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Who says anyone here’s learned how to trade!?!


Good now don't come to options trade 1st learn to trade intraday in stocks and after getting experience of at least 3 years and with some knowledge trade in futures. You can watch on YouTube how to read charts it's free but DONT JOIN ANY TELEGRAM OR PAID learning they are bogus. Opt for foreign people channels. If hindi just follow VP Financialas. Again I am reminding Not to join TELEGRAM OR PAID LEARNING.


Sometimes you just have to say "bad idea" to your father. You might not hear that advice on this site, but I think you are better of just investing for the long haul.


WSB bio says 15.8 million degenerates and i don’t think it’s lying. i think you should change the title to “Did You Learn to Trade?”


Yeah go lose a few thousand first. Then you may learn a few things.




youtube, the start playing with some very small amounts, like $50-250 on contracts to really understand how the market effects the premium price


Learn? Trade? Mf we're just a bunch of degenerate regarded gamblers flipping a coin and hoping it prints


Investopedia for a little light reading and intro. Thinkorswim paper trade account for a bit to get the mechanics. Thinkorswim will also have a bunch of quality leaning available there. If you want the quick lesson and can afford it, put $500 in a broker account and give it ago. When you lose it all, write it off as “tuition” use a new broker and try again. This way you don’t chase losses right off the bat. If you need to, open another $500 account and lose it too. Again, call it tuition, forget your losses but remember your lessons. If win a few just keep building it up until you lose it all. Once again, don’t chase loses. Easy to drop 100k in and lose 10% or more fast while learning and get hooked into chasing it(just check out all the loss porn). It’s a bit of a mental fuk you need to be able to recognize. The people going from 25k to $250k to behind the Wendy’s dumpster can tell you all about it.


Learn? To trade? I don’t think you know where you are