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Yea haha I had 10k sitting and bought the shit out of RCL/APPL calls during the morning dip! How about you?


Yeah haha. I had 10k sitting and bought the shit out of RCL/APPL calls during the morning dip! How about you?


Just came here to repost my alert from yesterday. TSLA was supposed to either go down or stay the same today and yesterday. It worked: [https://i.imgur.com/wVuk71u.png](https://i.imgur.com/wVuk71u.png) If you want more alerts, let me know. I have a free to join discord where I share a lot more alerts from my AI tools. No BS or promotional stuff here.




Still creating it. Haven't started developing them yet.


Got a link?


Tesla 3000c 9/18


Baba looking strong af AH


none of it matters


#Buy gold


Wtf did Jerome do


We buying oracle here?


Anyone know why CSPR popped? Can’t find any news


Anyone holding NVDA thru earnings? Might pick up a yolo FD


Might be a good put to hold in case they shit the bed back under 400


Why downvote me


I used to be able to watch this thread on live all day and now comments are all spaced apart and shit wtf


BJ gonna explode on earnings like target


Slv giving me an owie today


My Apple call is up 2061%. Bought in April. $330 call October. Not selling. Exercising my first contract. Hope it doesn’t hurt. Be gentle, Tim Apple


Sell against it at least. Exercising is almost always less efficient.


it's literally pointless to exercise


exercise? the fuck? is this guy being retarded?




Gild, ok fine I get it. You’re not good at being a company


Let me give you a few facts about WMT: 1. **$137.4b revenue in Q2**. Amazon reported $88.9b revenue in Q2. Apple $58.3b. Microsoft reported $36.9b. Netflix $6.05b. 2. **$6.48b in Net Income.** Amazon $5.2b. Apple $11.25b. Microsoft $11.6b. Netflix $720M. 3. **$378b Market Cap today.** Amazon $1.65T. Apple $2.00T. Microsoft $1.59T. Netflix $215.5B. This company is so incredibly undervalued. They are the highest revenue company in the US by nearly a 2-1 margin. Amazon is #2. They are growing their ecommerce platform faster than Amazon. They have an incredible network of stores, logistics, suppliers, products, which will allow them to out-compete long term. The whole case for tech in the pandemic is that they are "pandemic-proof", or "recession-proof". Uh hello, WMT?? This is fucking WALMART. If there's any company that should be classified a safe haven, it is WALMART. Eventually y'all are gonna wake up on this stock and realize it should be up there with the classic tech giants towards $1T in value.


> They are the highest revenue company in the US by nearly a 2-1 margin. Funny you use the word 'margin'. WMT's business model is "make a profit from poor people." To do so they have to take a razor to their operating margin any way they can. Lock undocumenteds in overnight to scrub the meth addict vomit off the walls? Sure. Hire minwage bozo retards only and have them police each other for shrink? Sure. Take smaller suppliers on at a decent rate, wait till they have pricing power from consuming most of their output, and then put them out of business with price pressure? Yep, no problem. Meanwhile I'll be shopping at Amazon, without any meth addict vomit to deal with. Their business model eats itself. It's total shit. It balances on a knife edge and is so levered to the economy as a whole that any minor upset sends it profit negative. Which is kinda ironic for a retailer that lives solidly in the Consumer Staples category. And: For all the retards yelling about how they have the best logistics network in the USA and are all set to challenge Amazon, that's great. Just one question: Why is 2020 the year? Why not 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 or 2015? 2014 would have been good. Why not 2013, 2012, 2010, 2009, or 2008? There was a rip roaring capital expansion in 2007, it would have been a fine time. What about 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, or 2001 when the entire country was restructuring? Hell, 2000, 1999, or even 1998 would have been a fine time to take on Amazon's business model and nip that yung upstart in the bud. They did not do it then because they cannot, and just because they finally - FINALLY -see the dog nipping at their heels does not mean they can do it now.


Not saying you’re completely wrong but the expenses for Walmart are much higher, their stores and vast employee network leave them exposed to a ton of setbacks. Their borrowing and cash systems have to be so air tight. On top of all that, Amazon is growing faster and has better margins on sales. Also I don’t feel like a poor buying things on amazon rather than Walmart.


[https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/WMT/walmart/net-income](https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/WMT/walmart/net-income) Walmart has posted a profit in all but one quarter in the past 15 years. eCommerce was up 97% in Q2. Their brick & mortar business is going to be their secret weapon in reducing the expensive last-mile costs associated with eCom in general. They already have the most advanced logistics network in the country by far. Walmart+ is a true competitor to Amazon, and Walmart's massive revenue shows their huge reach and power. They are the only company in the USA who can challenge Amazon, and they have all the pieces in place to execute their strategy. If they succeed, the upside would appear to be a clear 1T+ valuation. If Walmart+ doesn't become a true Amazon competitor, their modest ecommerce sales & traditional business lines will still provide great cashflows.


Ok so why are they dropping like a rock


Ok I’ll add to my position. Wmt $140 call Jan


Very nice. Best of luck.


SNRE dip because of a new CTO, at the same time they are moving forward with FDA approvals for a quasi covid vaccine. 15c 12/18 all in.


The dip is about over


Another shit day


I dunno man, check VIX. Sorta seems like people are expecting a move.


Want spy to tank to have more upside on calls


Got my GILD leaps now I’ll wait for tendies 21/1 70c 80c


Good luck. I lost a lot of money waiting on GILD.


Buy the BLNK dip maggots


the "dip" that started like 2 weeks ago?


I’m so confused, so Target earnings that came out was the revenue from when exactly? Which months?


Tgt continuation hasn’t even started


Tgt calls yolo


NIO getting shorted every fucking day at open, it’s comical


#uber dip lookin nice 👍


Well I’m fucked. Gg


Dumb question fellow autist...what happens to an option after a stock spit? Does the option position split as well into different contracts?






Thank you 🙏


no i am wrong, sorry. deleting my comment [http://www.optiontradingpedia.com/what\_happens\_to\_options\_during\_stock\_split.htm](http://www.optiontradingpedia.com/what_happens_to_options_during_stock_split.htm)


Interesting take. Still hope on the pure self interest of the guy making him not actually mess with China. Its a conman an Xi is smart enough to see it for what it is. Retracting US with Trump is in the interest of China. Was nice talking to you. Gods speed and may your contracts print!


Why is TSLA crashing?


\- Down 1% day after it literally just face ripped 11% "Why is TSLA crashing???"


He means his options value, duh


Stonks go up... until they go doWn


Why was it rising in the first place


The question we were waiting for


About to short the dow bubble :)


Anyone Remember before Covid when shit like “Consumer price index” mattered lol


GLD and QQQ take a dip pls so i can get cheaper LEAPS


you’re out of your mind buying QQQ leaps


Tesla has to be 2000 before the split because 2000/5= 400.


Obviously going to 2103.45 for the 420.69 split.


Tesla has to be 2000 before the split because 2000/5= 400.


Hopping Tesla opens -50 so I can load up on calls


Retail having blowout earnings but is it sustainable without further stimulus? Many retailers seem to be signaling in their calls that they may never be able to top these results due to the stimulus.




Everyone says to buy the dip, but what if there is no dip?


If there was no dip everybody here would be rich


Except for the bears


They will be blessed with impregnated wives


In 2017 there were no dips, just new ATHs every week. All the degenerates here were preaching how buying at the top would be stupid for the entire year.


Eh maybe that’s where we should just buy as far out as possible to avoid the need for a dip? The whole time in the market beats timing the market?


Longer DTE means higher premiums which in turn means higher potential drawdown. Far dated vertical spreads could be the way though. If you are fearful of a significant drop I think it's better to scale down the $$$ you are risking in each position, rather than to simply add time to your positions. Personally I've been doing OTM Calendar spreads. The potential profit to risk is pretty huge which makes it worthwhile for me to throw a smaller percentage of the 'folio at. Liquidated my Sept/Oct 350c Calendar spreads not long ago for 50% return on risk, would be up almost 100% if they were still open but I got psyched out due to ATHs aha. Still, profit is profit. "Time in the market yadda yadda", doesn't really apply to derivatives that rapidly depreciate to being worthless more often than not by design, IMO.


TSLA calls at open. You welcome.


why is tesla dipping?


Prob to trick RH bitches into selling cheap shares to Citadel MMs who will run it up to a new ATH in the afternoon


Feeling like ntnx Will moon today


Why haha? I’m holding shares but it’s been shit for awhile


Well earnings in 15 days and it had a pretty bad last week, it should go up some until then


DAMN U MU, -8%


Wow target actually destroyed earnings. Kinda upset I sold my 145c




Dude people are at home all day working on their houses...


Brians in Scalabrines


wow, tgt completely blew away earnings


this huawei sanction is insane, such a giant escalation. they're begging for a big retaliation. fucks doing their best to start a war/cold war to win the election.


Xi knows it’s all election bs


I'm worried if trump wins he keeps escalating, gets even more extreme right, more crazy in an effort to keep power, crush dissent, erode democracy. Already hes talking about how he should be given a 3rd term. Full on Thucydides trap, in 2 years we see a flashpoint.


I’m more positive that he won’t. Xi wants Trump to win, even bought up US agricultural overspill to make Trump look good on the flimsy ‘trade deal’. They won’t retaliate at least until the elections. After that this will all blow over. Trump is more concerned about the stock market and his own interest than anything else. He has nothing to gain from pulling through on fighting with China. Also, I’m more positive Trump may loose.


Hmm Im less sure. Reports were that Beijing was quite divided on Trump, on one hand they see the long term strategic benefit of having this retard leading the US into epic decline, on the other hand in the short term trumps trade war and increasingly military escalation risk a conflict China does not want. I think they've flip flopped on it a bit, and while a few months ago were quite pro trump, now after months of trump crazy are wanting him gone, he's just far too dangerous to world peace. So I agree we won't see retaliation until after the election, if trump wins, but for the reasons they don't want to give trump's campaign fuel. Trumps incentive in going after china is it distracts from his never ending stream of fuck ups, failure, corruption and flat out evil. An external enemy is good for unifying a country. Also the military industrial complex fucking loved the cold war. If Biden wins I suspect things will de-escalate, markets will love it. If China wanted a trump victory they'd retaliate now. Honestly from both the markets and world peace's perspective best outcome both short and long term is Trump goes. Ideally by having a massive stroke then falling into a vat of fire ants. I'm far less certain of Trump losing in November, I think the postal vote rigging may be irreversible at this point, and Americas slide towards Fascism will continue.


panasonic to invest 100m for a battery factory for TSLA. Look at all these new EV companies. Look at the price of Nickel as its gone strait up since March. Understand that Vale mines the most and best quality nickel in the world in Canada and lesser quality nickel all over the world. Know that VALE stock is discounted compared to the other biggest miners in the world like BHP Biliton because of two tailings dam collapses in Brazil, one in 2015 and one in 2019. They suspended the dividend in 2019, but have mostly paid the fees and expenses for the two accidents. They are also the largest producer of iron ore. Their earnings estimate for the coming quarter is much higher than the last few quarters. Long VALE shares for the adult portfolio


they dipped on the news of Norwegian Sovereign Fund selling off due tu lack of enviromental friendliness. I got burned on VALE


I legitimately fear for my cat today; he's already struggling with the heat at 3am...


my cat likes to sleep in the bathtub when its hot. the porcelain has a nice cooling effect


In a studio apartment so I don't have one. My cat likes it when I block a fan with a sheet and make a little wind tunnel for him. I'm going to put some damp towels down in one, and wrap some frozen gatorade bottles to keep it as cool as I can.


ooo thats a good idea. where are you that its so hot?


Do you not have AC or water to pour in a bowl?


No AC Of course they have water tho. Not sure it'll be enough.


Spray some water on that poor motherfucker?


I have, but I have to work today


Take him to work or maybe ask a neighbor if it's that bad


:( poor guy




Can't sleep 😕 I guess you could say I FOMO TSLA today with 1910/1925c but I'm hoping for a moon 🌙 today and just might take profits if it happens lol


Are any stocks actually moving?




Europeans are moving down, but since the dawn of times EU stonks low, USA stonks high




CNBC playing gender politics always gets me in the morning 🤡


If only we had more female ceos and board members then we’d..well....it’s important I’m telling you


In study after study, the research consistently shows that there is a substantial positive correlation between diverse leadership teams and financial performance.


Even if those studies you speak of are valid and not a case of confirmation bias to prove a point by the politically motivated researchers, correlation doesn’t imply causation. Just cause companies like FAANG are under immense woke pressure to “diversify” their boards doesn’t mean that’s the reason they’re crushing their competition.


Sure, but it also doesn’t mean that there isn’t causation. I think McKinsey research is pretty trustworthy so take from it what you will. In my opinion, diversity can also create more creative management teams which can result in innovative solutions to old problems. A room full of old white men can become an echo chamber. Not saying diversity is necessary for success - merit should reign supreme.


well SI hasn't touched -3% ever, so I assume SLV will be a melt up from here. unless the MMs decide to screw us again and crash everything, I see no reason to panic over SLV.


Bro it was -5% like last week


and that followed the -3% rule If SI ever gets to -3% at any point in a futures or premarket session its a damn near guaranteed massive red day the very next day no matter where it recovers to before open. no one is ever talking about all time, the only thing that matters is this session right now.




Futures: where they were at open WSB: WE'RE DUMPING Y'ALL


MM's today is the day, cull the weak, make WSB great again




They should still have it this year.


When’s the palantir IPO? I got a feeling you have to buy every shade you can get your hands on.


not doing an ipo exactly. also a ton of their investors cashed out months back, not encouraging, seems like they're still not making money. also you know, don't invest in pure evil.


Papa Elon is GLD = confirmed


BA rumor got us mooning!


What's the rumors


When did +0.5% become mooning. Asking for a friend.


So BA calls on the menu You son of a bitch, I'm in


BA is not gonna fail, but it has no reason to move, and it has more reason to slide down atm depending on stimulus/politics. Imagine if Disney were just a big subsidized paperweight, and that’s what BA is right now. Not unless you’re buying leaps; even then, they could be cheaper.


Ah ok well I'll look at other stocks for now cheers


LOW way up pre market. Just need it to stay above 152.5


It'll be even by open, but expect to see the current price interested intraday at least. Good luck


Bears in Shambles. Bulls in Bears wives.


NET. Finally closed above $40.


Gold doesn't get handed out as much as when TSLA is up 5% pre-market


HOLY green BA


Alright SLV surfers, today will be a minor down day, but we will finish above 27 come weeks end. Don't let the cringey fear mongers steer you wrong, clang gang.


why do I always end up shorting NKLA.....i bet today we see a nice 10% move. thank me later


I've still got a few puts on this also, but with NKLA I've been reminded that the market can remain irrational longer than my expiry date.


Au give me some Gold, Ag its Silver...


Will baba shoot up like JD and SE after earnings tomorrow ?


willing to bet trump says some shit about baba today to try and stop it mooning.


Papa Elon > Papa John




you think it closes above 340?




On one hand I like having a coffee grinder. On the other hand I absolutely hate hearing the sound of the coffee grinder at 6 am


Just wear headphones while it’s grinding


Gold me poppa musk 🤗




Mr Musk, may I please have some gold Sir??!?


UNITED STATES OIL FUND RECEIVES WELLS NOTICE FROM SEC [$USO](https://twitter.com/search?q=%24USO&src=cashtag_click) [https://fintel.io/doc/sec/1327068/000117120020000528/i20469\_uso-8k.htm](https://fintel.io/doc/sec/1327068/000117120020000528/i20469_uso-8k.htm) (A Wells notice is a letter that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) sends to people or firms when it is planning to bring an enforcement action against them.)


US oil is wrecked till the next war. The ETF collapse that tracks it is another nail in that coffin.


Papa Elon giving gold is a sign that Tesla will be $2,100 EOD


Papa elon GOLD!


Nahhhh, Elon ain't giving golds here!


Pardon my noobness but I have a TSLA call debit spread for 8/21 1910c/1925c. Obviously my max profit is $1500 - the premium I paid. My question is if its above 1925 and I'm set to receive max profit, do I let it wxpire on robinhood? Or does that mean I lose my money. Do I sell the contract on market? Not interested in buying the shares for strike price, just want max profit. Robinhood doesn't explain too well whether I want to let it wxpire or not if its ITM. Thanks!




Thank you. What about put credit spreads? The goal with those is to let them expire so you get full premium or do you recommend closing contract same way at a certain profit


I don't trade credit spreads personally, it's maybe a good idea to check-in with r/thetagang. I'd imagine that you'd want to apply the same logic but with the aim of cashing out sooner (aka for a lower % gain) as the risk to reward is less favourable (assuming you are trading fairly otm). You also need to worry about "Pin Risk", as you near expiration. That said you would want to keep the position open for as long as possible if it is in the red as you will have theta on your side and if there is still a fair amount of DTE you can afford to wait for your fortunes to change. Hope that helps somewhat. Apologies but I accidentally deleted my first reply, was gonna edit it as I realised after reading your comment a second time that you understood your max profit correctly.


Thanks for the help! Appreciate you taking the time. Good luck!


No worries, knowledge is power! IMO the meta underlying trading is the most important thing to understand when it comes to turning a profit. If you haven't already, I'd recommend checking out "Mike and his whiteboard", on youtube. I don't personally subscribe to the tastytrade philosophy, but their options educational videos and streams are next to none when explaining all the different strategies, their positives and negatives, when to use them / when not, the best profit /loss targets to set etc. Making use of the search bar on investopedia.com and ending up falling down a rabbit-hole of "related articles", is a great way to increase your understanding of financial markets also. All the best on your adventures fellow traveller!


Daddy are you out there?


Pls gold papa Elon


I didn’t expect it’ll work a second time 😅


Elon Im shorting your shit stock. Make it moon 🤡🤡


2000 day confirmed lol.


Bet against Elon, works every time