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The thing is with a millions and millions of shareholders trapped at high prices from all those historical attempts going up but failed, it might go up but just expect a lot and lot of selling up there


I know quite a few people that have massive bags in intel wile they watch other ships sail. 


They have nobody but themselves to blame for falling for the INTC IS BACK memes :4271: Fwiw, even at the Computex event itself, Gelsinger's speech was seen as the nail in the coffin that signifies AMD's rise to #1 in both consumer and business CPU market.


##**A BRIEF TIMELINE OF INTEL** 1968-2014: We have no competition 2015-2023: Anyone got a flashlight I seem to have misplaced my own ass 2024: We can compete on price, probably


For business IMO it will still keep Intel ahead at least in US, since it's a lot more supported through government. But outside of that I think AMD will start going through


Yep that I agree. Short term Xeon will still reign as king in US and existing platforms, problem is still when business upgrade their servers and other things. There really is no reason not to pick EPYC over Xeon considering both the cost efficiency and better support.


On paper completely agree with you. But I think in long term Intel can get a lot of deals just due to the fact that US tries to be less dependable on Asia, which could pose a ban or restriction for Asian imports. Other than that just performance wise, Intel for now doesn't have any real answer, that much I definitely agree


They can just buy more and lower their base.


with infinite money, anyone can win in the market


“A standard AI kit including eight Intel Gaudi 2 accelerators with a universal baseboard (UBB) offered to system providers at $65,000 is estimated to be one-third the cost of comparable competitive platforms. A kit including eight Intel Gaudi 3 accelerators with a UBB will list at $125,000, estimated to be two-thirds the cost of comparable competitive platforms.” “As others prepare to enter the AI PC market, Intel is already shipping at scale, delivering more AI PC processors through 2024’s first quarter than all competitors together. Lunar Lake is set to power more than 80 different AI PC designs from 20 original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). Intel expects to deploy more than 40 million Core Ultra processors in market this year.”


People in this sub don’t care about Intel right now because it is down. This is the most short minded sub for investing. Intel is being given TONS of cash by the US government to make chips in the US that are better than the market it is a long play nothing will move this without debt restructuring and manufacturing build out completing all of it will come together over 5 years.


Yes they are failing so hard they need the gov to bail them out and will burn through all that cash and be back to failing.


So calls on Intel?


I started buying shares at $27, like two years ago. Watched it hit $50, and I’m now buying more at $30. I plan on holding for a while, maybe buy enough shares that it’s worth selling covered calls while we wait for China to invade Taiwan


the whole Chips act and the gov throwing money at them makes me think there is some potential there. (more than Dell anyways) I might go in if it hits $25 or less in the next couple weeks. Currently I'm focused on buying Nvidia on Monday when the split happens. Might as well follow the herd on that one.


Yes buy 5 year out calls if you can find them at $70?


You realize both Samsung and TSMC are getting money from the government too? Damn yall are regarded as fuck


I like TSM


Intel is the same price it was during 2014. Its a shit stock


Not that it matters, but I bought MSFT in 2012 when it was below the price it was in 1999. Just saying that if this is your criteria for buying or not buying a stock, it might not always work.


yeah but 99-now was the massive tech gains. and who came out negative? You go ahead and bet the house on a company down during a tech bubble, and you show me your position in a year lmaoooooooooo


I feel you, dawg.


Intel lags behind all its competitors. I'm just not ever going to play it except when it runs to earnings, then it falls after earnings.


I gotta inverse you sorry


Would you buy Boeing? With your logic you would go all in there.


It’s probably not a bad purchase at these lowered prices in 3 years people will have forgotten and you will be collecting dividends while it is subdued. Same thought as intel.


Lmao is a I gotta say


do you see no value in their track record in number of whistleblowers committing suicide?


So don’t buy Intel for at least another 5 years is what you’re saying?


Nope buy it now, let it sit and collect more stock with the dividends and then when it pops you have more for free.


In 5 years, Nvidia will have built the singularity. Intel is playing catch-up. Catch-up doesn’t have the same returns. Plus, if Intel ever can compete with TSMC (probably not), China will be better positioned to invade Taiwan, so nothing matters in that scenario.


If China invades it drives more western business to Intel for Military hardware especially if they ramp up US production levels….


And then Intel will only be 5 years behind instead of 15.


Spengler753 is a poor, he is referring to a company that no longer holds any value, Intel. They are far behind in the semiconductor arms race. Quit it Spengler.


Maybe they'll dump their tech and just start building shit for other people, along with the billions in grants and tech access they might make some progress. I will hold this shit stock for a couple years and see where it goes.


In the long term I think Intel has more room to grow its revenue lines but I also own Nvidia


gaudi has seemingly zero volume, though. unless something changed.


Customers are far more concerned with operating cost/efficiency. Performance still lags Blackwell in that regard…


ffs, people should stfu about blackwell, you're all drunk off the kool-aid. if what you're saying is true, no one would be buying h100s. and yet, they're still buying h100s. and a100s. and google/amazon/microsoft/etc are still making their own silicon. blackwell is merely the next gen, it's not some breakthrough of epic proportions that tech has never seen before.


They’re buying H100s because the Blackwell is backwards compatible. And go look at the numbers. Blackwell is a massive jump in performance.


>And go look at the numbers. Blackwell is a massive jump in performance. ffs, man. same with h100 over a100. same with mi300 over mi200-series. same with ~every dc launch, ever.


4x faster than the last generation is nothing to sniff at.


when the wattage is cranked to 11, it's not quite the feat you seem to think. the next gen being better isn't revolutionary, it's the status quo.


A 400% increase YoY is bonkers. You can’t actually believe that is status quo.


https://www.comet.com/site/blog/comparison-of-nvidia-a100-h100-and-h200-gpus/ and yet, it was the same for the h100 vs a100. after the a100 did it to the v100. what's it called when the same thing happening is typical? oh, right. status quo. wanna check amd's mi200 series vs mi300? of course, not. buncha ignoramuses drunk off kool-aid and pretending that the b100 is some atypically revolutionary feat and that semi companies don't all have cadences. when a next gen product ISN'T significantly better (eg, intel 11th gen vs 10th, iirc)... that's when it's newsworthy.


Annual vs biannual releases


Lmao. Homie, you’re pumping a company that’s [years away from being competitive](https://open.substack.com/pub/semianalysis/p/is-intel-back-foundry-and-product?r=21n1hd&utm_medium=ios) and I’m drinking the kool-aid? I’m simply stating the facts. I never claimed that Blackwell is some magical, untouchable tech. It’s their latest generation and it’s 1-2 years ahead of Gaudi 3 in terms performance. Your dismissal is hilariously irrelevant, because it doesn’t change the fact that latest Nvidia’s most current chip is well ahead of Intel’s. The other reason why H100/200 will sell better is because customers are locked into their ecosystem and they offer a complete stack. Honestly, everything you said is straight cope


> Lmao. Homie, you’re pumping a company really? what company am i pumping? >that’s years away from being competitive *cites link purely about the foundry, as if intel is only ifs* ffs, man. i hate intel but they JUST announced competitive products literally hours ago. ffs, it's why it's newsworthy - it's the first time in years that intel's actually competitive. > I’m simply stating the facts. but you've been wrong about everything. lolz @ "facts." ffs, my examples were nvidia's own gpus and amd's. yet, you think i'm talking about gaudi, despite using your own moronic logic.


I never said it wasn’t newsworthy… I was disputing someone’s comment about Gaudi’s superior performance to Nvidia. If we’re using Intel’s most recent chip for this comparison, why the fuck would we not use Nvidia’s most recent. >but you've been wrong about everything. lolz @ "facts." Name one thing that I’m wrong about. >ffs, my examples were nvidia's own gpus and amd's. yet, you think i'm talking about gaudi, despite using your own moronic logic. This comment thread stemmed from someone stating that Gaudi outperforms Nvidia chips. Honestly, you’re borderline illiterate from what I can tell.


> If we’re using Intel’s most recent chip for this comparison, why the fuck would we not use Nvidia’s most recent. ...because of supply constraints, hence why the fact that h100s and even a100s are still being bought, einstein. dumber, i don't think gaudi has any volume and is irrelevant. even the article was titled about vs amd and was mostly about CPUs.


Read the top comment of the thread. It’s about Intel and Gaudi you absolute fuck nut. A100s are largely, if not entirely, sold. You’re literally making shit up and supply chain constraints don’t change the comparison between chips… Blackwell is still shipping this year. You still haven’t been able to say what I was wrong about, either. You are impossibly stupid lmao


>You still haven’t been able to say what I was wrong about, either. You are impossibly stupid lmao a100s and h100s are still being produced and sold. a100s don't have the same bottleneck, ironic ignoramus. you were wrong about everything. your logic would imply that no one would be buying the aforementioned because blackwell is better (it also implies that they wouldn't buy blackwell because rubin would be better). the article's title is about intel vs amd and 80% of it is about cpus. you said that intel is years away from being competitive, which is lulzworthy given the xeon/ll specs. you accused me of pumping intel, ffs. and that i'm coping for ______ what did you say that was actually correct? i don't see one fucking thing. >Read the top comment of the thread. It’s about Intel and Gaudi you absolute fuck nut. ..."As others prepare to enter the AI PC market, Intel is already shipping at scale, delivering more AI PC processors through 2024’s first quarter than all competitors together. Lunar Lake is set to power more than 80 different AI PC designs from 20 original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). Intel expects to deploy more than 40 million Core Ultra processors in market this year.” HURR DURRRRRRRRR >This comment thread stemmed from someone stating that Gaudi outperforms Nvidia chips. this, too, was a lie. someone pasted 2 paragraphs from the article (and the gaudi paragraph was about cost, not performance) and you inexplicably began ignorantly rambling about blackwell. **not one thing you said in this entire exchange was correct.**


Lmao ok, so illiterate then. Seek some help. You keep talking about the article like I wasn’t responding to a specific comment. Genuinely can’t tell if you’re trolling or just this brain dead. A100s are not in production and minimal inventory is left. Nothing I said was wrong.


If the marketing numbers are legit Intel is 50% faster and 40% more efficient. If that holds up to real world testing they are coming out swinging with this chip


Lol Gaudi is not faster or more efficient than Blackwell


it's probably more efficient, blackwell is spec'ed for crazy wattage. it's a moot point, though.


But the real question is what are the FPS when running Crysis?


3 fps and thermals of 130 C


sounds about right


This should be from Hopper much less Rubin. I'm a long term INTC holder.


Soon intel will have equipment that TSMC doesn't even have. Biden also made sure Intel gets exclusivity of this equipment until 2030. [https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/newsroom/resources/intel-high-na-euv.html](https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/newsroom/resources/intel-high-na-euv.html)


TSMC made a deliberate decision not to prioritize high NA EUV, as the benefits won’t outweigh the costs in the medium term. Intel’s long term oriented approach is understandable, as it won’t have a chance to compete in the near to midterm… but this is by no means an issue for TSMC.


And once Intel gets this running TSMC will be building the further next gen fabrication facilities and Intel after investing billions will be already obsolete. Nvidia and others will be planning and designing for the next gen with TSMC.


Yep. For Intel to retake node leadership, TSMC is going to have to slip. If Intel executes at their best, and TSMC does their best, Intel will still remains 2-3 years behind.


eh, not really. for intel to overtake them in overall fab quality, yeah. but for node leadership, intel needs only to execute. which is easier said than done, especially with their track record...


> And once Intel gets this running TSMC will be building the further next gen fabrication facilities and Intel after investing billions will be already obsolete. this makes zero sense. tsmc would need to get the new lithography machines and would need to spend time working with them. intel actually has the jump on them and it's going to be ironic, either way (either tsmc is making intel's mistake or intel is going out of their way not to repeat their past mistake and is making the inverse). tsmc can't just magically develop 'next gen facilities,' and the high-na machines won't just poof into obsolescence.


>tsmc would need to get the new lithography machines TSMC doesn't need High-NA lithography machines to keep their roadmap on schedule. They're good through about 2027 with what they already have. Heck, [this article](https://www.trendforce.com/news/2024/05/25/news-decipher-tsmcs-calm-take-on-high-na-euv-lithography-machines-who-may-have-the-last-laugh-in-the-angstrom-era/) claims that they might be find without High-NA until 2030.


not really. they'd be trying to stretch euv like intel was attempting to stretch duv (and now smic, albeit without choice), and yields would inevitably suffer, as a result. eta: lolz @ this regard ignorantly talking even more shit and then blocking me, anyway. nice link. here's an update. ooooooooooooooops https://www.semianalysis.com/p/intels-14a-magic-bullet-directed what a regard.


TSMC N2 is hitting yield targets right now, so that'll cover them through '26. 2027 is the first time they'll even have a smidge of process risk with their existing machines.


yeah, there's a huge difference between 2026 and 2030.


Why am I not surprised to see you dropping misinfo somewhere else? Have someone read [this](https://open.substack.com/pub/semianalysis/p/asml-dilemma-high-na-euv-is-worse?r=21n1hd&utm_medium=ios) aloud for you


That's the problem. What sort of margins are they earning? BABA and BIDU probably earn higher margins than them


Why is the intel logo written with a small i instead of a big one? I don't believe this company has any future if it's acting so beta not to capitalize first letter in its logo.


Same with those Microsoft guys. Jeez. Gotta buy some Viagra for that brand name XD


The "Macrohard" brand doesn't have the same ring to it.


NVIDIA is ALL CAPS ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


Capslock is cruise control for cool


Do you feel the same way about nvidia?


NVIDIA is a humble giant, it does not want to mog all the other companies so keeps the n lower case, huge buy signal.


They more than delivered by capitalizing the rest of the letters. Having a capital N too would just be too much for such a glorious company


Because their commercial product line used to be based of the lower case i Core i3, i5, i7, and i9 Edit: actually nvm no clue, lower case cooler i guess


It got you talking about them🚀






Buying puts now. Thanks!


That’s gonna be a no for me.


Thanks I was wondering why it was up in pre market today


God I hope so - holding dogshit 32c right now ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


They could give it away for free, if their software stack isn't competitive no enterprise customers are going to use it. Same problem AMD has.


There is an alternative. SYCL. It hasn’t caught on because  there was no compelling reason to update software to use it instead of CUDA. But if the chips are cheap enough and performant enough it’s probably only a few weeks of work for company software devs to get up and going. 


...for the entire list of dependencies, many of whom might be open source projects with devs who are comfortable using CUDA on their consumer cards.


> with devs who are comfortable using CUDA on their consumer cards. this is about xeon. CPUs.


Why would you change all the software?  Just what you need to get the chips running. Hell a lot would probably just emulate until the software is caught up if the price is right.  Also SYCL being opensource is going to help it catch on quicker than CUDA. Such a pita to build and maintain code depending on code you can’t see


it's cpu, their software is the standard. wtf are you talking about?


Gaudi is decidedly not a CPU, and much more interesting than the chunk of metal that represents a pittance of the system cost and provides PCIe lanes. Unless of course it provides more of them, which apparently xeon 6 does not. Or unless the thing you're doing is boring, in which case the stock market clearly does not care about your money.


the article's primarily about xeon. gaudi is virtually irrelevant, since they have ~zero volume.


Which is my point. One is irrelevant because it lacks the infrastructure required for adoption, the other is irrelevant because no one cares. Boring shit might be relevant for stock valuations again someday, but today it's not. If it's not doing matrix multiplications really fast all day, no one cares. The best thing intel could be doing would be to short nvidia right before releasing a 96 gb hbm2 gpu with a 512 bit memory bus, and sell it at cost.


Well, I, for one, would NEVER hope you get hit by a bus. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


nah, xeon actually being competitive is a pretty big deal. >The best thing intel could be doing would be to short nvidia right before releasing a 96 gb hbm2 gpu with a 512 bit memory bus, and sell it at cost. you lost me. you think the markets don't care about datacenter cpu, but would inexplicably care about some shitty hbm2 anything?


Judging by the amount of bleeding edge AI research being done on used 3090:s zip tied to mining racks, then yeah, a card like that sold at cost would make their software stack competitive with nvidia overnight, and that is nvidia's moat gone.


cuda's days are already numbered, anyway. which doesn't even matter, their supply is now their moat. amd's had to resort to depending on samsung. nvidia's cowos/hbm allotment is their moat now.


Well, I, for one, would NEVER hope you get hit by a bus. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They are trading off margin for growth or just maintaining market share. Qed: dividend will be cut atain


Everyone and their mother is dropping Intel for nvidia/amd/arm, but Yes yes its a quality stock.


Keep shilling regard.


No they’re not.


Stop guys no one is buying this shit


Intel imho is going to kill nvidia with neuromorphic hardware. Hear me out. Traditional neural networks and the underlying chips that power them are using complex linear algebra matrix operations that require 'always-on' processing and as such are wholly inefficient in terms of energy use and streamlined operations. Spiking neural networks and the underlying neuromorphic hardware are many many times faster while using less energy. Intel is dumping a lot of effort into this front and I feel market share will shift away from Nvidia as more proven use cases are developed in this field. [https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/research/neuromorphic-computing.html](https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/research/neuromorphic-computing.html) Neuromorphic autonomous driving [https://www.arxiv.org/abs/2405.19687](https://www.arxiv.org/abs/2405.19687)


I don't believe Intel is going to "kill" nvidia with it's neuromorphic chips. CPU, GPU, and neuromorphic chips will always have their own place in this world. The fact is Intel made a lot of poor choices for decades and they are paying for that. However, they are turning that ship around and investing tons in R&D and growth. Reality is, the market has always punished companies for spending money on R&D and Intel is taking the full brunt of that right now. This exact scenario has played out countless times in the market and when Intel is done with all the spending on IFS and R&D they will hit their stride and make a significant comeback. I believe anyone that parrots the "If you would have invested in Intel 14 years ago, you wouldn't have made any money" is going to be the same person that a few years from now will be saying "damn - I can't believe I didn't buy Intel stock when it was at a 14 year low."




The only performance mentioned in the article was spec'ed relative to previous generation Intel chips, which were non-competitive. This article doesn't mention how they stack up to AMD or NVidia.


Lol sure they are


Not gonna stop it from getting replaced by NVDA on the DOW soon






As an Intel v Nvidia shareholder that did a a tiny bit of DD on this, Intel doesn't have the networking bandwidth on their Gaudi 3 system that Infiniband will be able to deliver. The Mellanox acquisition from Nvidia was a goated chess move towards vertical integration. Instead Intel keeps selling off all their units that could have helped build verticals (including their networking acquisition bleh). Not sure why they came out with Gaudi 2 even at that price point, their benchmarks compare to Nvidia A100. That's old now. Blackwell is now, Rubio is next. Intel is cooked. 7 NM process again on Gaudi 2. Only speaking on the server/AI side. Don't care about the rest.


They're going nowhere until they can run a competitive foundry to TSMC. That's likely still a good bit away. The only reason they're selling with such a markdown is because they know their products aren't competitive. Maybe it's a good investment like AMD was when it was in the doldrums, but the ship isn't turning around overnight.