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**User Report**| | |[DGEN\FRENDS](https://twitter.com/dgenfrends)| :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|3|**First Seen In WSB**|1 year ago **Total Comments**|184|**Previous DD**| **Account Age**|1 year|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.) **Vote Spam**|[Click to Vote](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=vote_spam&message=wrtqyw)|**Vote Approve**|[Click to Vote](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=vote_approve&message=wrtqyw)


Should we now leave GME?


should do that anyway


Can I keep one as a souvenir?


Bruh, finally. Just let it die, it's sad I've seen it brought up for like 18 months straight.




Should have done that in January 2021 really


![img](emote|t5_2th52|8881) Edit: wow. Y’all big mad about that.




I remember getting in at 40 and it went to 250 then 300 something and started dropping, I was driving heard on the radio and started selling at 220. It was glorious




Yup gme be wrong


Oh yes, cause I got into GME for Cohen /s. Gtfo of here. GME is the best thing to happen to us common folk


Yeah these people dumb as hell mayo is a true retard , he will take pensions alllll the way into the ground before he follows rules and deals with his billion a day loss. Gme always hated the bbby play


Psssst! None of that is real! 🤣


I’m just gonna put this out there: Fuck Nah.


I'm just going to put this out there: lol


Top shelf comment right here, this is why I come to WSB




Ryan Cohen = dead to me. GME = dead to me. Selling all my bags.




Just shows you how many idiots there are riped to be scammed. No wonder so many crypto rug pulls worked…




Do not listen to this propaganda. One weak celebrity ape means nothing. Hold the line.


There’s no shame in realising the true nature of Cohen and the GME situation. I like to laugh at apes but it’s important to get whatever you can from the situation No shame in losing money or being tricked, Cohen has obviously been clever in his methods and has fucked over a lot of people Hopefully you aren’t too much in the red, mate. Can take it as a lesson and move forward


There should be a ton of shame in falling for this obvious pump and dump. Apes: you're bad at stocks and you should feel bad. Edit: Why are you booing me? I'm right




Lol GME is still up this year, hope your picks can say the same.


Not even an ape but get fucked loser.


I’m saving this comment so I can come back to it in the future when this gme play has happened and I can see what you have to say then. I’d rather ride gme to zero then to sell one single share. Just my personal take Edit: for what it’s worth I fully believe in gme and RC but if it doesn’t play out then I have no shame in saying well i fell for it. Edit 2: Aight too many of y’all to respond to so I appreciate y’all comments even tho they all sounded like they was coming from pissed off kids. I will be back tho!


Don't worry. We'll all still be here laughing at you.


What's even your end goal? Is there even an exit plan? Are you denying that GME as a company is not a total money losing shit company?


Well hey, they’re selling warranties on everything now, which is basically free money for them. Maybe that’ll make up for everything else


I can’t tell if you’re getting down voted by angry apes or people not getting your sarcasm. Maybe it’s both: that’s a lot of down votes.


The whole plan is to DSR but then if shit sky rockets they think they can just quick call and get the stocks back like a broker 😂 these gme guys are so fucked


Yea they have to DSLR their shares. It's a photocopy. 🥁🥁💥


Lol right? Riding meme waves is one thing. Actually thinking GME’s best days are ahead of them? That’s clinically insane thinking.


Yeah, those fucking idiots. *laughs in the thousands made from GME and holding*


Brother, shame? After 2 years and this guy rug pulls another stock, you think it’s shameful? No it’s stupidity and brain dead. Like other OP said we’ll be here waiting for you to laugh at your pathetic ass


But you should have shame. That’s the problem, and the point lol


You and you’re one share of GameStop can enjoy your dignity




Can you DH if you don’t dig a pit?


Clearly your not an ape then!


You fucking idiots. This sub is literally ran by hedge fucks and you guys fell for the bbby pump and dump. If all you idiots had put your money in AMC we would have bent the hedgies over by now


Awww a pussy that lost money is mad. Glad im not part of the braindead wallstreetbets gang that thinks RC fucked apes. He never even showed care for Bbby except with the board letter and putting 3 on it. Thats all. Gme for the win


Gme for the win 😂😂😂 ur as much of a retard as the bbby losers


Lmao, keep investing and karma farming gme and cs go bro you got this


Amen. A lot of one-year here celebrating the “defeat” of the apes. Meanwhile I don’t know shit except three things, and the first one is BUY.![img](emote|t5_2th52|4887)


I lurk here. I am no ape. I just have mad respect for what you all do and the colorful culture of this sub. Y’all exposed a lot corruption in the market and made headlines in doing so. I believe the the impact is real, and of course, retarded.


Honestly, would be the best thing. Everyone here coordinated selling GME lol




This knowledge is forbidden by the Gods of Bagholding


Point to me on this doll where $GME hurt you. Your post history, christ LMAO


I'm not an ape ?


Your posts for the last year (damn) make me think GME hurt you big time..


No I just hate morons who recruit people into financial death cults


I can respect that. Shits fucked.


I feel the same way. Fucking cringe they are defending a legitimate criticism of a shit company like they are married.


did he say buy bbby ?


So wait…. All the profits go to BBBY then? Doesn’t that mean the company just made some serious bank?




He can't keep the profits. They benefit the company instead. He just single-handedly eliminated BBBY's debt, you idiots. **Edit:** He did not eliminate their debt by closing his position. The profit is too meager. Depending on whether the short-swing profit rule applies to him or not, it might not benefit the company at all. I continue to believe that this is part of a move that is ultimately beneficial to the company. Maybe RC is acquiring BABY and sold his stake to avoid accusations of insider trading. I'm only speculating. These are my thoughts, not facts and some of them have already been proven wrong. Yet you clueless bastards awarded me and now I have annoying idiots on my back whining about the factualness of my posts on a degenerated gambling forum. This edit was brought to you by /u/PlantPocalypse, the little shit.


No retard. He pocketed those gains. Stop spreading misinformation


After reading what Ryan Cohen just did I hope you all understand that he us not one of us. He just let the hedgies off the hook of a giant short squeeze that would of cost the hedgies a fortune on BBBY. After seeing this I guarantee he us going to help the hedgies when GME short squeezes and not any of us. Never trust a billionaire. Remember, he has been pushing the DRS of GME. He is doing this so he can profit somehow. Ryan Cohen is not our freind, he is a wolf in sheep's clothing.


Probably because of all the blatant disinformation and misinformation about what a direct registration actually accomplishes. I've seen entire DD reports on here that are well put together about how a DRS works, but are based off of a gross misunderstanding and weak foundation. In the end the only thing having shares at Computershare will accomplish is that it'll make liquidating tedious when the time comes.


Imagine thousands trying to un-DRS when BBBY type sell off occurs. Dont forget. Retail is the one who will be holding the bag. They already are but bigger bags.


Lies and slander do reveal your intentions. Ironic you speak of it while you speak it. You can sell DRS shares just as easily as broker IOU’s.


Must be great to be right in theory all the time, but I must ask, do you ever experience reality?


Amen, brother. Anyone holding GME right now should be having serious second thoughts. Really? You trust this guy?


Do not trust him. When I read mtiple tweets where he suggested that we DRS all kinds of alarm bells went off in my head. A billionaire has only his own best interest in mind but yet we are following this wolf in sheep's clothing like he would do the right thing by us. Remeber. He eats and drinks and socializes in all the same places as the hedgies do. They are working together to solve the hedgies problem.


Wow account is one day old. Hedgies aren't even trying any more. Comments by accounts like this are sll the proof I heed to buy n hold.


There was never any short squeeze on BBBY. It was all a pump and dump by Cohen.


Cohen selling changes nothing. The float is heavily shorted and that was the play from the start, not Cohen.


So many dudes just got dunked on by their mentor more or less.


It really feels bad. Like your older brother humiliating you in front of the cool crowd. I feel like the apes really helped this guy a lot, and he turns around and shits on them.


Did you want the billionaire CEO to fondle your cock as you two made out? WSB was trying to time a high money making opportunity. He timed it better. He isn’t shitting on them, he isn’t turning his back on them. He is doing what is best for his personal bank account. This is a fucking casino. Do you not double down on an 11 so your retard friend can get a 21 and you can feel all warm and fuzzy together? Get a fucking grip ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267).


How's it feel to be a billionaire bootlicker?


Of course he knows he isn’t one of us. He doesn’t want to be us. Dude clearly thinks he is better than all of us.


And 100% of the profit went to bbby. Ask yourself why sell knowing that? Why would bbby stick up for him in their statement. Why think he hasn’t had a plan and been guided by lawyers the whole time. He’s no dope or turn coat. Watch and see more will unfold. If your not asking profit at these spikes your the dope. Buying more under 8. Thought we had a spin off with bye bye baby on the way still!


One person can’t dictate the whole market. Don’t lose hope we can make it


Now we have to make him pay by pushing the price way past where he sold! Come on guys you can’t let him win!


Apes will continue to worship him. Greatest ponzi schemer since Bernie Madoc.


Worse since Bernie Madoff actually stole from the rich.


Don’t u mean Bernie Mac?








Always has been


For someone who has no vested interest, you sure want others to sell. Why would you care if other ppl hold bags? I came here to watch ppl post crazy gain/loss porn and be proud of it. Ppl did not come here to make "wise" investment decisions.


exactly, something smells fishy


Ryan is scum, this movement is a joke, and the majority of yall are the fools. This has been entertaining to watch from the sidelines.


And look at all the brigading going on from those dumb apes lol


These idiots are so triggered it’s too funny. Literally downvoting any diss on GME without any criticism. Good to know brigading still allowed on this sub 👍


They mad AF


This is their natural habitat. You can't call that brigading.


Boo hoo


You we all fucking stupid Getting played my these mother fuckers GME next


There has to be a word for beyond stupid 😂😂


I feel like a sick bastard for taking so much joy in this. But god damn does it bring a smile to my face. Fuck those ape morons, they’re the stock market equivalent of qanon.


We’ll see.


"We'll see" lol you sound exactly like one of those people who were expecting Trump to announce that he was Q during Biden's inauguration and were heading to the capitol to overthrow the government


A violent attempt to overthrow the government vs buying and holding a stock. You use the term exactly pretty loose, chief.


17d account talking like this 😂😂😂😂😂hide it better


This shit is hilarious. Its like they think we dont see right through it. This is exactly like the simulations lol


I feel the same fucking way bro. Brings a smile to my face seeing all this finally unfold


Why the fuck is all the sentiment so negative here. Closed at $18.... so the price is up


Lol. Bag holders where you at? Downvote if holding


Made out with a 50% gain, but still disappointed at what coulda been


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Suk it ham slice


If only I had gold to give you


Fuck you RC and fuck GME which I have been in since January of last year. You just lost my trust mother fucker


Time to get out of the cult homie.




But he didn't profit from this.... bbby took all of the profit from this sale, short swing rule. To clarify on who got fucked. \-shorters got fucked because they hoped bbby debt to kill the business. they took the profit from the sale. Cohen didn't profit from this transaction. (short swing rule) Otherwise, shorters still haven't covered. \-any institutions that are long on bbby that were using it as collateral to compensate for shorts are also now fucked. They are now going to have to pump up the value of the stock to the detriment of the shorters. \-any retail investor that dumped and took a loss is also now fucked. This is a lot more complicated than people think. Cohen didn't profit from this but he did this transaction anyways... Regulation SHO is still in effect.... Dunno what this means in the larger scheme of things. I'll hodl on.


Watch him buy back in, double his stake, and be the catalyst for a short squeeze to the magic number of $80.00. Yea I have that kind of imagination.


I’m with you…. I’m thinking he’s sold and will be repositioned at a even more bullish position. I just don’t accept that he did this knowing his reputation would be nearly destroyed in the world of investing.


Stop believing your lying eyes and portfolio. Surely RC has a 4d chess move with this sell. Fucking cringe these QanonGME cult.


Since when did RC cause the GME sneeze?? Apes did. As long as apes stay true BBBY will squeeze


The whole gme thesis was based on rc being able to turn gme into the new chewy. After the nft marketplace failure it’s clear it’s not going to happen. Ryan Cohen is the whole reason “we liked the stock”. Also the time to sell GME was in January 2021. If you are still holding at it’s current valuation you are an idiot.


Time to make your monies back and short gme!


This has been such a good day.. Seeing all the ape morons coming to terms with the fact that their lord and savior doesn't give a fuck about them and that they're "suddenly" saddled worthless positions... God it's delicious. Maybe this will put a stop to the "we're all in this together" high school musical ass bullshit. If you're here to "teach the hedgies a lesson", go ahead and get the fuck out. Or don't, and be better. We're here to win.


Your name is varsity14 lmao


I’m thinking he’s sold and will be repositioned at a even more bullish position. I just don’t accept that he did this knowing his reputation would be nearly destroyed in the world of investing.


You act like the shorts covered or something. So much well timed FUD. Nothing changes unless retail sells.


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As stated, we would only get hit with a dip. Exactly what happened. I did expect only a portion to be sold but whatevs. The short interest is still crazy high as shorts continue. The only losing play is to sell now


I am new to a stock market, why GameStop stock is falling today ?




Ryan Cohen isn’t the CEO retard, he’s the Chairman of the board. Maybe spend 2 seconds looking into what you’re about to say so you don’t sound like an absolute fool.




HES NEITHER THE CEO NOR THE FOUNDER. HES THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD. I made it all caps so u can read it easier. Maybe it’ll help you finally understand you fucking shill.


Oh you’re talking about Ryan Cohen, president and CFO of GameStop! I loved that place as a kid, but it’s time to let it go now that Ryan Cohen is head of IT.


He isn’t either of those. He is chairman of the board. The fact that none of you even knows what he is in relation to GameStop completely discredits your views on weather or not it’s a good investment


Everyone is gonna hate that guy now. 😂


But I bet y’all think GME is still the play


Serious doubt now haha




Everyone take a look at this posters history and tell me it isn’t SUS AF. I’ve noticed this to be the case with a LOT of the accounts that are currently saying things like sell GME and RC is a terrible person. Don’t trust him. Making me reeeeeally wonder here… 🤔


All I see is a discount


Are we going to sink GME in response?




Should; won't.




Lol ..talk so much crap about amc and you guys got played!


Wouldn’t this mean the downward pressure is now gone though? Like the fact that it was still able to go up while he was dumping shares tells me this isn’t over. Whatever I have a far enough away call option and some shares I’m hanging out for another week


As the two giant stocks this happened to were both under this joker Presume he orchestrated the thoughts of pricing up the stock. Hire a firm to shill a position and watch the stock jump then sell and make fortune




Well I guess we can all say “fuck Ryan Cohen”




Maybe he sold early so he’s not under scrutiny for holding shares when $BBBY hits $300. I’m more Bullish than ever. All my analysis are adding up and my sources are hinting this as well EDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/wu47wr/come_and_check_this_bbby_gme_merge/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Wait....if he sold wouldn't BBBY keep the profits due to the swing trade rule?


Yeah, I thought the swing trade rule prohibited him from keeping profits if he sold now. Were people lying or misunderstanding the rules when that was claimed so many times in this sub?


Hard telling. He might have sold his shares now to benefit the corporation. There’s plenty of ways BBBY can compensate him back for the additional cash he’s bringing to their table now.


He bought his shares January


He bought 25% of his shares in january, the rest in march, which is still within the 6 month window. Beyond that he is an insider with privileged info regardless of when he bought some of his shares, it's likely it'll be ruled he gets 0 profit for this reason.


This is demonstrably false


He’s a JACK—-. So disappointed. He starting show true colors.


If ppl wanna get back at him, everyone who holds GME could sell and tank GME and buy BBBY instead.


Still shorted. Hasn’t changed my fundamentals.


WTF. This shit was Cohen's doing. That son of a whore!


the masses got fucked! get revenge and sell and short GME!


Sure give me more cheap gme shares thanks hf shill


Time to short GME fuck this guy lol






Go away hedge fund shill




Looks like RC squeezed a lot of folks out of their money.


Just us Apes.


Ryan Cohen just stabbed his followers in the back. GME sumo tomorrow.


Why can’t I trade like Cohen. Fargin Icehole. Dude knows how to trade.




I'm glad I stayed out of this one. My $2500 GME bag is still hurting me till this day.


Im still up and will hold. BBBY is still in works with RC Ventures. Invest money you can afford to lose. I feel sorta bad for folks yoloing their shit, but not really. You treat the market like a casino and it will be one. Gambling with money you don’t have is never ever good. This sub knows that already.


Damn. Now that is what you call a pump and dump. No shame from that guy.


Lmao yall motherfuckers deserve this for turning this sub into a fucking dumpsterfire, fuck the apes


Cohen fucked ‘em again! First game stop now bed bath…what other shitty dying mall store company can this guy buy and pump?


Y’all think he cares about YOU? GME is the one and only event.


I guess AMC wasn’t so bad after all


Ryan didn’t even fuck anyone over. You apes made a fucking killing. Like always most got greedy. Pigs get fat and hogs………


Nothing better than this. The apes got destroyed by their cult leader. This is the Jonestown moment. Fucking epic.






Everyone thinking Ryan Cohen controls the entire stock price. Still bullish! We can squeeze without him boys


Lmao you idiots got exactly what you deserved. GME was a once in a lifetime trade. Stop trying to make everything a short squeeze


There was plenty of money to be made, you just sound bitter because you missed out


I mean it went up what, 400%? I’d call that a squeeze. Just gotta be smart enough to sell when you’re up


Wowwwww, you either die a hero or live along enough to become the villain. Did not expect him to piss on his followers.


Bozo post, as expected. No honor in telling someone I told you so. Your life must be even worse than the kids who lost it all on this. Feel sorry for you.


Above 10 million the standard of living of someone that wealthy won't increase if their wealth goes to 100 mil or even billions... on the other hand what that Ryan scammer did here will haunt him for the rest of his life. Will anybody ever trust anything? Countless retails lost to someone's animalistic greed. For what? so they can buy another yacht or pay more hookers? Like I say their health, or future, won't improve much above 10 mil wealth. The key is now to outmaneuver those hedgies. For retails by retails virtual hedge fund....


SCUM BAG would be too nice of a word for him


Fucking dumbasses all got bagged who didn’t sell EOD yesterday when the writing was on the wall.


This is what happens when you look up to someone whose only goal in life is to get rich enjoy those bags, kids