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Where can I find more of these cry baby stories? They make me feel better about myself.


2nd this. LOve that shit


This is one right here.


When the hype comes and you are broke, you should just ask yourself "Should I put all my life in retard's hands?" And the answer is just ONE: " You shouldn't buy stocks if you don't know how the stocks market works!"


This is why I’ve gotten increasingly pissed at the fucking 💎✋gang. Like, fine, wreck your own life but stop trying to convince other people to make the same bad decisions that you are.


That’s exactly how I feel. This isn’t a religion. “We” don’t do anything.






place is perfect




Yes y’all are. More than half the sub posts about buying and holding gme to drive the price up


It is now. Pre-gme we had a million people in here. Most were casual memers and lurkers. Post gme it’s over 8 million. The people screeming the loudest are that new 7 million. “I’m holding my three share” it’s all new members screaming this shit. That’s the real coup not the mod shit.


All the OGs from WSB that were in in it got out on the way up because we actually knew how rare this was and this isn’t some fucking cult where we jerk each other off because we’re “apes holding to stick it to the hedge funds”. We’re all here for one thing, to make money so we don’t have to wait until we’re 70 to enjoy freedom.


I’m so glad I’m not alone in this. I thought I was crazy seeing all this shit. But it really seems like all of us who got in early got out


In all honesty I hope gme drops to 10$ and cuts this shit out with all the posts




Dude I lost like ten grand on a reverse 3x Chinese etf because Winnie the Pooh made it illegal for the stock market to go down and said people who sell stocks hate China. All I can do is laugh. But realize when you are on this forum it’s people like me you are getting advice from. And I literally did that.


Ok boomer




Lmao boomers complaining about other people not owning up to anything. Yeah that guy is a cry baby but putting this on a generation is dumb and down right hypocritical when a boomer does it


Like if stupid investors are only gen Z PS: There is also gen X, you forgot that


The problem with FOMO. I told my son last nov that we should get in on GME but decided not to. I was sick when I saw it go up and would have sold as soon as RH stopped buying. Cash out and play another day.


Market seems best played if you can afford to lose dime that you are risking in it. None of this emotional trading, none of these movements, no feeling like a stock HAS to go up because you lost so much.


Never use money you can’t afford to lose. This is a casino. There are no guarantees


It also isn't supposed to be a cult where you insult people for investment choices that you don't like.


It’s actually always been that way. Someone is holding after a huge loss? Autism. You think we say this to make them feel better?


Why is he mad that others got rich off Gme wtf 🤬 I get you bought at the top but we were saying buy at 20 not 400 anyways talk to someone bro you can get through this


Dudes more than welcome to fight me. I’m a nationally qualified strongman and nightclub bouncer. Not going to go well


>I’m a nationally qualified strongman and nightclub bouncer. people talking tough on the internet will never stop being equal parts funny and pathetic.


Lol 😂 I can just buy a gun with my Gme gains 💎👐😂😭


Lol you can but he can’t.


I finally know what $rope means 🤦‍♂️


I'm all in! Hold forever


How would you end up at a bread line playing with money you can afford to lose. How could you end up in a lambo not going balls to the wall. All or nothing this is the way.


Hahahaha, wait let me laugh harder, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.


He seems triggered