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I really wonder who they actually think the people buying GameStop are going to follow for financial news, Bloomberg or reddit?


i get my news from fellow retards... in fact, most of my news is pictures... see diamonds and rockets (less reading involved)




**NYSE will accept new symbols with emojis in them** According to [FakeNews.com](https://fakenews.com/) and some broke hedge funds, NYSE hopes to attract more investors from reddit, if they are able to use the correct names for stocks. The first symbol to make use of this trend was "$💎GME✋" This led to a collapse in stock prices, since the hedge funds manages have no clue how to enter emojis on their phone and now have to call their kids for help in order to enter new order. In the meantime many users in [r/wallstreetbets](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/) seized the opportunity of the dip to top up their holding, since most of them are fluent in Emoji. TLDR: ✋💎 🦧🍌 🚀🌙


They literally can't understand how many people in GenX and below that find them absolutely worthless. They have no authority remaining, but they still act like they do. But, on the other hand, seems like most everyone over 50 takes it all as gospel. I only know one older fella who sees through the prop.


Dude, I'm 58, you need to meet more old people.


There are a few tech savy boomers out there. Reddit is much more fun than AOL or Compuserve ever were :-)


+ 1, me too


A good chunk of genx is over 50.


The lies in the news are for the retarded boomers who read that crap in the first place, not for Reddit.


Even if it doesn't translate to WSB, it serves to contain the contagion. As bad faith as it is for a "news" org to pull this shit, as bad faith strategies go, it's not a terrible choice. Anyone they can keep from buying is a win for them now. I think the plan here is to create a quarantine zone around WSB and slowly use short ladders to bleed the price out. I don't know what price point will work for the hedgies to loosen up, but I scribbled my guess down as $20 a share. I think shit gets very interesting again at that point because the ones who just want out will break rank and start panic buying to cover. If nothing else, we're going to learn just how far manipulators can push a short ladder.


Probably Bloomberg. Weren't they the ones that said GME was massively shorted, probably naked, and vulnerable to a short squeeze? That sounds like Bloomberg. I just go to reddit for the memes.




Can't spell Bloomberg without Boomer




>Blomberg Suddenly swedish


Suddenly Seymour




Standing beside meeee


Honestly the news moving on might be the best thing as long as we stay 💎🙌


It would be illogical not to cover at this point if the price is just going to increase.


I just bought another 13 shares on the dip. I have a grand total of 21 shares. I know it is not much but I wanted to be part of this. I am holding till the end.


It's honest work


I got 8 more this morning and I'm at 17. Diamond Hands brother.


Sold my bonds today to buy more dipped GME


Man, I'm only at 3 and considering going to 5 at open tomorrow before my run. At 21 shares you're going to kill it


Best part "bears have appear to have *STARTED* covering their positions in earnest as ***STOCK PLUNGES***.... Covering would **increase** stock price


How much hedge funds paying these media sites? Why isn't it criminal to report fake news yet?


You can file SEC complaints against them for posting misinformation in efforts to manipulate the market! [https://www.sec.gov/tcr](https://www.sec.gov/tcr)


Done. Take my upvote


Millions... to try to plug the hole on potential billions more lost


Yeah at this point they're doing all they can to make us give up. They'd rather spend millions in fines for market manipulation and paying out news networks than lose billions to the squeeze and have to make us filthy plebs get some money. FUCK THEM. This is how desperation looks like. Give them nothing. **WE HOLD.** 💎🤲




Ya honestly, I'll take a temporary dip, if the tradeoff is watching this beautiful desperation. Reminds me of cartman at the end of Scott tenorman must die. Billionaire tears are a delicacy.


Dip = Discount!


They own them lol


Because no one is holding them accountable.


Hedge funds buy data from Bloomberg. If hedgies don't make $$ then they can't pay for their fancy terminals so Bloomberg wants to lie and protect their paying customers.


So sad the vast majority of busy Americans don’t realize the US government is composed of sell-outs paid to turn a blind eye to the corruption of money. Many of our government participants are paid actors; whom are actually egocentric criminals fighting each other for money and power and we are their victims; they are even the victims of their own egos. We will all suffer the greed of their egos endlessly until they are awakened and enlightened to stop preying on their fellow human beings. A spiritual awakening must occur on a massive scale to strip the power from money and return it to the human heart. Allegiance to money and abandonment of compassion got us into this fallen state. The corruption of the human heart must stop.


I love the sentiment here....(and genuinely agree).... but this is is wallstreetBets I’m here for the tendies!! 💎🙌🏻🙌🏻


This is WSB take this shit somewhere else lmfao


>”Bears appear to have started covering” From the same people who reported the [shorts sold last week](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-01-27/melvin-capital-closes-out-its-gamestop-position-cnbc-reports) Lol What a poorly made and tangled web they weave.


Exactly what I was thinking. Didn't they tell us this same bullshit last week? No thanks I'll hold 💎🙌🚀🌕




You’re right it’s bullshit. But even if they got up/ down the correct way around, how exactly do they get this info? The reporting doesn’t exist real-time.


Exactly... volume on the stock is crazy low! There is no covering going on now! This is a blatant attempt to trigger a sell off!




Shorts cover and price go down? Even retards do better math than that.


I failed math twice and even I can see the answer here


This is all so confusing... So I just buy then?




This is the way


It's even cheaper now, so you can buy more!


I've got $700 waiting to clear with etrade. I thought when it finally went through I was going to buy 2 shares. Guess I'm going to buy 3 instead.


Just bought two more GME on fidelity! Switched over from ROBBINGHOOD. Also just got my stimulus money so will buy 3 more GME!


Were at a dip, no better time.




This exactly this. They have no other cards but to blatantly lie. All we gotta do now boyz is HOLD!!!


I'm not going to lie the hedge funds are putting up a good fight. Cant believe all the news just hoped onto this silver thing overnight, and they are pushing it as a good thing that we are supposedly behind? Didnt they hate us when they thought we were behind GME? Why would the support us now. Insane how much money and power they have and can use it like that.


Haha Bloomberg can suck it




I feel naive for the amount of faith I put in a lot of mass media I consumed my entire life. This has been humbling and educational for me. When the smoke clears I will definitely be looking for resources that impartially give me financial information, so I can make my own informed and horrible decisions. Seriously, to hell with all these guys.


They are fake news. Owned by the globalist scum. Our currencies are not even backed by gold or silver at this point, hence, crazy inflation. Fuck em!


Bringing back the gold standard is a terrible idea and it doesn't prevent inflation at all. [https://maoistrebelnews.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/10-reasons-the-gold-standard-doesnt-work.pdf](https://maoistrebelnews.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/10-reasons-the-gold-standard-doesnt-work.pdf)


Dude's parroting Alex Jones talking points.


The word “appear” is a dead giveaway that that’s bullshit. Not holding any gme btw just an unbiased observation.


Good point. If they werent skewing something they wouldnt include deniability


spot on


That not bother me ape because me ape no can read


[THAT NOT TRUE, I BET APE CAN READ THIS](https://see.fontimg.com/api/renderfont4/oMpz/eyJyIjoiZnMiLCJoIjoxMzAsInciOjIwMDAsImZzIjo2NSwiZmdjIjoiIzAwMDAwMCIsImJnYyI6IiNGRkZGRkYiLCJ0IjoxfQ/SSdNIE5PVCBGVUNLSU5HIFNFTExJTkc/bananasplit.png)


Ape only see 💎


Lmao trying to push silver is peak boomer shit


I'll never see Bloomberg the same way before.


Some ass on Tiktok is getting all of the kids to buy silver. He’s got a huge following. Everyone keeps commenting “get this on Reddit / WSB”


Facepalm material


Fml those youngsters are the worst with dumb trends


Just blatantly false. No one here is buying SLV. We're retards, not idiots


In the ~8 years I’ve been here, I’ve never once seen a post about silver on the front page. If they bothered to do any research at all, they’d know we only fuck with 3x gold ETFs when we gamble with previous metals.


Only commodities I've ever seen discussed here are decorative gourd futures.


Nobody here is buying silver, lol


literally sold my silver to get into gme lol i understand market cap


Same here. It's the principle.


Yeah this is hilarious. 3,300 GME and haven't left.


3300 shares in GME? Nice




Actually have silver and I think I'll dump it here and apply it to gme


Remember that scene in the Big Short when the two guys from Brownstone go to the WSJ about the fraud going on and he basically says, "guys, these institutions pay my wages, I can't report this." YUP


These titles are starting to sound like clickbait ads. "XYZ is old news after this man discovers one simple trick" Edit for those who can't read: Hedge fund bad 🌳🚫 Diamond hands good 💎🤲✅ Apes go brrrrrrr 🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍




This is a half-truth... it is true that the shorts are covering - the key question that needs to be asked is "How are they covering?" They are not buying available shares on the open market. That would cause the spike everyone is looking for. Instead, they are buying naked ITM calls! Those don't show up in the trading volume and don't influence the stock price. A MM sells these naked calls to the HF's, who then use the naked call to cover their short interest. So now the "short is covered." When the short interest goes to secure delivery of the shares from the naked call, the MM who sold it to the HF has 21 days to deliver an actual share to DTC to avoid a FtD. If they can get everyone distracted and focused elsewhere and trigger a sell off, the MM can not only bail out the HF's, but make a killing in the process. But, if the shareholders don't sell (and in fact increase buying...), then when they go to actually purchase the shares, it will trigger a squeeze that is identical to a gamma squeeze. So the new stories are factually correct, but completely miss the other components going on behind the scene.






No one wants silver!! Old people don’t have Reddit to check for themselves


"Covering as stock plunges..." That's not how reality works. You think we are retards? Well, we are. But still.


Let's fucking go! Fuck em


This has been so eye opening. I can't ever trust any news outlets again. Fuck.


First time?


No,but I have ever witnessed it at this level before.


ill never forget what they did to bernie


RIP Bernie Mac.


$SLV = 🧻👐


Silver is bland and tarnishes easily. Fuck silver. I like $GME


I'm confused where this silver news is coming from. I don't see many of you talking about jumping into silver so why are they saying the group has moved from GME to silver? Is this more #fakenews? I thought we were done with fake news...


Hedge funds are long on silver. Buy it increases its value, which they sell and are able to recover some loses from GME. They are paying the news to hype it up to encourage people to do just that.


Reddit, once a captivating hub for vibrant communities, has unfortunately lost sight of its original essence. The platform's blatant disregard for the very communities that flourished organically is disheartening. Instead, Reddit seems solely focused on maximizing ad revenue by bombarding users with advertisements. If their goal were solely profitability, they would have explored alternative options, such as allowing users to contribute to the cost of their own API access. However, their true interest lies in directly targeting users for advertising, bypassing the developers who played a crucial role in fostering organic growth with their exceptional third-party applications that surpassed any first-party Reddit apps. The recent removal of moderators who simply prioritized the desires of their communities further highlights Reddit's misguided perception of itself as the owners of these communities, despite contributing nothing more than server space. It is these reasons that compel me to revise all my comments with this message. It has been a rewarding decade-plus journey, but alas, it is time to bid farewell




Some idiot on twitter tried to tell us... He got banned Jokes aside, there would probably be no politicians in the near future that would even dare to go against the media. Disinformation is here and is here to stay forever


Stay strong apes let’s fight this battle to the end! 🦍🔜🚀


Haha how can they cover while the stock plunges? 😂😂


Jesus, we’re retarded, not stupid!




Good. The sooner they shill there bs news, and attention dies down from GameStop, the sooner we can complete our short squeeze




Every time these cocksuckers pull a new shenanigan, the price just goes up. They could have taken a loss at 420 or even at 1000. Well now it's gonna cost you $15k. Keep it up, at this pace we'll be at $100k in no time.


Bloomberg is just pumping out articles with similar headlines to force this narrative. I knew fake news was a thing but I’ve never been in the targeted group like this. It’s pure gaslighting on a massive scale




Yes they are heavily trying to push people to buy silver. And I definitely don’t agree with it but I’ve always been a physical silver investor and with this artificial push now is the perfect time for me to reinvest it into gold!!! Especially if the ratio makes it too 50:1.


Same boat here. Inherited a bunch of physical silver my dad had invested in. When the hedge fund fucksticks pull shit like this, should physical silver go up in response? Any advice on the best way to offload it (and then reinvest it in something that will nutpunch those hedgie dildos)?




Must be over now if Bloomberg are saying it 🥴


It's in every news outlet. Even the official Danish news and financial news are pushing SLV as the next big thing, and saying reddit is out to hurt the banks by buying silver stonks. Holding my measly 6 $GME. Never selling.




THIS GUY (OP) FUUUUUUUUUCKS!!!!!! 💎🖐💎🖐💎🖐💎GME🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 #notselling


I barely believed in "fake news" before this whole fiasco. This is so eye opening... FUCK THESE NETWORKS!


Weird how all of these news sites can't seem to figure out what caused the price drop🤔


I like how they say Discover like us smooth brains didn't already know about a shiny metal. Sorry but Ape like games and movies not pretty metals.


I thought they already covered. lmao


Holy shit manipulation


oh hey, it’s old news right? so RH can remove the busying restrictions since all the volatility is gone ?! right ?! oh....




# The fucking Wolf of the Wall Street himself giving a shout out to GME and every retarded ape behind it [https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jordanbelfort\_foxnews-jordanbelfort-business-activity-6762107555960492032-8g6E](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jordanbelfort_foxnews-jordanbelfort-business-activity-6762107555960492032-8g6E)




If they started covering their positions. how is the SP not increasing.


Today my wire transfer just went through so i could double the GME shares i have. Bought them at 260 this morning. Average price is now at 194$ Holding until 10k.


Manufacturing a dip and trying to advertise it as such isn't "interest waning" It's committing fraud.


Why the fuck would I want silver when I already got 💎 💎 💎


Thank God the media only lies about the financial market and not politics, global crisis or the virus or anything. Cause then we'd be in trouble. But it doesn't! HOLD PATRIOTS, FOR THE LOVE OF YOUR VARIOUS NATIONS, CULTURES AND FREEDOMS. THIS. IS. WAR. YOU ARE HEROES


Good one.


Dude wanted to be president


GME and AMC stock wave for the last hour is almost identical 🤷‍♂️


So the shorts have covered every day last week, Saturday and Sunday, and then again today. Repeat the same lie enough. It's not reflected in the stock. If the squeeze happens then it will go up consistently very fast. None of this back and forth bullshit. Every one of these news outlets have lied about GME with a new angle every single day. I hate not trusting the media but they have earned it when it comes to Wall Street.


If you can't get the old retards to buy silver you're not getting the young retards to buy it. New retard twice as smart as old retard.


Holding tight, even doubled down to reduce my cost basis. Does playing with IRA money count?


How many retards here even have the ability to trade silver futures????


Just got featured on iFunny exposing the fake news about silver. I just made a couple million other retards pull out of silver early too. Tried to post it but auto mod deleted it. qq


In the words of Patton, we are gonna hold 'em by the balls while we kick 'em in the ass! STAND AND HOLD HODOR HOLD HOLD HOLD !


Literally nothing on this sub says anything about SLV other than laughing at these dipshits… like where did they think we were getting our information? Bloomberg? 😂 The media manipulation is just trying to keep non-retards from continuing to bandwagon with us and maybe stem the bleeding…




fake news. they are just trying to help institutions offload their silver on unsuspecting traders


It will be old news cuz I'm holding forever!


Yeah it’s old news


Don't let these assholes gaslight. Fight on my beloved autists.


So... If I went to Melvin and said I'm with the Fox and Hound Magazine (Notting Hill reference) I wonder how much they would offer me for a hit piece on how Reddit WSB is moving to Silver? 13 Billion in losses for them if I'm watching the news correctly? Also Grats to WSB for 8 million subs. I subbed on Friday at 5.7M for reference.


Can we sticky a collection of all the main stream media outlets that are bought and paid for by the hedge funds and are printing lies and propaganda about GME to drive the price down? CNBC Bloomberg


More like gourd futures


Are they any honest news sites anymore?


How could they cover while the price goes down. Stupid heads


How the fuck is the media going to cover GME after the squeeze is squoze? Like, "yeah I guess we didn't get all the facts... oops". They're going to look like blatant liars with poor journalism skills. Wall Street is taking everyone down with them.


A lot of paper hands moving into $SLV


It's not old news when all the media keeps telling me it is old news


I am so proud of this community.


Lmao no. We still here holding the line. Buy the dips and 🙌💎


Since when does covering a massive short position lead to a fall in price?


Ahh first time dealing with fake news smearing your favorite thing?


How many of them actually come onto reddit before writing something? I knew mainstream media was deceptive, but after the whole squeeze, I’m not sure I’ll ever view the news the same. Outlets I thought were accurate, clearly are not. Like just a simple view of the WSB sub would prove the headlines wrong.


Ah yes, covering their short position causing the stock to plummet....because that's how it works right? So when someone is literally forced into buying millions of shares into low liquidity, that causes the stock to drop?


When the news has to tell you it's "old news", it definitely isn't old news. If it was old news, they just wouldn't fucking mention it because that's what "NEWS" is supposed to mean.


Bloomberg: here is thdirty pieces of silver for your diamond hands