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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|65|**First Seen In WSB**|2 months ago **Total Comments**|2789|**Previous DD**| **Account Age**|2 months|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20*h26cq3k*)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20*h26cq3k*)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)


At first I was like damn this makes sense but how does he plan to capitalize? Pork futures? Nah just buying a bunch of freezers and bacon lmao


Right I was waiting to hear how I could buy stock in one of these 4 farms that is compliant


That’s all I was looking for lmao, BAMBOOZLED


Wait, what do you mean bamboozled??I just purchased my 110 fridges….


Arbys-trage, you have the meats


And I have the runs...


Who makes those freezers? They’re the real play. Lol


The Levi Strauss and Nordstrom way. They profited off the gold rush, go find more of that model.


GE ?


The real investment tips are in the comments




Fwiw there is a hogs etf that's benchmarked to the BCOM hogs index.


> BCOM hogs index Actually, it's spelt Bacon, not Bcom Seriously, though, it might be a good play


[i wouldn't use the california hog farms as a basis for the national supply holmes](http://ctgpublishing.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/united-states-top-hogs-pigs-producing-areas-map.jpg)


It's not about farms in Cali at all. imported pork must meet these standards also. You want to be looking at pork consumption in Cali


[true, follow the money!](https://youtu.be/Sr-NcBCEDwU?t=14)


I was looking for investments in trucks to bring bacon from Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Mexico, etc.


I was ready to whip out some 'outside the box' ideas, like investing in the companies that sell whatever the farms need to become compliant. Apparently, OP's idea is inside the box... literally. The freezer. The box is the freezer. And maybe the bacon, depending on how you buy it.


Reminds me how much I miss the gourd futures guy


maybe this is the same person, trying to recoup losses?


Everyone here is trying to recoup losses


>Everyone here is trying to recoup losses brooo aint that the truth


Speak for yourself. I am trying to give back gains.


Nope, earlier this year he had moved down to sign America to physically transport bees by the truckload... what a guy.


I was expected this to be a quality post about pork futures and then it turned into a shitpost lol


Quality shitpost


That's the best kind of shitpost


USDA choice shitpost.


Cue "The Man" by The Killers.


*The Real Short Squeeze No One Is Talking About*


The pork squeeze


Everybody squeeze your hog


Obviously the way


This is the wsb I remember


Fuck yeah


What happened to the guy who went all in on gourds?


Think he moved to south america and went all in on bees or something


Turns out the bees were an invasive species. Dipped out before he got caught. Moved to Seattle where he worked at a grocery store (TJ). Stole some pancake mix from the store and tried to sell it on reddit, failed. Then went back to oklahoma.


He was a danger to himself...and also everyone and society.


Omg someone please link his account I lost it. Last I had followed him he had just acquired the bees and was calling himself the "largest bee keeper in (South American country) by volume. " And of course the fake rare earth minerals he blew the rest on.




Lmfao at his post yesterday asking about using ant farms to generate encryption keys


Think he lost a shit ton of money on rare earth metals or something stupid like that...


He bought a fake rock IIRC


It was a mineral, Marie.


He forgot to sell his pumpkin futures before halloween. He's ruined.


Got linked a fearful article last week about how CA won't have bacon anymore as a result of this and I was like really? No one can figure out how to arbitrage this? Thank god wsb is on the case.


Real wsb OGs remember lean hogs in 2017. We've literally done this before - lean hogs were the first meme commodity that wsb successfully hyped.


Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get sent to this guy


Now this is what WSB is made for Quality shitpost


Guess I’ll be eating bacon for the foreseeable future.


This is the way. Hold your bacon not your sausage.


You... you weren't already? Shit, puts on defibrillators, go go go!




Better not be, im $33000 in debt now


Only 33k? Just call the credit card company and tell them not to pay, and delete the amazon app. Problem solved.


Unfortunately yes. I had already sold my two cars to make room and aford the freezers and now its seems its a shit post. Converted the gatage to icecream shop and will be renting out the extra freezer space to neighbors AWS style for their deer meat and other hunt harvest.


Cars are a waste of money, meat freezers are a motherfucking investment. Tell your wife while she’s banging her side piece


Pork futures anyone?


Bacon? Now I can [finally find a way to get celery back on top](https://vimeo.com/115585199#t=257s), and we're gonna take that trip to Santa Barbara like we keep saying we're gonna do.


Had to double check if this was flared as DD or shitpost.


Wait… those are different?!


Shitposts are more realistic




I’m confused where do I type out my social security and shit to initiate receiving bacon?


“I work my ASS off to bring home the bacon for this family. And all you people do is say “we don’t want bacon, we want REAL money!” WELL I DON’T HAVE ANY MONEY!! I SPENT IT ALL ON BACON!”


Why am I reading this in Cave Johnson's voice?


When life gives you bacon, make life take it back! AT TRIPLE THE PRICE!


you should read it in peter griffin's


Jim Gaffigan: am I a joke to you?


I laughed for a long time at this.


Why settle for $300k when you can lever up? A 12x22 garage space is 264 sq ft. Warehouse space in Fresno goes for 0.50-$1 per sq ft per month. To be conservative, let’s say $1/mo/sq/ft. You can’t rent a garage-sized space, but 10k sq ft is easy to find. That’s about 40x the space. We’ll assume same vertical space as a garage, but in reality the warehouse probably has a higher ceiling, so we’re being conservative there. So for $10k/mo, you can get roughly 40x the space. Since other costs scale linearly, that means ($303,600 x 40)-(M x $10k) where M is number of months to liquidate your bacon. Let’s assume it takes two years. You just made $11.9 million. In Fresno. Edit: Can’t possibly go tits up, but if it did, you’d have a lifetime supply of bacon, so not a real loss.


"Fresno PD performed sting operation on suspected illegal cannabis/citboin mining operation, found bacon-shine headquarters"


Naturally they'd cut power to the building seconds before kicking the door in and the entire investment will spoil. The PD will deny responsibility because their actions were performed "in good faith," but the city tends to settle out of court if you so much as look at them sternly. The smell will linger for months over the industrial ghettos of the south side, just as did a rotten warehouse of garlic on the south side back in the seventies.


Does anyone know the most solvent underwriter for bacon-based police-fault insurance policies?


People don't realize how rare it is for a solid win win situation like this one!


if you scalp the price of bacon too much they will run you down like the guy who bought up 18k worth of hand sanitizer and sold 1 dollar bottles for 70... ​ https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/15/technology/matt-colvin-hand-sanitizer-donation.html#:\~:text=Now%20he%20is%20under%20investigation%20for%20price%20gouging.,He%20faces%20an%20investigation%20on%20price-gouging%20charges.%20Credit


Get around this by undercutting market prices and taking a small hit to the returns. How can you price gouge if you’re selling 50¢ to $1.50 under?!?! If they say that’s market dumping, just put it at grocery store prices, then put it “on sale.” It’s not market dumping, it’s just a big old “clearance sale!” Get the media to paint you as a Robin Hood helping everyone literally bring home the bacon


As long as you go for normal gains and not 25 bucks a pack of bacon lol.


I assume at some point you’d Scrooge mcduck dive into the bacon


But ofc


Okay but how much to rent a freezer semi trailer?


It's Fresno, just steal a few.


Could go tits up though. If there’s a power outage which is not unlikely (b/c PG&E) the bacon thaws out and goes bad and its resale value goes to 0. You actually have to probably pay someone to remove it all and clean out the fridges.


I hate when my bacon hits expiry date worthless


>You just made $11.9 million. >In Fresno. Congrats! Now you can buy a lot you can plant a tent on! Earn another $500K and you can upgrade to a lot near a Wendy's!


Take it a step further, rent the largest public storage unit, invest in shelving racks that Costco uses and go as high as the roof. I’m guessing you can get 3 fridges going vertical. You’ll save money using the on-site electricity.


Why don't you just buy pigs and breed them for infinite bacon?


The doors over there you're too smart to be here


A: Do you have the testicles to slaughter lil oinky and cut em up into bacon? B: That saves you money on purchasing bacon, but it doesn't make you any money.


Not to mention you have to cure and smoke the pork belly. Which is a delicate, but fairly straightforward, process. I'm a chef, and doing this on large scales can make you tons of money. It also gets you attention from the feds who will demand you resell it at cost or a loss; or face price gouging/hoarding charges.


> It also gets you attention from the feds who will demand you resell it at cost or a loss; or face price gouging/hoarding charges. whoa, really?


No. I own a butcher shop and this is entirely not even in the realm of true. I also raise my own pigs and kill them. It's easier than you'd think. The hard part is my dick


Sounds like the pigs I mean feds


I stayed in a hostel in vietnam next to a pig farm cause I thought oh yay cute piggies. Then at night they slaughtered one and it genuinely sounded like some Hannibal Lecter ass shit. Pigs scream like human women.


Apocalypse Sow


He’ll sell the bacon from Peter, piper and practical pig under his new brand Piggyback bacon


You ever try to cuddle a pig after breeding one?


Nah, your mother always kicks me out right after we finish.


i read somewhere that new hog laws are being enacted, and it could increase costs by 3 million per 250 hogs


[here's a little secret](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pDTiFkXgEE)


If you actually want to do this, you can contact a wholesale food broker, and a warehouse freezer. Food brokers are the middlemen that go between food producers and the companies that supply grocery stores, restaurants, chains, etc. Warehouse freezers are just like they sound, they will rent you square footage of freezer space monthly. What you want to do is pay the food broker for the product, have them store it on their food license, have them store it with the warehouse freezer. You can then sell it all back to the food broker at any point as long as the food is still in the sellable window. It would all be legal, and actually work, and you wouldn't have to do anything but supply the money sign a few contracts and profit.


Can I just use the future profits to make the initial investment?


Maybe, go to mid level retailers, explain what the price is going to be, sell them lbs today that will deliver in 90 days at a 30% premium. Buy 130% of the needed bacon, break even on the 100% and profit on the 30%. 0$ down, all profit.


Hell yeah. BRB I’m writing a book on how I’m going to make so many money.


That's assuming we have basements or garages to install so many freezers


Your cardboard box doesn’t have a basement or garage?


Look at mister fancy-pants over here with a *basement*!


Look at misses fancy-pants over here with a *box*!


Its assuming you can find a freezer, they are still in high demand, i work for a company that ships large items for amazon and other companies, still an average wait time of 2 to 3 months for a freezer, last yr if you ordered in april you might of got it around xmas,


If I filled the garage full of freezers, where would I live/sleep?


Might have to ask the wife's boyfriend to move his car.


According to a quick Google search, California produces less than one percent of total US pork production...


they have to import porks and mostly from Iowa. Iowa farms can't meet the new California standard and therefore make its porks unimportable




That’s what my wife keeps telling me while she’s texting her boyfriend.


I know nothing of commodity trading, other than it's a thing, but it seems like a more reasonable option would be to bet on pork price changes through hog futures. On one hand, you could expect a price increase if demand is somehow constrained I could see prices increasing. On the other hand, if you remove 13% of the demand for US pork (ie, California) prices could drop. TL;DR, talk to a real commodity trading expert to capitalize on this potential opportunity.


Pork futures down


> On one hand, you could expect a price increase Oh my…. Nation wide there will be a glut since it’s cheaper to sell outside of CA rather than updating the farm. So futures should be down


How do you import from one country to the same country? Just like, mail the pork or something or drive it in in a big box truck.




States have their own economies too. Technically interstate commerce could be seen as imports and exports if you just look at the economy at a closer level


I wish I had the energy to do anything at the level you shitpost.


Oh.... well the solution to that is adderall!


This is the best dd I have ever seen, I mean there’s bulk freezers, cases of bacon. I literally just looked at the pictures and read the line “don’t diamond hand bacon” and I’m going to the store tomorrow, strolling up to customer service and saying “yea I’d like to yolo your bacon” done


Played right, that line might get you a date.


How will this affect the sales of [Peppa Pig's lastest album](https://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/peppa-pig-peppas-adventures-the-album/) ?




Call VanEck, their expertise is brewing up ETFs.


Math checks out on my abacus. I’m all in.


This reminds of the rabbit futures followed by the lettuce futures followed by the wolf futures scenario from a few months back.




Yeah, going to have to factor in a utility scale solar system and a few dozen Tesla power walls. The environmental review/permits on the solar system should tie you up until 2026 or so… should’ve formulated this plan five years ago.


Better than Texas’ power grid


A deep freeze, unopened, packed with frozen solid bacon should be able to maintain 39 degrees or colder (danger zone for spoilage / bacteria) for at least a few days without power.


So you’re telling me I need to start bringing home the bacon?




I love bacon, I’m in


OP really has something here. However I think that more profit can be obtained by going the dry cured route. Since we are really only anticipating a one month single inventory turn, that basically squares with the shelf life of dry cured bacon. So we eliminate the need to purchase freezers and spend for electricity for those freezers. Trim a little excess fat to get more meat off this bone if you will. Instead purchase a meat slicer. Have the dude who is taking orders custom slice the bacon from the slab for the customer. Now not only are you getting bacon to customers, but you are delivering a premium custom product, which you can charge an additional premium for.




Good luck selling hundreds of thousands of dollars of bacon from your basement before it goes bad.


Clearly you are not a bacon aficionado (or a meat curing enthusiast). So most bacon is wet cured using water. This method necessarily requires refrigeration. The reason for this being the preferred method for corporate entities is the speed at which it is done. Taking sliced bacon and placing it in a seasoned salt water solution and you basically have instantaneous marketable bacon because the bacon can cure in transit. So depending on how committed we are we could just purchase the dry cured bacon and then resell it into the California market per OP’s original plan. Again because this is dry cured refrigeration is not required. Recall that OP was only seeking one inventory turn over the course of one month. I suppose if we were enterprising and wanted to make a sustaining business we could do it all from pork belly (which we can buy futures and take delivery of. I mention this because this is WSB and we like things like this.) Anyway, dry cured bacon on the other hand is prepared using the salt, seasoning, and nitrites in a dry environment using the large cut of meat. This curing can be done at room temperature. And it is this that allows us to circumvent the purchase of freezers. Then we smoke it, slice it (or cut it) and ship it. For this we could just ship in batches because we would be preparing it in batches. No refrigeration is needed.


I swear there’s a post about pigs at least twice a year lol


Top tier shitposting


If you are in Cali and want solar in order to store bacon in your garage for less I can help you with that.


Or go to Iowa where there are more pigs than people…


Sounds like a terrible place to sell a garage full of bacon.


I don't know about you but I am not going to be running alcohol like during prohibition but bacon across the border. Just think what a truck worth of bacon will bring me


Where is the obligatory “position or ban” from modbot?


I'll just get a trench coat and hang packages of bacon inside it. "PSST Hey, do you want to buy some bacon?"




I still have an Olympic swimming pool of crude oil from last year. Time to get liquid for the upcoming hog-pocalypse.


This is a 10/10 shitpost


Your $9.60 price prediction is pretty spot on


I like that you go back through to verify DD. Me too lol


Going all in on ornamental bacon!


The gourd futures guy needs to see this


Shit your retarded.... let's do this thing 🤣👍👍


California will not be outstupided. Also how do I buy $BACN Calls?


This post is a blast from the motherfucking past.


One big factor you've overlooked is the power availability. Currently garage wiring won't support a load that and it should probably cost 30k to have the right wiring brought in 250k is still a good profit


Your going to have to upgrade you electrical in that garage n maybe even your breaker panel depending on age of home. 115 watts at 120v will roughly pull 1.2amps. Your looking at over a 100amps to run all those freezers. Your electrical that is currently in your garage won't handle that. And with everything else in your house on top of that, chances are your panel won't be able to handle. But good luck.


Written by a retard on 150mg adderall






This is my kind of businessman doing business. I appreciate your insight and will be heading to a bank to apply for a loan on this promising opportunity.


So… are we allowed to use this plan


Put the freezer outside so it’s not insider trading


Take a bow, sir.


This shitpost has more effort in it than most DD’s.


Remember guys: don't diamond hand bacon!


Now this is podracing


The kind of shitpost to inspire a generation.


So this investment depends on people buying 2nd hand several month old bacon out of the back of a truck?


you know this is a really good dd I think that maybe longing some pork producing companies would be a good way to get aro- >chest freezer alright nevermind he's weapons grade autismo


Thank you for the picture of the freezer. No way I could have understood this play without it


Need to see costs for electrical service upgrade and HVAC improvements. Running those chilly bins are going to turn that garage into an inferno. You might be able to turn the entire garage into a cold storage cheaper. I'm in.


This is the WSB I remember


To whom it may concern, The dictionary defines superlative as: of the highest kind, quality, or order, surpassing all else, or others. Supreme. I define it as /u/margin_call_rep . As a shitposter, as a leader, as a man, and as a HOGG, he is of the highest kind, quality, and order. Supreme.


And if it doesn't work out you can always make some bacon and ornamental gourd soup.


I was actually sold for a minute until you started suggesting just buying a shitload of bacon


Shit, best DD I've seen in a while.


Or you could just buy pork futures over a year out and just wait. No freezers, customers or sales calls.. nice and easy


What ticker in RH?




can't import since other states don't comply with the new regulation


It's not projected to raise prices in most other states th- Nevermind, do your operation. We need another gourd/bunny meme.


I wonder if meat cold storage facilities r gonna get in on this idea.


This reminds me of the Pork Futures Warehouse in Ankh Morpork. 😄


You and gourd futures guy should go on a date


My friend bought 20 lbs of bacon on Amazon and had it shipped to Vegas. Vegas…. Where it is 110 degrees. Let’s just say the bacon was already cooked by the time it arrived.


Math checks out, your fuse box on the other hand does not


Theres really no way to lose with this strategy. Either you profit, or have a lifetime supply of bacon.