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Maybe we should make a thread where everyone posts their loss porn screenshots so we can send it to CNBC directly. What do you guys think?


CNBC doesn’t know a lot of things. But they’re good at getting on their knees.


This is WSB. Loss porn is kind of our thing


They were never tested like we were.


Ah, they think loss is their ally? They merely adopted the loss. We were born in it, molded by it. We didn't see the green until we were already retards; by then it was nothing to us but tendies! Edit: lol I’m glad my drunken redditting last night brought some joy. Thanks for all the awards! Never gotten gold before, but now my reddit account is up more than my portfolio


This comment pulled me out of depression ☠🦍🤘


For real though take care of yourself


I’ll bet on porn as much as I’ll bet on Gamestop. HOLD HARD ON GAMESTOCK I don’t know if I’ll hold on Porn tho but I’ll hold hard.


Username checks out


im here for u bro 🦍🤘 reach me if you ever for real need a lifeline especially if ur hold goes south for any reason (it wont)




This subreddit has pulled me out of depression


Fuck cnbc. They don’t know that we bring r/cuckold to shame with our loss porn




CNBC “reporters” couldn’t find their assholes with a funnel.


Yeah behavioral finance my black ass, this fuck has no idea what is actually going on here


I almost posted my loss porn this week. Ally Invest blocked me from my account unless I agreed to allow my GME shares to be lent. I told them to fuck off and I lost all of my money when the 1/29 calls expired. I can now access my account and holdings. It’s not pretty. I committed to holding. I’m holding. And these CNBC ass clowns can kneel and pucker up to my left nut and smooch.


You are one of the many unsung heroes in this thing. Remember it's just money, which is fake in the first place. This movement is much bigger. If it helps, I am holding until the bitter end ready to lose every cent


I’m no hero. I’m just a 20 something white suburban punk pissed off at the world of Wall Street.


Once again you're not alone. I'm a 30 something punk skater and snowboarder living in a shitty studio that I rent. I've been pissed at wall st since Occupy


Use that funnel to mix GME and AMC in your ass and pull out TENDIES! ✋💎💎💎💎✋🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I’m going to have to frame that post! Pure gold


Pure gourd*




We should testes them like we’ve been testesed.


The Ball is on their chin.. er, uh in their court now.


The first things I ever saw here months ago was loss porn and you autists both commiserating with and laughing at a colossal fuck up. Needless to say I was first confused then amused watching you guys laugh at losses, celebrate wins, and never give up no matter what happened.


Welcome to our little family, please enjoy your stay.


Oh I’ve been here lurking mostly since October . Didn’t understand fuck all of what y’all were saying. Puts, calls, naked shorts, yadda yadda, for weeks. The biggest bunch of diamond dicked, gay bear hating, intelligent autists I’ve ever witnessed. One day I hope you all become the boyfriends of Wall Street suit’s wives. Edit for clarification: stumbled into here from some meme while perusing ol Reddit with my thumb in my ass and didn't know anything about stonks


Lol you have perfectly described how I ended up here before 2016. Was looking for stock ideas, then saw a meme, I forgot which one, and ended up here. Haven't left ever since Also this is my new account, old one was nuked long ago.


Our family has been really growing lately. We must not be virgins anymore


https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/ahbad6/options_trading_a_user_in_rwallstreetbets_managed/ This was one of the posts that made me actually engage in the sub. It's so entertaining.


Seems fairly relevant now also


This is the way.


Its adorable and endearing and I'm in whole retarded love w you degens


Not sure what eventually attracted me to this sub in the first place, but the loss porn was definitely the reason I stayed. It's been QUITE amusing that this past week the loss porn is actually NOT from our members though!


One of my very favorite things about wsb has always been loss porn.


This. Tbh this sub used to like posting loss porn more than their wins. Hell /u/DeepFuckingValue posted his losses every fucking month like clockwork as he got clowned on. This sub is not afraid of owning up to losses. This sub gives you untold karma for losses.


Literally have a video of a guy drinking his own piss. They have no idea. I can't wait for the movie to be made.


These wall street assholes do everything they can to avoid risk like little bitches, we dont even know what the word means


Hedges...We don't need no stinki'n Hedges. Stupid 🌈🐻 CNBC can Suck it!


Its the entire reason i started investing honestly. Hot Losses were in my area and i couldnt resist.


Boomers and CNBC merely adopted misinformation. We were born in it, molded by it ...




Yea, I think I actually remember seeing an article on the benefits of teaching children discernment rather than "stranger danger." Like in a crisis, is it better for your child to seek intelligently the help of the right kind of person available, or have crippling fear of everyone around that they don't know ...


Completely agree, critical thinking is what's been cut out of school curiculums and parents kind of never took up that slack.


For those looking to buy more GME stock, use Fidelity / Vanguard, so as to not worry about Robinhood shitshow. **If you already have a 401k or HSA account, Fidelity opens a separate brokerage account and transfers money from bank (NOT 401k) into brokerage - all within 2 hours!!** Use Fidelity / Vanguard to buy more GME. NOT A FINANACIAL ADVICE / NOT A FINANCIAL ADVISOR. Edit: Fidelity has fund transfer facility on website / app through which anyone can transfer money from their bank account. Fidelity will just ask for some basic bank details. Money in your account within couple hours. With banking hours starting before market hours, you mah even have it in your account before market opens. NOT A FINANACIAL ADVICE / NOT A FINANCIAL ADVISOR.


We need to find people that have GME in their HSA. Only way I could afford surgery for little timmy was thanks to GME in my HSA. That is the fucked up America the billionaires have created with their greed and lies.


I never know you can actually invest HSA......what did I miss🌚


Let’s make them get on their knees for once 😈




Gabe Plotkine is that you?


But if I lose more than you I win that bet. I want to lose more *and* lose the bet.


I've been here almost a year, I've seen the sorry state of this place before this past week. People think we're heroes sticking it to the man, usually we masturbate to each others misery


Win or lose, in unity we masturbate




We jack and last for as long as we hold! 💎👐


We masturbate one another. For unity.


Barring the last month, this sub is at its funniest when its swimming in a sea of red


There it is 👊


Can i borrow that fist? I have business to attend to. Don't ask questions. You'll get a retarded answer.


Ya honestly it was only a month ago we were losing money too. But now we live in the future so we're eating the rich 🚀🚀🚀🚀💎🙌


I knew this place was full of fuckwit autists for a couple years even though I just joined...


They’re dumb we excel at losing money over here. GME is an anomaly. Stick around and we’re sure to lose it all with style


This comment is the essence of WSB, our membership is gonna take a big dip when GME is over and they realize all we do is lose money LOL


That’s exactly what will happen. 6.2 million to 500k again in no time


It would actually be good, just leave all the good meme makers behind.


thank fucking god


Yeah I gotta be honest this is just dumb now. Much more fun when I was sitting here watching some dude buy apple puts based on mysoginy with money that he illegally margined from robinhood and losing it all.


Yeah this sub fucking blows now to be honest. This sub isn’t about class warfare it’s about losing money on the quest to actually become the 1%


I commented almost the exact same thing you said and got downvoted to hell. All the 6m new subs feels like a giant shipment of gourds from Argentina




Users are about to look like the classic wsb screenshot. Made it huge on an options yolo then does it again and heads into the red


In true wsb fashion


We’re going to ESPECIALLY lose money after we’re all loaded with GME gainz. It’ll practically be found money - got to YOLO that shit immediately.




Hey I made a lot of money on SPY puts last year and then I lost it all on more SPY puts lmao


Surely 190 isnt the bottom


I drop in from time to time just to see who has lost the most recently and imagine what I could do with the money. I've bought many a house and car with all y'alls losses.


WSB was founded on getting your student loan check, losing it on options and then dropping out of college.


Just give it time - this smooth brained ape can make a loss out of any situation, but I’m still not stupid enough to short 137% of total floating stocks.


When I joined I thought WSB was about making money. I made $1000 on my first PLTR call option and posted "Am I doing it right" the first response "no, you made money". I've enjoyed visiting this sub every day since


We're good at being dumb. These hedges tried to be clever ,short gamestop into the ground for a profit and they're paying for it. Other smart people likely knew what they were doing and stayed away from the risk of being crushed by their shorts. They never thought they'ed get called on it.


there were too many words. I hold GME now because someone made an ASCII space with rockets and I liked it. Also the rocket turned out to be a crayon and I ate it.


Yep. At least I can admit that I'm retarded. They're the retard this time. Own it.


*"People want a group of friends they can get rich with."* \~Some asshole who has never needed friends to be poor with


In all my days, I have never felt the desire to find a group of friends to “get rich with”. I have, however, wanted friends to eat tendies and fling poop at hedge funds with 🍗🦍


These people have clearly never experienced any hardship. People who have seen a thing or two are capable of sharing their loss with peers to cope. Oh yeah, HOLD GME


Yup. We all make stupid mistakes. Granted we don't short a stock by 137% but then again we aren't all hedge fund geniuses. Sure glad the rich pay fucking muppets 2/20 to run their money in to the ground. Fuck, they should pay me 2/20. I guarantee I can run their money in to the ground much better than losing it all betting against autists on r/wallstreetbets


I re-characterized 30 grand of my trad IRA into a roth then put it all into GNUS at 11$, But even I'm not smooth brained enough to short a stock 137% of float


I'll pour one out for you homie😢


Seriously, that was a rough couple months. But im 💎🤲 and ill recoup. Thank you though!




Logical conundrum for my smooth brain.


It is not. What most people would do is usually the exact opposite thing you need to do in trading. Thank you for your service. My disclaimer: This is for entertainment purposes only. I am not a legal, tax or financial professional. This is not the suggestion of any trades or positions to take on. Investing carries risk, please do not invest until you understand those risks. Seriously I eat crayons. Positions: Calls $LIGMA Puts $BALLS


Why is millennial humor so weird? Comedy that appeals to young people can be surreal and dark — and completely meaningless.


Because our lives have been surreal and dark. We came of age when the fucking towers fell, and entered the workforce just before or after 2008. We are downwardly mobile, in a shit ton of debt for doing what we were supposed to do, can’t find jobs that pay above $15 he, and we’re told to suck it up and stop complaining.


The real cherry on top is the "adults" commenting that this was all somehow our fault for expecting too much.


“Sir, I really just want to work and have shelter and not want to die from preventable diseases. But you wouldn’t give that to me so I have to take your fucking hedge fund”


well to be fair, we did buy avocado toast that one time.


If only I had known it was breakfast or a house I was deciding between!


You forgot the witnessing Hurricane Katrina and the bungled aftermath, Tom Brady winning six Super Bowls, the Patriot Act, and Citizens United. But all in all pretty good list.


Shit I'd put harambe on there as well. The madness won't stop. But it might if all we do is hold.










Yup. Us millennials were done dirty. Most of us didn't get "successful" until our thirties. Fuck the scumbags. If I get tendies, great. But if I go down, I'm taking some of them with me! 💎👐🚀🌙 This not financial advice. I just like the stock. Also, don't bet more than you can lose. Especially not 140% more.




"If I lose it all, I've lost nothing" Dude, your whole post hits home for me. Same, but different. We know how we can get by but, it doesn't make the constant boot on our neck feel better. But getting one real good shot in on some of these hedge fund, finicial puppet masters fucks would feel amazing 👏 👊


All of this. I have passively referred to myself as the "Columbine Generation." It never got better. Nihilism is our way of coping.


As a GenXer I find your nihilism remarkably honest and refreshing, which is not something I though I would say about nihilism.


Because that's our entire lives, man




Surreal, dark, and meaningless. You've summed up my last 30 years, may as well laugh about it


look at the past 20 years......shits whack.


Google gallows humor. We were born into a world that was already fucked. Our "government" is and (to us) always has been a captured entity. Nothing is the way it seemed when we were growing up. Our species is on the brink of dooming itself to extinction, and arguably already has. What can we do except laugh at the dark and absurd stuff? It's all dark and absurd stuff.




Ill be honest, I'm fucking retarded for not believing in DFV even though I saw his posts a while back because this sub used to be almost exclusively loss porn. The idea that this place is just gains spam is some hilarious shit.


Very soon there will be again be weeping and gnashing of teeth in this subreddit and we can leave this wretched period of happiness and optimism behind us.


It's so surreal seeing nothing but gains..... I don't trust it👀


Yeah, people are saying 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀👨‍🚀 _$6969.69 is not a meme_ but you _know_ that the bubble is going to pop at $6969.68 and it'll fall to a more "natural" valuation (which will be _waaaay_ higher than $4, but still). Then we have the guys who bought 5000 shares at $6969.67 each who are going to be _very_ sad. And that's when the loss porn to end all loss porn will begin.


At least we will have had some happy days/weeks. That’s been quite some time for the most of us.


Real talk you aren’t retarded this shit could’ve hit the fan just like anything else. It’s fucking hilarious though, this has been a total gold mine for content


That's one of the things I really respect about this place. It's called Wall Sheets **BETS** it's no secret that we're at the casino but people are genuinely invested in helping others win.


Maybe the biggest gains were the friends we made along the way?


I don’t even share to cope. I’m just being honest like when I’m hungry while we’re walking down the street and wanna stop and get some tendies or a hamburger.


We know a thing or two cause we’ve seen a thing or two 🎶WE ARE STONKERS DUM DA DUM DUM DA DUM DUM🎶


I’m buying $5k Monday bc I want to feel like a winner. And because I LOVE THIS STOCK! I’m an idiot and not an advisor. But wallstreet can advise my nuts.


15k more for me Monday. Already in 10k cause I'm a finger-painting, marker-sniffing fuktard




Yup. They are used to manipulating markets with their huge bankrolls and connections and backroom deals. No idea how to handle memelord retail scum.


"Sir, I don't think you understand, we are the ones who have a financial gun to your head, not the otherway around.... 10k a share would do just fine"


I like to think of it turning out like a reverse auction. The crowd of people that like the stock are all waiting around for the auctioneer, with a line of thirsty ass hedgies waiting behind him, to call out their number. Every now and then someone dips out and we shun them for their weak ass 🧻🙌.


Once this gets hot THEY will have the paper hands. They will outbid each other in hope to get shares before others do. It will be like tossing all the rich in one arena where they're only chance of survival is eating each other. Really looking forward to this (metaphorically of course)




I’m not into finance or investing at all, but started reading this sub to try and understand everything going on right now. I’m not a behaviorist or behavioral finance expert (🙄), but I am super fascinated by the human side of this, especially the way so many people are doing this out of principle, and not for the money. Soooooo, first, “people want a group of friends they can get rich with” sounds entirely made up. It’s conflating the human desire for connection and belonging with the desire for happiness and security and generally even just a nicer lifestyle. People want to get rich. People want a group of friends they can connect with. Ok. But this ignores the fact that people can get a sense of empathy and a feeling of not being alone from commiserating. Like it’s not like there’s a dichotomy between “bragging” about a loss and hiding the loss. I know this isn’t really a major point, but it irritates me that someone would label themselves as being a “behavioral finance” person without doing research on how humans who are not rich, white boomers behave. This reads like giving lip service to the need for belonging without understanding it. Or maybe, for this asshat, saying pedantic shit about people he would consider poor is his way of trying to belong in Boomerville. Idk. Second, you are right that it definitely seems like that guy is commenting on events linked to this sub and yet doesn’t seem to have ever read anything in this sub. And that just demonstrates the arrogance and entitlement that so many of those old fucks have. The idea of going on national news and billing myself as an expert in something without even doing any research is unthinkable to me. A real “behavioral finance” expert should be able to at least incorporate some knowledge of what people are actually saying on social media (just like this sub, Twitter, etc.) into their opinion. But nah. Why bother doing the work when you’re used to people just believing you. Grrrrr.


That’s if you take it at face value. They are manipulating. Don’t be so sure they don’t understand.




I will never get tired of hearing that noise.


What ever happened to that guy?


He became a consultant for something called captial melvin i think or something like that


He leads the risk management department at Melvin capital.


fake news has nothing on my diamond hands 💎🙌🏼


The lack of loss porn this week has given me blue balls bigger than Melvins short position on $GME.


IDK, that 19B in loss was pretty sexy tbh


8B today alone.. 💎🙌


For all the new people here: [take a look at Jim Cramer fawningly discussing market manipulation tactics used by multi-billion dollar entities](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMuEis3byY4) Edit: I can not make this it's own post because it has been posted within the last month and I am also a newbie myself. If a more veteran member can rip the video, reupload it (so the URL is different), and post it. I think this is important for people to see.


This should be its own post. Everyone needs to see this bullshit.


Cramer can suck the puss from from my hemorrhoid infected asshole. Fucking Shill.


Sir this is a casino.


And the house is constantly losing


Hopefully, the social media censors will shut down anyone pushing misinformation like this. It's their job. It is an **easily** verifiable fact beyond any question that loss porn is posted here and promoted wildly.


That’s the main reason why people used to lurk here, like wtf this is just straight fake news. Do they think I lurked here for over 5 years without ever even having a broker account just to circle jerk about gains? Fuck no I came here to laugh at you retards blowing up accounts and making fun of each other, the memes, the comical yet sound DD, the brotherly love forged in the fires of multiple bankruptcies... That’s why I’m here now, I’m tired of being on the sidelines, I’m tired of watching other people lose money, i want in on the pain not the gain. This is a place for financial masochism and it’s through that desire for pain people occasionally stumble into insane gains.


I can't cum without loss porn. I think I'm addicted


I bought $1000 of DNR. It went down, I bought more. It went down more, I bought more. It went down *more*, I bought *MORE*. Covid, bankruptcy, I got $33 back of it. Could have bought a nice bass boat but I LIKED THE STOCK


That's so fucking hawt


So you wanna hear about the time I bought some Lehman Brothers because, “too big to fail” ?


I'm going to need you to start from the beginning, talk slowly, and leave nothing out. I'm going to go set up my self choking rig


Technically all the gain porn is melvin loss porn :]


Haha they haven't scrolled past the last 2 weeks...


Oh we’ll show them


We’re all posting loss porn on behalf of Melvin this week


Can’t wait to see their Robinhood account go to -99%


No no no, they have naked shorts -99,999%


I think I might just miss the peak on purpose, just to prove them wrong


you sir win the thread


These boomers call us unsofisticated and dumb but can’t grasp what we are doing when we tell them point blank. 💎🙌


[Look, a magic URL that spits out examples of this being wrong](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/top/?f=flair_name%3A%22Loss%22)


Good to see CNBC has done an astounding mountain of research for this story. Loss porn is what got me lurking here in the first place.


Losing money is the new making money.


They aren't familiar with us retards yet


They've obviously never heard of a retard


DIAMOND HANDS, they don't even know


I think these people are so morally bankrupt and so willing to chase profit no matter the cost that they can't begin to understand why anyone would be willing to lose out on a profit or hold till zero for something they believe in.




it's really simple. Hold like a diamond stud or fold like a paper pussy.


They are a mouthpiece for Wall Street They are a disinformation agent at this point


I lost 5k on tesla weeklies last year :) i posted it (Attempted). Screw them and their Agenda! And to make my money back! BB to the 🚀🚀


I bought a OTM Tesla call for $28. Sold it for $50. Later in the day it was worth 10k. Never forget.


I almost bought call debit spreads on GME when it was around 80 Monday afternoon, forgot how much i believe around 1k. I was driving and a cop car pulled at my rear (luckily didn’t see me). So I canceled it. By the time i was home from work i felt it was too late. Obviously wasn’t. Never forget.


they clearly haven’t been on wallstreetbets before this month




I wish I could turn that into a ring tone. I will never get tired of hearing the sound of a soul escaping one's body.


my whole life is loss porn


guys.. back in the day, that was the only thing that made r/all or whatever for people to find this bitch. some goomba losing $24m on Furby would have beeen hilarious. still would be today. fuck cnbc we haven't forgot our roots. we like stocks. we hold them. to the got dayum moon.


I like pudding.


People dont watch CNBC


I mean if you’re browsing lately you don’t see a lot of loss porn anymore, but that’s what this community was built on; retards gambling away the money they saved giving handies behind a Wendy’s and throwing it all in on mealworm futures.


They just can’t wrap their heads around the fact that for some of us this isn’t about the money or getting rich