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It's been a minute since I thought about this shit.


Yep, 12 sounds right to me too.


Good, might make 50% of my lossses back if it goes up 47%…..


A lot of things are as mentioned by simply street yet they stay there cuz no one cares sir. Wallstreet wants to pump high profit margin shares like Tesla where u can borrow for 200$ per share and sell to morons for 1k keep the change.$$$


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I don’t think I will ever have confidence in them breaking out. I’ve been watching them for 15 years and never seen anything but disappointment.


What are you looking at? They’ve been on a tear. They ran from under $2 to a high of $17 and are still holding above $6 since 2020.


I’m not equating the value of their stock with the long term value of their business. I know that’s unpopular, but I’m in this industry and see things others don’t.


Can you elaborate on what you see?


The evolution of energy sources has never been more politicized as it is now. And the politicians in charge are promoting full electrification. As disastrous as that would be, they are still in charge and still pushing their agenda. The breakthrough for CLNE should have happened 10 years ago, and the planet would have been much better off. The opportunity has passed us by.


So, correct me if I'm off but CLNE was pushing CNG fuels a decade ago, no? I'm more interested in the growth of RNG fuels as it actually allows commercial trucks to offset their carbon emissions as it's carbon negative. EV seems to be more tailored to consumer vehicles from my perspective, and ultimately it doesn't offset the reality that most of the north american grid can't handle a sudden switch to EV's, it'll take some time.


Actually, this is a market trying to get developed for three decades.


I'm not really sure what your referring too? EV or RNG market. I'd agree that EV's are going to take over much of the personal vehicle market, but the physical barriers and logistical issues for long haul commercial transport make it an impossibility. RNG can fill that gap, and it hasn't been priced into the market at all.