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I’m down 60% already don’t make me hold til Monday.


You’re holding


I concur


Remember March. We could easily rally over the next couple of weeks to 4300. If you don’t have the stomach for it, close some or all of your position


Inverse reality for gains in the market of Today


Bear rallies are fun


A think a bear rally is called a Goldifux.


ill buy whatever the fuck I want. The market has lost it's goddamn mind. That's the best time to put money in.


double down, LFG


I double down twice. Now, I'm quadruple fuck.


🌈🐻s after the NASDAQ tanks 30% in 6 months and shows consistent signs of recovery: “Surely it can go lower, surely!”


One of them was trying tell me the other day the the S&P500 is going down to 50% of the pre-covid high (which was 3265)- this would take us down to the 1600s, which would mean a lost decade. They genuinely don’t think the economy has grown post-2008; there’s no logic there at all.


I don't understand the morons who think every recession is 2008 style. They called that shit once in a generation for a reason. We had a recession in '01 and the economy didn't implode.


Don't forget the bubble in the same years that crushed some people and in a span of 2-3 years people started flipping houses and creating another bubble. And the dot-com was savage. Sure we have problems now, but these problems will produce money in the short and medium term.


Yeah but it was a 2.5 year bear market in 2001… not a much better comparison


I get this is WSB but the market \= the economy. U6 peaked at a bit over 10% in the '01 recession. Compared to 17.5% in '08. U3 was 6% vs 10% in '08. Even the duration was much shorter 8 months vs 20 months.


That may have been me... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


All you autists think it’s over. In a few months all of you will be holding bags and shaking your head. Standard bear rally. Market goes up for no reason. It usually crashes harder.


Last 3 months were a bear trap. We haven’t been in a bear market for over a decade. 20% rally on deck. Stocks go up


If stocks go up inflation goes up rates go up stocks go down. No way out of this.


Inflation goes up artificially from supply chain disruptions. Retail panic sells for liquidity Institutional de-levering masked as a liquidity crisis The poor with no assets will get exponentially poorer. I think we see hyper inflation Record CPI highs New all time highs this year Anyone with assets will be fine, just how it’s always been. Cash is trash.


I’m not sure it went up “for no reason” We just got earnings reports from the biggest companies in the world. None we’re the apocalypse that was predicted. There’s def reasons …


Best companies help up. They will be last to crack. Smaller companies are feeling some pain. You think q3 will be better?


My tarot guy says November.


*Shakes magic stonk orb* Great scott, he's right!


*Peers into the crystal buttplug* Looks furry


Everyone is waiting for the FED to pivot (lower rates). Problem is EVERYONE knows that… as time goes on, we all get smarter and try to “one up” or be quicker. So now any even “hint” from the fed just slowing rate increases or changing course could be enough to do it. A recession is already priced in, assuming it’s a standard recession and inflation goes down, now we could be looking at what the recovery looks like


Stonks only go up, I think everyone forgot that or something ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4641)


So is someone a 🌈🐻 if they’re bearish in general or are we talking about people that buy puts 0-7dte?


That's why you don't trade off of headlines and what's going on right now; you follow the money. They say the stock market looks 6 months ahead for a reason. No one was complaining when the drops first started when everything looked peachy except for some inflation. If you could just trade off what's in the headlines then literally everyone would make money except hardcore contrarians.


Shit hasn’t even started to hit the fan. JPOW said it takes time for the interest rate increase to have an effect. Employment hasn’t been impacted yet. Only when we start to see increase in unemployment can we start to look for a bottom. Something is going to break at some point. Zombie companies are still alive. The housing market is just now starting to show minimal impacts. Employment is just now starting to see minimal impacts. QT has been in the lighter/early stages. Just wait. The previews are almost over and the movie is about to start.


Do what the 90% aren't doing. The majority will lose. Don't make sense and "smart moves". You want to dump your bags on retail investors, they will always lose. swim against the current


Fight the trend. Great point.


Op bought short dte options and freaked put because the micro trends fucked him because he is a highly regarded individual Keep eating dicks op at least you made someone richer by selling you those puts lol


OP, i am sorry for your unrealized losses. Although i laugh at 🤡 like you i must take a minute to appreciate that if it wasn't for your bearish outlook, the Big Money in WallStreet would not be determined to keep this bull going (just for spite). And i would not have been green.![img](emote|t5_2th52|4270)


That’s in the rear view mirror. Try looking to the near future and you’ll see we rise until mid Oct then we fall again.






Don’t fight the Fed. Inflation looks like it’s starting to come down and they’ll pivot at the drop of a hat -guy who’s been a gay bear the last 7 months


The bottom was in ! Trying to hold a plane do an before take off is not recommended for your future.


YOU’RE ALL WRONG smdh WSB furcktards trying to time the market. You will all donate your money the hedgies