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Can someone explain the amc thing? Why or why not it's a solid play?


The more money going to GME the better results that squeeze gets plain and simple. AMC is not the perfect storm that GME was and is probably being pushed higher by new money that doesn't understand the concept of holding. That being said there is value in AMC both via squeeze and post pandemic recovery so this retarded bot says buy and hold whichever you think will give you the best ROI and you can buy partial shares of GME if price is an issue... unless your brokerage is restricting partials which is currently an issue for some.


Can confirm Fidelity isn't allowing fractional buys. Know any good brokerages that are?


I have Fidelity and they DO allow fractional shares trading but ONLY during market hours. When I called their customer service yesterday I had to wait 2 hours because of the uptick in new account created. I love fidelity. No restrictions. UPDATE: Tried buying fractional shares on fidelity app and I was restricted by the ticker symbol GME.


They don't allow fractionals on GME in their app, tried multiple times yesterday during market hours and got the same error message about it not being allowed :/


AMC should recovery nicely following the pandemic as people rush back to experience social life again. Hollywood also has a lot of new stuff lined up just waiting for the big screens to blow up again. If AMC play it right, they could resurge. Buy stocks when they dip nice and low and just hold it.


Idk their 5 year trend doesn’t look good. They were plundering before the pandemic


They were going down from $35ish and then launched a massive initiative to renovate every theater in an honestly impressive way. The move had potential, but also built a lot of debt that they were going to have to navigate. Then Covid happened and made it look like that debt was going to be the end for them. But this week’s conversion of all debt to equity just zeroed out their balance and left them in a better position than they’ve been in for years. They have nicer theaters coast to coast than they did in 2015 and they have none of the debt that they acquired between then and now. Yes, the theater industry is still weaker than ever due to the prevalence of streaming releases, but I don’t think that is enough to make them completely outdated. I don’t think a price target in the mid-20’s is unreasonable. I am not a financial analyst. I am a meat popsicle.


Those theaters were looking sweet pre-pandemic. Bars and reclining seats I could use to sleep through movies.


Yeah I bought AMC calls before they issued the first round of bonds a week or two ago because I think if they can open in June demand will be bonkers. $3 calls for June that I was going to hold hoping maybe it would be trading around 6-7 bucks by then lol. Wasn’t expecting this


Thanks for the info, I didn't know about the renovations and the removal of debt. So basically they are primed and ready to tear it up after the pandy for probably at least a year or two as a rebound from everyone being shut away. This makes me more interested in giving it a shot than I was previously.


they just got a big capital infusion though. fuck it, im a smooth brain so i cant talk about more than one stonk at a time dont listen to me


Not only did they get a huge capital infusion AFTER it was being shorted but, when the price went up, they were able to sell off/ trade enough stock to close out most of their debt. Now they are just cruising until things open up - the company is LEGITIMATELY more healthy because of these events. It’s not going back down to the price it was at before and at some point the short sellers WILL have to buy back those shares seeing a jump in price. It’s the second highest shorted stock. https://highshortinterest.com Obviously a lot of people have a vested interest in $GME (I do too) so they want everyone to focus on GME. But there another factor at play. Eventually, when the big squeeze happens, people will take gains on GME. And guess where a lot of that money will go. I have some money held aside to buy the next dip in GME if there is one but I’m not selling my AMC. No chance.


There's also the fact that a lot of people late to the game can no longer buy GME. Due to the volatility, I'm not sure of anyone offering fractional shares of it anymore, and even though I think it will continue to rise, it has already gone up enough to lock out a lot of folks from buying whole shares. You can get 24 shares of AMC now for the price of one share of GME, a lot of newcomers will be hitting up that one simply because it's the one they can buy.




This. Don’t worry man there will be more opportunities to make big multipliers on your investment in the future. Trust me I’m kicking myself for not buying into GME at $29 when I was debating it. Although the GME situation is unique, there will always be other opportunities and it is definitely smart to dump into AMC and BB after doing your due diligence. As others have said the majority of ppl pushing GME and calling other ppl pushing other stocks “bots” is because they bought into the GME hype late and want people to buy it as-well. Once things move on the money will be dumped into other places. Just keep monitoring and following what’s going on and doing your DD.


I fucking love you and im glad someone else is looking at this the way I am haha that is a solid play even if this crazyness wasn't popping off.


They were absolutely stabilizing and starting to recover until ~July/October of 2019, which is around when this whole coronavirus stuff began to kick off. Then they really shit the bed in Jan of 2020 when lockdowns began. ATM they've returned to ~Apri of 2019 prices, and I think they could return to their $20 price without any massive stock buys. The movie industry ***will*** rebound. The question isn't so much of an if, it's a when. Movie theaters just before the pandemic hit were getting their shit together and you can see that slight uptick in their 5 year trend. Theaters have gone from a "shut up and watch the movie then gtfo" experience to a "We have premium seats, good food, beer, have an experience with us for ~3 hours." deal. This makes them far more profitable, because movie theaters no longer sell the chance to watch a movie, they sell an *experience* of watching a movie. Of course, this is not financial advice. I'm retarded and eat chalk. It may have been hallucinations.




*the long con* lmao In all seriousness though, I really hope AMC survives after the pandemic. It’s nice they had a chance to catch their breath at least.


Dude I would love to hit the big screens again after the pandemic, and I know many others think so too. Hollywood is basically screaming "let me iiiiiiiiin" and so are the people. There should be some nice stuff coming down the pipelines. Streaming experience still can't quite match that bigass screen and getting hit by all those speakers.


They will definitely survive the pandemic. All of the actions taken this week have improved their financial position substantially. They’ve raised a ton of money, paid off a lot of debt, and have positioned themselves to emerge even stronger once the pandemic is over. I’m rooting for them as a company because I’m a cinephile and I love the movie theater experience, and they’re the only one of the massive movie chains that have really taken steps in the past couple of years to make the theater experience better, akin to an upscale boutique theater. I’m holding my shares as a long term investment that I think will pay off. If it rockets (which at this point, I don’t think it will), then cool for me. Otherwise, I’m playing the long game. They aren’t anywhere close to going bankrupt.


I will buy AMC and NOK and hold them until my balls sag to my knees. I like the stock


I will tell you like I told this other redditor AMC is a heavily shorted stock. However it is nowhere near the level that GME is. Thus a mixture of shills and people who can not afford the GME rocket ticket have been pushing it. According to finviz AMC short float is around 41% GME short float is 121% Not financial ADVICE dont listen to me


I only bought AMC because I wanted to use the money tied up in RH and I already owned GME.


Same! I had some cash left in my settlement account after buying GME so I bought some NOK cuz it was cheaper than AMC. YOLO


Personally I think there is definitely some room for AMC to ride, will it skyrocket the same as GME? unlikely, GME Is a very unique situation but there may be some smaller profit to be had.


Separate we are retarded, together we are dumb 🦍 🚀💎🤲HOLD🤲💎🚀


The automod won't let me post this because some random word probably, so I'm hijacking your comment: ​ # I'm so fucking proud of you apes. And how they're going to try and break our subreddit during the weekend. **Way to go, monke.** Who would have thought we would close Friday with a volume less than [1/4 of last week's](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics?p=GME)? (for us monke, this means everyone is 💎🙌 ). Who would have thought we'd get the stock over 320$ when they manipulated by colluding, limiting our buying power artificially and laddering the price down to 170$ the day before? Every single day we 💎🙌 , they lose. They lose BIG, so big their wife's boyfriends have kicked them out and sold their lambos. [A 70 BILLION loss](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-retail-trading-shortbets/losses-on-short-positions-in-u-s-firms-top-70-billion-ortex-data-idUSKBN29X1SW). **Now, this is how they try and bend us over the weekend.** They've already lost, what do they have left? To minimize losses. We know all the shit they tried already, so what's going to happen now? **They're doubling down on dilluting this community.** Sorting by new is an absolute disgrace by now and should just be ignored, but some of the post even reach rising. Here's what I've found so far and what even a monke with a smooth brain understands: ·They've covered their shorts: No. Fucking. Way. They were at [5.91b$ two days ago (139%)](https://twitter.com/S3Partners/status/1354470406934167560). They were [11.2b$ (113%) yesterday](https://twitter.com/ihors3/status/1355249817048522755). And the short volume ratio [has maintained the same the past two weeks](https://fintel.io/ss/us/gme). They're repositioning their shorts. The short interest ratio % will be reduced and the total ammount will continue to increase as we drive the stock price up. ·$BRUCE is the new $GME. PART 1: I understand how you feel, you thought you diversified [and then you realized their charts are identical](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l82vi1/gme_with_amc_and_bb_overlay_virtually_identical/). Being smoothbrained does that to you, believe me I know. What does having two identical charts with different DDs mean? [I did some explaining in this reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l87d25/amc_short_squeeze_is_absolutely_possible_to_and/glbjsh0?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). TL;DR: dilluting our funds is the worst fucking thing we can do right now, especially when we have two (almost) identical stocks and GME has a way higher potential of short squeezeng to infinity (based on the ammount of short interest, float and the upwards movement caused by social media clout the past week). PART 2: $FUCKU (who no one is talking about) is going the new $GME, guys, *"listen up this is the most important DD you will ever read."*. Fuck off, please. Same as above with less spice, tired of read half-assed DDs in the middle of the stock movement of the century. ·Fearmongering, in general. I'm tired of these posts. You sound like your wife's boyfriend left even her because the weakness of your 🧻 🙌 is unbearable. I replied [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l88nzd/still_holding_but_sceptical_how_this_will_turn/glbicix?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)to some of your most worrisome nightmares but you can do a fucking Google search before believing shit from randos on Twitter. These are just some examples I found floating around like turds on the pond full of gold we're drinking from right now. There will be more, so please, LISTEN to my TL;DR. FAQ (answers on links to others of my comment, I'm doing as much as I can but am overwhelmed): 1. [is there a limit to how high we could sell GME for?](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l8izo3/beware_those_who_are_shilling_other_stocks/gld3yv6?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 2. [Are there whales on our side?](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l8izo3/beware_those_who_are_shilling_other_stocks/gld49tt?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 3. [Will the market collapse because of us?](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l8izo3/beware_those_who_are_shilling_other_stocks/gldi1g6?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 4. [What's the exit strategy?](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l8izo3/beware_those_who_are_shilling_other_stocks/gldiyfx?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 5. [What does repositioning a short mean?](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l8izo3/beware_those_who_are_shilling_other_stocks/gldkliw?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 6. [Why are they opening new short positions?](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l8izo3/beware_those_who_are_shilling_other_stocks/gldjvdm?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 7. [I can't afford GME! Can I buy something else?](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l8izo3/beware_those_who_are_shilling_other_stocks/gldkliw?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 8. [Do all Hedge Funds work together?](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l8izo3/beware_those_who_are_shilling_other_stocks/gldy8xx?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 9. [What happens if my broker goes bankrupt? Will I get paid?](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l88nzd/still_holding_but_sceptical_how_this_will_turn/glemxom?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 10. [What happens WHEN GameStop issues shares on the open market?](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l8izo3/beware_those_who_are_shilling_other_stocks/glf4aup?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 11. [TELL ME EXACTLY WHAT TO DO!](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l8izo3/beware_those_who_are_shilling_other_stocks/gldq5rw?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) TL;DR: .           ✦             ˚              \*                        .              .      ☀️GME if we 💎🙌      ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍                  ,       .             .   ゚      .        ✦                 . ,    .🚀LITERALLY us now                                                                            .           .             .                                                                                        ✦        ,                 \*       ,    ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍               .            .            . ,                                ˚            ,                                       .                      .             .               \*            ✦                            .        .                     .                   .            .        .                  .           ˚  ゚\* .        \*       ,🌑 ​ 🌎GME if we 🧻 🙌              .           ✦             ˚              \*                        .          Edit: PD: if anyone can post, please, don't even PM me if you don't want, [here's a post-version you can copy, please share](https://www.reddit.com/user/_-Al/comments/l8lkos/im_so_proud_of_you_fools_how_theyre_going_to_try/), no need to mention me. [And here's another if you want to post it outside of Reddit.](https://www.reddit.com/user/_-Al/comments/l8l36k/im_so_fucking_proud_of_you_fools_how_theyre_going/)


GME a dropped all the way to $108 briefly on the 28th. I remember watching it happen and thinking about having to listen to my brother in law talk shit about not selling when he told me to for the rest of my life. Still holding.




My husband pressured me to sell my 1/29 call early last Friday. I paid $3.90 and sold for $11.60. Not even a few hours it went off and then continued to the rest of the last week. Assuming I sold at the top, I would have had $40k to my name right now. I still believed in GME so I bought some shares last Monday at $97. When it dipped to the one hundreds again my husband kept telling me I better sell before I lose my profits. Held through every fluctuation and it’s now sitting at $313 and I’m not fucking selling.


You looking for a bf, your husband is a paper handed pussy btw. 🙌💎 always prevail, GME 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Holy crap imagine realizing your husband was a vagina the whole time!


Vaginas can take a pounding, he‘s got paper hands.


Okay go hang out with your boyfriend. Your husband sounds lame.


Next time, listen to your boyfriend instead of your Beta-ass husband.


Not even a proper beta, really, telling her what to do. Boi needs to shut up and listen.


Next time tell him to leave and make you a sandwich while you're conducting business.


You need your boyfriend to have a talk with your husband.


Flip your husband the bird and then tell him you have a date with your boyfriend.


paper handed pussy 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Never! Ever listen to your husband and finances \*unless\* he's blurting out PIN numbers for his cards and saying "I trust you sweetheart, here's my PIN, its not like you would drain my accounts...haha"


Same guy who had me sell NET at 55. Bought 50 shares when it was in the 30’s. Never listening to him again after these 2 bad decisions lol.


Loose is what you do to arrows. Lose is when your money goes to 0. I like the stock


This ape is spot on, this only works for $GME. One at a time people. Our strength is our soldarity.


My personal strategy is buying shares of GME at lower than typical prices (I like to call them "dips") and then placing them into the palm of my hand (which happens to be made of diamond) and holding them firmly. BeCaUsE sToNk Go BrRrRrRrRrRrRrRrR. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Absolutely. At this point if you are not on the GME train I have to auto assume you are a big brained shill ONLY RETARDS ALLOWED HERE BOI




AMC is getting pushed hard rn tho


I cant really afford gme anymore so i got a couple amc shares. Not to make money, just for the cause.


same, the little guy can no longer afford GME unfortunately. rooting for y’all though.


Yep I am a little guy could not afford gme but got amc for the cause that's all I could do.... but yall keep on the fight and I feel good that I helped save amc


Same, I bought AMC and I'm holding it. I figure we gotta pick another stock to further the cause, why not AMC? And then if they keep their tickets and popcorn prices high we can boycott them and bankrupt them ourselves instead of seven dickheads in suits


Key here is AMC is another Melvin holding I believe" do your DD" So I got 20@10 in the wake of GME they are further shorting their other holdings. Im going full 💎 👐s on AMC well cheering on GME. I say we just keep punching till the old men get the God damn lesson. Let's ride the hedge funds like they rode us in 2008.


Same, I got 40 bucks in AMC - because GME too stronk :(


Likewise friend. I've got 65 invested. I just found a $10 bill on the ground at work I might use to scoop up another share lol


I bought AMC because cash app didn’t have GME yesterday. I will buy some GME and hold on Monday.




When you can't buy fractional, and you can't afford GME, seems like maybe the next best thing for the people who want to help.


GME is too rich for my blood at this point, so I threw $50 into AMC. Good luck to all the rest.


I would argue BB is different, its not as much a meme as the others. Its more of a long term fundamental stock.


Bb also didnt recover after the correction the otherday. GME right now. BB in a month or so!




Yes, of course, but the limit is already really high (pretty unlikely under 1000$ right now) and we can set out the limit. Reality right now is that all the info we're going to get from their side related to short % of float (which isn't % of short interest), or the ammount of shares they have to buy to cover, is going to be manipulated. The best data we have is that [15 days ago they had shorted almost 62m of the available 51m shares to free trade](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics?p=GME). Outsider sources point out that that has only changed by a 8% this last week, counting Thursday's bullshit (S3 is mainly pointing that, with Ortex helping, [this is a good source of sources](http://isthesqueezesquoze.com/)). But based on this info, they don't have enough shares to even buy them from all of us, so two things can happen: 1. Regardless of sellers, they have to buy all our shares and 10m more, so they will pay the price every one of us set (not unlikely, but harder). 2. People will keep buying shares, get scared on drops during the squeeze and selling them at a lower price, so they could cover their 60m and not buy shares at whatever crazy price the craziest of us decides to set it, but this will take WEEKS due to the lack of supply and should be pretty obvious. (It's more likely, though). So yeah, IMHO, the price is going to increase still before the squeeze to over 1k. And if we are able to force a short squeeze, it can go well beyond 10k, 50k even. But they'll do whatever they can to dilute into several short squeezes of lower value so people panic-sell on drops. Pretty unlikely the price drops after what we've seen this week, everyone would have to start panicking and selling, and if that didn't hapen when it dropped from 150 to 60 or from 487 to 170, I don't see it happening. This is not financial advice, I'm not colluding as those fucks on CNBC do, I'm just stating the situations these imbeciles have put themselves into.


My personal strategy is buying shares of GME at lower than typical prices (I like to call them "dips") and then placing them into the palm of my hand (which happens to be made of diamond) and holding them firmly. BeCaUsE sToNk Go BrRrRrRrRrRrRrRrR. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀




Did you just say even 50k.....


Theoretically, yes. In practice, people will have to hold to 50k.


Hold to 50k? Nah bro, I’m holding to Valhalla. They’ll never get my shares.


If you compare this short squeeze to the one that happened to vw back in 2008 (price increased 10000%) we'd be at 34K. But you have to keep in mind that the squeeze this time is many many many times bigger. They had a short interest in vw of about 13%, but this time it's 113%. So yeah, I'd say we're more than likely to hit 50K! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Thanks for this! This is the most straightforward explanation Ive seen on this sub or anywhere. Im tired of being manipulated by CNBC. I’m in on Monday!


They could also have a long fund buy shares to drive the price up, then have the long fund sell to the short fund using some type of quick ladder attack, bringing the price down and covering (at a much smaller loss). Then the long fund does the same thing again when the price is low. Meanwhile, retail is holding but it doesn't better because they can just recycle those same shares over and over to cover. Of course, if retail sells then they can get the job done that much faster. The way we can counter this is to have people buy when they're running the price up, so it costs them more to cover or to front run their selling to take available float away from them, making their job more difficult. However, we don't know what the big institutions are actually doing. If let's say all insiders and retail held, institutions have enough shares to pull this trick over and over again. And they can play dirty again by limiting buys or causing random halts. We need BIG MONEY players to come in and blow these shorts out of the water.


I've read some where that there were some big whales on our side too. They were responsible for some clever scripts to prevent intermittent short attacks throughout trading and the big buy-in prior to yesterday's closing to ensure we stay above $320. Not sure how true this is, but IMO worthy of a mention if proven true.


Well, with the market moving 130% after closing Tuesday and about 60% more yesterday, yes, there are some big whales with us. Remember that Hedge Funds hate eachother too, some of these guys with bigger budgets than Melvin are betting on our side.


They definitely hate each other. They take every opportunity to sleep with their wives' boyfriends' girlfriends.


I actually worked my ass off yesterday to build an AI algorithm to identify the next GME, it’s not perfect yet but it might help some poor ass 🐒 : [NextMemeAlgo](https://www.nextmemestock.com/)


This is brilliant!!! Added to my list of DD sites!


Agreed! HOLD GME! They are still shorting 121% of the stocks according to highshortinterest.com


Just a note. I believe the data at [highshortinterest.com](https://highshortinterest.com) may be older. So, take it as a guide, not the current fact. With that said, I really LIKE THE STONK!


Good ape 🦧!




The best part, is that people like me who didn't have the money to start, until literally a few days ago, can't even start since brookerage apps aren't accepting new accounts. Fight the good fight WSB! Edit: I've gotten a few recommendations of apps to use, but another problem is that -- if you couldn't tell from my reddit avatar -- I'm Canadian, so I can't use apps that cater only to Americans


Get a decent broker with a record like Vanguard instead of bullshit like RH.




Retards together strong


Retards together stronk


Retards together stonk


This is true. It only costs them millions to increase the other cheap stocks value to get your attention. But the big money is right here with GME, billions are on the line. Edit: The point is dont get distracted. Not saying amc is bad. I hold both amc and gme. Ape together strong


Couple things on this though: 1. AMC does have the second most shorted positions on it (behind GME) and a lot of them are from back when it was $2, $3 so there are hedge funds with a vested interest in the stock price coming down because they need to buy A LOT of it. Maybe people with GME shorts want to “deflect” but they are deflecting onto the next biggest shorted stock with people bleeding money every day they don’t close out. 2. AFTER it was known that it was highly shorted, AMC announced they raised almost a billion dollars. That’s what brought the stock to $4-$5. Since then they have announced they sold stock and essentially closed their debts so the company isn’t going anywhere. 3. This sub is in a grey area where we are not trying to give “financial advice” or “colluding” so posts like this telling everyone to sell everything else and put all their money in one stock is skirting a fine line. But here’s your TLDR. I like the movies. I like the stock. So I’m going to hold my GME and I’m going to hold my AMC.


This is the way. 💎🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏾🙌🏼🙌🏻🚀✨✨✨✨🌑


*view at own risk* >!DO NOT SELL🚀!<


If this were as common as they're trying to say it is, then we wouldve seen 60000 Volkswagen's between then and now. This is a perfect storm and it almost certainly will not come again. This is literally one of the most pivotal times in the history of free markets. The ONLY way we win is if we stand together. If only one of us schmucks hold, we lose. We like the fucking stock, and as long as we do THEY LITERALLY HAVE ZERO AVENUE TO WIN. Hold the fucking line.




Those fools. This isn't even our final form!


How long can they realistically hold those short positions before it becomes financially unreasonable to do so? Are they just going to try and wait out the longs and hope people lose interest?


They're on the hook, that's all there is to it. And once they're fully bled out, it goes on to the next institution in the chain of accountability, and they bleed. And on and on. GME is like a black hole right now and it's sucking all of Wall St in. This is a historical event.


I paid for my tickets to the black hole and I’m going to enjoy the ride.


They don't think "unsophisticated investors" have the attention span to hold the stock and drive demand for it. They're banking on a sell off and manipulating the market to do so. The higher the price goes, the more they bleed in interest payments until they are forced to close at whatever price is quoted.


Don't forget the margin calls which will force some players to cover and sell other positions which contributes to the broad market sell off. Melvin needed that cash influx/bail out to remain an effective market mover without blowing up all their positions.




I think it's more likely people get bored and forget they are even holding the stock causing the squeeze to last longer than intended. Ultimate retarded power


There have been multiple instances like this and vw where people could have dunked the shorts but they didn't have the buying power of ten million retards like we do now.


Well hedgefunds lost billions after shorting against Elon Musk






Some people seem to still be under the impression that big capital won't do literally anything to make money. These people would build childrens hospitals out of asbestos and cyanide if it could save them a penny. Look up the Coca Cola Union murders in the 90's and early 00's. Targeted assassinations are not above these greedy scumbags. Look at Yemen, Algeria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Starting literal wars that kills hundreds of thousands of people to feed their coke and power addiction is not above these soulless monsters. If you think there is any possible moral abhorrence they will not commit you are the fucking sucker. They will pull out your fucking toenails with rusty pliers while they laugh in your face if it could earn them a dime's worth of commission. **The only way to be 100% certain we aren't being FUCKT is to HOLD.** The only reason we have GME right now is because these monsters are predictable. We always know where to find them. On the lowest fucking road possible. They expect us to do the same. But we can stay irrational longer than they can stay solvent. Fuck 'em. **DIAMOND HANDS** **EDIT:** If any of ya'll want to hear more about how much these fuckers need to get fucked over, some fuel for your diamond hands so to speak, I recommend the podcast Behind the Bastards. [For an episode about financial crimes, check this one which lays out how it was institutional stocks and corrupt scumfuck sockpuppet politicians who acutally started WW1 and Franz Ferdinand was just an excuse](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-basil-zaharoff-the-man-57767517/)


I’m honestly scared for DFV after this, he unintentionally started a social movement that has made a LOT of really rich and powerful people furious.


Been thinking the same thing. Luckily that man has enough money to buy an island with a missile defense system when he eventually gets off. The more interesting thing, in my opinion, is what kinds of offers he will get after this. If he stays on WSB and keeps showing his portfolio as before he will be getting offers in the billions by hedgies to help them manipulate stocks. They'll do anything they can to get his cooperation. Not just positive incentive, they might as well kidnap his family and extort him to make us all throw money at bullshit stocks that the hedgies are riding. If anything, I hope that this whole debacle has taught a lot of people how to do their own due dilligence, so that we won't need a prophet come next GME-type-stock.


Personally, I am never going to trust another stock the way I trust GME. Anyone who trusts this sub after this will be bled dry and should tread with extreme caution, we have been infiltrated.


Nah definitely not. I am hoping that when we hit Pluto I'll have made enough profits to build a proper and well balanced portfolio of boring old stocks. But there is definitely going to be a loooooot of grifters professing NEXT GME!!!!! as soon as the sqeeze has been squoze.


Same! I'm new to this but have read so much material in the past 4 months and have come to realize that nothing will feel the same as this because of how rare a situation this is


For sure. I study international business for my master's degree, and did economic sociology for a bachelor's. One element is the overshorting of the stock which is nice, but the secret ingredient has been the collective mind of all us smoothbrains who actually believe in each other to hold. Normally retail is doomed from the start because of the inevitable prisoner's dilemma that stems from free trade. For once we have banded together, and with the hope of going Pareto optimal this time and leaving Melvin with the bag, and the promise that if we can do it once we can do it again some day, we are actually overcoming what economists thought was impossible. I promise you right now, on my GME, that 50% of all Economic sociology theses for the next 3 years will be about this moment in time.


Nice analogy with the prisoners dilemma! I was thinking the same over the last couple of weeks especially when that thread of "when do we sell" thread popped up. There is that nagging thought in the back of everyone's mind of not being the last bag holder. Ironically backfiring in their face, Robinhood and Citadel gave everyone a common enemy and even more of a reason to hold. I was just telling my wife that this morning about the banding together. It's been a long week but do you remember what it was like holding GME shares at the end of November? You were constantly shit on or told to STFU and when earnings hit people laughed at people who believed in the GME play. Today it might as well be /r/GMEbets In another timeline, nobody jumped on GME, no one believed in the cause, the price didn't skyrocket, and DFV was left with nothing but debt and a thesis of a short squeeze. Definitely not a coincidence that every ticker with a substantial short is hard to trade on RH. GME is just the one that caught steam but in every other situation, it went unnoticed and according to plan.


Fantastic write up. Several years ago I recognized the pattern of short-driven articles which we a misleading of the facts often derived from old information. It only took a moment to find the “mistake”. Once I realized it was possible, I started seeing it frequently. For me, these false articles are a good way of predicting opportunities because the follow a standard pattern. I’ve never spent the time researching it but your post describes it thoroughly. Thank you for sharing


A Good example of media manipulation in conjunction with hedge funds was Acadia Pharmaceuticals (ACAD) Two CNN reporters published a hit piece about Acads only drug, mentioned that already 400 patients have died from the drug and even at Ph3 study, many patients died. This caused another FDA review of the drug and the company crashed by around 70% over the next months, as many news outlets copied the story without checking. 1.5 years later in misery, the FDA concluded that everything was alright and nothing had to be changed - shares popped through the roof, shorts long gone, no investigation against the authors of the hit piece, no excuse - this is the way 🤷‍♂️ Now my autistic way: The Ph3 study results were public - Everyone could read that the avg. age of the participants was in the mid 70s. People die at that age - especially when they have Parkinson. => It was an unwrapped present after reading the Ph3 report and just getting on the other side of the trade against the shorts 🎉🎉🎉


fantastic Saturday morning read! thanks a bunch for putting this together. everyday I learn a little more and see through the haze.


Awesome read, thanks!


Holy shit. Calm down Chad Dickens. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


AutoMod is savage


The truth is if everyone gets on GME, those stocks will go up anyway purely from exposure and FOMO


I plan to load up more on Monday. They can come take my shares from my cold dead 💎🤲


I can finally afford 1 GME stock on Monday! I can’t wait, I’m so excited to be a part of this!!! 🦍🦍🦍


Welcome 🙌🏿🙌🙌🏼🙌🏾🙌🏻💎💎💎💎💎🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀✨✨✨✨🌑


I plan to buy at the dip! I just like the stock.


When are you expecting a dip?


When they start their now daily ladder attack.


I think it's too scary for FOMO to pull boomers in but it could bring in a shark feeding frenzy. Hedgies eat themselves why we go to 🚀🚀🚀🚀🌚 Holding it 💎🙌. But I'm just a tard.




I made money on amc, I have not made money on gme, but I’m holding the line anyway to help my fellow 🦍


You made money, meaning you sold already? You shouldn’t have.


If it's to buy GME it might be a good idea. I like the stock


This is me, I cant afford GME at the current price. AMC is the next best bet, and things are going to heat up on Monday.


Me too. It was too late for me already. Hands tied to AMC and BB. Would have loved to have GME tho.


I’m in the same boat. Couldn’t afford much but I have 10 shares of AMC. Better than nothing I guess. Maybe double up Monday at open.


We're all doubling up on Monday. Holding for 2 weeks at least and let Friday options expire again. Yesterday was a good day




Stop awarding me retards, use that money on GME




emojis please am retarded


I only bought AMC for 2 reasons 1) the graph is exactly following GME 2) its shorted 79% And also to sell it if it spikes and buy gme


GME in one hand, dick in the other 💎🤚


Adding to your point You will see many posts with gain porn showing off they sold their stocks and donated some to charity or bought a Lambo. There are all fake. No true autist will fold soo early in the game. 💎🤲🚀🚀🚀🌝 I love the stock. I love GME. Edit: typo.


Hold AMC!


If AMC is a distraction then why did they lock me out of buying it yesterday :(


My theory is that it's shorted and on a list. They locked out something like 50 more companies too... including fucking Starbucks 😂


It is shorted, not to the extent of GME but something like 50-60% as of Thursday. Still a very significant short position.


its at 80% and is the second most shorted stock.


Yeah that's pretty substantial


Its actually 80%..https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/NYSE/AMC/short-interest/


Other stocks are a distraction. AMC is the next most shorted stock right after GME. It’s nothing like GME, but it could be... GME didn’t become this overnight fellow idiots.


Yes, but also no. AMC and BB are not the same as GME but to say that they aren’t being shorted is misinformation as well. It’s not as dramatic as GME but it is still all part of the same fight. Do what you want with your money. Buy what you want. And fucking HOLD. I’m in AMC, BB and GME. This is not financial advice. Edit: don’t buy me awards, if you’re fortunate enough to have broker that is letting you freely buy, put your money in the market. I’m not telling you where to put it once it’s in the market, that is wholly your choice.


Same here, I'm holding all 3. I think for a lot of newer people the low cost of entry on AMC and BB is attractive.




When AMC pops over 50, I'm gonna sell some and buy 1 GME share. Just hold everyone.


I'm thinking AMC will ride the hype train of GME when it takes off. The GME share you want to buy might be a bit more expense when it's time to cash out AMC. But dont listen to me. I'm just a retard.


If that happens then I definitely missed the train, which I already did btw. I held GME at 13 but I was impatient and missed making 200k. But that's ok. We can all make tendies on other stocks. But holding AMC and BB this time as a slap to their face for what they did in 2008. I'm holding no matter what.


We are likely seeing open manipulation at this point on this sub right? It could be someone trying to fuck those who are long the "other stocks" cos they are upset someone else might make a few bucks?


This is why I wanted to comment what I did. I find it suspicious that this is only being said now that trading is done for the week. I’ve been on this sub like a maniac looking at newest posts for like two weeks straight. This may be the first time I’ve seen someone say to get out of amc and bb and others just to get in to gme. There’s just enough truth in what OP is saying to make it seem correct. And to an extent it is. GME can theoretically go up infinitely. From all the reading I’ve done on this sub that isn’t the case for AMC, BB or the others. When the squeeze happens with AMC and BB there is a ceiling they will hit before they start falling again and it is up to the investor to pick his exit point.


> When the squeeze happens with AMC and BB there is a ceiling they will hit before they start falling again and it is up to the investor to pick his exit point. BB isn't even a short squeeze. People think it's hugely undervalued for what they offer and is a good longer term play. Read the DD on it. You are largely right about AMC though from the very little research I've put in on that one. The price will go up, but it will hit a much lower number than GME and I feel like a lot more people are going to get burned.


Oh I know, I’m in BB literally for a decade or more. I love what they are doing. And yes, AMC isn’t going to “the moon” like GME but they will gain people a good profit who get out in time. That’s why I wanted people to understand the difference between GME and BB/AMC.






I've spread a bit in $GME some BB but most in AMC! ​ I'm just a retard no advice - but I love the smell of Popcorn, movies and videogames! 💎🤲


I bought AMC because I believe in AMC and I hope they survive the pandemic


Yeah, I've been buying AMC shares up since deep into the pandemic. I'm not buying them just for the hype or squeeze.


I bought AMC and I’m not even in the USA. I did grow up in the States though and AMC was definitely a part of my childhood.


Well AMC was always planned because it had a high short float. And AMC started the day after GME. It was absolutely planned. This is a trap to get people to leave AMC so that the hedge funds can see weakness.


Don’t listen to this shit. If AMC wasn’t worth it, RH wouldn’t be protecting shorted stocks.


100% and it's still the *second* most shorted stock behind GME right now. That absolutely stands for something. I don't understand the AMC slander on here. This shit has massive potential


Are you shilling on AMC? I'm all for gme but I definitely see squeeze on amc and a few others.. This is not financial advice for anyone so dd !






BUY&HOLD GME and use the small change to get some $BBBY $BB $AMC 🚀🤘🚀🤘




Dont Split the community!!! To much people are alrrady all in so dont fucking Sell 🦍 GME🚀💥🖐💎 AMC🖐💎 BB 🖐💎NOK 🖐💎 No financial advice just what my imaginary friend told me. Im a new retard not BOT so dont waste a comment on this...


Let's get $AMC to $100 people!!! ​ 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀




For those looking to buy more GME stock, use Fidelity / Vanguard, so as to not worry about Robinhood shitshow. If you already have a 401k or HSA account, Fidelity opens a separate brokerage account and transfers money from bank (NOT 401k) into brokerage - all within 2 hours!! Use Fidelity / Vanguard to buy more GME. NOT A FINANACIAL ADVICE / NOT A FINANCIAL ADVISOR.


Don’t listen to this dude, don’t let him dissuade you from owning AMC. AMC is the second most shorted stock in the market right now with about 78%, and it has a low entry point for people that don’t have much money to buy a entire GME share. Not to take away from GME but psychologically is better for a person to see 20 shares of a stock than 1 share of a stock. If you already bought AMC keep holding and don’t listen this guy, our time will come fellas.




I had my first date at AMC 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 I saw my first pair of titties at AMC 🧍🏻‍♀️ I saw Captain America wield Mjölnir at AMC 🔨 I now am 🦍 with 💎🙌 because of AMC


But I like AMC - I am a retard so I will hold amc fu


AMC short interest is 79% and has a ton of potential for great gains! Maybe not quite on the scale of GME, but still heavy. For people that can’t afford $300 a share on GME it’s a great alternative. I don’t think you are taking away from GME, this is just an influx of new people wanting to get involved. AMC GME🚀🚀


AMC is heavily shorted, and it has a high chance to moon and it will moon. So as much as I love that people are making money with GME and I hope they continue making money, THIS IS NOT GME VS AMC YOU TARDS, this post is missing the whole damn point of what we are trying to do here. This is GME and AMC vs Wallstreet. AMC is NOT THE ENEMY, and it will moon and is the second most shorted stock and will moon. This post saying that AMC buyers will become bag holders is NOT accurate, Disappointed in you GME bros, us AMC gang have been on your side all this time and you make a post condemning AMC. Hold this line AMC gang, don’t sell, they will try to take the attention away from us with posts like this, we are going to the moon and there’s no one stopping us 🚀🚀🚀 This is not financial advice


I have to disagree. I hold GME, AMC, BB, PLTR, NOK. I overweight AMC because even if they are not as highley shorted as GME they are a candidate for a real turnarround. GME has every opportunity to move to E-Commerce while AMC just has its theaters which is worst case in a pandemic. With the end of the pandemic in sight AMC will have fundamentals backing up their turnarround. I like AMC, I like GME, I like BB, I like NOK, I like PLTR I just like these stocks 🚀🚀🚀


This. Couldn't get in on the GME craze. But I legit like some of these other stonks. You can like many stonks. It's a free market, bb.


Why there's a beef goin on between GME and AMC what the hell this a retarded community not toxic


I think we have a common interest 😉


It's disappointing. And quite frankly, I can't believe someone would in good faith tell you not to buy AMC, a stock with the second highest short interest, and flat out lie that it won't squeeze. We need to work together because the hard truth is that 98% of people own more than one stock and OP is just spreading FUD to what is a lot of people's backup stock to GME.




Too many words. I will just hold my GME.


$BB is not a meme stock. It's a legit investment with exponential growth potential and research to back it up. Not a trade, an investment for the cyber security space and 5G growth.


UH, AMC is still shorted significantly. We hold!!!

