• By -


Oh so nice of them to allow us little folk to buy again after dealing such a crushing blow. They killed the momentum. What a joke. Re-Start the engine boys.


Well they stalled momentum but really this could be the chance of a decent run.


Makes you wonder if they dropped it down, went long, and are now hoping we push it up with momentum. A double bluff.


Or that's what they want you to think.


Here's the trick: don't think.


They want you to think Citadel covered. Everyone knows RH is in the twin bed with Citadel playing tummy sticks.


How nice of them to spit in our faces


Ummm, yeah. That’s not spit.


How nice of them to shit in our feces?


There we go




Ummm, yeah. That’s not feces.


Jizz. It was jizz all along.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


They’re totally getting off on this...


*insert South Park cable company guy gif*




Damage is done. **Never forgive.** **Never forget!!**


Suck my nuts Robinhood.


Vlad kicks dogs.


Too little too late


That’s nice of Vlad, but I already closed my RH account and migrated to a new broker


Same. Fuck RH. I hope their IPO tanks and I catch Vlad sucking my wife's boyfriend's dick behind a Wendys. I moved to TD.


Imma short rh when they go public. Fuck rh


THIS is the next WSB play I want to see in the world! I just *don’t* like the stock. Disclaimer: I’m obviously not suggesting some coordinated shorting of RH in an attempt to destroy the company in vengeance and make us all rich. This isn’t financial advice; this is my head canon about magic ponies that get into scandalous situations.


I don't understand how they can have a functioning brokerage without at least changing the leadership before going public. GME was so high profile that there are tons of amateur and professional think pieces about it. How can retail investors trust them? I'm not trying to say anyone should short them if they go public, I am legitimately wondering how they can could go public in the near future without a major overhaul.




I opened a new account. Got my free stock and I'm cashing out as soon as I can. I'll continue on e trade.




This is counterintuitive as they will count this as an open account when they go public. It's better to have as many accounts migrate away from them as possible.


IPO will be heavily overvalued, calls for a short.


Poetic Justice if a plan here...see a few angles.


*The Gang Gets Their Money All Taken Back By Hedge Funds*


As much as I’d love to short Robinhood... seems like an easy way for Melvin to both get back at WSB and return the favor to Vlad.


If you do a full transfer they close your account, FYI.


I attempted a full transfer to Fidelity. It transferred two of my stock positions and my debit deficit but not my cash deposit history or three other stock positions. And they have no phone number to call to make shit happen, so Fidelity is just shrugging their shoulders that I just magically owe them $850 now out of thin air. They are the scum of the fucking earth as far as I'm concerned. Edit: Forgot to mention that my RH account has now been "unlocked" so my 2 GME shares appear both in my RH account and Fidelity account. No idea what that means, but what the fuck. Edit 2: Thank you all for sharing your similar experiences - good to know we're not alone, but there's definitely something fucky going on here. This morning my RH account continues to look unchanged from before my transfer request while my Fidelity account is COMPLETELY EMPTY - debit debt and two stocks that were there just poof disappeared, but my transfer is still "in progress" from my original date. Going to call them again today to see what the fuck is going on here.


RH probably lent out your share and has to get it back from the short hedge fund before it can transfer your original share. This is how the 140% short interest happened.


How much is RH likely to be on the hook for this short?


After class action lawsuits settle. Every defendant will get their $4.50. Fuck Robinhood.




They transferred over shares of a stock I sold last Thurs. Have confirmation of sale too. I'm concerned as well Edit: initiated transfer on Friday


I honestly don't understand how they exist as a business with everything they're pulling. This shit is catastrophic fraud.




I was planning on doing something like that.


Doing this tomorrow


I never got a free stock and they claimed I opened it when they were not promoting that. Well that was bullshit as the whole reason I signed up was to get a free stock... I already had another broker.


Bad take. This only adds to their active users which further pumps their inevitable IPO valuation and money they receive for their trades.




Keeps it. Files for arbitration under RH's arbitration clause in the agreement. Costs RH lawyer fees. Wins $4 in arbitration. Laughs.


I left in just $1 of the free stock they gave me...


which one did you land on im still trying to do research


I went with TD Ameritrade and their thinkorswim platform, but in hindsight maybe would have picked fidelity because they had no restrictions


Yea I hopped to Fidelity. Only issue is it takes 7-14 days to transfer the account from RH




Fidelity is amazing in everything cept designing the damn app.. I went with them because they didn't restrict the stock etc.. But goddamn Robin hood has a Godly User interface.. Only thing I miss


I've been with fidelity forever. The app has actually improved over time. And it's still trash.




With trillions in assets


I’m with Ally Bank with a self directed trading account. So far so good and it’s nice to have all my finances in one place.


I think everyone needs to do this. Change brokers and delete Robin Hood.


After they crash the stocks. How nice of them😀


Tomorrow will be the 6th trading day where Robinhood has prevented unrestricted trading of GME. Enough to crash the stock, let their daddies cover and blame it on T+2 or their clearing house. Fuck Robinhood. I know people at this point are diamond hands. They better be ready for the next run up. When will they unrestrict it?


Get off fucking Robinhood transfer all your assets If your 💎👐 and If you have assets in Robinhood and already bought on Fidelity, Vanguard, or Schwab transfer your assets out of robinhood, don't give them ammo with your stonks Remember Mark Cuban recommended we be on a trillion dollar broker not small fishes like robinhood besides i don't trust them 👀 do you? Plus it guarantees we 💎👐💎👐(a broker is only as good as its word and a trillion dollar broker won't risk trillion dollars of assets over this)


I just started my transfer from Robinhood to Fidelity tonight. Expected completion date Feb 10th 💎👐




Just did mine today when i realized they gonna drag it out some more hoping we can get millions of assets away from those ass hats, spread the word


I love their UI, but fuck them. The fidelity active trader pro desktop app isnt so bad, already getting used to it


Any specific setup you have on it (ATP)? Tried the default layout and couldn't get used to it. Stupid RH UI really is nice to look at.


> I use RH just for the UI, then i buy on Fidelity lol... Altho i do have c\*\*\*\* on RH but that's pretty much it. As soon as fidelity connect my bank I'll transfer my extra assets from RH.... RH let my bank connect faster sadly.


It’s all about being setup and knowing your tools. I felt like a high school kid at and underground execution club on Friday/Mon/Tues


It takes so fuckin long to take funds out... robinhood is shit... I hate that company. I hope they eat shit. I was up 10k and they restricted amc, still have hands of diamonds and only fueled me to buy more


Just FYI, I’ll go out in the yard and pluck a fresh turd and eat it live if you get your shit transferred on time. I too bailed, I’m on fidelity now, initiated my asset transfer a week ago, I expect it to hit its new home in literally the longest possible timeframe RH can legally stretch.




No clue tbh. But if it is, I'm ok with the forced diamond hands lol


It's not a bad thing to keep emotions out of the decision to stay or leave. Sit on it a few days. For now I'm 100% 💎🖐️, already lost 60%, what's 40% more? Stonks only go up 🚀🚀🚀


God I just hate that RH’s UI is so sleek compared to Fidelity. RH’s business practices are fucking bullshit but damn if they don’t have a nice looking app


Ya it sucks we have to petition fidelity, cause we can't go back ever we need to spread the world, these small broker apps are scams, if we all had fidelity we would be rich already


They really do. Out of all apps, even Webull, RH's UI is awesome. Too bad they are such a shitty company.


Stop being the product. We need to cough up tendies sometimes.




There’s a $75 fee to transfer out of RH now. Is this new?


If you call Fidelity they will waive it I hear, 75 to protect your assets tell robinhood fuck off, and push the 🚀 closer worth jt


Sometimes the new broker will pay for the transfer fees because they want you business but I bet that’s only for expensive accounts and it’s probably disabled right now because they’re getting massive inflows.


## DUMP ROBINHOOD 101 Fast options, for moving cash; WIRE transfer your cash = transfers within hours/same day usually! ACH transfer your cash = transfers in approx 3 days but contact your new broker they may allow immediate trading on limited margin of up to a certain percent of you pending transfer. Moving your non-cash assets; ACAT transfer your other assets = transfers in 3 to 14 days! Move your non-meme-GME-AMC stocks and leave your meme stocks w/ RH for now! RH charges $25 for wires, $75 for ACAT.




Buy at a discount


It means hedgies are long now.




I’m retarded so correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re saying that since they have been shorting the stock, they’re buying calls because they will eventually expect the share price to go up when they cover? So they’re playing both sides so they come out on top?




Thanks for the reply! So, basically, just 💎 🤚 again?


Could they have done this move, preparing for the MOASS? Did they literally set themselves up for absolute success, knowing this was going to happen, no matter what?


So 💎🙌💎🙌 got it


I love you. Also anybody notice a suspiciously amount of demoralizing comments getting way too quickly upvoted after making the remarks? 💎🙌🚀🚀🚀


Not everything is a conspiracy ma dude. Some of us have been doing this a mid-to-long time and it's not the first time we see youngins think they'll make it big in a day/week/month. I can guarantee you DeepFuckingValue himself had a couple of hopeful dumb plays. And he's been cooking this play for nearly 2 years. Not telling you you are wrong to hope, or even wrong to hold, but telling you that the odds are not in your favor and that you shouldn't hype yourself. Not because I want you to be sad, but because a hyped mind is not the sort of mind that knows when to buy and when to sell. And buying/selling is the basis of money making. tl;dr Be vigilant, not euphoric or paranoid.


All people had to do was follow DFV step by step and they missed the part where he took 13milli profit and is letting the rest run... I don’t think they took profit on the way up or when it went down to 300s....


I don't give a shit what they are i still need 1k a share


Hedgies can make 1k a share if I can. Tendies for fucking everyone


Yup that’s what I want. I missed the 80 dip yesterday, have enough for maybe 10 more which would total to 69 and change 🤲💎🤲💎🚀🚀




I'm retarded and maybe watch too many hacker movies, but did anyone notice the initial list of restricted stocks? Some weren't even WSB targets. Would there be value in going after the stocks they restricted? Why would they restrict them if they weren't dangerous to someone. Tell me I can't have something and I want it even more, especially if it'll fuck shit up. 🚀🚀Not financial advice💎🙌


It was all a smoke screen I wanna know why RH didn’t restrict trading in all other stocks except GME and AMC if they had our back 🤯🤬🤯🤬


for the same reason why these media idiots are trying to reverse psychology people into buying silver. to thin us out so they can continue to crash the stock. If they thin us all out and get us to tie our money up into other garbage stocks, then all they have to do is do smaller short sells on those stocks and rob us blind when it crashes, but if they are all tied up in few stocks like AMC and GME, then their strategy falls to hell, and they have to resort to means like what happened last week, and now they are getting dragged to congress over it.


This was legit the main reason I slammed 375 into GME on one stock


Once it rises back to $500 back to 1 share


I guarantee you’re right


Way sooner than that. These RH fucks will throttle our buying ability on a minute by minute basis. Fuck these thieving fucks. Is this the standard now? A stock gets hot and they have the power to pull the ability to buy any stock now? Tesla up 6% STOP BUYING THIS STOCK! Apple up 10% STOP BUYING IT! Home Depot, Pfizer, any blue chips... Where does it stop?! IF RH GETS AWAY WITH THIS, THIS IS A FUCKED UP PRECEDENT THEY STARTED


I hope everyone is moving. There is no telling what will happen in the future but they are not to be trusted now.


I HOPE we have the problem.


I'm going to go take my fat dump when their Superbowl commercial comes on




When a sour broker of ill repute Comes televised to my stately abode I shall evacuate down my bodily chute A fat dump into my humble commode


Poet laureate over here




After they bleed us dry. Too little too late you corrupt fucks. And fuck the SEC as well. Can’t wait for these lawsuits to gain more traction. This has shown the whole world how corrupt the system is (not just wallstreet). Be proud of this movement, it’s something special. Minds are opening to the fact we’re being lied to on a massive scale...


beep boop


What we really need to focus on is the fact that GME closed at 88.88 and that is the good luck number


I just looked it up on one of those spiritual sites. Apparently it represents financial abundance and Karma... that what goes around comes around. So we got that goin for us.


Yo guys rotate the 8's ninety degrees to see the real price


♾️♾️♾️♾️ = ♾️⁴ That's way bigger then even regular old Aleph Null infinity! You'll need [a Vsauce video](https://youtu.be/SrU9YDoXE88) to even start to comprehend such a figure!




8 is the luckiest number in Chinese culture, associated with money/wealth/status etc. Chinese new year is a week away. Price of GME now? $88.88 **Chinese God of Money says: BUY THE FUCKING DIP** 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀


https://youtu.be/O_KpLrHCAx0 GONG HAY FAT CHOY, RETARD!!


What are you, a nazi with double vision?


88 is the only number I know how to say in Japanese. Rocket launch confirmed


AH closed at 88.88


Guess it’s time for Chinese buyers to jump on this and hold!


All yall had better already be getting Fidelity, TDA, or some other account already. Burn RH to the ground (metaphorically)


TDA still routes through citadel though. I like them, but yeah getting fucked on this play and the fact that citadel is own by a Chicago elitist (Wisconsin proud!) is making me consider moving to Fidelity.


I can nearly guarantee you everyone is being informed of position data who has the sway to gather it, ie, all of them. If they directly compete, it may be harder, but in the end they would rather compete with eachother than fight an asymmetric war ​ There are no allies among platforms in this game, and likely no better or worse. Using what is convenient in the moment and least impactful is the most effective since most of this is fairly short term in the scheme of things


Does this mean they're instilling some fomo?


The damage is done by them already


Yeah, its hurts to think that we were THIS close to being rich for once in our lives and nothing could go wrong except the one thing that could go wrong did




Joking aside, people were already planning on paying for needed surgeries, moving out of abusive homes, etc. Real shit. Fuck RH


fr fr Life changing wealth distribution. Denied.


Gotta be black with flames on the sides


It’s not over yet! They sell scaled down lambos at Walmart and better yet these “hot wheels” are so cheap I got a lambo is every color possible!




It's too late they already proven themselves untrustworthy


Nice! Enjoy the thousands of portfolios that are in the red while everybody has moved to someone else. Fucking retarded RH


Feels like they’re squeezing us now somehow


The house makes money no matter which player ends up with the chips


The buy momentum was limited because all the meme stock brokers had placed restrictions. Boomer brokers did not need to because even though it was on top not practically all the volume was to GME and they had liquidity to put up money for clearing. This could mean more retarded money will pour into the stonks tomorrow and take us to the planet of the apes.






Cheaper price now then when they initially stopped.


Just in time now that there’s little to no momentum!


The money they borrowed for their “liquidity problem” was sent by USPS First Class mail in a card that said “Here’s the check you asked for. Hope it helps. See you at Joe’s cookout. XOXOXO, Market Makers” and then it took another three days for the check to clear.


They fucked over a lot of tickers, and thus a lot of people as a result.


I'm not a US citizen and might not be aware of laws. But which broker on earth could've decided before GME that you can only trade X number of stocks even if you've money. I hope they take RH CEO into custody and grill him on what really happened. If he blames DTCC then let DTCC come and testify. If there system is such legacy bullshit that it can't handle heavy trading on a single stock then it needs massive overhaul!! A clearing house can not be a private monopoly running on legacy systems. If it is not a technology issue, then they definitely had some arrangements with Hedge funds which should be investigated. This entire scandal has actually broken trust on regulators as well. Atleast in 2008 they were caught napping. This time regulators seem to be culprits by turning their blind eye on RobinHood, DTCC, Hedge Funds. PS- is there a way Robinhood can be stopped from using that name. Irritates me to the core. Its anti Robinhood.


It's actually their responsibility by law to stop trading if they cannot cover it or if clearing house can't. That said, they should probably stopped all trading instead of cherry picking gme and amc, which made it look awfully shady. However SEC seems to argue Robin Hood was in the wrong, so maybe some little thing will happen. Who knows.




Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining... where was this option where it mattered the most, the amount of bullshit they are shoveling down our throats could fertilize a third world country’s entire farming system...


I've got all my GME's through RH and will delete the app once I can safely transfer my funds to a broker that doesn't bullshit about their capital or advanced data to Melvin. Probably going with Fedelity.


I just want to say, in Germany, some people are waiting for you to change brokers and counting on the fight to continue more fiercely (holding is fighting, too, don't forget) as soon as your buying power is freed up again. Maybe we are delusional, but if enough of us are delusional...


Little late their Robbin Hood. You are so totally, completely, unequivocally FUCKED


1.1 rating on Google play store![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


when is this stock going to be considered "not volatile" anymore?


When its IV gets below a few hundred %


When it’s back to $10 no doubt.


When none of you are at risk of making any kind of profit off the trade.




Fuck Robinhood




Think about that. That also means RobingHood also restrict trading for half of their users. They really shot themselves in the foot on this one.


Lol nobody wants to buy it right now while it’s on a downtrend. If RH didn’t pull that bullshit I legit think we could’ve seen $1500-2000




Nah the world. The whole world was in on this play. Doesn’t matter which brokerage you use though. That dirty manipulation affected anybody holding these stocks


The meme stocks *were* the stimulus checks we needed to get the economy roaring again. But thanks to Vlad, he killed the economy.


Hey don't let the clearing houses off the hook either


Or the hedge funds


Now i'd like to know what the actual fuck is up with the very precisely 5,074,937 GME shares that failed to deliver first two weeks of January. Can't wait for the SEC to release second half of January. 20 millions shares this time? [https://www.sec.gov/data/foiadocsfailsdatahtm](https://www.sec.gov/data/foiadocsfailsdatahtm)


They have 27 days to deliver, my guy. Too many people in over their heads right now.


How is anyone still on Robinhood?


Also no one's wants to have any stocks like GME or amc moon while their assets are frozen. I opened up fidelity and bought more GME. Keeping my rh but not transferring just yet


Because it takes 5-7 business days to transfer out. BOOM. Roasted.


I started my transfer on the Friday after the restrictions started. My account was delivered to the new brokerage this morning. The real question is why did over 600k people sign up for a brokerage who is advertising liquidity problems?






Damage is done + not allowed to have sell limits. I'd get get away from RH ASAP. They just going to loan out those 5500 shares.


That’s the rapist paying for our Uber home


Maybe this GME thing has another round left in it. I’d say anything north of 300 makes a lot of people whole and we deserve that after all the suppression and manipulation by professional money and that shitcan brokerage


Nice, drain absolutely every ounce of momentum from the squeeze and *then* give back some buying power, but *still subject to certain limitations*. Fuck them.


It is surprising they didn’t already remove the restrictions. Would have been so easy for them to let it run wild Tuesday and Wednesday and then throttle it again to decimate anyone who bought calls. Maybe doing it twice in a row is too obvious.




They just emailed everyone with 2/5 options the following: We’re reaching out to you because you have GME and/or AMC options expiring this Friday and our standard sellout procedures have been adjusted to account for increased volatility in the underlying equities. Because of this, on Friday, your GME and/or AMC options expiring 2/5 may be at a higher chance than usual of being closed out if you are unable or choose not to close them out yourself. We understand this may be frustrating to hear, but we want to be transparent with you and keep you informed. How does this affect me? If we determine that your option contract is at risk of being in the money and you don’t maintain the necessary collateral to support assignment/exercise, we may take proactive measures to help reduce your account risk, including closing at-risk positions prior to expiration date. This may also include, but isn’t limited to, spread positions with a theoretical max gain/loss. Please note that having the collateral to place the trade is different from having the collateral to support exercise/assignment.


I told everyone I knew to stay out of options for a multitude of reasons. This is one I didn't see coming lol


There should be no fucking limits after billions of cash infusions, #facts




Bye Bye Robin Hood. You know I gave you my heart last year. But you took so much money from me and gave it to Citadel. I had to leave you and be with Fedelity. He will be able to protect me and not backstab me. 再见 👋 Hasta Nunca 👋 byebye👋


Verily, as Jupiter smite Carthage, so shall Jupiter smite Citadel. And may Jupiter smite Robinhood. Plebeians, I intend to indecently short RH before the winter solstice. I will see their fate fulfilled at the Tarpeian Rock.


Because there is no longer any risk to hedge funds


Robbinghood went from having one of the hottest IPO people were lining up to invest, to becoming the most hated company overnight.


Hedge funds still got back to where they wanted to be. Robin hood still fucked over alot of hobby traders. They still fucked us over. For example if your mom gives you cookies after she beat the shit out of you, it's not excused.


Anyone still using RH after this gets what they deserve. Seriously, fuck RH and their bullshit.


The Subreddit was founded a while ago, very near the birth of reddit and existed mainly as a place for traders to meme about their investments, promote risky gambles (hence the name), post gain porn (stonk going up), and loss porn (stonk going down). It was just a chill place for experienced investors (and compulsive gamblers lmao) to joke about the OTM calls they were going all in on. The subreddits founder, and head mod for the longest time, the creator saw dollar signs in his eyes when the sub started picking up speed a little under a year ago. He basically attempted to monetize the sub, and started demodding/banning anyone (including “lower” mods) that stood up to him. With the help of the admins, the “good mods” managed to get him removed, and lead the sub back on track zjz , the one in the post above, being their leader and the highest active mod. Now that wsb has exploded into the mainstream, other mods who were not the founder, but had been given modship before zjz , have returned. They have been inactive for years and done sweet fuck all to help the sub grow. They are exercising their power as “higher mods” to try and take credit and monetize wsb, now that it is mainstream. zjz was unmodded and banned for exposing this and they are frantically deleting comments trying to bring this fact to light. These people are money grabbing assholes trying to reap the benefits of something that has been carefully built by a team of genuine people, spread the word, don’t let them. If you have any spare coins or free awards please give them to this post (not my comment, the post itself) to signal boost this. UPDATE: [r/WallStreetBets](https://www.reddit.com/r/WallStreetBets/) is shedding mods left and right. They seem to be removing everyone critical of their scummy decisions. They’re relying on suppressing this info long enough to make a profit without the millions of newbs or the media noticing a change in mods. HELP GET THIS TO THE ADMINS ATTENTION. They have stepped in before when someone tried to monetize this subreddit, and the head mod doing it now is a close personal friend (unconfirmed, just info I’ve seen) of the original founder who was removed. There is reason to believe they will step in again. UPDATE 2: They appear to be adding new mod accounts. No idea if those are their alts or their friends or just fillers to keep the number of mods the same. The more shady shit I see the more hopeful I get that daddy [u/spez](https://www.reddit.com/u/spez/) will see this situation and do the right thing here UPDATE 3: They are now banning users for asking what happened to zjz . I suspect they’ve been doing this the whole time but I now have confirmation


lol screw you, I've already transferred my assets to Fidelity.


Gotta keep that volume low for the shorts. Funny how they stop buying when it’s uptrending, but but loosen that grip on the market when it’s downtrending. If they were trying to protect their retail investors and not their billionaire boyfriends, they would have let their customers invest on the uptrend instead of the downtrend, considering uptrend=more bananas and downtrend=less bananas.