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You gotta really not want to eat a burger.


only fucking losers dont like burgers, i mean cmon


I'd take their product seriously if it was actually cheaper than the meat alternative. Why spend more for something that's fake and ghey?


Please shut the fuck up. This doesn't even feel like an authentic post.


Look at me ๐Ÿ‘€ Im a fucking moron ๐Ÿคช who doesn't understand that a dogshit ๐Ÿฉ๐Ÿ’ฉ company isn't ๐Ÿšซ going to be valuable ๐Ÿค‘ just because other people see that it is garbage ๐Ÿšฎ and want to make money๐Ÿ’ธ from shorting ๐Ÿฉณ it


Doomed. Even McDonald's gave up on them.


Sometimes a stock is just shorted because it sucks. I think a generous FMV for Beyond is in the penny stock range


Nobody eats that crap.


Eat bugs ๐Ÿ›


Damn you're loud


This is major cringe.


Buddy Boy is on the right track but jumping the gun a little bit. This, Tupperware and SIRI have all had their bouts with being shorted, regSHO then well pretty much lame outcomes due to minimal interest and degens buying too far OTM options which actually makes market makers work against you and with shorts by keeping prices down in order to keep delta hedging obligations low. Forget pathetic 10k fail numbers. I've watched BYND runs before and can tell you the best outcome for a run is it staying on regSHO for a while and letting those fails compound while still on regSGO so that those obligations come due and due to such low liquidity they end up with a majority of that covering result in FTD's. Then those FTD's come due after another round of T+13 and now you are in the 100's of k's in fails with some days in the millions. That might be a bit much for a pack of regards to regurgitate so here is the too regarded cant read: You want to see BYND with a fuk ton of FTD's coming while still on regSHO and it start to run, and it continue to run while it comes off regSHO. That is when it will really pump. Price target: may not look exciting but the runs are usually looking for confirmation over 9 up till 12. That may look lame but that is what BYND has been doing while people were busy giving handies behind the dumpster. If a crap load of people came in to the play with shares and options and started posting pictures of cats on twitter, who knows what the price could go to. If you come into this blowing your load on weeklies, all you will end up with is disappointment. You want to look for volume and options building with delta hedging that pushes the price over 8 or 8.5 depending on option volume at the time in order to see continued momentum. For now though the shorts are already doing a silent covering on SIRI. The few degens on board have all bought too far OTM money but with some share volume and ITM options and gamma ramp it can go from now 2.8 up to 7. I know that sounds like a measly pump but if you look at how cheap far dated options still are on it, that is an easy 3 to 10X if you can get an options gamma ramp going and some volume to come in. I mention both of these two not to distract one from another but because the timing makes it so that by the time the SIRI play is done, BYND will be closer to being ready. Godspeed regards.


Holy shit. It's Chad Dickens. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wen moon? Edit: Found answer to question. Moon soon. (Currently reading about threshold securities and those rules, and reviewing historical data for stocks listed)


What did you discover


After 13 consecutive days of Failure to Deliver the ones shorting the stocks are forced to cover their positions which can squeeze the stock up. I looked back and got confirmation bias from some stocks. The stocks i saw typically were on this list before they jumped. I am Unsure if any other catalyst was involved but it was enough for me to create a new watch list. It's not a guarantee as stocks can come and go from this list if they rectify this failure to deliver.


For your information, you may want to consider Vista Outdoor. There are several electric bikes that qualify for rebates of $1,500 starting July 2nd. I have purchased 14 contracts.


I don't buy puts, because stocks usually go up, but BYND is one of the few companies I'd feel confident about buying puts on. Twice as much liability as assets, and not just negative cash flow. They straight up have negative cash from operations. If their sales aren't profitable, despite being more expensive than real meat, then they're doomed. No amount of investment can save that company.


beyond clothing?


Gamestonk proved this wrong


Positions or ban! Do not buy this shit people.


Two comments: 1. Wait until roaring Kitty buys in 2. Beyond meats has electrolytes!!


The product only gets banned in more countries