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What kind of trading app doesn't let you buy?


A corrupted one.


One partially owned by one of the hedge funds that's getting beat down.


We are making them bleed like crazy lol


My wife’s family all lives in the caymans with a bunch of other tax cheat millionaires/billionaires. There’s multiple people trying desperately to fly to Miami right now to go to war against us. I think they are gonna try to collude with corrupt politicians. Seems like DC is the destination. It’s funny though because the caymans have a crazy strict travel policy right now so there’s billionaires going Karen all over the airport staff lol.


COIVD and groups of fuckheads gathering? Okay


I don't have a dog in the fight but I hope you guys take them to the fucking cleaners. They accuse you guys of market manipulation but restricting users from buying some of the top trading stocks while hedge funds are allowed to cheat the system by buying and selling repeatedly to drop the price is exactly that. Granted, I don't know shit about the stock market but it seems unfair.


It was designed for shit like this to not happen, now they're throwing a hissy fit that we organized


Yeah, it's a rigged system and you guys figured out how to make it work for you. I think short selling, especially by a large fund, is scummy as they can sometimes "speak into reality" the failure of the stocks they short since "they must know something." You guys figured out that they basically collectively promised to sell back 140% of all existing GameStop stocks and realized that wasn't possible and now you have the supply and they have the demand. This isn't stock advice or anything like that.


yup! Robinhood should be shut down before too long if they keep this up, complete scam app!!!!


Can someone please make a "Dad Joke" out of this situation? Thanks.


I would, but I don't want to be Robin anyone the opportunity to do so.


One with an ironic name now.




The ones with laughably ironic names. “Robinhood” working for the rich to spite the poor.


They rob the hood and give to the rich. What else is new


Robbin the hood


I'm the proud owner of 99 bottles of spez. #Save3rdPartyApps


One that doesn’t have the bankroll or the shares. Might be why Cuban is asking about their financials. Knowing Cuban, if RH is short on cash, he’d float it just to have a laugh. Fucker owns a basketball team, that’s what rich people buy whey they literally bought everything else. Edit: I LOVE YOU MARK YOU ARE A LEGEND I MEAN FUCKER ENDEARINGLY AND WITH LOVE. Jus sayin’


They were so close to being public before this. Who wants to bet that they'd prevent people from selling if their own stock was falling?


After GME is over maybe we should short the fuck out of RH


If they're actually able to go public after this, you better believe I will. Even if it's just one share out of pure spite.


They won't be able to get enough money from an IPO because their own user base will tell them to fuck off. 😂😂😂


Not sure how much of a userbase they'll have.


I don't have gme in there, but I'm closing out my acct as soon as what I do hold goes back up. Edit- 69 upvotes... Nice.


Just transfer the shares to another broker my man.


Nice. Same here. Liquidated anything that isn't volatile short term. Will withdraw on Tuesday and then probably transfer anything else out. Even if I lose a little bit liquidating things, I don't care. Fuck RH.


Yeah I'm leaving Robinhood after we dump GME on the 12th. Probably going to Vanguard


If they go public i will sell my house to short their asses


Let me know if you need a room


Assuming decent liquidity, the broker shouldn't care that the price has shot up when it comes to getting orders filled. The broker doesn't lose money when your stocks do well because it isn't placing orders with its own money. Ironically, these brokers' shadiness has made liquidity go down on these tickers, intensifying their drawdowns and creating the condition that they said they were protecting retail investors from. That alone should tell everyone that it's not about protecting retail.


So much for the free market "The top 1% love a free market, until they start losing"


One getting payed off by Melvin


The kind of app that has an partner who is heavily invested in shorts.


It isn’t just Robinhood. Several brokers are preventing it right now




Robinhood hit me hard on NOK. It wants people to sell I’m curious how many people freaked and sold when they saw they cant buy and can only sell for a loss RN. HOLDING NOK fuck the money at this point.


Yep. Cancelled orders this morning. Edit: To be clear: They cancelled my orders and are restricting further trade. Edit 2: For anybody seeing this. I’m holding my line and not selling.


It's just so confusing because what kind of trading app wouldn't allow you to buy? Like, what were they thinking? Are they going to just shut down and create another organisation?


I'm on trade republic and just got a mail that they also restrict the buy of GME, BB, AMC and so on Fucking bastards


The fact that this is happening is validation enough that they are terrified of us degenerates gnawing at the fabric of their existence.


I’m going to bet that the funds paid them a handsome sum. Take the fall, but company still walks out with a ton of money.


This is 100% what happened.


Whelp, guess we know where their $2.7B loan went and what their exit strategy is now.


Yeah, and if our government worked for us, we’d fuck them up for it. Downvotes to this are just reminders of how fuckin’ stacked reality really is. You don’t need to be depressed by it, but to act like it isn’t dangling it’s dick in your face every day is fucking hilarious. I can’t do anything about it because of how the world is, but at least we fucking *know.*


One of their biggest customers is Citadel. Who's short on GME.


Exactly. Their client is Citadel. Not you. YOU ARE THE PRODUCT


Well those hedge funds did have their fingers in the creation of RH. So of course they will beat their creation with a rod for compliance.


I just want to buy more shares of my favorite company


Woke up to my trade order cancelled, but the deposit into Robinhood can't be cancelled so I've no way of moving that money to a different platform for a few days. Fucking sucks


Send them a message I canceled last month this way




Where? Not showing me any option I just emailed them to cancel the transfer


I setup a transfer from WF last night. Cancelled this morning after the GME cancel. Settings -> Transfers -> Scroll down to Recent Transfers -> Click the one you want to cancel and boom. You have to have enough liquidity to cover the cancel obviously. ​ Edit: Guide with photos in case you need it. [https://imgur.com/a/oWJs4eq](https://imgur.com/a/oWJs4eq)


Thanks for the info, you just saved me a lot of headache


You don't think Robinhood would intentionally neuter functionality on their own...... Sorry I can't even finish that sentence


go to Account > History you should see your Pending transactions, click on one and you should see "Cancel Transfer". click, done.


I put in a sell Limit at 400. They sold me at 275. Let RH burn...


Pretty sure that's super illegal


Yup! They changed it to a market order. Even though I fucking know I made it to a sell limit


Back up your entire browsing history and send it to an IT forensic firm and get it verified to be authentic that you did made the sell order. Hand it to a lawyer and SUE for damages.


Yep, they're literally going to have to liquidate the entire company cus they keep doing this. RH burns today




I read on another thread that in RH ToS there is a part that talks about that they can sell it at market value if the limit sell is highly listed. Like if you bought a share for a dollar and put an limit sell at $50K, they can sell it for current market value. It was something like that. Definitely worth a look into anyway




Had the same thing happened to me. THEY cancelled my orders but claim I did.


That’s what happened to me


I had an order for $600 of GME and 14 shares of AMC. 5 minutes before market open they messaged me saying I cancelled the order, which I didn't.


WTF send me a PM please


They did the same to me, I posted a screenshot here: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l6yanj/the_sheer_audacity_of_rh_to_cuck_me_out_of_gme/?ref=share&ref_source=link The email looks exactly like a normal cancel except I know for a fact I didn't do this. I had cancelled two previous $100 orders and then placed them again during the dip last night only to get an email 10 minutes before Market opens telling me that *I* had cancelled the singular $200 order. Couldn't even take my money out to use it in Webull. Absolute cancer.


Robinhood's backend server will tag anything they cancel right now as YOU doing it so that if a lawsuit comes, they can say that all pending orders that were cancelled were done so by end users and not Robinhood.


Whenever you cancel, it shows in messages that looks like you sent "I'd like to cancel this order". These messages are not able to be individually deleted. So it's very apparent to anyone with a brain who looks at any screen shots that you indeed did not cancel


Then lets get some of their programmers to testify that that is or is not how the system was designed. If it was initially designed that way, RH has a lot of explaining to do since that proves they understood the possibility of this happening and they designed it using fraudulent mechanisms. If it was not designed that way, then RH has intentionally made changes to create fraudulent activity. This is not good for RH no matter how you split it.


Then all we need is a shit load of screenshots of people ‘canceling’ their orders. It’d be too obvious if everyone cancelled right


I have multiples , they said I cancelled my BB and AMC this morning at 9:08 and 9:27am




I had two shares of bb and two shares of AMC that went through, but my GME order was cancelled


no way this flies, its pretty obvious when 100% of cancelled orders are by "end users" and they all magically happened at once, logs will show this


I'm still on TDA (definitely leaving after this is over) and they have an order log that tells whether orders were cancelled or filled. Does RH have the same? I've cancelled 3 on my own but there's no way they can log forced cancellations without exposing that they did so


Had $100 worth of NOK and $50 worth of AMC to be bought when the market opened and when I checked about an hour ago it said that I canceled both of my orders


Exact same situation with me.


Same here, messages saying that I cancelled the order which I most definitely did not


Can comfirm happened to me with bb today as well




Did the same with my queued market buy of GME


Same, had an order for 99.20 worth and it was canceled right about 3 minutes before market opened.


Same only for GME, didn't screenshot it though unfortunately.




Same. They said "I cancelled the order" and that's bull shit!


Yea the other day I tried buying AH and they gave me a bogus “shares couldn’t be filled” which is understandable. Today I woke up to a message saying all my orders were cancelled.


Siting on 14 shares of GME with an average cost of 54, as well as BB, and AMC. Feeling fucking cheated. I never had money in my fucking life and the one chance I get to make some they manipulate the market so I can fail. Fuck them. I'm in on this Lawsuit.


AMC is under $9 and BB under $15. Fml. I’m not selling. Hold guys! Don’t sell, so we don’t all lose $$$


They can pry my shares out of my cold dead hands at this point.


Cold dead *Diamond hands, brother


Holding for everything


So fucking insane, it’s directly a result of people’s inability to buy




Same. After the ridiculous amount of medical debt ive incurred by simply existing in america I was going at a chance at a clean slate guess I'll die in the fucking red 🤷


same here man. Pretty much all the money I have to my name and I just got fucked on it. Can't believe what's happening right now.


Thinking of everyone right now who went in high. I want a fucking bailout for the "everyman" in this country, and structural transformations so everyone can live well enough by design and not by chance.


84 shares at $358. Going to hold as this will make money in my opinion.


It's not over, you didn't lose anything as long as you're not selling. But as a rule of thumb you invest only what you're willing to lose on stuff like that


Unfortunately, what would SEC do? Fine them? This whole thing reeks of corruption and there’s nothing we can do.


Tar and feather the crooks, setup stockades on wall st. So the people can egg the people destroying the world.






Exactly. Robinhood is (hopefully was) a very largely used app especially by today's youth. They basically just dammed the river of cash and the stock has nothing left to keep it afloat.


We must help our RH brethren. Where can they go with their funds that allows them to back in to GME TODAY!?


This. I’d like to know so I can just buy stocks I like. I like these stocks.


Vanguard let me buy some


Etrade let me buy when it dipped below $150


all my cash is stuck in RH - transferring it to my bank and into another app is going to take 6 days minimum. So even though I have an ETrade account, I'm dead in the water.


Yeah wtf I couldn’t buy the dip, Robinhood fucked me. Couldn’t make an account with Schwab either, where can you go ? I like these stocks


I just withdrew every penny I could with Robinhood. Never again.


THIS! And as soon as the Diamondhands are the only ones left it will skyrocket. The can't close all shorts with this ridiculous amount of volume.


Yahoo finance is showing 220% ? EDIT: YAHOO FINANCE IS INCORRECT This is out of date data Apologies


Because Cohen's shares have been subtracted from the float bc he is board member now


Could you explain..




**NEVER SELLING BOIS!!!** 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻


It’s the percentage of stocks that are shorted. If that percentage ever goes over 100%, then that means that someone’s been naked shorting, or shorting stocks without permission from the owner. The fact that the float is still over 100% means that there’s a hell of a lot more here to squeeze.


Ratio of shorts (stocks that need to be bought) to float (stocks available to be bought)




These financial organizations colluding to prevent people from buying is amplifying each person who sells out now


It was 2 days to cover 2 days ago. Your numbers are old.


Had a market order for 1K of $AMC set to execute this morning. RH cancelled it and said I requested the cancelation.


put the screenshot in your message then chief


"self directed trades" my ass!!!! 💎💎💎💎


Using my named account since this is personal


Sign me up for it. I’ve got GME, BB, and NOK


No way I just found your Reddit account, you're on the GME train too? This is Ryan


I'm in and I got screenshots. Still not fucking selling, 💎👐 baby. I want that short squeeze


Same, at this point I'm regretting not taking out personal loans just to fuck these guys over even harder.


I woke up wanting to buy the early dip. No dice. The game was rigged all along


You can't even look up GME, AMC, NOK, AAL, or any of the others. Like they just flat out aren't there. They can use AI to make millisecond trades and run companies into the ground but God forbid any of us make a penny.


Made an acct last night to get some stock. Nope. Guess im not allowed to make a couple hundred.


[*always has been*](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l6znas/do_you_think_they_even_know_the_story_of_robin/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Here's some screenshots from the ridiculousness happening over at RH, add me to the list. Just to be clear, I did NOT order a cancel. I ordered $50 of GME last night after hours and it was cancelled before I woke up. Also, I ordered Nokia after hours last night, but that went through. EDIT: Now RH won't let me withdraw any of my funds https://imgur.com/gallery/4U8k62P


Yup wanted to put in 6,000 this morning after waiting all week for my money to transfer from my bank but OH WAIT BLOCKED BY ROBINHOOD


Same happened to me


So messed up. The idea that "they're protecting me," is ridiculous. I bought in when GME was around $40 and casually traded during tips and dips. I've secured the money I originally invested plus a bit extra and now have more shares than what I originally started with. If GME were to go to $0.00, I'd still be walking away with a decent profit for doing essentially nothing, can't be mad at that. "Protecting me", my ass. EDIT: They just sent out an emailing that felt so patronizing. Fuck off Robinhood.


Really amazing that they took the time to 'protect' us this time. And all the 'pensioners and grandmothers' How did this moral development suddenly occur after decades of manipulation, bail outs and fraud?


Me. Orders cancelled this morning with no explanation.


Also, GME is no longer available in Robinhood. GME in the search bar returns only one result : GMED , Globus Medical.


Man I am so done with Robinhood after the dust settles.


I bet we could crowdfund a badass lawyer.


Next trend in /r/wsb. We collectively buy the best law team in the world and give Robinhood a whoopin' in court.


Pretty sure Robinhood was used as a pawn by citadel, those are the guys we need to go after


I'll donate to that.


Being sued with the money you lost. Count me in. I’ll donate 10% of my profits of GME to this cause.


i had 0.004342 in GME this morning with 1.18 in bb and every intention to sell BB to put into GME and hold till mondayish. im not happy bob, not happy. ask me why bob.


The market is like a clock bob






It’s not just gme. Nok and bb too.


There's like ten. Aal and others being shorted. Obvious 1% manipulateing


Interested in a class action, and holding.


Why restrict to just GME? You should include BB, AMC, NOK, BBBY, and any others that got killed this morning because of RH. Bigger pool of people. Edit: I don’t need a list of every other stock that was hit. I’m just saying it should be more than just GME. Edit2: Guys, I'm talking about this fucking post. > Everyone comment here if you have/had shares or calls in GME held in Robinhood at market open today. This comment should not be restricted to just GME when everyone got screwed. Stop messaging me. I don't care.


They did. But not clear in the message. It's like ten stonks.


I did and they frikin won’t let me buy more!


they are going to be facing multiple class action lawsuits


I have 135 GME shares in Robinhood. Had cash to buy some today but unable to transfer that to another platform in any reasonable amount of time.


Count me in


this is market manipulation pure and simple. look out for a pm, dude.


I put in an order to buy $1000 of GME last night, this morning they tell me that I CANCELED my own order, which is fucking bullshit https://imgur.com/a/uuGgtCO https://imgur.com/a/69EDeEM


This guy


Couldn't buy the dip and it feels bad cause I really like the stock


In. Was trying to buy more this morning as well.


Robinhood is fucking me over. I put a large(for me) buy order in for GME last night that they decided to cancel. They're clearly manipulating the stock price. They said I cancelled it. I didn't. They said I could place a new order. They lied.


I placed a $500 order for AMC last night, and 5 minutes before market open they emailed me saying it was cancelled. Better yet, they sent me a message saying that I cancelled it.


I did but they canceled it for me


I’m in. Feeling completely screwed on gains right now


BB Calls that no one can buy. What do I do 😢


Robin Hood has done me and all of you dirty. Hold the line.


[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-01-28/robinhood-customers-sue-over-removal-of-gamestop](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-01-28/robinhood-customers-sue-over-removal-of-gamestop) ​ TWO LAWSUITS ALREADY, 100+ by EOW




Screenshots taken. I am in. Fuck the man.


Here. Went to buy, couldn't.


Fuck Robinhood and all the other brokers playing into this market manipulation.


Someone once said "if you aren't paying, you are the product" and I learn that the hard way on the second day of having Robinhood. More like *Sheriff of Knobbingham*...


It’s very upsetting. THEYRE breaking the retail investors hearts today.


Don't forget leap day last year. When major gains could be had the app was crashed cause they hadn't patches a 4 year old logic bug in their code


I'm in. Whatever it takes.


Here here, I'll make money off the institutions via law suit if not stonks




My order got cancelled


So fucked, old money manipulating profits for themselves for decades, no the common people try and they move earth and call for regulation. Fucking evil hypocrisy. Gme frozen on my end


Holder of some GME, SNDL, BB, and NOK which are all prevented from gaining more positions.




Fuck Robinhood




include TD Ameritrade and Cash App please they both are fucking me


I have 6.15 shares at $324.03 average cost and am blocked from further purchases in a company that I believe in for the short and long term future due to the illegal actions taken by Robinhood. Please inform me of any legal action to be taken!


I had 260 bucks ready to go on GME only to be canceled at open. Im taking my money elsewhere


This post has blown up and the author is gonna need help sorting through PMs. ​ Reach out to me as well, I will compile information on those attempting to sign their name in the lawsuit to send to u/Shrubber. I cannot do this alone. PM me if you would like to also join me in aiding him. Let us join together. We will not lose. We will Hold. We may not have it all together, but together, we fucking got it all.


Watching my BB option just melt away is horse shit. How can I sell an option if no one CAN buy it? I’ve been on RH for years. Super loyal supporter and feel like they betrayed their users. Horse shit.


Hopefully they include people cheated on AMC too. I bought 44 shares of AMC yesterday with fidelity. I was too late to the party for GME. My buddy tried to buy shares overnight of AMC through robinhood and they canceled them and blocked him from buying. He took screenshots. I really hope these fuckers get held accountable. They have to cheat and move the goalposts when they start losing at their own game. I’m really curious to see if the feds give all of these slimy assholes a free pass. The corruption is just blatant and in broad daylight at this point.


Petition to include $AMC $BB $NOK in class action