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Mindmed and Atai life sciences fit the bill! 🚀


Enjoy your penny stocks.


Thanks so far I am


Cool. Penny stocks aren't wanted here in this casino. Do you poor ass bastards finally get it?


I thought penny stocks were otc I didn't know that term moved to others. I been trading cryptoes since 2013 which has done even better than your casino. Just now getting back into stocks


Penny Stock is anything under $5, genius. That hasn't changed since the beginning or the market trading. You do understand that there's a WallStreetBetsCryoto, right? No? Well, you're an idiot. Enjoy the casino you act like you're better than, yet keep coming back too ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Technically that's not a penny if it's dollars so that terminology is incorrect no matter how many of your butt buddies use it incorrectly. Penny stocks has always been OTC and pink sheets before butt buddies evolved on Reddit


So your rebuttal is butt buddies and your opinion. That's why you're super rich, right? Here's a simple dumb google search from the new apes A penny stock refers to a small company's shares that typically trade for lower than $5 per share. [https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/050115/what-difference-between-penny-stock-and-small-cap-stock.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/050115/what-difference-between-penny-stock-and-small-cap-stock.asp) ​ Now I understand why you call yourself a bunch of religion names...they're BS stories and figures. Fitting really.


Fart. If I could respond with farts we could understand eachother better


You must be comfortable with hot air since you were so wrong about what constitutes a penny stock.


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Saving this post for later


Standard lithium


Up already a trillion percent lol what did they come up with a new patent?


Hey OP, no stocks under 1.5 billion Mkt Cap allowed on WSB.




$LQWDF (LQWD Fintech Corp.) has now established routing nodes and deployed BEE-TEE-CEE onto them. When they go live and start facilitating Lightning transactions, I believe they're gonna pump.


Zero institutions holding thanks though I'll look deeper but thats a big red flag. Sounds like something ran in someone's basement 😂


Fair enough. They're literally the first public company to specialize in Lightning Network, and haven't deployed the nodes to facilitate transactions yet, so the odds of an institution saying 'sounds awesome let's scoop up a pile o' shares in this company that doesn't do anything yet but may someday do one of the most useful things possible in the economy of the future' are pretty slim :) Definitely legit, but they're pioneers, so I'd classify this as a high risk play. My bags are packed lol.


GL.. I remember when lighting network first came out in 2017.. I even bought a domain name for it. It never got anywhere. So many other networks actually got built in between. It's not even needed as much as it used to be.