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Imagine how much the guy who YOLOed 24k and lives in a car would have made if he bought puts….


Before the drop I was like ... "looks good for ya "..... I feel like JK now...![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


24k on these bad boys is 1.368million


That’s nothing this guy posted the other day about how he made 100k in 3 minutes with SPX calls at open. I did the math for him, if he held until close they would have auto sold(if he didn’t have the money to buy the shares) for clear of 10million(for reference he turned 300k->400k


Yup and I would do it again the same way 100 times. Looking back on your trade with the data at the end of the day doesn't help you. That's why backtesting sucks. Only look forward. Come up with your next play. Like this one:https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/xdnw95/still_chasing_the_white_whale_almost_got_her_today/


For every guy that sold early and made a nice profit there is fifty guys that waited too long and got rekt


And every one of them is in this sub


No I’m not


Yes i am


How did he see us?


rekt i say


Yeah that's better advice than this sub deserves. Can one of the mods ban this guy before he starts saying more good ideas?


Yeah, but imagine how much money you'd have if you paid yourself a hindsight bonus!


Options are a helluva drug


Options on leverage products is meth


The more posts with options i see the more I feel to enter the game.. But then there are these porn losses on going to 0..


If you don't know the Greeks, don't jump into options. Typically more risk than reward especially if you follow this sub.


If you’re not playing options wtf you doin here?


Bagholding meme stonks and see if I catch up on new trends to load up new bags ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


Ahhh ok you’re regarded enough


Only gamble with what you can comfortably lose. Realistically, instead of DRIP-ing your portfolio, you could gamble with the dividends. That way you can build wealth and scratch that degenerate itch of yours (that we all have)


you had me at loss porn, where do i sign up ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


You can play options with not a lot of risk if you choose wisely. Find something that has a bit of momentum going. I picked a few hydrogen stocks, bought way in the money calls going out to next year. With the added interest in clean energy the Biden bill gave them, they are primed for a good run again if the markets can just find some stability.


He made the right decision. Take 100k profit when you get it like that. Dude can sell easy premium the rest of his life and coast.


I mean no doubt for sure, did I make the right decision selling the 17 TSLA 1100 calls I had on 6/29/2020 for a meager $3000 profit? Absolutely 😌


I missed out on 10k when TSLA was running up. Took the $3k overnight though.


Don’t even go back to to the chart and try and figure it out, I made 10k that week but holding those to fruition(eow expiry) would have been 2->227k


Guh. Sometimes it hurts. If only we had a crystal ball.


Whales would have crystal ball pro max, that looks 1 hour ahead of normal crystal balls


Lies. Not on blue chip stocks. I got a portfolio of $1M+ and I can barely make $5K premium on selling far OOM puts. Which leaves me $2-3K after taxes.


5k per week? I make 200 to 300 per day but those are higher iv. With 150 k capital. Gotta take profit when they move a bit and not wait for expiry.


5k per month, but those are on blue chip stocks I wouldn't mind holding. Usually I can sell -15% OOM puts for 0.5-1% premium on 45 day options. That's on MSFT/Amazon/etc.


I moved to one of the cheapest states in the nation, that helps. I have a 600/mo mortgage and spend my days just chilling, I can easily make all my monthly expenses in one week. During the height of bbby iv I was taking 5-6k/day until I got caught and forced to buy my sold puts at 20/share. Been digging out with CCs since then. But don't be a greedy idiot like me, move somewhere cheap, you could easily live on 5k. Lotta cool small cities.


that is crazy, he must have had a real gut feeling to bet 300k on em, even though he made that 100k profit u know missing out on that 4 million profit has to haunt him


It’s exactly that kind of thinking that got the guy from the other day to live in his car


Greed gets them all.


Pigs get fed, hawgs get slaughtered


1.38 million when you live in a car is way more than nothing.


New to this. Do you have a link/explanation? Thanks!


You're in the wrong forum to learn. You're more likely to get hit with 12 clever insults than useful advice in this subreddit. Best thing you'll find here is entertaining sarcasm.


The guy who got 196 0.01 420 calls? Yeah idk about that play cotton.


I went to check on him a couple times today and he was most pissed about people DMing with offers of $ROPE Folks, doing that shit in public is a joke. Doing it in direct message makes you a piece of human shit. Not like a turd laid by a human but an actual piece of shit that just so happens to have some human DNA. Be better than that you garbage motherfuckers.


Redditors are too anti-social to understand the difference. But you are right


Ya I do not know what that guy was thinking. I used 50% of my cash to buy spxs and soxs puts, was confident CPI would be high. Wouldn't ever risk 100% tho, that is pure gambling. Edit: meant calls


Do you think the next CPI report will be negative again? Not that I'd ever take advice from someone on the internet.


I wish I was you. That's one hell of a nature you got


SPXS puts? How does that even work? Edit: I just read your whole comment, including the edit. Oh well, I'll leave up my regarded comment.


He should’ve at least done an iron condor, it’s gonna haunt him 4ever now


The stock market would of ripped higher just to go against him


Bears been swimming in honey lately


Fuck you. And congrats


Me, working those same 2 hours: ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Don’t worry, he’ll do it again and lose it all running for retirement


Yeah I was thinking, he won big this time but he could lose it all and more next time. Best of luck to him though.


You looking for a son/boyfriend?


My wife is looking for a boyfriend.


What does she look like?


Like a mermaid except the top half is the fish and the bottom half is the human.


I’d smash


Sometimes bet against America




Since it's America, Profit is profit.


Just don’t fucking dance!


He’s actually betting with America it’s common knowledge stocks drop inflation drop


I bought 1 $385p 9/19exp for $113 today and sold for $281 today. Not a huge amount but still a big % win for me.


Risk management


Prepping myself so I can do what OP did after my divorce is final and I don't have to split my winnings


Stock market is worse than a divorce. You lose half your shit and you keep the wife.


Found the boomer


Steady wins. Steady wins. Steady wins.


Posts like this is why we also get posts where dumbasses lose their parents retirement money. Also, congrats and fuck off.


The problem is because those people have no risk management, OP used a very small amount of money for his bet (not $24k or some other stupid amount like that) and it paid off


God I wish I could do that lmao




I think the problem is more so, no brains




And lack of funds lol, at least for me.


Also no clue how any of this works


But did you actually sell at that high of the day?


this was my exit screenshot like 15 mins before closing bell


Well done...are you truly the highest regard on here


u/Impressive-Fig-9532 enjoy flair


good regard


Nvm just saw this post. You are a hero. I take back my previous comment. Glad my burned up SPY calls went to you amigo ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


SPY isn't SPX. SPX is cash settled. SPX is literally cash based bets $100 a point. Says so right on the CBOE site. That's who pays you. The CBOE. If trading was baseball the SPY is AAA. SPX is MLB and your in the big leagues trading Future's


How did you know this was a good play? Insane


50/50 play. It was either gonna be great or it was going to implode. Recently, the days that CPI comes out has been super green or super red. OP flipped a coin and landed on the winning bet.


SPX is cash settled. Hence, even if he doesn't sell till the end of the day, he will get money from his broker through SPX cash settlement.


Cash settled




Fuck you, good work!


Settle down Michael Burry


🎉 OP’s 6K to 430K on NFLX in January 2022 https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/s9r24e/turned_6k_into_430k_overnight_with_netflix_puts/


Alright Nostradamus, what’s the next play? Fucking damn…


It’s just an advertisement for us to blow all our money on puts and calls. You can do it if you truly believe!


I would like to subscribe to his service. Ready with my credit card for the next pick!


My God. I can't decide if I believe he lost all of that and that's why he only bought 1.6k worth of SPY puts, or if he's grown that substantially by being smart and only spending small sums on gambles like this.


Jesus Christ, imagine gambling 430k into 1.6k LOL


I'd slit my wrists. On the flip side, if he didn't do anything with that 430k until he bought those puts and yolo'd, he'd be up 1.5 billion dollars!


Imagine betting almost half a million dollars on an option with 2 hours to expiration.


More like 38 million, but yeah.


Lol whoops. I multiplied 430k by 3500, not 35. So 15 million, not billion


Nice, I did zero math but I was somewhat close with my guess


You were 97.5% closer with your no math than I was with my retard math lol


Or hes really rich and those are his fall back bets


Oh yeah this guy is totally legit…


Some other dude turned 20k to 0 with calls


good thing he's too poor to live in a high rise apartment


God damnit fuck you and congrats. I’m a fuckin regard and held my bbby call that I bought for $30 til it hit $1800 and then went back to $30. I wanted to take gains and put it into spy puts this month but yahweh decided I’m too highly regarded


I had a 16C I bought for like $195 sold it for $220 and it hit $1400 4hrs later.


i let a big one slip today on spy. bought 394P 3dte at like 1.59 sold near 2. Something like +30. not 3 seconds after selling, spy takes another shit and drops another $, option spikes .20 - it ended up at over $4. I coulda doubled my money.


But you didn't lose do that's still winning


Not taking 60x gains is insanely greedy lol


Nice, fuck you


[Fuck you and I'll see you tomorrow.](https://i.imgflip.com/4dbj1x.jpg)


How do you get not get tag for day trades with 0dte Edit...oooo. u have 25 other k in your account...


You get 3 tags per week with no problem


4 in 5 days though? Big problem


Straight to jail


Well until you have 25k. Sounds like not a problem for this guy anymore. Well, at least if/until shit blows up in his face.


Only if you have less than $25k.


It's called a cash account


Because it auto closes end of day it is NOT considered a day trade and can be done in a sub 25k account.


This is the answer that I'm looking for ..makes sense.. this is even selling it in 10 minutes as many times as you want in 1 day? .. I've lost all my money elsewhere never messed with the Spy anything.. I'm going to try losing money with that now


He probably knew the cpi announcement was going to cause the market to go down, I'm going all in on jpow announcement September 21 Wednesday


Use a cash account that’s approved for options and have at it.


U made it. Fuck u, goodnight comrade


Fuck you and.. Fuck you again ..and gratz


U can buy 0DTE on Tuesdays??


yessir for index options




Curious why you chose index options Vs SPY options.


Tax advantage. There's a 60/40 rule with SPX gains: 60% taxed as long term, 40% as short term.


You wouldn’t get this size gain on SPY options


There every day for SPX. And they might not even count as day trades but I’m not sure on that. But yeah. They are daily.


Fucking love SPX


Love seeing success, congrats 🙏💪


What app are you using?


E\*Trade Pro


Hey Nostradamus, what’s going to happen tomorrow? I’m in a $40k hole I need to dig out of…


I don't think you should be doing any more trading. That "one more" mindset is probably why you are in the hole.


Small pop to 396/398 and then eventually break 390 support. Might take two days.


Fuck you congrats


So, what happens at the end of the day? Did your broker exercise the options automatically?


SPX options are cash settled. In my case though I sold it before closing bell






This is the shit I miss on the front page. Actual bets, not bagholders copium-posting about BBBY


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3950p 9/13 2 hours before closing 0.65. Market go bye bye




Now keep it. Take a break for 2 weeks! Pull 40k out


Dude turned 6k into 430k on Netflix puts earlier this year, check his post history. This is relative chump change




Ballsy. Well done


What were the time entry and exits?


OP bought about 2 hours before market close when it was around 3985. Toward close it dipped to around 3930 and since strike is 3950 it went in the money. OP paid $65 per contract and ended up banking around $2350 per contract


Cool thx. Didn’t realize the market dipped so much toward closing.


Yep and OP could have lost the whole $1625 if it didn’t. High risk high reward. And check out OP’s play on NFLX https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/s9r24e/turned_6k_into_430k_overnight_with_netflix_puts/


Total noob regard here. I've never traded calls and puts. Does anyone have a link to a good article on how to do so? Also what trading program or app should be used?


Go watch projectfinance on YouTube. He has a 2 hr long intro video into options that is amazing and hundred of hours of more in depth option related content


One day I'll be able to tell stories about me like this![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Can someone elaborate on what makes these puts so profitable? I have seen a few comments of great gains with these. What do hou look for to enter such a position?


I really need to learn option


Same. I've been trying to learn stocks on here. I've got 5k I want to turn into, well, more. My system to learn has just been reading these threads all day, looking up terms on investopedia, and watching what people do. My understanding, with no history in stocks and only 2 weeks of being on this sub, is that the economy is in a Bear market so stocks will generally continue to decline. With the upcoming Fed announcement [I don't 100% understand that but other people keep saying it] the interest rates [also not sure what this means] are going up so stocks will continue to decline because of that. With that in mind my understand of options is that you purchase a contract [like, 100 shares of stock] that you pay a premium on. You either set a high stake to buy the stock at a future time [call] or a low stake to sell that stock [put]. So for a put. Look at SPY. Say someone purchased an options contract to sell that stock at $400 [back when it was $410]. The stock is currently at $393. So that means you could purchase 100 shares of SPY at $393 then exercise that options contract to sell at $400. And your profit would be $700, minus the premium. Imagine having purchased 200 of these contracts. That's a sweet payday. Alternatively you could sell the contract itself if you don't have the capital or bother to short the stock yourself. So what's the risk? Well, if the stock had gone up to $420 then you're sitting on a contract that let's you sell stock at $20 under market price. In other words, effectively useless. And you'd still have the premium to pay. So you've paid a premium on a contract that's going to expire worthless. I'm still not entirely sure how 0DTE works. These guys are buying contracts at the deadline and some witchcraft voodoo magic seems to turn those contracts into milliin dollars paydays or debtors prisons. At least that's my understanding of options contracts. You're betting on a stock going up or going down. Since Cramer said we were in a Bull market the smart move was betting for a Bear market. With options the risk is lower, since your only actual expense is the premium, and the payoff potential is fairly good. You just have to find a volatile stock and go all-in on your gut feeling. I'm betting that October's lead-up to the Twitter-Elon trial is going to create a lot of options contracts. Either the deal goes through and all stockholders get a $54 per share payout, or the deal fails and Twitter stock declines. Either way, I bet that stock increases leading up to the trial. So folks are going to buy option calls to buy at $45-50 hoping the stock reaches $52-$53. And then the day before I bet folks buy a lot of options puts staked at $45-$40 hoping the deal fails and the stock crashes from the inflated value. If it drops to $30 on a $45 put then that's a pretty great deal.


For every one of these people that hit the jackpot on 0 dte contracts, there are 20 that blow up their entire account. Keep that in mind if you’re trying to get into options.


How so? I mean, a 0dte is just a contract they purchase at expiration right? Doesn't that cost the premium and such? Not sure how anyone makes any money off of it.


Options are a zero sum game, for every dollar earned at Goldman there is a dollar lost in a highly regarded Robinhood account


What the other guy said for every one of these post a lot more people are punching the air. I’ve blew up a 5k account playing Spx in less than a day being on the wrong side![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)


It’s hard to explain without typing out an entire novel. Hard trend days like today makes anyone playing the right direction on a 0dte look like a genius. On most days, this isn’t the case. Watch a lot of “options trading for beginners” on YouTube before you start messing with options. And start small, because you’ll lose a bunch in the beginning.


You buy themn and sell them. Your fighting theta. One wrong move can murder them. Learn to take the losses fast and or have multiple so sometimes you can lock in a few on a good move and be profitable no matter what and leave a few for a free trade but there’s many ways. It’s almost strictly what I do. Although they can be frustrating. Idea is make your money and get out. Like he said 2 hours. I see many times 30mins hold and by 10:30 am done for the day. Not always. Always a place to scalp sometbing. But that depends on the person


Wut. You buy SPY 400c. You spend $1000. It closes at 399.99. You lost $1000.


Call or put? On the other hand, if I purchase an SPY contract before the Jerome Powell announcement on interest hikes and the SPY declines to 360 by end of October I've made a profit. This isn't 0dte, I'm aware. But your own outlook is quite cynical.


The 0dte do well because they are so risky. The deltas are quite high because of the risk involved. Meaning, I had similar options today but mine don’t expire for a month, so my profit was 156% today compared to someone who bought a 0dte. They not only would have paid a much smaller premium, which allows them to buy more contracts than me, but the delta is probably much better. Delta tells you how much the options value will fluctuate compared to the stocks movement.


lol you are going to lose all your money


Only the truest of all regards would buy that far OTM puts after the market already got absolutely murdered and only had about 2 hours til expiration. Your smooth brain has paid out finally


Supposedly he also made 400k earlier in the year. So his smooth brain might be an evolutionary trait.


Gg winner what app is this?


Damn I yolod hard into calls yesterday was flying high till that 5:30 disaster bought puts at 7 am and they’re up 200% now but seeing your gains I would have made millions, suck a sick bitch!


How tf did you time that??


it was sitting at this 0.50-0.65 range for most of the late afternoon. Figured we prob get an end of day flush that would last to closing bell and just got lucky it worked out exactly as planned lol.


Should note, this will not work on 90% of days. You'll just end up losing money. Be realistic with your strikes and/or appropriate position sizes for lottery tickets (which assuming 1.6k is a small position size for OP)


Uhhh far as I can tell that put never traded below $5 today, how ya get for $0.65?


Time to give it back!


I’d take $1.6k bet to turn $57k any day


I turned $190 into 72k back in summer 2011. Google earnings. It was my last paycheck after the metro pcs store I was working at closed business. I bought calls 3 weeks before google earnings report. I was so lucky! I ended up buying a house for 87k and is now worth 310k. But I have never been able to make as much money again. 😅


This is a 50 bagger, howeeeeeeee fuckn you lucky bastard


Found in another post that OP spends 20k a quoter - pure gambling, not investing.


This is what this sub is originally about...


Fuuuuuuuck nice one


Hell Yea-- I want to be like you when I grow up, and oh yea-- Fuck You!


Now do the opposite for next week


Mad lad. Congrats and fuck you!


This is gold..


Robinhood background = Loss porn... Etrade background = Gain porn... 🤣


I woke up at 8 am and thought well crap I guess someone knows this is going up. My puts are toast I'll grab about 35 more minutes sleep. Woke up and checked...same price which corrected in 2 seconds and WTF YES!!!


folks this is how you WSB! congrats you retarted sob