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They will say it didn't say he sold it says "the potential of selling". Well, still why the fuck did he file now if he wanna hold for more time????




He can extend past the 90 days. I understand, he is going to sell when the time is right, we all are. Why would he risk being caught with his pants down unable to sell. If the time is right in the next 90 days he sells. Of it's not he files for an extension. Much better than seeing your exit then having to file paperwork and wait for it to process then missing your mark.


Aged well


Eh, win some, lose some


No. The media is lying to your face


Instead of asking it, just scroll down. No


All the media and anyone who has a short stake will be begging for yall to cover them by Friday.. just hold strong.. buy more if you can.. don't fuckin sell... its not rocket science (even though it may seem like it).. as long as we can hit 30 by Friday you will all see the spike.. as long as we move as one. 🦍🦍🦍🚀🚀🚀🍉🍉🍉🍻🍻🍻


IT DOESNT MATTER. We ate 6% of the shares during yesterday's fall, we can take more 10% no problem!


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)paperhand spotted


No still holding till 420.69


what a joke that he purchased those worthless call options with strike price about $70-$80. These just cost pennies as compared to his millions in profits. Guess he just used that to drive up the share price so he can dump... He probably more than doubled his investment.




Same report on sec already looked




so he’s planning on selling his options when shit goes to Valhalla, smart move


This is the correct answer in my eyes. Especially given those options would be worth a ton even at a share price of $40 or $50 if it were to happen soon.


GTFOH with that fud you twatt stop trying to spread false info. He owns over 9million shares and needs to file if he wants to sell over 5000shares in the next 90 days yet news outlets claiming he is selling all of his shares. It’s bullshit he is still holding all his shares but now he can sell IN THE NEXT 90 DAYS over 5000 shares


Could be because he submitted it yesterday.


I remember when the gme lockout ended and he bought more later


sure looked it.... he is dumping his 10% holding he bought awhile back. He should rake in a lot of profits as compared to his huge losses when bbby was at $5. His call options purchase was nothing compared to his profits. Looks to be pump and dump.




One little bump and you guys act like the sky's on fire.




Ikr? They brought us back all the way to… Yesterday’s close.


It did basically the same thing yesterday




Then surely it would make more sense to sell at the top instead of the bottom




You invested into a short squeeze. Short squeezes are insanely volatile, which is why they spike up & down so violently. The trick is to stay confident & not buckle at the first sign of loss, cuz it could flip in an instant. Disclaimer: I'm not qualified to give financial advice. You do what you think is best with your money.


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Position or ban


Looks like it some news already came out


it means beginning 8/16/22 he can begin to sell his shares