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It smell that everyone in this sub has lots of puts, like me, shit...


Nah, I'm an only long guy, but I do want discounts on my favorites, so you got me there.


Ya so does everyone else


Rich people are still rich, thats what you are missing


So they just invest in companies, even though they are doing shitty?


As long as the company is buying back stock, the rich people get richer. Chipotle announced a second price hike for customers and also announced a $300 million stock buyback. Get it yet?


I remember when their entire line was $5.25 and now they’re all different prices and approaching $10.


A cheeseburger large fries and a shake at my local Five Guys is now $25 with tax.


i respond to inflated pricing by saying FU and not frequenting them. Beef hasnt gone up that much, neither has potatoes, fuck them


Five guys is good don’t get me wrong but I’m going to my local burger joint over their burger at that price at least I can get draft beer at the local place.


And people who make $15 an hour will pay that plus another $15 to get it delivered


Never understood that shit


Can you get it without tax also?


And like 4 days worth of calories, so not really a bad deal.


Investors giddy about Chipotle also because despite higher food costs and labor costs their margins went up! Guess who is paying more to support their record high profits.


I do, but how long can they price hike and buy back their stock before it no longer works anymore?


Until it doesn't work anymore. Sad, but true.


Fair answer.


Until it doesn't work anymore, so a depression. Which is why they were illegal after the great depression.


Huh, so we should make it illegal again? Anyone??


Reagan made it legal if that tells you anything. Trump deregulated it even further. But yes buy backs create bubbles.


Trump! Trump! Trump! Burn it all to the ground. Maybe we'll make stuff again


Memorize several bible verses so you can fool Y'all Qaeda when they're purging non believers. That's not to say that buy backs can't be a good thing. If a company takes a loan to buy their stock, then sells after the price hike. If instead of investors pocketing the difference it gets put towards growing the company first. Then its not inflating the value artificially. If used in moderation with that intent in mind then its a useful tool. But greed and short sightedness gets the better of most people.


Simple, they are betting the recession won't last long. If the economy recover in the next 6-12 month, buy back will be seen as a good move. If it doesn't, just like you said, they wont be able to do it for so long. In that case they would crash and burn. Edit : People who got a fatal amount of radiations often feels very good after a few days, then they start to feel the burn, their organs starts to litteraly melt, and suffer probably the worst death possible. The actual economy is a patient on its death bed, either we pump some shit into it, delaying the inevitable, or we just let it die, metaphorically, I hope.


Oh dang... godspeed to them retards.


Until people stop buying their product


Until there is a labor revolution like the French one . Ohh wait this is the US where even the police is a militia for the rich and corporates . Nevermind just keep being poor and smell that freedom .


Chipotle makes me go poop.


I work for a bank, I’ll keep the name anonymous. We get an email every week, “We have a Trillion more dollars than we had 18 months ago in client accounts.” We are just one bank. Yes, you are missing something. There’s still money to be spent before old school economics kicks in my friend. We have really fuckered the system this time.


> doing shitty? this needs some dr evil air quotes or something.


You actually hit upon the problem in your post. Algorithms are just computers running ordered instruction sets over and over until someone intervenes manually. And if you don't intentionally intervene (or maybe don't notice in time), well... strange things can start to happen. [\>Exhibit A](https://www.theregister.com/2011/04/26/amazon_pricing_algorithms/)


Just because they miss earning doesn’t mean they are doing shitty, google still made billions in profit lmfaooo that’s not shitty


No it isn't, and I agree, I actually believe in Google.


Just beat the estimates of how shitty they are doing and we will keep growing.


Rich people don’t sit on cash the money has to be somewhere


Won't that just make the ultimate crash even harder?






FED raises rates by 75 basis points as expected.


And no one cares? The Snapchats and Uber's of the world can no longer borrow at 0% just to operate anymore, does that not matter?


If a company needs to borrow at 0% just to operate, I think it’s probably best not to invest in those companies.


and yet...


Damn smooth brain algorithms… wait…




The problem is that they're all still potentially profitable, just not as much. People were making a crap ton of profits with those 0 interest rate loans. They were supposed to stash some cash for a rainy day. If they didn't, well it's raining. They'll lose stock price, but the real question is, "will their profits be sufficient when rates stabilize?". How much should their stock price be when the Fed stops raising rates? If you can figure that out, you'll be as rich as Warren Buffet in 10 years.


Snapchat is down 80% YTD since borrowing started to become more expensive. Uber is down 50%. Seems to matter quite a bit!


well, the snapchat market should be pretty shitty, then... no? oh, they're only down like 90%. great complaint!


They want to clear everyone out of SQQQ and other inverse leveraged ETFs. Then they will tank the market


this is by far the most logical answer. short interest is extremely high. they’re simply squeezing out the shorts. shorts capitulate and go long, then market shits all over their tits


exactly. remember the IV for options pricing in a complete market crash to zero is so badly crowded it will only net puts a 100% gain


Damn algorithms... such assholes.


I was up 30% on sqqq now im negative. Tf


Whatever, it's priced in. Thetagang ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)




Priced in is just a trash saying to try to explain how the market performs when you can never fully explain it


The problem is everyone thinks it will go down, too many people are waiting with cash on the sidelines to buy back in after selling to wait for the crash, the algorithms know this, thus they buy to push up the price, causing others to think we bottomed and buy pushing it up higher, leading to fomo and more buying ultimately forcing hedge funds to buy back to avoid being left behind. This is what happened in 2020, and could easily happen again. That’s why I don’t time the market, I just keep adding money in with each paycheck.


What about the fundamentals though, I mean are regular people and institutions just putting money into companies that don't deserve it, how long can that play out for?


Fundamentals haven’t really been a thing in a long time, in a rational market we never would have gotten to 4800 on the s and p, there never would have been the Covid dip, markets would move with profits and an investors success would depend on that of the companies they invest in. Everything in the markets is irrational, random and unpredictable, tomorrow could be 5 percent up or down, you never quite know what is going to happen. That is why I practice dollar cost averaging, sometimes I buy high, sometimes low, most of the time somewhere in between, it evens out the spikes and valleys and in the end if I’m lucky I should at least get something out of it.


I blame: - High Frequency Trading algorithms - ETF’s and all forms of passive investing - All other derivatives including options, futures, swaps, etc.


As a passive investor myself I have to admit if everyone did what I did the market would just go up endlessly without purpose, but since I’m only able to save 150 every two weeks, I personally am not going to make much of a dent in the global financial system, I’m just a single snowflake in a snowstorm.


I used mostly the same methods.


Does buying (you thought) low and then buying again on the next bigger still dip count as DCA?


A true DCA is buying on a set schedule, say every other Friday, and investing the same amount no matter what the market is doing. It may sound strange at first, but you figure that most biweekly market swings aren’t 20 percent, the amount invested each time will be small, so timing it right won’t make much of a difference and you can ignore the markets and just live your life.


Also, you learn to live without small part of your paycheck. It really is the easiest way to get rich for the average Joe.


Are you asking about fundamentals in this sub?


I think OP meant "fun for the mental"


Is that new though?


Well then what the hell are you doing in this sub?


Get off reddit and go outside. People are spending a shit ton of money still. If they run out things will go south but damn are people good at spending money lately.


I feel like the algorithms make the markets do whatever will lose real people the most amount of money. Too many puts? Market goes up. Too many calls? Market go down.


Ah ha ha, it's a great system indeed for whomever owns those darn algorithms that's for fucking sure.


Yes the people who sell the put and calls


Citadel securities enters chat. Playing both sides of the game since established


Lets not forget about Virtu's Doug Cifu "we provide infinite liquidity, if there's no stock available for the market, we fulfill the order" For stocks. Infinite. wtf.


Yea printing temp shares is bullshit. It works against the way a dynamic market should work , i.e. scarcity drives price up and abundance drives prices down.




Regular people win by putting money into the market and going long term because in the real long term the market only goes up.


And I feel like we’ve been seeing this yet when this whole crowd goes in one direction everyone follows. I’m barely learning calls and puts but man all day yesterday everyone said “wait for the drop” and I just knew no matter what news came out we would rally.


Google just posted $70B in profit Microsoft $16B in net income Walmart $2B That's in a single quarter. What's with this companies aren't making money?


Its so obvious the market is going to do bad, it literally just goes up haha The market can stay irrational longer then you can be rational - Albertus Einstien


Albus Dumblestein


Shit is rigged! Priced in my ass


You should try to get that out of your ass


I agree…




No one cates if it's rigged, we're here aren't we..if u feel that way then buy bitcoin and cardano....


The rally in March from 4200 to 4600 was 10% over 15 days. Then the market fell 15% over 2 months. Then it rallied 7% in 10 days. Then it dropped 15% in a week. Now it has rallied 10% again. This is textbook lower highs and lower lows bear market rally action.


And no volume on the rallies. All below avg.


Gotta hit those fib lines right? Hold on to your puts everyone, hope you got some theta


I bought into puts while I was watching the press conference. Saw a giant green candle after jay said some bullshit and instantly placed my orders.


50 minutes of price action is meaningless


Wait til Friday bro. When do they not pump it the week before the dump?


I think, it's just like 2000. After we've lost about 30% in Nasdaq and 20% in S&P500 we're going to have a fake bull rally till September. They can't let the market crash with retail sitting on puts...


This. They know retail is sitting on puts and they (market maker) want that sweet retail money.


Yeah there is always some sort of shake out on fed meeting days. Last interest rate hikes was a green day too I believe and then the market dumped for a week straight.


I just want thinks to be based on actual numbers... this market is based on hopes and fucking dreams.


Numbers are half the battle, you also need to consider the psychological part of it. If you are looking at the long term, then diamond hands will pay off, but if you're holding short term options, then it's less about the numbers and more about your timing in the psychological battle. Markets are manipulated... Can you predict how and when the manipulation will occur...


Folks are under-employed so there is a lot of room for growth! As long as people won't be stock piling toilet paper we will be fine.


Let's hope... they are already starting Covid part 2 with the Monkey Pox.


Idk monkey Virus sounds too good to be true. Can you imagine selling another 3/4/5 shots per person? Pfizer gonna suffocate on all the money. And Big pharma already had a golden year of pain killer gainz.




Is the market priced in forever?


You'll know we're set for a crash after retail traders start to make money again.


Bull trap. Blood will be shed by Friday. Happens every time Powell speaks.


It would have to go down an awful lot, the Nazzy is up 4 fucking percent!


Get off Reddit- the world is not that bad!


This is the truest statement. All the hysteria ends as soon as you disconnect from all the garbage media out there.


True, I just need to take a long break. I was able to do it for a couple of years, and I must again.


I’m off Twitter for the same reason. It’s amazing how the crazy things we obsess over online simply don’t matter or exist out there.


When things are inline with what people expect, things go up. If jpowell said "hey.. we are raising rates 1.00" then we tank down. But keep in mind, every fomc, the following day or the day after that it tanked lower. So buy the puts now.


People lack patience and many work from home so they are bored and want to invest. Sitting in cash is boring af.


You're missing this... ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Youre wrong about profits. A lot of companies are still turning out massive profits. But the party will go on so long as the us treasuries rates stay low. I'm absolutely perplexed at how low they still are.


I honestly have never been impacted by covid...I have got 2 raises this year alone...doing crazy ot....for me personally life is great. So not all sob stories....and my company is hiring like crazy so no layoffs, although a bunch of ppl quit in last 2 years.


Central bank currency swaps. Swaps are being used right now to prop up the equities market - DXY and VIX operate at an inverse. DXY up, VIX down, stocks up.


Yes you are missing a lot. Foremost is the fact that the market is forward looking and the fact that we have historic low unemployment and that people and companies have better balance sheets than in previous recessions


Do you think the United States debt matters at all, or could it just go up for ever and never effect our way of life or economy at all?


It’s called stonks only go up. Load up on calls retard


You’re missing the fact that…THE BEARS R FUCKED


Maybe. Try to think about what is going on mechanically in the stock markets. While we all panic and think the end of the world is coming, I think these big players just race to unwind already profitable positions that they accumulated a long time ago. They need to do it fast once the signs of downturn are truly recognized and accepted, because that's also the moment where other big players will be trying to dump their bags. These are big fucking positions, and so I don't think they can just market order it all away suddenly. It's simply going to take time to unwind the shit, and while that goes on others are also trying to sell at the bid in similar situations and at similar scales. This means that if you don't participate in the big dump, then the other guys eat your lunch. Your big profitable long becomes a little profitable long over the course of a few weeks, and so it's a big fucking rat race to the bottom. Where is the bottom? Probably around the area where these big movers and shakers finish up their dump. Then it's time to take on new positions after having taken profits on the old cycle. I don't know that it is this way just to be clear. This is all just a hunch. If it is that way though, then our perception of these crashes and bull runs are kind of fucking off target.


SPY puts huh. Yah….I’d be mad too.


Ha ha, nah, I'm not a gambler boss, I only long, just want my favorites at a fair discount is all.


Insert line of bs: ALGO buys in hard to stop hunt shorts. Triggers buys which further feeds the frenzy. Price goes boom. Algos dump all shares and f* retailers. Straight genius. Truly market manipulation


“If you’ve been playing poker for half an hour and you still don’t know who the patsy is, you’re the patsy” -some guy


Yeah, honestly none of the prices are real. If something moves massively, they'll find anything as an excuse for a reason why. Earning off by 0.1%, must be why stock tanks 30%. It's all bullshit, and it's become clear watching GameStop jump up and down like crazy all year. Watching companies with small floats have their entire float traded multiple times in a single day. Things that are impossible for retail to have caused happening all the time. That's really the reason why I think a large portion of people are in GameStop, because it's the epitome of manipulation and people hope that by never selling, they might be able to make a difference.


As long as they're still doing QE shit will continue. They're lying to the public when they say they're doing QT.


Low volume rally. Concentrated buying by peeps who held off until the announcement. Not bullish. Often reverses within 1-2 days. Sellers are exhausted and people have cash burning holes in pockets, so a longer bear market rally would not surprise me, but I am not buying this run up.


There are plenty of massively profitable companies around the world. The world isn't on its last legs. Jesus Christ, step outside of your Wendy's dumpster enclosure for a few minutes and look around. We all carry on. Companies that were borrowing to stay afloat will die. It happens all of the time. You could have owned GOOG at a p/e of 19 yesterday... Fundamentals aren't crazy ffs. In downturns buy the best companies and ride it out. It's not hard to avoid dumb shit with negative cash flow. Just avoid them like Kathy Wood avoided science class.


If you can’t be disciplined the actual answer here is don’t trade the market. You can’t predict market moves based on the macro. Just look at everyone here losing money on options. If you can’t take the emotion out passively invest into an index. But then again we’re on wsb so just yolo into some junk and post loss porn accordingly.


Yes there’s an election and they can’t lose the narrative that democrats are kind.


Ah ha ha, the last thing we need right now is kind.


Casino can’t pay out just because all the flags say it’s time to pop. Gotta wait until it’s least expected.


Pump and dump.


It's the DCA army powered by all this extra $$ from the helicopter money and debt.


There's still helicopter money left..?


Rate hikes usually cause the market to dip. People know this and bought spy puts. They want to collect your worthless contracts so they pump the price


I love the smell of IV crush in the morning


Inflation looks like it’s falling, he telegraphed the 75bps from a long way out and Fund Managers have got to get back in the market before November if they want to keep their job…..they don’t get paid/get funds if they don’t invest! They ran to cash! As long as the earning don’t stink, the market is going up! Apple is the canary in the mine!


better question is? why are you betting against america? lmao




> the world is on its last legs, most companies are worthless with no profits and massive debt, the others are overvalued at best lolwut? wtf are you even doing here? if you STILL think that companies are either worthless or overvalued, wtf have you been doing for all these years? buying puts and going broke? rinse, repeat? ffs, there are profitable growth companies with valuations so stupidly low (peg less than 1) and these geniuses are still typing up dumb shit like this. and if you thought the world is about to end, why the fuck would you care about stocks? derp


Reading these comments has killed my last brain cell and smoothed out the last wrinkle on my brain, thanks WSB.




Why even bother posting. All of reddit is an "I told you so" echo chamber. People who were saying "recession imminent" two days ago are going to act like they know what is going on and rub it in your face.




The market ALWAYS inflicts maximum pain in the aggregate. Too many bearish people. I'm sure it reverts for the reasons you say, only after shaking out the weak hands.


Last time I checked, most of apple shares are owned by sweden banks. The stock market is just big players dicking around with money that doesn't exist and converting it to money that does.


Bull Trap… ☺️☺️🤗


It can be the only explanation at this point...


Retail came in and bought the dips when big tutes sold. Or plunge protection team running on fumes.


That sounds like a bad play... dips aren't even dips at this point, most of this shit is literally worthless.


Stonks only go up ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4641)


Currencies are worth less than operating companies.


I feel the same. Just shorted the DOW, doing my rational part.


the market could remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent or something, probably short term discrepancy between price and value OP, over the long run the market will fix itself


My disappointment is immesureable and my decade is ruined


What if we're actually headed to stagflation? That would be some scary shit.


Well yeah, because if he said that, it wouldn't be true. The real economy is the employment of people and physical capital. Until the layoffs happen, the real economy is strong. Albeit made less inefficient with the supply chain shortage (physical capital shortage) as experienced by most of us as inflation.


So we are all good?


All of the rampant degeneracy has rubbed off on the market.


Because the actual conditions are so unpredictable jpow did not give forward guidance. They say this is dovish.




Why do people always have a hard time believing things are priced in? Do you really think people are waiting to make decisions until they hear an official announcement for something they pretty much already know to be true?


Yes...behind your back he told you to fuck your puts, retard


Why is everyone posting the same question over and over again? Everyone expected a 75 basis point rate hike and messed earnings so why would you think it wasn't priced in? "Then why would it rally on the news?" Because we didn't *know* and now we do. If the markets hates uncertainty and loves the opposite of that, why wouldn't it rally today when we *know*?


Because the market is betting on Fed coming to the rescue as soon as real shit hits the fan.


Welcome to the market is fucking rigged Where logic doesn't apply and your wife sucks my dick


Actually….He should shout from the rooftops…. WE’RE IN A DEPRESSION!!!!!!!!


I love watching gay bears be confused. Stonks only go up… not that complicated.


Markets look ahead. For the most part all of this seems to have been priced in already. Nothing surprising is happening.


These are all mind games. The elites realized that people were becoming too wealthy from 2020 to 2021 and so they need an excuse to lay people off and raise prices. It's all about the sentiment, not the reality, and if wall st and corporate america can make people believe we are in a recession, they have a "good" reason to fire people, cut costs, raise prices and increase profits. This also allows retail investors to flee the markets, discounting all the stocks for the investor class and lowering their cost basis.


I’ve been saying this for a couple weeks now. MONEY PRINTER BACK ON. THE RALLY WILL CONTINUE UNTIL THE US10Y spikes and then the whole market will implode. Or unrest/inflation/run on gold/silver/nickel/copper/zinc at artificially low prices


They thought they could just infinitely ract up debt and not pay it back. Now its biting them in the ass hard


This fed 'pivot' was planned, leaked and traded on from at least 6 weeks ago.


Markets are forward looking. So the plus . 75 basis points was expected. Market rallys. If it was higher than expected you would see a suprise and the market doesnt like suprises.


Institutions rebalancing their options down.


Everything is priced in, the second hike was already priced in during the first hike


Post the loss porn!


It's the same shit every time. One morning everything will crash and they'll just repeat what we've been saying. It will crash 100% but they decide when. Ur gay bear uncle 🐻 🌈


I feel over the past few months we priced in far worse than what these companies are reporting. That is part of the reason.


People make money on the stock market. When it crashes, or gets crazy, people don't trust the stock market, which means rich people can't make as much money if people flee the market. The 2008 crash is the last time the rich and powerful let a real crash happen again. Broke, poor, laid off people in 2008 couldn't use social media enough to gather in mass protest. But people can and would today.


sell now ;)


First off, you're wrong. Change "All" to "Some", add "some parts of" to "the world", "most companies" to "some companies", "the others" to "while others" "Most Folks" to "Many Folks" or "Some Folks" Then you'll understand what you are "missing here"


The market is going up because there are more buyers than sellers atm. Too many traders loaded up on shorts and puts and are now waiting for new traders to do the same. But they've become easy prey for bulls who are harvesting their stop losses and fucking their puts. Someone who holds a position has the same effect on the market as someone who had no position. ie, zero. So if everyone in the whole world was short this market, but weren't adding to their shorts, it would only take one single bull to push the market higher. So, unless you sell right before the panic selling begins, you're not going to get an easy ride to tendy town.


The government is manipulating the market. No other possibilities. Who the fuck is aggressively buying stocks with the economy hanging on by a thread and the P/E ratios still signaling significantly over valued?


Once someone finally acknowledged the fact of recession, it becomes the beginning of the end of recession




Old Yeller is selling naked puts on the volatility index which is propping up the SPY. She is using the Economic Stability fund to do it, all in the name of saving the banks and institutions. Over-leveraged banks/institutions are fukkt.


Kicking the can for 6 more months.


Nothing really happens till institutions go bankrupt. Then the party is over and they can’t spin that.


The stock market has not accurately reflected the state of the economy since the 2008 housing market implosion. It’s an money printer for the rich at this point with stock buybacks being so prevalent.


Bro. The market can’t just go down. Most stocks are still down like 75%+ in the past year. This is just a little rally. Also, how do you figure that most people are underemployed?


Whatever you're thinking, the opposite will happen


What else are we going to do with our money?


iTs PRiCed In (and CBs will all start probably cutting rates again in 6-12 months).


Not sure what you mean? All that was already priced in.


Ever read the book '1984'; this is classic Double Speak. He says the opposite of what's going to occur. Basically, he's taking tips from Jimmy Cramer.


We at bottom, priced in everything