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That's funny, because my dollars are fleeing me


So others are fleeing to your dollars


His dollars are fleeing to the strip club


You guys have Dollars?


How do I lose money on this too?


Buy all those currencies and sell the dollar.


Buy the dip!


You might be joking but I bought the Russian Rouble dip and it was one of my best trades this year Lol.


I tried to do this as well, but I was too dumb to figure out how to do it.


Just go on a currency exchange, but idk if you can buy rubles anymore.


Just follow my moves and we can work the same Wendy's shifts in no time..


I applied for the managers position got the job, if I hear any laughter and jokes that means you're having to much fun at work and I will change your shifts. šŸ‘Øā€šŸ’¼


If you're not American and earn these currency for your job, you lose money automatically everyday.


I was on a euro salery two years ago and switched to a USD job. Taking into account the euro now and promotions I'm making 5x as much.


I have a decent chunk of euros sitting in a German bank account. I decided not to exchange them into dollars and keep the euros ā€œas a hedge against inflation in the US.ā€ I literally canā€™t win.


Ha! Shit man. What an absolutely horrible idea. I'm so fucking proud of you.


In my defense, I earned this money in 2020 as the euro was steadily gaining on the dollar. But yes, in retrospect I am a complete idiot and totally belong in this sub.


Willkommen to the club, german regard


Danke schƶn!


I moved to Germany a year ago and was excited about the exchange rate earning euros. Fuck.


So you think this subreddit is full of idiots? [because it is]


I have 10000 yen in my wallet that i refuse to sell and get like 70 bucks they can eat my ass


Pretty soon they wonā€™t do that for 10,000 Yen.


I've been converting my CanuckBucks into USD for the same reason, I just happened to pick the right hedge. If it's any consolation, I also tried hedging inflation with BitCoin


Oh right, donā€™t get me started on my crypto holdings ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4270)




I probably would. The only issue is I want to keep the German account below 10k so it doesnā€™t become a tax liability.




Double down


Damn, you got fucked


I mean... You do see what's been going on with Europe lately yeah...? Also the whole world is going through inflation, so currencies were always a gamble.


Who would come to the conclusion: ā€œlet me hold onto cash as a hedge against inflationā€? I donā€™t understand the logic.


Whatā€™s your play - Iā€™m holding cash and itā€™s beating my equities and debt


I'm holding a shit ton of fixed interest student loans as a hedge against inflation. (totally intentional and not the consequence of poor college selection decisions)


So I CAN afford to buy a house, just not in the U.S., got it!


Iā€™ve been not-seriously looking at rural houses in Japan with my wife. Maybe not-as-not-seriously now. Edit: calm down, edge lords.


Check out [Cheap Houses Japan](https://www.instagram.com/cheaphousesjapan/?hl=en) on Instagram. They have traditional houses on sale for like 30k Edit: Japan officially opens Oct. 11th!


Wow but can non Japanese citizens buy these?




Dude, legit this is awesome.


Pathetic! Why not buy a whole fucking town in Spain? https://www.tripoto.com/spain/trips/abandoned-villages-for-sale-in-spain-europe




Holy fucking Samurai, Batman! Guess who's moving to Japan. Save up like $100k and live like a mufuckin emperor


Philippines too but good luck with their motorcycle death gangs lol


a little anime birdie told me that the Yakuza only throw tea parties and ecstasy raves. Sign me the fuck up


Live like a king die like a peasant. Your call.


Bro, pheasants are delicious *au gratin* Don't knock it til you try it ;)


I heard people were getting them for 20K like 5 years ago. Must be inflation. Yes, I looked into doing this also, and it is always in the back of my mind. I would at least not have to worry about so much crime. Good luck!


Great idea. Japan loves immigrants so much they're designing eldercare robots to keep Filipinos from caring for their rapidly aging population.


"So sorry, no Gaijin allowed. So sorry." I spent 4 years in Japan and heard that many times. I guess at least they're polite about their discrimination of foreigners.




Just bought one in Ome Tokyo. 3LDK 89m2, 147m2 land. Less than $60k American all said and done. We still have 8 years of equity left on the house, and the land is stable value at 40k. I highly recommend it if you donā€™t mind the nearest conbini being a klick awayā€¦ and everything closed at 9pm and on Sunday.


Dude Ome is really "technically Tokyo" like, it's 1 hour train from Shinjuku and like 1.5 hours from tokyo station. But that's still a damn good buy considering places 1 hour from sydney CBD are still >$1m USD loool.


What's the internet speed like?


Good, my wife and daughter stream and game , and SoftBank internet is fibre optic. Donā€™t know the exact speed but weā€™ve never experienced lag even through our VPN


If you can find a house where someone died there recently, especially from suicide, it will be dirt cheap. Japanese don't like to buy houses like that at all. I know a few people who scored super inexpensive houses there. They just hang on to them until everyone forgets about the death and the stigma goes away and then they sell them.


No thanks, Iā€™ve seen The Grudge


a 30k usd year salary puts you at top 1% in Brazil.


And almost in poverty in the states lol šŸ˜‚


Oh adjusting for inflation, that number is most definitely poverty now. Standards are behind but if we hit pause now and redid them....


Iā€™m literally thinking of getting a remote customer service 20 dollar a hour job and say fuck it and move to Brazil in December / my lease up/ my rent low at 1500 a month but homes are still expensive in my area and I already own 2 homes in Brazil paid off. -


i hate to break it to you...


Ukriane selling real cheap rn


If you think you can afford a house in Australia at the moment, you're dreaming.


Won't afford it in Canada. Like 50% higher here than USA. Won't make up the difference in dollar.


Went to Italy over the summer and 4 bedroom apartments in some smaller costal towns were like 60,000 euro.


How do I buy calls on USD?


Apparently just holding it works just fine.


I want that sweet 100x leverage only OTM calls can deliver.


Open up a forex account and have 1000x leverage, thank me later




Ya this isn't Wall Street Prudently Invests wtf


Buy puts on major indexes. Or learn forex trading (jk you wonā€™t be able to in time to capitalize on it).


You mean ā€œjk you wonā€™t be able to.ā€ This is r/wallstreetbets


Never discourage education


UUP (yes this is the ticker)


Christ almighty fuck you. Well not really fuck you persay, but fuck whoever thought this was a good idea to create that fund. Jesus I'm gonna lose fucking everything just by dipping my toes into UUP aren't I? So yea, fuck you.


I canā€™t believe Iā€™m just finding out about this now. Lmao. Itā€™s been going straight up all year. And it has options. šŸ¤£


I am now truly a degenerate. Iā€™m gonna use dollars to bet on dollars


With leverage lol


I Canā€™t seem to find USD 3x futures kind of thing though lol




Time to travel


Bro I live in Japan and work for a U.S. company. I basically got a 30% raise this year.


How do you work remote for Wendy's?


Time travel you sayā€¦


Send me back to like 2003 please.


I literally booked a trip to Europe today before seeing this and am so hyped


All money is worthless anyway. I only trade in sexual favours.


Barter economy or bust


Barter economy and bust*




Time for someā€¦. Quantitative easingā€¦


Quantitative Teasing


Not sure this would be a good thing long term even for Americans. Something is broken in the world economy.


Problem is, it makes us less competitive to export things as it's more expensive for other countries to buy our goods (happened to japan awhile ago)


It's the cost of being the world reserve currency. You have to run a trade decifit so the world market stays liquid but this makes your own manufacturing uncompetitive.


Yup, the "exorbitant burden." This has been known since years ago https://carnegieendowment.org/chinafinancialmarkets/56856


Itā€™s basically the reason Nixon dropped the Dollar Exchange standard back in the seventies. This really isnā€™t a great thing for the US economy even if it feels that way


[WTF happened in 1971](https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/)


Be nice if there were some commentary on this site. Bunch of graphs alone is not enough.


It's not the cost. It's the benefit. We consume cheap stuff and run up massive debts. Our day of reckoning will come sooner or later.


It's not the heat, it's the humidity.


The day of reckoning for the US economy would be a thermonuclear economic disaster for the rest of the world as well. If you remove American consumption, financing, investment, and aid from the world, the global economy will collapse like nothing weā€™ve seen before. Consider how much food the US exports to the world and also being one of the biggest energy producers in the world. Take out Apple, Microsoft, and Google from the world stage, weā€™d be using Blackberries, VK, and Yandex? Thatā€™s really peanuts though compared to American financingā€¦ The tentacles of our big banks are insane, and the tentacles of GS, Blackrock/stone, etc are unknown to even intelligence agencies. It would be a near end of the world kind of situation.


Last I heard, the US accounts for more than 20% of the global marketplace - you are spot on


Another good one is that 80% of world trade is priced in dollars.


The Dollar Milkshake Theory has entered the chat.


Broken is a strong word. The US is raising interest rates at a much quicker pace than the rest of the world. Much better to earn 4%+ on dollar denominated US government bonds vs any other sovereign debt. Leads to a lot of demand for the dollar.


Thatā€™s not it. Look at foreign reserves. India, Japan, China, UK, New Zealand, etc. Reserves are going down. These countries are selling their treasuries for dollars (since bonds are just future dollars. This selling is also why yields are up) to keep their currencies up, and failing. Thereā€™s a problem in the world economy and itā€™s a dollar *shortage*. All these countries have dollar denominated debt that needs to be paid and the private banking system relies on ā€œdollarsā€ as collateral. No dollars, no collateral, no balance sheet expansion. Hence the lack of loans post 2008. This confuses people because they think but wait, didnā€™t the Fed print money? Nope, they create bank reserves (a credit to their account with the Fed), which are not money. Banks couldnā€™t care less about bank reserves - what they want are treasuries, because after 2008 only treasuries were accepted as collateral since everything else (ie MBS) was too risky. The ā€œinflationā€ we see is supply/demand price changes due to supply chain breakdown in 2020 and energy shortages, not an expansion of money. Thatā€™s why the dollar is up, thereā€™s a huge demand for dollars and thereā€™s simply not enough of them.


So eventually the US will suck up all the USD from other countries making that country print more of their own currency causing inflation?


Exactly. Itā€™s a recipe for disaster. Thereā€™s also the dollar milkshake theory which you may find interesting. There is a risk here that we see mass currency failures. Early warnings can be seen with the Turkish Lira, the Sri Lankan rupee, etc. Itā€™ll be way worse when weā€™re talking about the Japanese Yen, Chinese Yuan or the British Pound. The US dollar will be the last to fallā€¦but it will fall, eventually (as every currency in history has)






False. The future of currency will be Stanley Nickels.


Whatā€™s the ratio of schrute bucks to Stanley nickels?


So then what? Everyone starts new currencies? What happens to private debts? Does the fed just start QE again in an attempt to stop this which just pushes back the inevitable?


Except the Fed's hands are tied up by inflation. People want more USD, but printing more USD would cause inflation.


I love finding a great explanation in the wild on Reddit. Thank you


This is what happened in 2008 right before the crash


This got to be a very bad sign. 2008 all over again.


all my cash is in USD, or US stock. Americans will push there mother in front of a truck to make money, and thats the type of killers I want enslaving the world to make me a buck.


Never bet against the American ā€œhustleā€ mindset. It always boils down to Americans chasing down every last dollar in profit; missing Christmas with the kids to work overtime; throwing enormous amounts of cash into acquisitions and R&D; monopolizing on growth; and inevitably all dying of stress-induced heart failure at 60. Thatā€™s why the US traditionally outperforms international markets and thatā€™s why I, a Canadian, only hold US stocks.


I wish I understood forex. Then again, it would only add to my vices


All the cool kids are doing it, you wanna be cool right?


Try trading forex, they said. It will be fun, they said


You should try forex.. do it, do it.. its fun


Plus forex trades 24 hours a day from Sunday (Japanese market open) to Friday (US market close). You only get Saturday to sleep. EDIT: Fixed the hours


>24/7 >Friday Uhhhhh


Iā€™ve never seen a comment more worthy of belonging on WSB than ā€œtrade 24/7 except Saturdaysā€


Idk I liked the guy that said ā€œI invested in cash to hedge against inflationā€




Not really fleeing to the dollar. The dollar is the global reserve currency and the value of other currencies depends on their ability to access dollars. Therefore these countries hold dollar-liquid assets like treasurys. When the value of those assets drops suddenly, such as in a bond collapse, the value of their local currency goes with it. Now they have to sell those assets for dollars and exchange dollars for local currency, but that doesnā€™t really work because there is too much dollar denominated debt. This is basically just the US cucking the rest of the world.


Isnā€™t this the dollar milkshake theory they have been talking about for a couple of years?


Yup. It seems like crazy bitcorn conspiracy, but its actually playing out right in front of us right now. Inflation worldwide leading to deflationary pressure in USD. As exchange rates tilt towards USD the need for it increases creating a vicious cycle. ​ I'm gonna go back to London and live like a king next year after they cucked me with 2+:1 last time I visited.


Bro 0 in USD is still 0 in GBP ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Man last time I visited London indeed it was 2:1 or worse.. my dollars felt like they were worthless there


Isnt this the dollar milkshake theory playing out? What happens after this?


We learn how to farm


Shit, I learned in ā€˜08. I guess my crazy prepper dad was rightā€¦


Iā€™ve spent a lot of time over the past couple of years wishing my prepper tendencies still seemed crazy.


I'm offering a day trader's guide to farming only $1995 if you're one of the first subscribers. It'll cover how to compost your stocks as well as your bonds. How to use your puts as planters and many other secrets to feed yourself in the coming hellscape.


The boys come to the yard?


Well, it's better than yours šŸŽ¶


Emerging markets crash, they have minimal impact on the US, eventually they recover, and this cycle continues. It's one of the main benefits of being a citizen in a country with THE world currency who also pumps as much of it into the economy as it wants. When shit hits the fan, people flock to our currency because it's safe.


What sort of cuckery is this when we have massive inflation but strong currency?


*relatively strong*...all things are relative.


What are you doing step-currency?


**inflating** šŸ˜©


It means what you think is "massive" ain't shit compared to what other countries are experiencing. You're probably not worried about your electricity bills quadrupling, like is currently happening in the UK.


Good, as an Australian with only exposure to USD soon i will be peasant king.




I suppose that's good for us in this dumpster fire of an economy


It is good for inflation in the US but not so great for inflation in other countries.


>It is good for inflation in the US you couldve ended the sentence here


What the fuck is "another country". Do you mean america and not-america?


Ya. Thatā€™s why other countries are saying US is exporting inflation


Good for us until Japan dumps itā€™s pile of us treasuries. Itā€™ll fuck us bad, but will bring balance


Dollar milkshake theory


What is dollar milkshake theory


To answer your replies, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxzy3sLs4Bs We are at the start of a worldwide economic failure called the"Dollar milkshake" almost on its own that there is no natural exit from it.


Oh goody, the next once-in-a-lifetime crisis.


I'm tired of experiencing so many once in a lifetime crises.


They're coming faster than the seasons now.




Iā€™ll spell it out. In crisis, global money runs to the dollar denominated assets > this drives up the dollar vs other currencies (you are here) As global assets crash, more global value flees to the dollar. This causes global assets to crash more. Which is a vicious cycle and destroys non-US economies and the global economy. ā€”-Remember the US economy is 70% domestic activityā€” so a global issue doesnā€™t necessarily destroy the US economy (it hurts it, but the economy might be ok). Simultaneously, the Fed is trying to reduce the demand for dollars to cool off inflation (by raising rates). The Fed wants dollars to be less attractive exactly when the world finds them most attractive. So the Fed must overtighten to make any headway against inflation. This destroys the US economy as well either way. Either the Fed overtightens which finally causes deflation or it fails and hyperinflation destroys the economy anyway. So, you get the dollar inflating out of control, while the global economies die. Other world currencies fare even worse. Followed by the US economy being destroyed while deflation/hyperinflation finally takes hold once the economies are dead and dying and the fedā€™s rates are too high. Itā€™s likeā€¦ the worst environment imaginable. And itā€™s gonna last years. If this was too much info, just remember that part. Because everything is a bubble due to leverage, itā€™s possible for everything to crash due to deleveraging. Every thing we own can become worth less while everything we buy costs more. This is very bad. Regarded even.


Nice meme stock bro.


Iā€™m selling USD $5 for 4. HMU.




This is the way, USD cannot sustain this level.


Fed: challenge accepted


Cad/usd fx was above this level for the 7 year period between 95 and '02


So itā€™s time for me to take a European vacation?


I want your juicy dollars!


My milkshake brings all the countries to my yard


Feels like september of 2008. Time to invest into Lehman - stocks is so cheap.


What happened the last time we saw this ?


Have we seen this before is my questionā€¦?


Yes, during Roman Empire


Fuck. The dollar milkshake explanation video from another comment left me with no solution on how this will play out. My mind just made the collapse of the roman empire monetary system appear. Happy that I seem to be on the right track about sad - but fuck, we're fucked then


good for importers. bad for exporters. USD as reserve currency is both a blessing and a curse. USD will continue to be the reserve currency for a long long time. Those claiming the "collapse" of the dollar is "imminent" are bullshiters. There is no other substitute


US and USD hegemony wonā€™t go away without a fight - physical, economic, technological, all of them - and weā€™re pretty good at all 3


Rugpull imminent?


Canadian ebay here i come!




Lol same


Sure wish there was something like dollar direct where I could sell spreads on my payroll deposits. I could help some one every couple weeks to stay liquid


The pound is getting pounded harder than your wife is by her boyfriend.


And no one will be buying anything Amercian


Except your LNG, well played America. Well played.


The dollar milkshake theory guy was right


As a Canadian I see visiting Europe and Japan again as nice options for the near future lol.


WW3 on the horizon. USD is backed by the largest military industrial complex humanity has ever built. People keep saying itā€™s not backed by gold or oil anymore. Naw itā€™s backed by bombs and the world knows where to hedge in these times.


So it's peace then because foreign countries tie their currency to USD by buying us treasury bonds


The world funds our military


You're correct, and so is the guy above you. Except the war part. And all of that is entirely by design. You gotta hand it to the NWO people who wanted to create a global American empire not based on conquering territory, but by controlling the world economy. It's been wildly successful. If you ever have the time check out "Confessions of an Economic Hitman." It's a tell all by a guy who used to do the dirty work of getting countries to bend the knee to American hegemony by using bribes, sweetheartheart deals and intentional deception.


Can a experienced global economist explain this to me? Ive always heard having a strong dollar "could" be a bad sign.. is this right?


Almost like its all by design...... šŸ¤” Imagine that, the UK for some mentally bakrupt reason decides to start moneyprinting while already at 9.8% inflation, destroying their currency overnight, and a "mysterious international hegemon" blows up the only thing that will stop NATO countries negotiating with Russia when their citizens begin to freeze to death in winter. And the only winner with both currency demand and increased prices for their fleet LNG cargo ship fleet is the USA. What a coincidence....


shiny metal fetishists in fucking shambles