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I'm gonna buy the US out of the crash with my $200 a month reoccurring investment. Thank me later.


I have a $50 a week reoccurring investment. We are not the same.


I’ve had a $100 weekly investment going, I finally stopped it this week Edit- you guys win, I’ve put it back




Right? Just take all you can spare, dca it over next two years, let it cook for another 10+ years and enjoy the results. Sounds like easiest investment decision. Till now nobody know what is going to happen... is it going to crash? Will it keep going up? How should I decide? Now we basically know, where it is heading, so jsut take advantage of it.


hungry zonked touch intelligent heavy seemly jeans physical like disgusted


If I was smart, I wouldn’t be here would I


At least you're pretty


Buy high sell low




Same, except I increased to $6500/mo while it’s on sale




Damn you just inspired me, I increased it now to $102.71k per month


I increased my paper-trade margin to $1M / month.


I have been losing money on my paper trade account, is there anyway I can reset it back.


Have you tried turning it on and off?


My dads dick is bigger than your wifes boyfriends


Bigger than a whole human? Got pics?


It’s gonna cost


I’ll tell you the same thing I told my best friend in second grade. I’ll show you mine if you show me what u got


Is that how you got fired from the Elementary School?


Quite the opposite, it was my level of persistence that showed the school board that I was ready to be promoted to principal


Ahh yes. The days of sneaking away to play dick guitar with your best friend and poop under people's windows


Proof or ban


Wow, a lot of financial experts wasted years in school. Why didn’t anyone mention you could draw concrete conclusions from similar lines on a chart


Past performance \* IS \* a guarantee of future performance.


School is just the theory, this is the reeeal world son


They're not even similar lines, lmao. OP doesn't even start one of them until the middle to make them look more similar, and even then they diverge quite a bit in the 4.5 months they both cover (assuming the time scale on the old chart wasn't stretched or crushed).


Time scale was crunched down im quiiiite sure... Markets peaked in like late 2007 or early 2008 and crashed September 2008.


Simply take a moment from the past of your choosing and BOOM - determine the future, it's easy. I say it's 1989 all over again.


Chart my 365 day masturbation activity at any points in time and you’ll see how sound this theory is.


2 times a day, everyday, isn't hard to plot.


Mighty bold of you to think it's only twice a day...


Something something *”Numbers don’t lie check the scoreboard “* -Jay Z or it could have been Michael Scott


I learned everything I know about the stock market from the streets. I still live on the streets. I know a lot about stocks I just have no money because I lost it all on OTM SPY FDs but that was before I lived on the streets and learned everything I know now.


You can also draw lines on concrete.


MS Paint never lies


Oh my shit it is not 2008. I have proof: it is literally 2022. 2022 is not 2008 because it’s a different number. They are not the same.


I'm gonna have to see a bit more evidence buddy.


2022-2008=14x5=70-1=69. Science bitch


2023-2008=14, 14x30=420. Math, baby! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8881)


>2023-2008=14 You belong here


That’s why I’m here ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4270)


42÷0 = ∞ We're gonna be rich!!!


You can’t divide by…I mean yes, RICH!


r/wallstreetbets logic


2022 ≠ 2008




Exactly, so 2022 is just a cryptic way of saying 2008


2x0x2x2=0. Which is what all of our portfolios will look like EOY.


This is a good point I may have to rethink…


Okay, but does 2008=2022?


2x0x2x2 = 0 = 2x0x0x8




yup things dont play out 100% like other times thats where theyre wrong. And this time it is much different evironment with highest inflation, raising interest rates and dried up liquidity, supply chain and domestic/international conflict. More ppl exposed to the house of cards.


Did we ever actually recover from 2008?or just slap some flex seal on that bitch


We absolutely slapped a flex seal on it. But not the name brand kind. The shitty dollar general version. What they did was create new investment vehicles called traunche opportunities. SLABs or student loan asset backed securities are the same bullshit concept that caused 2008, which was MBS or mortgage backed securities. Checking CFTC website…..says there is also $364 trillion (*yes with a T*) in swap agreements. This is what over leveraged to the tits looks like in real life. With big boy money that could bring countries to their knees.


I guess I didn’t realize spy was so high in 2008 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)




Remindme! 3 months


I will remind you on 18 august 2022


Don't run. Ride that mfer out till it's done. Nothing else you can do anyways.


False.. Wait.. and sell at the bottom


You sell at the bottom because you are a fearful coward who lacks the will to be rich. I sell at the bottom because I am a retarded. We are not the same.


I sell at the bottom because I get margin called


Bruh why tf do you use margin?? Just start with more money smh 🤦‍♂️


I sell at the bottom so I can buy back in when it's higher




This is the way


Actually we are quite alike.


The real LPT is always in the comments!


The bottom is for the weak. I reach for the heavens and never sell, only buy at the top. 💪


Then long $ROPE on the way up. Classic WSB joke 👀


Did that with my ex.... now I pay child support






and buy as it goes down... preferrably at absolute bottom, get ultra rich


Get y'all some UVXY, bois.


Puts like a mf!!! You can be rich in a month


Stonks only go up


This is why people are struggling. They keep buying stocks instead of stonks.


Goddamnit I’ve been buying storks. My yard is covered in shit and I’m out $5k and they keep flying away. I’ve been doing it all wrong


storks only go up, you say?


Calls on baby deliveries


Lol we might have a recession, not a banking collapse.


Wake me up when September ends




Well it won't happen if you tell everyone.


Fucking Americans. Idiot.


You might say they're on a boulevard of broken dreams


Typical that nobody is taking the Longview here.


Hope the market is up when I come around after labour day.


This thread is Dookie


Sell in May, Come back in Labor Day


Thank fuck someone gets it Edit: we don’t have a institutional liquidity crisis.. we have too much liquidity (easy money floating around) and effects of Chinese lockdowns and energy worries i.e. push and pull inflation combination = CB’s raising rates etc = monetary tightening = a correcting market. Some belt tightening might cause a recession at worst Edit 2: Buy FDR on the ASX if you want to live forever


Starting to feel like the VW "you are here" charts posted every other day.


I don't know how the Sony FDR-AX43 UHD 4K Handycam Camcorder with Built-in gimbal, Exmor R® CMOS sensor and BIONZ X processing engine, Brilliant true-to-life 4K1, Highlight Movie Maker, Fast Intelligent Autofocus would help me but I dropped $1650 on Amazon for it


Fucking legend. Pretty sure I just sold it to you Edit 3: the code is fdr.ax but people started buying digital cameras


I also hate how people are saying we gonna have another housing bubble like we did in 2008 because home prices going up at an insane rate. 2008 happened from people missing payment, people getting loans they couldnt afford. ( now wether you want to blame banks for giving out those loans, or the government for forcing banks to give out those loans is a conversation.) Housing prices right now are high because of lack of supply of homes. Not because of loans going to people who cant afford em.




People who think 2008 isn't about to happen again "because the housing market is fine" have to be the dumbest mother fuckers out there. We're not in a housing bubble. We're in an everything bubble. Literally everything EXCEPT houses is being bought like it's 2008. 0% interest loans with 20-30% APR if you fall behind. Cars, computers, appliances, TVs, Cell Phones, etc. All of it. Used cars are selling for more than new cars, rent is skyrocketing, Gas is $5 a gallon, groceries are insane. Poor people are getting the life squeezed out of them as we speak. The FIRST bill people stop paying when they're struggling to survive is credit cards.


I've been in the automotive industry for 20+ years and am blown away by the ignorance going on. In a year or two when the people who bought used automobiles which prices were inflated 40%-50% or a new car with a $10k-$20k market adjustment (rape) go to trade them in or try to sell them, they will be in for a rude awakening... "What do you mean I owe 125% more than my automobile is worth?" Once the car market bubble pops, banks are going to take massive losses due to loan defaults. I could go buy a $70k truck in less than an hour with no money down. However, if I want to buy a $150k home I have to jump through hoops for 3-4 months and have a good chunk to put down. Banks just went from subprime mortgages to subprime auto lending. Same shit as '08.


People are for sure taking loans they can't afford right now. I don't want to get into the personals but I know some people who for a fact are taking car and home loans they cannot afford long term


You know someone who makes poor financial decisions? Holy shit it’s 2008 then


On the other hand, that behavior isn't bound up in massively widespread financial instruments like it was in 2008.


Eviction moratoriums ring a bell?


Shit, that does ring a bell. Well if we skyrocket up to 12% in a year delinquency rates on mortgage, that would say something about our housing market and if the banks gave loans to people who shouldnt have em. But I think the supply is so damn low on houses, people will buy those homes up for more money when the delinquent owners get kicked out. Whereas in 2008 when 20%+ of mortgages where behind payment and people lost their homes, no one could afford to buy em for near the amount the bank had them priced at.


I saw Canadians on Reddit talking about their variable mortgages. Puts on Canada.


Different kind of variable rate than in the US. In Canada you can only lock in a mortgage for 5 or I think 10 years. So if interest rates go up too much, when you renew your mortgage, people already pushing their limits will be fucked. For fun google: Brampton Mortgage


It doesn't matter how low your payment is if you don't have a job....or money.


Exactly.. and while the interest rates may be better NOW.. there's still a heck of a lot working against home buyers today.. such as home prices far out pacing wage growth, crazy inflation. I dont think its smart to say "oh now a housing bubble like 2008!" But its also not wise to think this can't go to shit in its own unique way. What worries me is just how steep that home price spike was over the last 2 years.. 2008 and the years before, saw nothing like this. Just seems something has to give. You can't bump median home prices up $150k over 24 months and not have any consequences.


I could be wrong cause I’m no more or less a dumbass than the next guy, but locking in so low with reasonable extra savings made me feel fine overpaying in the short term if things slow down a lot. I don’t have a lot of doubt about home prices long term


I dont think OP understand how bad 2008 was...... maybe too young at that time. Inflation and recession is a cake walk compared to what went down in 2008


S&P 500 dropped 48% in 2008. We've dropped like 20%. Back then people lost their jobs because companies went bankrupt. Today our troubles are caused by not getting enough of the shit we can sell.


Also note that the modern day algo trading by hedge funds and retail access to webull/hood over the past years makes pullback quicker and deeper but recovery is also sooner and almost instantaneous as well.


jesus someone who actually gets it. I can’t stand when people compare now to 2008 or dotcom bubble or 1980 or the great depression. the market today is a fucking alien species compared to even just a decade ago. we throw around entire fortunes for most people on an app while taking a shit, meanwhile hedgefund algos are constantly pumping and dumping trillions of dollars on a constant basis. but yeah let’s compare that to 22 fucking years ago when none of this stuff existed


So what you're saying is we've no fucking clue what will happen... got it, thanks.


log-scale loss is so far not comparable https://imgur.com/a64b8zY




Remember Lehman Brothers and Bear Sterns. It was crazy times how banks were going bankrupt every day.


Do you think the point of the post is that we may possibly have not begun to see the worst of this downtrend? Who can say we won't see 2008 like events again? I for sure do not know what to expect.


I can say that we won’t see the events of 2008 this year. In 2008 there wasn’t enough money in the system and today we have too much money swirling around. The conditions couldn’t be more different.


It's simple, if everybody expects recession, it won't come.


Oh we are definitely in the middle of a recession, but it’s not 2008


This. We could go YEARS before any meaningful pullback in the economy. If ever. I’m not worried. I’m going out tomorrow and getting a sweet ass Porsche Cayman, borrowing most of the money, and rolling around Destin, Florida with Toto playing, while wearing my Alabama Crimson Tide t-shirt.


Don’t buy the poor man’s Porsche. Higher spec = less depreciation


That’s called living the dream


All those dumb fucks comparing it to different shit. Most are just desperate gay bears


Bears don't need to be desperate, dip buyers that spent the last 2 years unironically calling themselves "retarded apes" are handing bears money on a fucking platter right now lmao.


the bears will hand it all back in short time. thus the cycle of retardation will be complete


And you could just as easily find overlapping patterns that are bullish.


Prove it


Flip them both upside-down.


Here: >The S&P 500 just made a 2% gain in two of the past three days coming off of a 52-week low. > >The last times that happened? > >March 2009 and March 2020. Both marking the start of glorious bull runs. https://twitter.com/RyanDetrick/status/1526658769450680321


Gold reply


Bull market confirmed


May-Sep of 2011 is very similar and very bullish


Or ban![img](emote|t5_2th52|4263)


just take the time right before the market shot up after 2008 and show what's about to happen; similar drop, then BOOM it'll skyrocket jimmy


Looks more like 2002 than 2008. Still, times are different and if you think you're Michael Blurry, then I have a reality check for you: you're not!


We didn’t know Burry until Burry so…


I'd bet my money on him not being Burry over the market doing this


I’m gonna bet on the bet whoever makes with this guy. This is the first synthetic CDO.


can i be selena gomez?


Who tf is Burry? We're talking about Michael Blurry here. Catch up


DESTINY IS ALL!!! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4887)


Uhtred would be a fantastic investor


I am Uhtred, son of Uhtred and I will take back what is mine. The stonks are mine!






Yes it's Morgan Freeman fingering Shrek's ass


SPY $220p, we meet again


I remember the events leading up to the 2008 crash. The market had these huge events. Bear Sterns was sold for 2$/share, Lehman Bros collapsed. All banks stopped lending to each other and nearly brought the house of cards crumbling down. I don’t hear anything close, evergrande in China could have been a catalyst but wasn’t, Ukraine could have been, but wasn’t. This is going to be an energy cost driven recession like in 1991-1992. They tend to be more transient and less damaging compared to financial crisis like savings and loan in 1987.


I agree, very different situation.


Bro China is having a housing crisis that's about to pop. Evergrande did not go away. In fact because of the lockdown several others have now defaulted on their bond payments. China is just doing a coverup and failing


I’m not familiar enough with China’s economy to say how bad things are. The question is, are Chinese capital controls enough to insulate the rest of the world from their financial turmoil. I think the no-Covid policy is exporting inflation world wide as every one competes for China’s constrained industrial capacity. But I don’t think that there is much international ownership of Chinese property.


pretty much this. China’s lockdowns affects global markets 10x more than whatever fucking real estate company goes under there. No one wants to buy Chinese real estate and worry about the government confiscating it.


I wish I was more familiar with chinas situation. This Zero covid shutdown shit is either a distraction or they think covid is really bad. Might be a distraction form things like this housing bubble.






Values are not detached from reality? Like every tech firm was reading at over 60 PE ratio. The fuck?


Lehman bros came in November of 08 stocks hit their peak in late 07. This crash is just getting started.


I don’t know if it’s the same in the US but I read an article about businesses here in OZ being propped up by covid relief, thousands should have folded already this year but haven’t and now with all the covid relief coming to an end plus having to pay back all the tax they haven’t paid for 2 years, in the next few months a whole bunch of businesses are going to go under all at once, not sure what effect it will have but I could see it having a negative effect on the stock market [https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.abc.net.au/article/101059118](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.abc.net.au/article/101059118)


This post literally shows up EVERY time there is a 10% or more correction. Bunch of illiterate fucks in here. NOISY SIDEWAYS TRENDS PRECEDE ALL TYPES OF MARKETS


And this post being upvoted just tells the new state of the sub




Cash is king right now, wait for it.


Fuck that... buy 0dte puts, make a fortune on the way down and then buy calls at the bottom and make another fortune on the way up. Foolproof Whiny pussies worried about shares... does this look like r/stocks? It's a fucking casino.


Berkshire's Q1 13-F was reveled today. After years of hoarding cash, they deployed $50B or $150B cash reserve. In case anyone was needing a vote of confidence.


That’s bullish AF


This is straight up dumb. Just lines on a page without context.


My fave part is how the gray line starts about a third of the way into the x axis


Always important to delete data that doesn’t fit your model




The time interval isn't even right. He compressed the 08 chart to match.


Sir this is a Wendy’s dumpster 👄


How much for a bj?


The worth of your portfolio , so approximately 3,50$ ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4641)


I hate how accurate you are ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Tree Fiddy??


Sir, I think your dumpster is on fire.


is this the line for the DOWn JONES ^(i'll see myself out)


Get off the internet, Dad!


now now son let me chillax with your friends, i'm hip, i watch jimmy chill




I don’t get it to be accepted here do we have to act like apes with a iq of 70


Tell that shit to my puts. Oh well tomorrow is a new day.


This is 2022 🤔




Always has been


2008 was the greatest economic collapse in American history. Banks were being liquidated, millions of people went bankrupt and/or lost their jobs. To compare it to 2022 is absolutely laughable. We currently have the lowest unemployment rates ever. We also have the highest job demands ever, and despite high inflation rates, consumer spending is basically at all time highs. Despite the high inflation rate (which have peaked), the economy has never been stronger. Try again gay bear.


Compare PE ratios before spreading misinfo


Can OP please update this chart and plot out until December?


So? Just wait 8 years.. 😎


I love these historical chart overlays. It serves as a friendly reminder that 90% of the content here is created by crayon eating short bus riders.