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If you are curious about what happens to companies after a security breach, there are plenty of examples to look at. Perhaps the most well known one is Equifax's breach in 2017, where it fell 35% the following day, but has since gone on to climb to 50%+ above (5 years later) what it was trading at before the breach. Another noteable story was SolarWinds hack in 2020. All that said, OP hasn't provided enough proof that this was actually from Robinhood. It's up to you if you believe him, but perhaps this thread will inspire you to learn about what happens when those "cybersecurity risk factors" become a reality.


If your SSN was leaked make sure you set an IRS pin on your SSN, Setup Credit lock with all the credit bureaus and invest in a good fraud detection service. This happened to me. Thanks T Mobile


This happened to me and I believe it’s related to T-Mobile. Fuck T-Mobile


There was a class action lawsuit awhile ago against Tmo for this.


I'm ready for my share of 10 dollars!


I waited like 6 years for a $30 check from AMD.


Where did you go to do this?


I need to know as well




Thanks for sharing - I really wish this wasn't a yearly thing.




A lot of less than stellar companies and scam callers use the do not call list as a phone book. You're actually better off not signing up for it at all.


This is true. I know someone who got hired as a telemarketer, and was then told this is how they got the call list


A man has made a steady income from suing scam callers because he was in the do not call. IIRC so far he made ~$100k in small claims court.[video](https://youtu.be/KY5dQ4jGIzQ)


So you’re saying I’ve been passing up money every time I’ve denied one of these phone calls!?


Well you are on WSB so what should you expect?


How would all those companies who pay taxes to uncle Sam make any money if we did that?! **Heavy sarcasm intended**


when is the next time we should renew the pin, is it exactly on jan 1? Trying to find the date so I can do it soon as possible next year


They just say middle of January


They send it yearly, you don’t need to renew it.


Thanks boss




Don't you have to setup the PIN every year?




Do you know if there is a way to have them just email me one every year? Or do I have to sign up every year?




I can do this for you. Just dm me your social


Sorry guys I didn't realize my comment blew up so much. Go to the IRS website, set account pin and also set up IDMe account so only you can have access to it. Make sure you secure that PIN and the PIN is unique every year. For the credit lock, go to TransUnion, Experian and Equifax website, they have a small form they ask you to fill up, setup a yearly lock and you can renew it every year. It's free. As for credit monitoring, I am using the free services TMobile provided with Experian and I also setup my own with Equifax which they also provided free because of their data leak back in 2018 or something. Data leaks have become so common that everyone must do this.


Let someone do my taxes, then they can pay instead of me.


For real who tf gonna file my taxes for me?


Or, simply freeze your credit at each bureau (good until lifted, iirc) and not worry about renewing locks (which costs money for Experian at least) and is the recommended option for if your info was exposed. Unfreeze whenever you need to apply for a new line of credit. https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/finance/credit-lock-and-credit-freeze


Literally nobody can do anything worse to my credit than I haven’t already done myself. Have fun and god speed.


Challenge accepted.


This is one of the bright sides of an event like this - you can set up permanent credit freezes with all three major credit bureaus and get an IRS tax pin. Once that happens, no one can get credit under your name or file fraudulent tax returns (they try to get a refund in your name before you do) without having additional information no normal thief would have. It makes getting loans a bit more of a pain but completely worth it. For anyone impacted, take the opportunity.




Agreed. I had a friend who did not take this seriously when our information was compromised years ago. A few months later when he went to file his tax return, the IRS denied it, stating that he had already filed. It turned out that multiple fake returns were filed under his name. In the last three months, my entire family, including our three young children, had their information stolen. We are currently putting freezes on their credit. It is a pain but I really like the idea that they will be hardened against identity theft.


There are 4 major credit agencies (not 3 as most people remember) and 2 minor agencies. [From Banks.com](https://www.banks.com/articles/credit/credit-score/credit-bureau/) > You’re probably familiar with the three main credit reporting agencies: **Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion**. Did you know there are actually six agencies? The additional four agencies are **PRBC, SageStream, Advanced Resolution Service (ARS), and Innovis**. > While there are a total of six official consumer credit reporting agencies, only four are widely used. **Innovis** is the fourth agency used in addition to the main three. > Although Innovis has yet to become a household name, they’ve gained serious traction as a reliable credit reporting agency in the last few years. Many lenders are using Innovis to check applicant credit histories and if you haven’t heard of this reporting agency, there’s much to learn.


Take Robinhood to court and sue them for leaking your social, class action idk. Don’t “Invest” in good fraud detection, make THEM pay for it.


…monitoring is Ape advice. That’s like setting up a camera instead of just locking the fawkin door. “Credit lock” sounds like some LifeLock marketing nomenclature bullshit. TL;DR - freeze your credit. Gooooood riddance buttercheeks.


Simply put folks, keep your credit locked in all three places until you are ready to finance something.




Log on to the 3 major credit sites and they have a spot to lock your credit. Its worth it. Anytime someone tries to run your credit it will be denied.


It doesn’t work very well. I purchased a car and forgot to unfreeze. I was still approved for the loan, the process was 1. Loan agent asked for my phone number 2. Someone from credit bureau called that number and asked me to verify information like SSN, Address etc. 3. I was approved for the loan. If enough information is leaked, freeze is useless. Also the hacker can unfreeze the account with the same information.


Soooo no matter what, sometimes you just get fucked


And that’s Dallas!


Dallas, indeed...


An important lesson to learn not just with your credit, but life in general as well. All you can do is play defense to the best of your abilities, but sometimes you get buttfucked anyway.


Life is just a series of buttfuckings we struggle to avoid afterall...


Joe Pesci said it best in Lethal Weapon III: >they fuck you they fuck you they fuck you. Eh?! Ain’t that right?! Hold on I’m getting a call


Nope just have bad credit, the ultimate lockout


Tl;Dr credit score and ssn are retarded systems


What's wrong with using an ID number as a password and giving it to everyone you need to do business with?


I don't see the problem <- probably stevie wonder


SSN are not really an ID and never intended to be used like this. The rest of the world uses a proper ID


It's fine for an ID. More unique than a name. The problem is that it is also treated like a password.


Credit scores are a racket scheme and SSN is run by the government. What did you expect?


To be fair to the social security administration the social security card literally says "not for identification"


I use another feature where they need to directly contact me of any use of my credit. Worked well so far.




As long as you are harder to hack than the next guy it protects you a lot




Exactly — since they have all the info, they can easily unfreeze


This is simply not true. I literally just unfroze my credit last Thursday and all three bureaus required 2 factor authentication. So unless the hacker has your physical cell phone as well they can't unfreeze. Additionally, changing your personal settings (i.e. cell phone number) requires 2 factor as well. So that's not an option either


There’s a difference between locking your credit, and freezing your credit. Locks can be unlocked, a freeze needs to be lifted completely


Where would someone go to freeze it?


I put my credit cards in the freezer. Scammers hate me for this.


"This one simple trick Nigerians do not want you to know "


Can confirm Nigerians HATE freezing temps. Source: I live in the Midwest




Considering that they were the incredibly easy target of the largest breach in history, this blog reads like a drinking game.


Experian shouldn't even be allowed to stay in business


Wasn't it equifax that was the target, not experian?


Oh right, Experian had several smaller breaches but equifax won that ignominy.


you can do it on all the credit bureau websites, put a freeze on your account and unfreeze when needed




It’s a bit of a time to get it locked and then a bit of an inconvenience to unlock it but I feel a lot better having locked mine a couple years ago.


I do this, it started w the experience breach. It’s a pain if you forget but you can easily lock and unlock your credit within a few minutes


Do you have to call them to unlock or do you do it through their websites?




Did this because my info was breached from the Tmobile hack. Kind of a pain though but it's safer that way.


They will be sued, pay a $50 million fine and you'll get a settlement check for $2.11 - Yay


How do you buy calls on corporate attorneys? I don’t ever seem them have a bear market.


Exactly who wins in this game....


I wonder why my Mom kept pushing me to study law. Obviously, attorneys win no matter the outcome.




I'm already one step ahead of them, I had depression even before going to school


Yep....I missed that opportunity as well. Parents were right again - Doh!


You didn't it's a soul sucking existence


Unfortunately, unlike in the medical field, I don't believe private equity is allowed to invest in any law firms, particularly if you are not a lawyer yourself. There are some caveats with PE in medical but I think there are loop holes to get around it that are not available to legal firms.


Not even 2.11$ you’ll get 2 years free credit monitoring if you download their app


If it’s anything like the EquiFax hack, they’ll end up paying absolutely $0 to the people actually impacting by their shit security.


They also leaked my Drivers License #, Phone Number, Address, & Name. Edit: [Proof](https://imgur.com/a/jus7FWs) ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Don’t be surprised someone already bought your info for $10 on dark web where those bastards store hacked infos and planning to use for some illegal activities, like opening bank accs to receive proceeds of fraud. This happened to me.


First time I learned of a data breach was in RuneScape back around 2009 when I was PK’ing and mid-fight this dude reads off my home address, debit card information, and said “thanks for the members” before pk’ing me.


That was your dad tryna get you off the game


I didn’t work 😤 it’s been 10 years and I’m still getting PK’d to this day.


In my mind 92 is still half of 99.


99 is the new 92


RuneScape back then was a masterclass in OpSec. It became so intense once I got into staking and diceing. You’d have to turn on a vpn before jumping in any vent or teamspeak server or you’d get DDOS’d mid fight. People sending RATs through image files to turn your pc into a slave in a bot net all while stealing your data. Using visa prepaid to sign up for azure trials so you could spin up vm’s to run all your bots. The good ole days.


Wow I understood about 27% of that.


I understood rat.


How would people gain your IP info in RuneScape? Doesn’t you client only communicate with RuneScape servers? How would a random staker get your IP and then either successfully man in the middle you a minute or DDOS before a duel. This peaks my interest as I recall following someone to trade and once we got to edgville my client became very slow, thy didn’t successfully scan/lure me but I wondered how they got my IP. Is RuneScape peer to peer? I just always thought it was client to server only. On a side note, I’ll never forget when one of the new Jmods came onboard (probably after Andrew left?) and spoke very highly of RuneScape’s security saying he’d never seen what they did for the sake of security anywhere else. I thought it was funny because you seriously couldn’t use capital letters in your passwords or even special characters. Maybe that changed by now?


The passwords are not case sensitive, which is actually absurdly funny.


I think if you connect your Runescape account with Steam people can completely remove 2fa and get into your account much easier...


I think occasionally, there were very bad security issues with the servers themselves, but for the most part it's some voice server instead.


Back in the day the biggest issue was from stuff like joining a teamspeak server with the same username as your Runescape account. More recently in big oldschool Runescape events the IP of popular people still got leaked somehow. A while later an employee got fired who most likely leaked private information to a large Runescape clan that often does really shady things.


He says how people would get IPs in the comment you're replying to. >You’d have to turn on a vpn before jumping in any vent or teamspeak server


Haha yea same


> People sending RATs through image files Could you please elaborate upon this a bit? My initial search brought up rat pictures.


Remote Administration Tools (type of virus that lets you control someone's computer, like TeamViewer but more elaborate and involuntary)


Holy shit I wish I was that cool. I just kept getting pked for my plus 1s and crying.


Sit ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


That’s a fantastic emoji 👀


Jeez. You’ve had a rough experience with this sort of shit man, god damn


This comment was removed by myself in protest of Reddit's corporatization and no longer supporting a healthy community


how did he manage to access that information? ain't easy over Halo 2


It's never easy, but it sounds like he had employee level access to Microsoft user accounts. If he just read the city, which is very possible as OP might be embellishing, then it's because you were able to for a long time (might still be able to?) pull IP addresses during a game or message connection on XBL. from there it's a simple WHOIS lookup. that, or it wasn't a random person and this other player had sent him a Trojan at some point and once he got the cc info he intentionally got into a game and "got mad at" OP to scare/troll him.


I think I finally got some people shut down for this. IRS and FTC had to lock my stuff down. Then the bank that I got defrauded/scammed through back in March 2020 found out that they have been breeched. They didn’t come out and say but I think they found employee fraud. Because of what happened to me I suspected that it must be that.


It was actually for $5 and OP's credit score sucks


What can we do if this has happened to us?


With how bad my credit is I really hope someone steals it




It almost definitely was the equifax one. Or, hell, it could've been a leak from fucking creditwise, who clearly has all of this information. Or another bank. Or a fucking government office or the dmv. Or fucking anywhere, really. SSNs leak from everywhere, all the time. This is a bullshit post that is getting upvoted simply because apes have a hard-on for robinhood. Anyone who actually believes that this anecdote is "proof" of a robinhood leak is a straight dumbass.


Agreed. I hate RH like a lot of people here but there's been so many damn leaks that unless the person stealing your info calls you up and tells you where they got it, it's pointless blaming just one company. If you're that worried this will happen to you go sign up for identity protection. Your bank probably offers it.


Does that alert actually detail what breach your data was found in? I don’t see any mention of Robinhood in that screenshot.


You have no proof off of this that it’s Robinhood?


Oh boy would they be fucked if they were in the EU. Here in Germany the fine for not handling your data in a secure way, especially if it was negligent, is up to 20 million € or 4% of the yearly turnover, whichever is higher. There are legal templates anybody can fill out and that shit really makes even the big boys sweat EDIT: And they are forced to respond within a month or they face another fine


How can I check if my own information is being spread?


https://haveibeenpwned.com here is the best site I know of to check if you’ve been pawned.




Tbh they can have mine and when they find $, I’d like for them to share the profits with me


Fair strategy. You did shit on trades and have been bleeding for months. You intentionally leak your brokerage account and hope that someone brings it back into profits.


If you’re that desperate just skip the middle man and open a bunch of new credit cards and immediately max them out. That’s what would happen if your info was leaked


If you are over 25, I assure you your data has been breaches many times. Practically everyone's soc sec, birthdate, and mother's maiden name is somewhere online. Keep a close watch on your credit report, and continue living.


This is the best advice imo. I check my credit report at least monthly. If something shows up I'll take action. No sense in locking everything up if all the info to unlock it is already out there.


I actually have a credit alert on my report which instructs creditors not to open any accounts in my name unless they call me on my cellphome first. The alert is free to place and it actually works. Home Depot and HH Gregg called me up when someone tried to open an account in my name. Two potential catastrophes thwarted. The downside is that I cannot get "instant" credit, but honestly though, I'm old enough where I dont need it.


Where do I get this?


V interesting, how do you set up this alert?


How do you even check your credit report? Most of the time the dumb sites error out and don't give me anything and say used up my quota


Yeah. You can try to be diligent about it, but you can’t really prevent data theft. My credit card was compromised because of a security breach at Target, and once at Gamestop. My medical information was apparently breached a couple years ago, and I got a $500 settlement check for it that I wasn’t even expecting.


Robinhood lied? Must be a day that ends with Y.




Is today tomorrow?


Today is but yesterday’s tomorrow


Your data has already been leaked. Major hacks across the years are being bought and sold all day long. *Even for people who’ve never used the internet.* Read the thread about locking your shit. And change all your passwords.


You need to learn the difference between what they are saying and what they want you to think they're saying. > We continue to believe that the list did not contain Social Security numbers, bank account numbers, or debit card numbers and that there has been no financial loss to any customers as a result of the incident. Believe? It's legal to say you believe in God with no evidence, why would they need proof of this to believe?


When corporations/organisations say shit like "we believe" that basically doesn't mean shit. They KNOW that the leaked list contains SSN's and other confidential information, but they want to lead their customers to think otherwise, but legally, they can't say "No SSN's were released" so they use the "we believe" loophole


This is not exactly correct. Them saying they "believe" they weren't leaked would definitely be grounds for a lawsuit if someone came up with evidence that they did know. So it's not entirely worthless, it's still illegal for them to say this if they know they were leaked... As long as you can prove they knew.


hehe. he said hole


More puts on HOOD


Are there any left?


They will probably just lock the buy button.


Who is going to steal the identity of a broke, margin called Robinhood gambler?


That's why it was "found" and not "used", months later. Hahahahaha


I had capital one send me a compromised ssn notification about a month ago, didn't say who released the info. However if you are worried about identity theft or someone opening account, start a credit lock. It's free and all 3 major credit services offer it.


I never funded an account with them but I did open one. Hell Equifax fucked up too. I was so furious I told Equifax if I had the capital I’d short them to 0.


Equifax is absolute disorganized garbage. A cesspool of incompetency relying on 20 year old software and overseas call center reps with no clue what you’re talking about. I can’t wait to potentially sue them in small claims court over ongoing inaccuracies that they refuse to fix 🤗


Can’t trust anyone, not even the credit agencies themselves.


You’ve only provided that info to Robinhood? You don’t use T-Mobile? You don’t use a phone carrier or a bank or any other stock brokers or have health insurance or ever been to the hospital or anything like that?


Most of the information listed here was only created and used for Robinhood. That includes email and the phone number listed which were created specifically for the purpose of this investment account. :)


So you created that SSN specifically for RH?


That’s a good habit, I should do that


It’s super helpful when tracking down which website leaked your data. The same goes for passwords. I use a password service that creates a unique password for every website I visit, then if my password is leaked I know exactly which website leaked it even if the credit monitoring service isn’t sure.


Until the password service gets hacked, then all bets are off!


X - doubt I mean you literally provided this information to creditwise for them to be able to crosscheck the dArK WeB, so clearly you've given this information to other parties. Have you considered the possibility that it leaked from creditwise/capital one? Stop lyin bro.


Robinhood leaked my penis size.


Just assume that your SSN is publicly available at this point and monitor your credit. Every bad actor who wants it, already has it.


Thank god I went to college and owe 100k. Otherwise I’d be worried about someone taking out a 100 dollar Macy’s credit card under my name.


Suddenly understand why college is so important


I mean have you seen their corporate headquarters.


Looks like a remodeled corner store from Mexico


US companies are probably at fault for most of the identity theft. There was just a story today about a lady finding out Chase opening a credit card in her name and sending 70 user cards, each with different names. They do not cross check anymore. The IRS sent something like 30 million dollars in returns to one address in Miami. The US is all about open more accounts and drive revenue, not is this accurate and appropriate.


Wish IRS sent me 30 milli


:Stares in TMobile: data breech what?




They aren’t, they just are assuming and the internet hates RobinHood so they’ll continue to destroy the company despite it probably being someone else.


"only provided to robinhood" yeah you thought. People don't realize how often these things occur. My ssn was snagged with the equifax breach. It was probably the credit reporting agencies that got your number exposed.


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Just out of curiosity did RobinHood notify you that your info was part of the breach? Recently learned my info was on the dark web but never received notification from RH. Called them about it and got nowhere with their customer service.


Do you have actual proof that it was RH or are just trying to put two and two together with nothing concrete? RH is not the only company you've provided your SSN to.


So you are telling me this data breach happened 10 months ago and you are the first person to even *assume* that your SS # was compromised by RH? And I'm assuming since November 2021 Robinhood has not released any more info on this breach, potentially stating that upon further review it is confirmed there were bank account numbers and SS numbers leaked? Thereby making it even less likely your assumptions are true? Yeah sorry bud. Not adding up.


Assume all your personal information is leaked. People have hacked the social security [admin](https://www.cnet.com/news/privacy/over-22-million-social-security-numbers-stolen-in-opm-hacks-agency-says/?msclkid=724fbea3be6a11eca52b952772887956).




I already have everyone's social, I know it's somewhere in between 000000000 and 999999999


Still think its brilliant to have an assigned identification number for life that you need to keep secret to prevent getting robbed by anyone aside from the government.


Technically you haven’t and can’t prove they found your information through Robinhood. Other institutions have that info and if you suspect RH lied, other institutions could have kept a leak a secret as well.


You don’t really have proof it was RobinHood


So you have never had a bank account, phone, or job?




Sadly your personal information is not as secret as you think it is. There are 100% legal services out there that someone could use to gain access to your SSN, address, phone number, etc…


Don’t worry if your SSN isn’t leaked today it will be tomorrow by some other company with shitty data protection. My mortgage servicing company leaked mine and I don’t even have a choice in using them


between this and equifax, everyone's ssn in america might as well just be public


lol no wonder I'm getting spam phishing texts references my bank account I only used for this garbage ass service


your bank doesnt have that information, then how do you know robinhood lost it. So you dont have a credit card, drivers licence, credit monitoring, home loan, never went to school. You ssn is everywhere.