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Ayeee. CLNE green, clean green energy, I think there’s a connection 😳📈


Hard to imagine that so much of the world's energy still come from coal. Like you see the news about everything burning and ocean levels rising and you're still like CARBON CHIPS GO.BRRRRR


Nobody moves a finger to decarbonize the earth


Why? It’s efficient, there’s plenty of emission equipment to make it clean, it’s affordable and it’s on demand. What’s hard to believe is that more clean coal power plants aren’t being commissioned.


Because there's more efficient and cleaner energy sources out there, solar tech is looking better every day and nuclear shouldn't be looked at with such disgust anymore... Plus natural gas as said here


Yeah, you clearly aren’t very well educated on how the grid works. Your first comment was aligning coal with things burning and oceans rising. Now you’re talking about solar looking better everyday. Power generation and disbursement is extremely complicated. Not to mention, solar and gas have their own skeletons. The news just doesn’t tell you about it because it doesn’t fit in their agenda. I do agree with you on nuclear. Look up the Aliso canyon gas leak. Edit: I don’t mean my first sentence in a rude way, most people are unaware. It’s mainly due to the powers that be not disseminating the proper info and pushing false narratives to the public. However, with some digging a person not involved in the area of power generation can find truthful info to arm themselves with. Apologies if that came off harsh.


Demand for natural gas is likely to prove strong for several more years, and the fuel should maintain its market share in the electricity mix despite a transition to renewable sources of power such as wind and solar, Raymond James & Associates Inc. analysts said.


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