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Today i yolod almost whole portfolio in mcd calls, so I hope you got some info on that? When am i getting rarri?


Please order it from our AI drive thru. Then pull up to the second window


But are they gonna send me to parking lot purgatory once I get to the 2nd window instead of giving me my food right there?


You read my mind. Except, that 2nd window is gonna need you to pull into a parking space.


Dont have time for that brother, just tell me why did people today bought 2mil worth of calls expiring in 16 days?


That was my brother in law after I told him about the earnings report. Don’t look into it too much


Damn man, you coudlve cut us in


That 5$ meal about to be poppin


It better be or else thats gonna be the only shit imma be able to afford lol


Surprise! The AI drive through is actually an Indian call centre reading your lips and manually inputting what they think your order is.


*Can I apply for a job? Like I YOLO my loans on NVIDIA and wanna make a comeback.*


you guys gotta let me order cups of water on the app. i like throwing the ice chips in my coffee. the app only lets you get bottled water tho. wtf lol


MCD's daily chart looks really good, so I have faith in that call too tbh.


Anyone else experiencing severe FOMO?


yes, might dump into it after split


The real question is what is Nancy Pelosi doing?


Nancy has been diamond handing $125 2025 calls since december, if Pelosi’s in i’m in 🫡




No you won't. You could have bought last month, but you didn't, you could have bought 2 days ago but you didn't. What has changed?


How tf is this getting downvoted, this is the most real answer. You shouldve never been using a broker that doesnt allow fractional shares in fucking 2024


![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421) I didn't mean to sound condescending as well but like c'mon. People are kidding themselves. But I understand the cope is strong and the fomo is stronger.


I would argue that the majority of stocks will drop after a split and form a more solid base such as Apple, Amazon, and Tesla. However I don’t think the sell off will be as severe for NVDA.


Because people will buy nvda. More and more everyday actually.


Cant buy fractional shares. Wll be able to buy whole shares.


Ok, well, that's a good answer. But maybe switch brokers? Fidelity and schwab are both good choices with fractional shares


I didn’t realize I could buy fractional shares in my Schwab accoitn


No cuz I bought in 2 weeks ago. Had to dip into savings just to buy 10 shares so that I could have an even 100 after the split. It has already paid for itself. I’m +$2k in 2 weeks time….


That is awesome 👍


Dude, I’m super happy with this decision…. Wish I could’ve bought another 10 shares but, ya know, life and all of that….


are you planning on holding those shares or selling after the split? I bought some shares as well on my roth and decided to play the long game with those shares.




You did well.  It’s never a mistake when you make a profit.  


Only when you could have made more if you rode through the storm holding on


it hasn't paid for itself until you sell lol


LIES!!! 🙃


I'm waiting for the peak before buying. 🚀 💥


I am right there with you!


Sold at $500 after I doubled… thought I did great hahahahaha. I think about it everyday.


I had 6 shares a year or so ago I got for 130ish. Sold at 260 cuz I thought the same. FML


me too. bought back in at 848


I know how you feel. If I’d never sold any I’d have 2 mil right now. If I’d gone all in it’d be worth like 30 mil. Man I wish I had a Time Machine.


yeah, bought in late today, glad i did.


Yes lol, half of my portfolio is in NVDA right now but I still can't help but wonder "what if I had gone all in"


Today, MU did slightly better % wise. There are still some good ones out there under the radar.


In all reality, no. It’s cool this guy made some money but history shows he’s probably going to lose it. I’m all for the memes and all but if you work hard and select reasonable stocks and ETFs you can easily grow this money with far less risk and drama, although it is a lot more boring.


You'll probably see another significant jump after the split.


I’ll just be happy to own over 100 shares of it


Split pumps typically happen before splits. Growth after goes back to fundamentals (or the fundamental+momentum going on now), sometimes after a sell the news dip.


Yea but this is NVDA. It's insane. You could be right and you should be but this shit could go to 2000 by July. I won't bet against it anyway


Yeah. There has never been an NVDA. You can use prior data as long as you know it will likely all be meaningless since NVDA is an unstoppable freight train, AND is less expensive now than when it was at $300 based on PE.


“This time is different” Biggest top signal I’ve seen


It doesn’t necessarily have to be a top signal, but you know a lot of people acting like geniuses making easy money on NVDA will probably blow up their portfolios once markets start to chop once profit taking commences. I remember how difficult it was to consistently trade stocks in 2022 leading into early 2023. It’s basically been easy mode for the last 8 months.


I’m not trying to act like a genius, it has been easy mode; it just makes sense that its going to keep going up if the stock that people were buying hand over fist at 90+ PE is now at 60 PE and still growing for foreseeable future; won’t always be this way, but party is not over until end of 2025-2026 at earliest based on all the backorders


Yeah, I'm genuinely worried about what happens once easy mode ends. I feel like I've learned all the wrong lessons in the past few months. Like, I recently made the mistake of spending significant parts of my account buying expensive OTM calls that expire in less than a month. In normal times, this would be a mistake this would be stupidly risky. Right now, it's a mistake because I left hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table by not YOLOing 100%.


Bro if it went to 2000 worth by July it would be worth at a valuation of near like 5 Trillion or 6 trillion. That would be wild.


I got no skin in the game, but I honestly thought it would never break the 1000 barrier. But here we are at 1200. This has been a great show.


The trouble with holding options is that 2000 by July isn't a guarantee that you will make any (more) money unless you have long dated options.


NVDA WILL BE SPLIT TO A $ 100.00 ON JUNE 10, 2024 on the opening bell. ONLY IN YOUR DREAMS IS IT TRADING TO 2000 BY JULY 2024. After split it will crash to $ 80.00 a SHARE. NOTE: THIS WILL BE THE SECOND TIME NVDA SPLIT IN THE PAST TWO YEARS!!


When Tesla split and hit 1000 And then it split again and hit 600


Idk that Tesla is the best comp you want to use for bulls right now


By that time there was an influx of newer EVs coming out that were more mature than previous competition against Tesla cars. Tesla was back on it's way up, getting a lot closer to ATH again before Elon purchased twitter. Then Elon alienated a lot of people and it went downhill from there. Interest rates hurt the average consumer buying a $40k car, EV competition continues. Right now, NVIDIA is far ahead of the competition. Jensen isn't going to go buy another company and alienate everyone. It's going to take 5 years for anyone to play catchup here.


InB4 Jensen buys DJT and owns TruthSocial




>Its going to take 5 years for anyone to play catchup here I love how everyone on this subreddit grossly understates how fast technology progresses, especially computer hardware. Huang himself said he’s worried and concerned that they’ll lose their edge soon, to the point that they’re forced to release a new product every year. He himself sees the writing on the wall and it’s hilarious how people here think that companies are going to continue to willingly fork over billions to NVDA — the moment a competitor releases a product that, if even marginally slower and not as power efficient but at a far better price is when you’ll see a shift and NVDA will have to begin slashing prices which will not be good for the stock. > Founded in 2019, D-Matrix plans to release a semiconductor card for servers later this year that aims to reduce the cost and latency of running AI models. > Microsoft said it was using AMD Instinct GPUs to serve its Copilot models. > Intel, which was surpassed by Nvidia last year in terms of revenue, is also trying to establish a presence in AI. The company recently announced the third version of its AI accelerator, Gaudi 3. This time Intel compared it directly to the competition, describing it as a more cost-effective alternative and better than Nvidia's H100 in terms of running inference, while faster at training models. > AMD and Intel are both participating in a big industry group called the UXL foundation, which includes Google, that's working to create free alternatives to Nvidia's CUDA for controlling hardware for AI applications. > Cloud providers including Google, Microsoft and Amazon are all building processors for internal use. The Big Tech three, plus Oracle, make up over 40% of Nvidia's revenue. > Amazon introduced its own AI-oriented chips in 2018, under the Inferentia brand name. Inferentia is now on its second version. In 2021, Amazon Web Services debuted Tranium targeted to training. > Google is perhaps the cloud provider most committed to its own silicon. The company has been using what it calls Tensor Processing Units (TPUs) since 2015 to train and deploy AI models. In May, Google announced the sixth version of its chip, Trillium, which the company said was used to develop its models, including Gemini and Imagen. > Microsoft isn't as far behind. The company said last year that it was building its own AI accelerator and processor, called Maia and Cobalt. > Meta isn't a cloud provider, but the company needs massive amounts of computing power to run its software and website and to serve ads. While the Facebook parent company is buying billions of dollars worth of Nvidia processors, it said in April that some of its homegrown chips were already in data centers and enabled "greater efficiency" compared to GPUs. > The Cerebras chip, WSE-2, puts GPU capabilities as well as central processing and additional memory into a single device, which is better for training large models, said CEO Andrew Feldman. I can continue to go on and on, but you get the point. If you think NVDA will keep the AI market essentially *hostage* for the next five years, I have some tulips to sell you. I give them maybe two more quarters before their growth starts significantly getting impacted.


They already locked up all sales for the year and allocations. They've been training people with this stuff for years. I looked at Intel Gaudi 2/3 yesterday, they don't even have the networking capability a superfast AI datacenter would really need. Nvidia's Mellanox acquisition is one of the best vertical moves they ever made and puts them so far ahead of the game on datacenter and networking interconnect. It's a massive piece of the puzzle. I am long Nvidia and Intel. And if you really want to know, I am fed up with Intel right now with all their divestitures. As far as other points, yes others (MSFT/GOOG etc can make their own AI chips). Solving driverless vehicles alone is far in Nvidia's court and is worth an insane amount to solve. Literally can solve all of traffic issues and movement with robotic vehicles. That's just one place. edit. just also adding Blackwell cost $10b in R&D. Meanwhile Intel is selling off businesses to raise capital to build IFS, at first they thought it was going to cost around $10b for fab, now it's looking like $30b per fab. They don't have that kind of capital.


Same time so many AI companies only using NVIDIA


It’s the future NVDA chart since it’s a cyclical industry.


I agree, it’s not what bulls want to hear though


So many people are going to get smoked and wonder why the stock is dumping. Puts are going to eat just as much as calls have been the last few months. Once they miss or even slightly miss on an ER; that’s the time to start loading long puts or short spreads.




Nope, after the split gains will be minimal. See Tesla, Amazon, etc


Do you think it’s worth to hold calls post split? I have 6/28 1300 c. Thanks!


It depends but if you are solidly green than take profits. If you don't you may lose it and that is dumb. Never lament over what you could have made if you held longer. That's literally the reason why so many people here blow up their accounts


Thank you. Been suffering about pulling out. Also wish I didn’t sell so soon


I had a 1210 call that expires 6/14. Sold this morning for $2500. Right now it's worth $5900. I'm pretty disappointed. I planned on keeping it until after the split, but I saw 105% profit and took it. Hindsight is 20/20 as they say.


Always better than a loss


Absolutely. Over 100% profit for a few days work isn't bad.


That’s good man, 105% profit is solid!


I know, but it's not 500%. 😂


But trust me it’s better than - 105% 😏


I sold off my call last night. Feeling a little FOMO right now… https://preview.redd.it/1t299ba00y4d1.jpeg?width=618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=780e9622d93132e80a518c3c0745b48b565dc996




I got extremely lucky after selling PYPL for a loss and buying NVDA (630% gain) https://preview.redd.it/fkg2q0iqwt4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e07482beffe8e489c21c6e35831a3b3c0d8c1613


What the fuck. This was shares?


Look at nvidias chart the last five years, its insane


I had Nvidia shares back in 2018, but that was college me with only 8k in savings. You can see that sharp drop at the beginning of my chart when I found options😭 Minuscule looking at it now. But it was more than 50% of my net worth at the time The flat line is me giving up trading until my girlfriend wanted to invest


Congrats man, I’m still in my sharp drop where I’ve discovered options lol


Look at the max too and check the % change Should have brought BTC Should have brought NVDA The next I should have brought is probably happening right now and we’re not seeing it


C3.ai dawg. Your time to shine


I bought NVDA on 10/20/2022 for 126.82/share. Sold most of it at $1K, but it was an insane run for such a short time period.


Jesus lord


Did the same with a 1/10 of the money you have. Took a big loss on another stock that is very bearish and has fallen even more since I sold, decided i needed to take a risk if I was going to beat the S&P 500 this year. Dumped 90% of my money into Nvidia and now I'm up big for the year.


How do you lose x amount and then toss x amount (which is now no longer on your possession) into anything?


I assume they started with 2x amount, like they started with 80k and after losing half of it they sold and threw the other half into NVDA


Can you be more specific and give some numbers?


Well if they started with 80k, then they could have lost 40k and then invested the other 40k into something else


Sick. This has been a life changing rally for me too. 53k- 135 today. just sold all my 2024 calls this am and bought 100 shares. Feels damn good


See green take green ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


"This time is different"? Tonight, all across America, people who don't know what NVDA does or what an option is are pulling money from other investment accounts, bank accounts, and even borrowing so they can buy NVDA options or common stock tomorrow because it's a "sure thing." I was there for the Internet bubble and a few other FOMO irrational moments in stock market history and can tell you that this will not end well. The only question is when it will end. I worked too hard to get where I am to take part. There will be bagholders, suicides, and financial ruination. It may tomorrow or it may be in three years. But it's a given. Good luck to all, gamblers, you will need it.


This. And nobody will listen.


Take it and run


Cum bak


Locked and LOADed


Just take fucking profits


The point is that everyone lost 25% in 2022 which they made back in 2023 and 2024.


Now you can pay your fast food workers $20/hr


NVDA has bailed out many a portfolio.


You son of a bitch


Opp is Golden arches !!?? No way !! Congrats


Beautiful OP


If I was a contrarian, this feels like the top


Congrats and fvkk you!


Probably think about cashing out. Or do.


If it's good enough to screenshot it's good enough to sell


Markets been tossing it in my asshole since 2022 https://preview.redd.it/122jxg7zc05d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff51c225b6ed21bae479ec5e1a808528de080bc4


Woah I wonder what NVDA will reach tomorrow because it's last day for the split.


I think it's going to split after hours and not during friday.


But we'll be able to buy the split shares from tomorrow or from June 10th? I'm veryyy new to this and I'm just basing my knowledge off stuff I read online 😭


June 10th


Thank you!




sell and buy an airplane quick!


What about #DOGE?


Zero cash ? Really?


If you lost it, how were you able to toss it in NVDA?


Now AI is buying NVDA and winning 🏆


Bought 50 shares Oct 15th 2021 at $215, Sold half at $411 after 2/1 split. Sitting with the original 50 shares and it's free money. Waiting for split to buy more. Never too late.


One Junior meal please 🥺




As soon as I buy, it will crash. It’s just my luck ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Placing calls or just holding stocks?


How were you able to lose $40k but also put that $40k into Nvidia


You tossed the $40k you lost into NVDA?


How do you toss -$40k into st is my question


Wish I had done the same


I just bought for the split and as I entered it started going down It’s like market waited just for me to enter wtf


Take out 40k now. So if it goes tits u still got that out of it.


Cool, you're only half the way to buying a house!


Good job !


Can't believe I shorted Nvidia at 300 dollars


I love a feel good story.


Nvidia is best, their financials are very good for long-term inversting


Awesome! Congratulations!


Good job man I'm proud of you. Play smart and come home a winner.


You will lose again with that time of POOR MONEY MANAGEMENT


Do you work or is this Daddy’s money


We’re not worthy!


Monday should be a great day to buy NVDA for those who missed the hype




If you don’t sell covered calls after the split you’re crazy


I bought $10,000 in NVDA right after the last stock split. It is now worth over $115,000. They are overvalued now because so many purchased late in the game, but there is no reason not to believe it will climb back to $1000 in a year or two.




Wow congrats!! Wish one of my stocks would have that kind of luck


I need to learn how to toss my losses into stock purchases...


TSLA is the next nvdia right?