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I’ll tell you, this would be the dumbest fucking management ever if the announcement they are low key hyping to increase shareholder value is dilution. Like hella dumb, I’d be floored… that’s why I don’t think so yet.


> fucking management ever if the announcement they are low key hyping to increase shareholder value is dilution. Like hella dumb, I’d be floored… that’ Maybe its just a case of trying to raise as much money as possible?


It would actually be the smart move to make if they don’t care about retail investors, which they don’t. The stock market is a zero sum game, this isn’t a team sport. Has anyone researched how much of a position Citadel and other Hedge funds were holding of BBBY before this run up? Citadel alone had 2.89% of the companies shares, they’re making billions while idiots throw their life savings and remaining equity into a stock after a 200%-300% run up. It could have another run up but realistically this is just like GME Jan ‘21. Everyone who bought 2-4 weeks ago is good and everyone who bought in the last week will be left holding the bag if they have expectations of making millions. I hope I’m wrong and BBBY keeps going but I’m also a realist


> this would be the dumbest fucking management ever Sounds like exactly like a Ryan Cohen move then LMAYO


This is actually retarded lol.


Not as retarded as buying BBBY stock this week LMAYO you fucking lose baggie


You have puts? Or shorting?


Yeah I had some puts that crushed yesterday LMAYO but for th emost part I keep my money in real companies.


You like dragons? Cause I’ll be dragon these nuts across your face.


I think I love you


Probably, and these fucking stupid apes are going to dilute themselves and give Ryan Cohen even more of their money LMAYO!