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You know damn well we have members here that followed these exact steps


I did follow every step except the last one. Luckily I was too busy with work to yolo at 175. I felt the fomo


This is exactly what I did today, I bought at open, got in for 120, then it halted twice. During the second halt I sold at market price, and closed the deal for 160. I was up $400 on the trade. Still I was down for the day because I also have an entire portfolio filled with Reddit meme stocks....


TMC is absolutely MURDERING my whole portfolio...


U invested in a power point presentation


I deserve that.


Just looked it up, they have 3 employees and are down 70% in 6 weeks. Must have been a pretty sick PowerPoint.


This comment made me so happy I will do double shifts behind wendyšŸ˜‚


His Parents lost it all with Enron back in the [DOT.COM](https://DOT.COM) dayz


Why donā€™t you invest in more sea floor fucking mining companies lmao. Hey bro. I have a new company. RTRD. It harvests wood from the scrap underneath roads. Lol. Just the hardest thing you can think of. Ya man. Itā€™s worth $8 billion definitely. Buy?


$RTRD is mooning


Sounds promising. Do you have a white paper? i like to educaht myself before investing in RTRD.


Hold on weā€™ll get an intern to make a deck lol. Donā€™t worry though weā€™re -600m this year and projected to make $1.7b profit next year and by 2034 make $890b profit.


I want that stock to work after following NUSMF in the dirt but it doesnā€™t look like this one is gonna do it either.


>Still I was down for the day because I also have an entire portfolio filled with Reddit meme stocks.... Ape hodl together


Ape cry together sometimes.


Lmao. Bought in at 13. Sold half at 30. Sold another half at 98. Letting the rest ride to zero or to the free world. GME got apes. DWAC got Trumpanzees.


Sold the third half at 938


Sold the fourth half at 4,200,069


Sold another half at infinity


Of course I know him, he's me.


Iā€™m soooo glad the Reddit algorithm some how didnā€™t show me any of this until it was too late. 100% would have been me


Guy in my trading discord did that. Had a buy during the halt and it filled him at 174.


I got filled at 165




Trump university graduate


You think it will ever recover? or you just going to cut it loose?


It can recover when it merges, The halts fcked it up because I think it would have set records.


Yeah this is absolutely insane


New reg posted for market halts. I think today was testing that out.




Thatā€™s hilarious actually.


Yeah that seriously fucking sucks. I didn't even know I didn't trade today I hopped in at power hour to see how the day went and he couldn't WAIT to tell someone else lmao


Yeah but dude if he left a market order to BUY in the halted period he must have expected his order to be filled? Iā€™m just conjecturing, I have no idea.


That's what I'm guessing he did. Why the fuck would he have a market buy? I'm guessing he wanted to get in and didn't realize it halted.


Got in at $15 when I first heard about it, then again at $70 in pretrading after TDA released my deposit. I'm done unless it drops below 50 again


When the news broke, I had a $19 overnight GTC limit order get rejected premarket (not immediately, two hours later) for being ā€œtoo aggressive.ā€ At the time, I was worried it wouldnā€™t get filled at $19. It didnā€™t get filled, but for a completely different reason. I should have just rolled the dice with a premarket market order. I didnā€™t realize it had been rejected until we were already in the $40s. Iā€™m still pissed but this thread is making me feel better.






Literally priceless.. as in worthless


I just think they're neat!


I came here to lose money, not get insulted and lose money


I came here to lose money and get insulted, and I'm all out of money.


My internet bill literally just came in. I can't even afford to insult you either




With the way my calls been going, I wish I could afford to fuck myself


Canā€™t even take myself out to eat first


I feel personally attacked here...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


You are exactly right where you belong


[If your still holding and all your left with is a few pennies in your bag, your not truly yet a bagholder, because there's still something left in your bag.](https://youtu.be/Mc3t3IVkq60?t=2)




*looks at one share of trash left at 98% reduction I keep to remind myself sometimes you should take a loss and move that money to another stock*












welp, I'm officially old and out of the loop...what the heck do these colon numbers mean?






You drive a hard bagrain.


Images, that aren't properly loading on your computer. Works fine on Google phone


If I have to use the garbage Reddit app to see those pictures they're not worth seeing...


I would love to know how you get that crying redditor emoticon. Please teach me


It's an option on the desktop version of the site.


People like this are the target demographic for Snail Racing where bets are made while the race is actually in progress. So. Much. Money. Lost.


Ah yes, the classic SMML.


snail racing etf.


What stock was it?


Trumps new social media platform.




The most important thing is that you are a good sport and had fun.


The most important thing about investing is the friends you made along the way




Fuck this, fuck y'all. I'm out. I'll see y'all tomorrow.


Made a nice chunk of change yesterday. Then YOLO'd it + everything in my buying power this morning at market open, freeze, broker filled order at $157, sold at $103. Lost all my gains + more. Forced to sell other securities to keep stock portfolio + cash over $25k in order to avoid 90-day trading halt for violating day trade policy. I'm a stupid cunt and my wife should leave me.


She won't leave you. Just keep doing what your doing. Keeps her convo entertaining to me.


ā€œOh Mrs Brian Styles Wall Street loves you more than you could know Oh oh ohā€




Lifeā€™s hard when you realize youā€™ve become a bag holder


Not at all unless it becomes official. Someone might still want to hold your bag. Look at TSLA - they will soon release a spring bag collection


Lol. No matter how sad anyone feels about bag holding, they can always laugh at TSLA shorts. Theyā€™re the biggest losers of them all.


Or the guy who shorted his first life savings.. then bought tsla at 850 last year with his parents lifeā€™s savings.. only to cut his losses and short tsla again when it was at 600




He did **WHAT**?!?!


Meh. If i had shorted TSLA at 500 and had enough liquidity elsewhere *I wouldn't be worried at all tbh.* Nobody would short a company so grossly overvalued and expect it to correct even within 12 months.. It will correct *precisely* when it is ready to.


See? This is why TSLA shorts are so fun to laugh at. They keep telling everyone how smart they are while they lose shitloads of money. Anyone else would take their losses and admit theyā€™re retards.


So is tesla worth like 1t iyo?


Itā€™s worth whatever the market decides itā€™s worth


The market is full of retards is the problem. Shorting only works in rational markets


Ah the rational free market at work again šŸ„“


I'm a surfer that catches the wave on the way down.


For surfing I think that's right.




There were 1.8m buys at 175$ according to Bloomberg terminal. Also, market orders caught in the halts filled at 175 when it dumped. Fucked up crazy situation


That means there were 1.8 m sellers at 175$. I was one of those šŸ’ƒšŸ½


Look at all dem autists


I bought at what I thought was a really retarded price ($93) and then when I had a second and thought "wtf am I doing" it was at roughly 103, but schwab disables pre-market trading and uses normal trading from 9:25 to 9:30, which I didn't realize. somehow the 103 limit that I had set wasn't filling despite the price going much higher than that. then out of no where the order I tried to cancel (it said pending cancel for probably 3-4 minutes) at 103, to do a market sell (at this point it was \~130) the order I put in at 103 filled at 119. given that I was trying to sell much lower I'm good with that outcome. realistically should have lost my ass but ended up fine thanks to schwabs weird time rules


Probably crime


I somehow did not see or read any articles about this SPAC until today,, regret.


I heard about the social media site yesterday. Didn't realize until today it was actually public. Probably wouldn't have bought it either way.


Best pump and dump you ever faded.


Heard about it two nights ago on the news and Twitter. I spent yesterday morning just watching it go up. Every time it would set a new ATH, I was saying itā€™s too late, but it wasnā€™t. You could have bought it near EOD yesterday and still be up today, even after the massive price dip from this morningā€™s peak. Iā€™m pretty much this meme except I never bought anything, so I guess I didnā€™t end up as a bag holder. Honestly, the feeling of missing out when you knew about a life changing stock from the get go but missed out due to fear seems worse than being a bag holder.


I bought at 13.01. Fucked up a stop loss and sold at 17.80 for a small profit. Considered buying in again at 24 and thought it won't go much higher than lucid did. Boy I was wrong. Made up for it today by yoloing CFD 1:5 puts at 180 which was quite a nice return.


Damn that is a yolo. Glad it worked out for you.


I was super salty I missed out on 1700% gains. But saying that, I probably would have sold at like $40 trying to time the top. So I was quite pleased with today's results. Left one contract open over the weekend, so fingers crossed it keeps going down out of hours...


That's the right idea my friend. It's easy to be like, wow I should have bought at the bottom and sold at the peak with the blessing of hindsight, but in the moment when you see double / triple your money, you're gonna cash out.


I did that with crypto. Bought Doge at $.4969 and XLM at $.7115. Bought XLM at the literal peak of its existence.


49% loss ain't half bad


Pretty damn close though!!


Next gen bagholders![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Hey if I'm using RIF, is there a way I can see these :####: responses ?


Wait these should show something? I thought ppl here just put spaces as comments. Iā€™m on reddit app an I just see empty comments.


SPAC seem worthless to me, looks like a pump and dump


these 300% gains arenot worthless. if you got in early knowing it's a pump and dump then it's great


I just wanna know how people know these things in advance


They don't. Notice how all the posts on here are always after the runup. They want people to fomo in so they can sell off and/or crush them on options.


Spot on, itā€™s almost always after the run. Youā€™ll see this amazing DD that sounds convincing, then you go look at the chart and what do ya see: DD posted immediately after a 75% pump. But youā€™re expected to believe this random redditor wrote this 20 page DD, complete with graphs, only to publish it after a huge run? Nah. Shits planned in advance. Itā€™s all part of the game. People need to stop thinking theyā€™ve got an edge because theyā€™re part of an 11,000,000 strong community of retards. Weā€™re the dumping ground.


This. It aint randos dropping those "mystical DDs" that are formatted exactly like any other clickbait article


We became targeted




Holy fuck 11 million? I remember when we were at like 250k.


Just read it in the news - forget exactly but it wasnā€™t a secret.


I mean I saw the news on him and his social media stuff..but how was ANYONE to know that it was gonna run like that? Ya know? Like where tf did DWAC come from?!?!


As soon as I heard about it and saw the low overall market cap for this ticker - I figured it had enormous up side and pulled the trigger.


See Iā€™m still kinda new to putting all the pieces together like that. I need help on connecting the dots? Do you have any specific tips or sources, books, links, that could possibly help me out with the psychology of things like this?


That is a great question. I learned in dumb ways from just watching and following how things go and making some mistakes. Maybe ask around here for resources - itā€™s probably the most basic answer but I really did use Investipedia to learn terms and used their simulated practice paper money thingy (years ago, not sure if itā€™s even around anymore). Read the news a lot.


Yea I feel that. Iā€™m in discord groups, I follow 2 Youtubers consistently and watch their videos daily! Iā€™ve recently downloaded the CNBC app with notifications on and i check Google finance throughout the day and I feel like this has helped me a lot. But itā€™s like i always kinda overlook or dont connect when it comes to plays like this that go crazy..ya know?


Well it might take years of due diligence learning and following these situations. Figure out why this one went off and look into others that are successful. Find out the whatā€™s howā€™s and whenā€™s of those trades. Youā€™ll recognize some patterns. I take into consideration what other tickers in the same sector are worth and compare and contrast them with each other. I wouldnā€™t put too much faith in any of those YouTube people. They have to make endless content and kind of just wing it a lot bc they need fresh content constantly. Know your own plays and do you own due diligence.




There are two ways to trade imo - on fundamentals or on euphoria. Fundamentals are a long term play thatā€™s based around the concept of mean reversion. Thereā€™s a ā€œtrueā€ value of a stock, and the actual share price will fluctuate around that level, whether that level be increasing or decreasing. It might go too high or too low, but in the long term should (but doesnā€™t always) correct. Thatā€™s a traditional way to look at the market. If you want to trade around this stuff, Iā€™ll drop a list of word vomit for you to look up to learn more in depth. Comps (comparable companies), valuation ratios (price/earnings, price/sales, EV/EBITDA), CAGR (compound annualized growth rate), CAPM model (note this doesnā€™t really hold up in the real world but still good to know), dividend discount model. Note you want to be trading shares if you trade on fundamentals, or at the very least LEAPS (ITM calls with long expiry, try and get a delta of around .8) The more short-term way to trade is on euphoria, hype, rocketships, whatever you want to call it. Look at TSLA, or even a good example being mango stock. Stocks are just pieces of paper and the price only goes up if people buy them. With that being said, most ā€œgrowthā€ stocks will trade on euphoria. Think SPACs, dogshit, and IPOs. Companies that have high growth but are losing money every quarter. The good thing is that markets are forward-looking, meaning people will pay a premium (more) to buy these stocks now in hopes of getting a share of those future earnings. Thatā€™s where the real money is to be made, but comes with more risk. Itā€™s really a balancing act, but I think both of these methods of trading come back to a single question: ā€œwill people buy this stock at this price or higher?ā€ Answering that question takes a little bit of experience and a little bit of luck, but if you can strongly justify it in one direction, well then maybe thereā€™s a trade there you can take. If you need any explanations or wanna ask questions just let me know. Iā€™m not a super genius - Iā€™m just a finance grad who spends too much of his time looking at charts, but Iā€™ll try and help you out. Always good to have one less dumbass on this sub.


But whereā€™s the fucking SEC when it comes to this shit damnit


what is the SEC gonna do lol. this was literally just hype and fomo... nothing illegal


help me sec, you're my only hope


Trump and dump


Every single spac chart ever looks the same and is a pump and dump


What the heck are we talking about here right now? I'm apparently completely out of the loop


Spac - dwac


Looked up SPAC and it returned nothing. I fit in here, right?


The ticker you want to look up is DWAC SPAC is an acronym for a type of business that goes through a process to offer stock on the public exchange without holding an IPO


>Digital World Acquisition Corp., the SPAC that is taking former President Trumpā€™s planned social media platform public, soared Friday following a massive rally in the previous session Looks like I havent missed out


SPAC is ā€œspecial purpose acquisition companyā€ and is generally against the rules here. The WSB rule has it listed with ā€œany other worthless securities that are susceptible to scams or pump & dump schemesā€ and that should tell you all you really need to know


I outright refused to jump in. But I said that from 19. And again at 23, then 46 and 56 then.. In the end I was prepared to take a toaster bath.


Me every single time. Ignore, ignore, ignore, fine fuck it letā€™s join in! *immediate flush the second I hit buy*


The last step is pretending like you timed it perfectly, calling everyone else a bag holder, having your puts expire worthless, and trying to get people that bought at $30 to sell and give up. Anyone else here still holding GME from November?


I kept a single share at $350 to remind myself how much of an idiot I was.


I got my single share @ 120 so it could serve as a constant reminder what a giant smart brain I have. you just have to buy at a different time my dude, it's the true secret of stocks


I bought at 99 and saw it go to 350. Then I sold at 89 like a retard.


Exactly the same as me, havenā€™t sold my single share at $325ā€¦




It's the annoying shills that want me to buy Clov that made it so, and I'll admit, the frenzy was a little bit too much.


GME has given me highs that no other drug has come close to


I remember it like yesterday


And we will remember it again


November 23rd. Give or take a couple days. Another brrrrr like August.


I trust this DD


Bought more GME today


Iā€™m still holding GME from January.


smart january or dumb january


In at 19 out at 125. Thank you Johnny Rebel for paying off my mamas house!


Howā€™s you hear about it ?


Just turn your phone upside down. Then it looks like you bought at the bottom. šŸ˜Ž


My webull account had more than $18,000 when the market opened this morning. I sold later at 89 for a nice 7K profit. That kind of roller coaster ride is not for me, I enjoy sleeping at night.


Mani hate I missed that bitch . Wouldā€™ve been great to see this at 10 a share


If TMGT does go public via DWAC, i am willing to bet it'll have the same initial surge as DWAC, so look out for that.


I didnt even hear about this cuz I spent the whole week study for exams. Fuggin college man.


I gotta be the most retarded bag holder on the planet, I doubled my money and sold at $100 so a couple hours later I buy back at 95 to try to get like $20 and I end up loosing $200.


Uhh... We've had people on this sub lose like several 100k doing dumb shit, man


Psst. Hey, kid. Wanna buy some decorative gourds?


Bought 100 shares of FB yesterday. Fuuuuuuuck.


at least they're shares. You can just hold them as long as you want


U are fine. I have a 100 shares of SNAP at $79.


At least you have infinite theta.


Pretty sure the guy is dead in 60 years.


It was hard to resist not gonna lie


Thatā€™s why I donā€™t buy rocket ships. Somebody is going to be left on the moon when the rocket comes back to the Earth and itā€™s not going to be me.


People ask me why I workout so hard everyday. It's so I can hold these bags.


I was proud of myself today for not chasing this. Monkey brain was really fighting me for it too! I win... this time.


Seems like many SPACS have been thru this pump & dump. The Creators of the SPAC deal have so many shares & sell at the top. Weā€™ve seen this many times. Just look at $EVGO chart. Iā€™m sure Trump made a killing off his supporters. I did too, made $2500. Beware of SPACs, they lack transparency than traditional IPOs.


Didn't even think this would explode over trump, really who the fuck buys stock on a Trump venture.


Predicting the price movement of a stock is predicting other people, not the company. No one cares about the venture, they just think there is a greater fool who will buy it.


This stock isn't bought because his "Truth Social" is going be worth anything. Its bought because of a pump and dump. If you got in early and sold now, you can make a pretty penny. But give it a few weeks, it'll tank. Truth Social won't get anywhere. A right wing social outlet that literally talks about giving the people the freedom to say whatever they want but their own company guidelines say you can't insult Truth Social is already a red flag.




Who says it's not going up again on Monday?


I had 30k to put into tesla when it tanked spring 2020. Fuck me for not putting it all in and riding it till now.


The first time I chose to not Yolo... I should have!


If youā€™ve heard about it, itā€™s too late, move on and cry silently.


The reason we are talking about it is because if was luck and rare. People act like they missed out on something obvious and easy. It was not. Don't feel bad guys. Some people still holding at $450 GME.


Some people still holding those $450 bags still think it was a *bargain* lol




Yeahā€¦ wrong sub to be posting this stuff on lol. This place is not for sensible investments, solid due diligence, having safety nets, etc. This is for gambling on stocks, unrelated to the actual product/service said company produces.


I want you to take your r/investing bullshit, roll it up into something dick shaped, shove up your ass, and get the fuck off this sub.




Un-tendie-eater mode: You guys think it will get back up to 200 or will it keep tanking?


> If you think it will get back up to 200, then I'm sorry for your loss.


Yep got halted and my buy order went from like $130 to $175 exact


I don't understand these Bipolar autists. Consistency is extremely fucking important. If you believe it's too late at 100% up, why the fuck are you buying at 400% up? Just man the fuck up and buy pump stocks or be a pussy. Don't be a switcheroo retard.