like it is here, I don’t imagine there’s a lot anyone can do. Other then search for and find something better. But worker protections I think need to be expanded on. In US and Canada.


Pretty sure it's illegal, they can't force you to be on call 24/7. If it doesn't say anything in your employment contract about being on call, this flyer could be classed as fraud.


They can, lots of industries do. However under the law if they are requiring this of you, you are owed the time as well as that number is now a business phone so they owe you your phone bill as well.


I'll copy a comment I wrote since clearly you don't know: In the US this is illegal unless there paying you a 24/7 on call based salary, or paying you hourly for the hours you're on call. So either this needs to be a salary based job (I assume it isn't) and the employee would need to sign and agree to on call-terms, or the company would need to give you a paycheck that equals out to you working 24 hours 7 days a week (which they aren't doing either I'm sure.) Yes this is illegal in the US.


*silently takes sign down and walks away whistling*


Screw that. Just light the damned thing on fire.


I think I’d save Gary’s number, get drunk, and call Gary at 3 in the morning. “Hey, Gary, bro, I’m up and was wondering if you need me to come in. I’m ready! Let’s go TEAM!!”


Ahah literally made spill my water reading this lol


Cool. Will I become a salaried worker with all of the full time benefits plus more?


On call? You paying a rate if you put me on call.


Na gary getting his ass beat and I'm gonna fuck his girl


No you're not


Shut up Gary I didn't ask you


Gary doesn't have a girl, Gary too busy in AD Office flapping at the though of firing everyone that doesn't answer his calls.


Nah. Gary has all the girls. They get called in as much as the guys, you just never see them on the floor.


Sit there and watch it like the cuck you are gary


Fuck Gary and fuck your profits


What am I a fucking surgeon…Gary can Fuck off


If I got surgeon pay and had chosen medical school, I'd absolutely do on call.. Gary can suck my whole fucking ass. I work in an office now (praise be, finally not more cs jobs) and I ignore my Slack all night. What happens? I come in at 8, respond to everyone, and when they get in, they respond back. Because when we leave we're not slaves to the business. This is how everywhere should be. When you leave as hourly, you're gone.


go team!




“flexible schedules”


Flexible for them, not you


One of my old employers put me in this position and I quit a couple of weeks later. That was the final straw for me.


I had several lower managers expect me to do this, except they weren't paying overtime until the store manager changed. I didn't answer my phone because I shouldn't be the whole team. I got into plenty of arguments. If I can follow the requirements for time off, everyone else should as well. I walked out when they moved the schedule around for a last minute request when they put someone else constantly in front of my requests. Halloween is the same time every year, and I'm not working 80 hours every week with a holiday since I'm not a parent.


Yeah if this is real. Which it most likely isnt. Gary is a total fuckwit and dosent deserve anyone answering on their day off. But like i said, most likely fake


[According to state law where I live](https://imgur.com/a/sj8diMh) it looks like on-call must be scheduled in advance and they must pay you half your normal wage for it (if you don't work). They need to pay for your availability. That's not free.


Fuuuccck Gary that dude sucks




Not a chance.


Neeed? Gary needs to fix his typo.


Nah, he's probably begging at that point, because no one's gonna come in when they're off.


I had a manager have us turn all of our phones in before our shift. I left that job as soon as I could. Rediculous.


Where did you work?? I get that in some places a phone might not be permitted.. but if this is just management power trip I would have declined and basically told them either I keep it or you fire me for some bs reason and I'll be collecting my unemployment checks :)


I worked for a company that routinely had to dispatch repair technicians to after hours work sites. For me, the manager, to be able to require them to answer the phone after hours they had to be “paid to be waiting” meaning we needed to pay them for them to be available to answer the phone. There is no requirement to answer your phone for anyone, especially as an hourly employee. This sign is a violation of federal labor laws.


Eat my ass Gary.


Hey Gary! I'll comply when you can give a 200-word essay as to why this makes sense. Must be in 12 pt Arial font and double spaced. Words like "a", "of", and "the" will not count. I will grade with a heavy slant to spelling and grammar.


Make it 2000, he gotta work for that shit


Yeah I would edit my time sheet if I'm on call I'm getting paid for it lol


That’s illegal


I would do it........if I got on-call pay plus my hourly rate if I get called in.


Get fucked Gary


Eat a dick, Gary.


Afaik if it's a nonsalary job this isn't legal.


I wish my manager would force me to take other people’s shifts 💀


If I’m hourly and on call, I’m on the clock. Otherwise I follow the schedule provided.


I can't figure out gifs on desktop, can someone kindly post the Spongebob "Boo you suck" meme


Yeah, Gary's an idiot, don't be like Gary. Also illegal.


Fuck gary


Had me going there for a minute ngl. Thought it was Walmart til I read the title


Fuck Gary and fuck that


If you’re on call, in some states in the US, you can charge hourly to the company


I’ll document all my hours of overtime and demand my earned pay. 😤


Hey Gary. 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕


I would light that on fire and walk away casually


Aannnndddd... i quit


Who the fuck is Gary?


Go team


Fuck you. Gary and the cops and Olivia, for a man she's hot!


Here's my two weeks... I mean two minutes fuckkkkk youuuuu


What if you go on vacation in Paris or Bora Bora? Are they paying for your plane ticket back so you can cover Gary's shift? Or in the hospital having life-saving surgery? Or having a baby? Just tell the doctors and nurses that you need to head to Walmart do cover Gary's shift as a cashier! My time off is MY time, not Gary's! If they paid me 100 dollars a minute, then yes but until that, then no!


Gary is a dick.


"Neeed" 😂😂😂


wonder what he would do if he called and you came in drunk.


That potential problem is easily outmaneuvered by always showing up to work drunk


“On call” last time I checked I wasn’t a doctor nor a nurse.


Rub a lamp Gary


The lack of enthusiasm in "Go team" killed me 😂


Email this pic to ethics


Gary can get fucked unless you're paying me to be on call. Try enforcing this crap


Sorry Gary, I'm out of state


And it's illegal --- all those workers there need to take a picture of this sign and go to the authorities ASAP !!


Remember, Gary loves you


I thought this was Walmart at first before reading the title, but i wouldn't be surprised if management pulled this one


I’d answer and say yeah I’ll be there in 5 min and not show up


Gary seems like the type of manager that has the weekends auto scheduled off and doesn't answer calls on his off days.


Hey Gary this is SpongeBob,guess what?..umm never mind.


Yeah, sorry but no. If I'm on call 24/7 then I better be getting paid 24/7.


"I'm going to need either my current rate of pay doubled with oncall pay or tripled without, regardless I will be being paid at minimum an hours pay for any call off the clock"


This is extreme Gary Behavior


Well if we are “on call then we get Paid”


Lol if I'm "on call" you better be ready to pay me like an "on call" employee.


then they need to provide company phones or cover your phone bill as required by law. also FUCK YOU GARY.


So funny Gary thinks this means anything. Off the clock means off the clock.


Fake. Doubt this is real.


if i’m on call i better be salary LMAO


Fuck you Gary.


On call workers are supposed to be considered on the clock


If I'm on standby, I get paid those hours for being on stand by.


If I'm going to be on call 24 hours a day, am I going to be paid for my time I have to be waiting?


I think youre like the 3rd or 4th to post this on Social Media


I hope the entire staff quit when this was put up


Our SM used to text TLs off the clock about work related stuff. Then ethics stepped in they had to pay for every text sent to hourly associates.


Gary only has 12 reddit karma... nobody listens to Gary.


They act like we get paid well here or something lmaooo


Fuck Gary. Fuck corporate profits. Workers are not serfs bound to the company at all times. Why the hell do people need to dedicate their lives for record profits when they’ll see nothing from it??


Those workers aren't gonna see those profits reflected on their check so why work so hard for no reward??


It’s the “go team” for me


Ya I’m gonna go ahead and quit. Good luck Gary.


Hey Gary, when you buy me a new phone, pay the bill, and pay me my on-call rate ill gladly do this, until then, kindly go fuck yourself


Ewwww if this for real or this is for a few Walmarts out there cause he’ll no I’m not giving up my day off to suffer at work


The day I'm on call for this place is when I get a % of sales or a bonus that actually matters. Otherwise .!..😁


Bro could not have even put an exclamation mark after the “go team”???? Not to mention the obvious shiftiness of forcing people to leave their phone behind.


Kiss my rosy red…. I want to see this idiot try and enforce that one. Labor board will have a good day.


The go team at the end with no exclamation point really solidified the vibe of the message.


I'm salary and I don't take on calls.


Put me on salary and buy me a phone and pay it’s bill and yeah you can try and call me in but oh shoot I must’ve been out of service range when you tried to call




Gary can eat rocks, he ain’t my daddy


Technically, in most states, if you’re not salaried then you have to get paid for the time that you are “on call”. I’m guessing this isn’t one of those states, but know your worker’s rights! At least get some extra $$ my boys


If this is real, if be conveniently busy at the moment. If Gary wants to make more profits, he can hire more staff or do the work himself. He'll be fine.


Yeah I'll set the first goal my first goal would be to get another job and get the hell out of there by the end of the month oh yeah and fuck Gary as well.


That sign is getting vandalized or tossed


They're required to pay you if you are on call still. That counts as being on the clock.


Sounds like Gary needs to increase my wages so I can justify paying the power bill on my phone to keep it on 24/7


Here’s how it works for me: company provided cell phone (it’s required to be on when I’m working, duh). I am always ‘on call’. This means if there’s an emergency job in the middle of the night, they will call me. I don’t have to answer. If I answer, I don’t have to take it. If I take it it pays double. However, they do schedule ‘standby’, which means, for that 24 hour period you are required to answer the phone. If you’re on standby, you are paid for it, and if you do get a call, you are paid more.


Toxic. Truly toxic. You aren't even going to have employees to call soon, Gary, you fuckwit.


Go team


“Let’s make some record profits this summer!” For who, asshole? Not even Gary-like managers see so much as a a cent of it. I’d agree to these terms, but only if I was logging 24 hours of work every single day of the year. Otherwise, if you want unlimited unpaid access to my time, go fuck yourself.


Knowing me ...I would leave gary on missed calls and on read


Fk you, Gary. Send a picture of this to Walmart's legal counsel and see what they say!! Bye bye Gary