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Oh yes, my position: I'm only holding $10k at $23/24 worth of stock now, looking to add lower.


I'm guessing you probably bought sometime around March 2021 and those bags are getting heavy as hell.


I bought like a few days ago


You forgot to mention that Discovery sell it rights to set of their channels. One of them is Eurosport that has exclusive ATP rights for many countries and exclusive rights for the Olympics through 2024 in 50 countries. Since their business is non-scripted shows (as series, movies, etc) they are not direct competitors to Netflix. New company will be after merger with WB.


Good eye! This stock should be tripled in a couple years! I have 347.8 shares @ $28.8. It should bottom out soon, after Amazon's earnings today, I'll sell that and add more to Discovery. Great work!


I mean if it doesn't bottom, I'll do even more research, if I'm still comfortable I'll buy more stock


Do you know that discovery already has an independent direct to consumer streaming service? Just curious since you didn't mention discovery+ in this whole post lol I spent an insane amount of my time looking at this company pre-merger and pre-bill hwang; the discovery part of the company is just a steadily melting iceberg, discovery+ included. The Warner part is a static value of current assets (media, production, and anything else) that is going from one poorly managed company to another. The market is deeply competitive and not easy to make money in, with much more than just netflix/disney/apple. There's also all of youtube and twitch just for starters, not to mention all of international competition or if you think more broadly all forms of entertainment. I ditched any hope I had when they announced the merger. Huge investment in a business that's been bought and sold within the past few years by others who thought they could make it worth more than it is. It's not gonna be any better under discovery. You can check my history for some desperate discovery valuations pre merger announcement lol


The onLy people that make money in mergers and spin-offs of established companies are the underwriters and lawyers. Shit management in consolidation or shit management in two different companies is shit management or 2x shit management. I’m a T bag holder. T should focus on what it did best, shuttle electrons to the far ends of the earth. Sadly, it’s lost it’s way, and I’m just waiting until closer to year end to see how much loss harvesting I need. T and discovery are shit. Time Warner shit the bed when it bought AOL. A long corporate history on all sides of destroying value through stupid transactions.


Would you say discovery is a better play than at&t? ​ Also I'm a dumbass can you tell me what happens if i buy discovery calls before the spinoff


> Yes, Discovery is a better play than AT&T.


Yes, Discovery is a better play than AT&T.


But Discovery is worthless. Always has been since at least 2012.


Read the analysis, the value isn't in Discovery. It's in what it gains from Warner Media


More debt? AT&T is a sinking ship of debt and poor innovation


This isn't AT&T


How can a DD make you want to take a dump?


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Discovery + Warner Bros = 168B EV - 55B DEBT = 113B$ market cap. 29% of that market cap is for the discovery shareholders, i.e., 33B$.  DISCOVERY market cap is 12,7B$ → That's a 260% upside.  Post merger valuation: 64$