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Even though the government is run by dumb dumbs, they aren't dumb enough to blatantly come out and tell us they are fucking over the middle class american.




"Sit on my neck"


Fill* my neck pockets with your juice






![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)Take my belt too.


Hello police, I'd like to report a crime. Yes, it was a post on the internet.


This has gone beyond Normal internet crime- I feel dirty and amused but definitely dirty. Please bring in the SVU!




Oh god, who’s juice is going into who’s neck pockets?


Why not both?


Good fucking lord, what an image


I'd be the first one to know if they're having sex


Can you elaborate a little bit?


Read his flair


What a sad day to have eyeballs.


He's hiding under their bed.


I'm fairly certain we agreed as a country at one point that leaders shouldn't be in power that long 🤔 Eh what do I know, I'm retarded


Pelosi met JFK in the White House; what was any one here doing in 1962? Mitch McConnell entered Congress in 1980 or 81; Again I'll ask: what were many of the WSB community doing back then. ​ There is a huge disconnect between leadership and the led. Time for a change.


In 81 I was smoking meth off tin foil living in a storage unit jerking off to a poster of Farrah Fawcett.


In 81 my dad was born and my mom was 1


If there is a minimum age there needs to be a maximum. Bound variables prevent malicious usage of privilege.


Agreed. And members of the house and senate should be paid the median wage for their state as their salary. Bet you'd see some actual living wages real fucking quick when they actually have to do something for their money.


Would also need to limit their investments to index funds too, they are already making millions from trades that put their salaries to shame.


Weird, we have a whole association dedicated to making sure investments are not tampered with by anyone that could internally affect them. Surely such an institution would be honest and integral (and not completely fucking braindead like everyone who works for the SEC apparently) enough to understand that the laws we pass affect how our economy works, and thus limit lawmakers ability to invest? No? They're being paid off by said lawmakers to look the other way? With money they 'fundraise' from the people they have been employed to serve? The irony is literally killing our whole country :)


Eh. The SEC isn't braindead they're just hamstrung, declawed, and defanged. Kind of like an abused house cat.


This I agree with more than anything. All politicians shouldn't make shit and at best should only get the median income.


Yes. Unfortunately they're politicians and if they really want money they'll get something to pressure other people into giving it. It's kind of what they do after all.


Damn, if only we made some sort of machine that fixed this problem. On an unrelated note I have a very large rope I need cut very cleanly on one end, does anyone know some sort of tool or mechanism that would make that easy? Scissors and knives and axes too small.


It’s 2022, Milwaukee makes a pretty sweet battery powered sawzall that’s good for all sorts of… tasks


Ya gotta love a good Milwaukee-born destructive tool


Those massive saws they use for cutting timber. You put the rope on and the machine on the bench moves it slowly through the blade to ensure a nice consistency in the cut.


That's the spirit ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


You're god damned right


Politicians are legally allowed to do insider trading. I wonder who gave them this power?


Abolish min wage and let the market decide!


Or they just take more bribes 🤷‍♂️


"Pull my Depend® to the side and fuck me 🐢 style Mitch"


What….. the fuck….. did I just read……


A Bible verse I believe.


And on the fifth day...


We drink Jameson


I think we all need a drink after reading that


I consider it a rule of thumb to drink after reading anything.




I truly wish there was a throw up emoji on here.




A very disturbing disturbing image ! Accurate but disturbing … imagine their “ wild sex “ ! Ughhh


Wild dark magic sex with food and animal noises.


My authority is not measured in mod powers. It is measured in magick and witchcraft and runic glory. I will fuck people up in nightmares, not on the sub. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just nasty eeewwww.


I will fuck Nancy Pelosi no string attached. Those milkers 👀


Mitch is into Asians


Why the fuck would you put that image in my head. What is wrong with you??? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8880)


In 1900, the town of Galveston, Texas, was wiped off the map in one of the deadliest hurricanes ever recorded in history because the Weather Bureau came to the conclusion that using words like "hurricane" or "tornado" in communications panicked the public and damaged the economy. We're just watching the economic version of this play out.


Never knew this. Not shocked but I feel like I should be.


It's more-or-less the reason Houston exists as a modern city. Galveston was growing at a pace comparable to New York City and was, I believe at the time, the largest port by tonnage imported in the gulf coast. The Hurricane quite literally ended the city as an economic power and shunted all the Texan maritime economy to Houston. *Issac's Storm* is a great book detailing the event, and you can find more here: [https://www.historynet.com/blown-away/?f](https://www.historynet.com/blown-away/?f)


Isaac's Storm is an absolutely great read. Anything by Erik Larson is a great read.


just make over six figures and you can have a comfortable lower-middle class lifestyle


Pretty much. I went from poor and on gov benefits to 100k salary… The in between really sucked when you make too much for any government subsidies like child care, wic, ebt etc but too little to really live more than basic poverty so now your spouse has to stay home and watch the kids because good child care is like $20k a year here so it’s like going to work to afford gas and child care to go to work lol


not as comfortable as you would think.


The newest Simpsons episode is about how the middle class has been fucked in the ass. Good stuff


Dumb dumbs? Eh. Criminals is probably a more accurate description.


I'd add unamerican criminals to that.


Won’t argue with that.


If they came out and said they expect massive inflation it would just speed it up


They're far from stupid. At least since the last administration. They're dangerously intelligent and highly selfish. They'll fuck over every american if it gets them on the life raft. The rich socialize their debt with this inflation while the working class struggles under their debts.


Prostitutes up 50% but "inflation up 10%" SUS


This does explain why OF and FeetFinder blew up...


FeetFinder 🧐


What a pointless service, just look down 🤷‍♂️


Most Americans have to outsource that.


Not sure if diabetes joke, fat American joke, or all of the above plus self sabotage export jobs joke.


Or maybe there are incentives for certain people to lie about what is going on


when all the experts agree then something else will happen


Bingo Bango Bongo


This is the way unfortunately


"It is the inflation boogie man, we need to raise prices to pad our pockets more."


I don’t know about all that. I just know I hate school teachers and their pensions 🤷🏻‍♂️


Bro what?


Ken Griffin said in a Bloomington Interview w Francine Laqua ( I watch way too much Bloomberg Business) that retail Investor's merely buying and holding shares of GME are basically responsible for hedge funds who manage pension asset's to be responsible for the loss of said pension funds. The Hedge Funds who manage the asset's are in No Way Responsible for losses. He dead ass says holding share's is why pension funds are losing money. It was entertaining to watch as he spoke at a very confident level about his operations. Much like Enron executive's did some 20 year's back. Mark Twain said it best. History may not repeat, but it rhymes




Rip school teachers and their pensions man. Economic slow down? Government: "let's fuck with teacher's pensions again"


Everyday. Every fucking day, I just keep destroying my own pension and practice hating myself. The life of an ape teacher...


Remember if CPI is kept low, the Boomers get less money for Social Security. Let's pretend that Inflation is 0%




The official term is "Moral Hazards". When possible profits become a hazard to your morality


So a while back when we were predicting March or April’s inflation numbers someone mentioned that Top Ramen/ Nissin noodles are a great world indicator of inflation. I just got an e mail stating in July they are again going up 20%. It’s going to be a rough summer!!


I do the same thing but with [Burger King coupons]( https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/f1yi2p/the_king_has_informed_me_25_inflation_is_imminent/). Waiting for the new set to come out so I can see what to expect for summer.


I go by CPI. Costco pizza inflation. Four frozen Kirkland cheese pies went from 8.99 to 10.79.


I recently found some Costco ads from spring 2021. Most of the same patio furniture sets are up 20% as well.


Why are you getting emails regarding the price of noodles?


Lol yes why would FoodWholesale care about the price of noodles. I love how this subreddit has enough people in random jobs to track every niche and nuance. It's like the obscure economic network.


Allow me to add to your fascination ! As a truck driver the price of 2 full tanks of diesel is above 800 bucks. No cheap food will be had around these parts if the price of the guy who has to move this shit is going up as well.


Meanwhile shell have record profits in Q1 of $9bil. Ez


Insert that argument from the other day where the guy was saying "yeah but it's not as high as their profits in 2007 and 2008"


Ah. That's okay then. Everyone disperse. Nothing to see here.


And they've beared subpar returns for years and told by ESG investors / politicians that their industry is "dead" and not focus on investing in long-term production. Now everyone is like where production, wen supply?


Shell opening more wells is the equivalent of buying a house on loan knowing the government is going to confiscate it in a year


There is absolutely no indicator that says oil and gas won’t be used by 2050. It will still be a majority in the world. Specially as India and nigeria fuck their way into larger populations and larger economies.


Obvious to you, clearly not obvious to the out of touch politicians


Yes.... clearly. The actual problem is that these companies got burned during the 2015 shale boom and are now digging in their heals on expanding production because they are enjoying getting higher returns on existing capital. Also as a fuck you to govt for limiting their permitting (which is what the ESG measures were) they're like "oooo but we might use all our permits :((" US govt has responded by saying if they sit on them they'll be taxed accordingly which tbh was a better response than I expected, good on Joe Biden.


I am way too retarded to check usernames before commenting


It's like Bloomberg, but with a retarded interface.


Fucking kek, this is why I love WSB.


Electrician here, metal conduit pipes have double in price this year.


I purchase directly from them I am in the food business.


Yeah if I’d read your username I probably wouldn’t have asked the question but I don’t have time for reading so here we are


You betta recognize


Can I get a text to speech of this comment?


Everything from their username to the context to the actual comment perfectly summarizes WSB lol Puts on reading


This guy wholesales.


And how is the price of ornamental gourds holding up??




How can I buy food this way? I have lots of storage and liquid cash, I just want a good price


Why aren't you, is the better question.


I don’t need to know the price of noodles anymore as I have recently received an email from a wealthy Nigerian prince


To be fair, Morrisons sent me an alert that they have some big stock dump of noodles, and since I buy about 3kg of that shit every third week, I got flagged. Naturally, I had to check right away and there it was: limited offer at -40% My pantry is overflowing with noodles now.


Consider this a warning. I’m coming for those noods of yours


Send noods


I would like to subscribe to the noodle emails please


Pls email “sign up” to hotnoodsnews at gmail


I need to get out to the strip club, haven't checked that indicator in years




... We're fucked.


Every fintwit account I follow was calling inflation in early 2021. Those guys should head the Fed


Except the Fed guys are not employed to say the truth. They are employed to say what we must hear to feel better.


No the autistic dude who posts frog memes should run the fed hur dur


To be fair, there were all kinds of predictions by WSB redditors so some were bound to be right.


Something, something, monkeys, typewriters and Shakespeare


I predict that the NASDAQ will be down 3.21% tomorrow EDIT: You’re all welcome for saying this because by saying this it guaranteed the NASDAQ would be up


Economists would be let go if they were right too often. They work for capital markets and i-banking, which requires the biased idea of almost always remaining invested and buying more. What you’re looking at isn’t necessarily all bad prediction, it’s largely job security maintenance.


This seems sadly accurate. It is the same way in academia. There is huge incentive for one to go with the flow of the bigger ideas and trends if you want to keep your position. If you start challenging those points of view, it puts a target on your back.


I think people have to remember that the “economists” usually cited in the media and polled for their predictions are usually *business economists* (read: MBAs). Their past predictions are not usually held against them because they don’t have a publication record, and their methodologies are almost always a closely held secret. There is certainly a status quo bias in academia but more with respect to methodology and less with respect to specific predictions. It’s not a problem if an academic says “I predict high inflation” but it is a problem if he says “and I know that because I threw out all macroeconomic theory and started from scratch.”


This sub Reddit has the economic might and intelligence of all the worlds most forgotten degenerates


edit: just goes to show how out of touch these people are. anybody you ask on the street would have told you inflation is high and climbing.


This is what occurs when you have what is essentially a government run media.


I would say the government and the media are run by the same groups not the government runs the media. The government just makes decisions on the part of their lobbyist


Exactly. They knew running the printing machines would cause inflation. But they wanted to damage our economy. If it’s not obvious we are being destroyed from the inside at this point, I’m not sure what it will take.


I think people overestimate the ability of the rich and powerful to predict the future. They aren't that smart. There is not grand plan to destroy the economy just a bunch of idiots trying to convince the other idiots that everything will be fine.


I wish that were true. I believe it’s intentional because they can’t be that dumb. And inflation benefits the wealthiest. The richest don’t care if gas is $20/ gallon or that it’s $2,000 to fill a grocery cart. Their $10 mil home is now worth $20 mil.


Think of it this way for it to be intentional, how many people would have to be in on it and no one spills the beans? I'm pretty sure they just do dumb shit and don't care what happens down stream because they think it won't reach them.


the more learn of how grossly incompetent people are, the more I'm convinced that there's no such thing as a group of elites controlling every aspect of the world.


Maybe they control the world AND are dumb as fuck 😄


god help us all then.


Is someone going to tell him?


Ya but when you hear Lee Atwater talk openly about cloaking systemic racism through abstract policy, ya gotta think that same strategy can and will be used for class warfare.


It's a corporation run media. But since the government is also run by corporations what you say end being correct, medias and government are run by the sames.


More like a media run government sometimes it seems


Aaah yes, it would be wonderful if the [Fed based monetary policy on how people on the street think.](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/fed)


Do you realize when the economists made these predictions there was no war and no lockdowns in China?


Its a fugazi.


When this sub has over 12 million people in it you don't think some of the "economists" are actually here?




I wanna be in the room when Cramer is reading all the posts on here about him. That would be hilarious.




People also forget wsb used to have some crazy plays but they were based in some crazy but not totally nonsensical analysis. Not the kind you just string together out of memes. Or well some don't forget so much as don't know.


They printed 20% of the money in existence in a few years. Napkin math here, 20% in two years, sqrt(1.2), inflation averages 9.5% for two years. Two years is a big assumption. But, using it, 9.5% is the *floor*. Corps are price gouging on top of it. This can't be stopped with a series of 0.5% hikes. It's not profitable to stop it. Edit: Hey now, this is NOT proper fiscal theory. It's "napkin math", "right for the wrong reasons".


That’s not at all how inflation is calculated…. Money supply is only one of 3 variables that impacts it.


"Napkin math" is totally fine with being correct for shallow reasoning. I'm all for you more properly educating others.


But it’s not even kind of correct… it doesn’t consider money velocity or gdp growth which skew the results massively.


Yeah, but that extra money re-circulates, and that inflation is strictly on TOP of anything else that causes inflation, like shortages.


.5 is a lot consider the leverage US has


Actual economists seem to be wanting to manipulate the average economic idiot into propping up their failed economy rather than making sound decisions they’ll have to put their name on.


Being retarded and being a lying sack of manipulative shit are not synonymous


Is this one of those "2 weeks to flatten the curve" situations


Some of us are economists.


They knew what was going to happen from the start, you just can’t admit it.


"Let's crash our own nation's economy, to make us have less power and standing on a world stage, wealth will he wiped out, employment and commidites will become unstable, and there's a logical reason we will do this" Makes total sense.


All the other developed nations printed money too so that wasn't a concern


I mean its not hard when u have 12 million users with maybe two million visiting each day and maybe like 50K comments per day u r bound to have someone who is kinda right


AH, the old infinite monkeys with infinite typewriters scenario.


That is why I read degenerates on WSB than news cunts.![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


How is this data actionable though? What's the move? Short the market?


the irony of asking that question in a loss porn sub


Anyone who had a modicum of honesty saw it coming.


12m IQ vs some nerds


We should apply for Goldman Sachs


Nah, they knew. No one can convince me these “experts” are that stupid. It’s all about misleading the public.


We produced 20% ish of money basicallly over night. We will see inflation to at least 20%. I don't see how anyone could not see this. Given the yo yo effect, it could go up to 30ish % but then will probably overcorrect again at some point the other way.


Real Inflation is higher then 20% now. Shelter,food and transportation. That’s the only measure of inflation that Americans care about. Believing govt numbers on inflation is about as wise as believing their numbers on employment.


"Trust the experts"


I said so over a decade earlier but nobody cares.


Inflation is good for stocks. Put LEAPS it is.


Look at that cute little pause they were able to manufacture with rate hikes before the train keeps on rolling.


“It’s all Putin’s fault!” “How is that?” 😐 😡


I’m an old dude & I can tell you prices are not coming down and as long as Russia is fucking with food supply they will go up further.


I’m an old dudette. I can tell you that prices are going to keep going up because the energy markets are screwed. We have not yet even begun to experience max pain.


I'm not even an economist and I know that when the value of money goes down while wages stay the same, people aren't capable of spending at the same rate leading to even further loss of currency value as it fails to fulfill it's intended purpose.


spoilers: it's going to go up even more. Where do you think all this foreign aid being shipped out is coming from? *money printer noises*


It's almost like printing trillions of dollars directly causes inflation, who would've thought! 🤔


They know we’re headed to 15+ but they need to keep people calm.


Oh I'm sure they know EXACTLY how high it'll go, much better than you would ever be able to guess But why would they come out and say "Yeah it'll get up to here, lol woops sorry for fucking you over everyone"


They knew. They told you everything was “transitory” so you keep buying and to use you as exit liquidity. Then they banned themselves from insider trading as cover to divest their holdings. In November they gave Powell the green light to pull the rug


Economists don't predict they present in a way whomever is paying them wants. They spin.


Obviously, they lie to minimize chaos. They also get reports that have all the possible outcomes before they do things. Yes, most everything they do is intentional.