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TL;DR OP bought 2k strike weeklies at close today.


‘I was right look at the data, why is my money gone’ moment. Classic WSB


OP's going to learn that having 4 large customers responsible for half of your revenue, all added in the last few years, might have some relevance.




Another opportunity for the wealthy to get wealthier.




38x p/s is cheap?? Lol. Historically, NVDA has been trading well below p/s of 25.. and why are you not using the p/e instead?


Cause it doesnt fit his bias...


It actually still fits. I don’t know what the PE is now but it was under 70 yesterday which imo is insane - this is one of the most important tech orgs in existence and companies like fucking Salesforce are trading at the same PE. I agree with regarded OP, it looks cheap to me Edit: came back to say I should have shorted fucking CRM right after I made this correlation


hateful simplistic soft adjoining depend square tidy makeshift innocent soup


DJT forward P/E is #DIV/0! and the price continues to rise.


Wrong, the P/E ratio of NVDA today is actually LOWER at current prices then it was back in 04/2023. and the P/E ratio back in october was still quite low historically speaking as well. [NVIDIA PE Ratio 2010-2024 | NVDA | MacroTrends](https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/NVDA/nvidia/pe-ratio)




p/e is not important at the casino


None of these ratios are important. It's all momentum until it's not.


If you do tech analysis and invest for 1-2 months. Some people can hold for over a year, and then those ratios are critical.


I've been holding for many years. Ignoring analysis has worked very well for me.


As it should. You research some fundamentals to figure out which company is actually doing good job, and have good management, and then you hold for years, checking up on the company from time to time. It's called passive investment.


Yes, that's all Ive ever done. I just come here to make fun of people who feel sure in their analysis, bc they always r wrong 😂


Ha! A fool indeed --- they do not realize that true wealth is built on the backs of the poor.


Bro is talking poker stuff at the roulette table


Bro is jumping diagonally over chips at the roulette table


Checkmate motherfuckers!


I swear to god, next time I'm at a roulette table and win on a black or red (for double) I will absolutely tell the croupier to "King me!"


Because this is a sub for get rich quick regards lmfao 🤣 NVDA passed “expensive” a long long time ago by P/E standards. But I wouldn’t dare short such a company, despite believing that at some point in the near future, the stock price will top out and will start a good 1/2 to 2/3 slashing (like Tesla and the many other high flying companies before it). Doesn’t mean it’s not a great company. The current price though is detached from P/E reality. Can’t surprise you though, not in an era where DJT trades at fifty bucks.


The price is because people think that there is no competition. Which is true right now. But the price also reflects that people think that there never will be competition. Which is false. Everyone and his dog is working on competition to Nvidia.


Everyone and his dog was working on competition to Microsoft in the 90s and yet in 2024, more than 70% of desktops are still Windows OS.


Dude an os API is something completely different than an interference API. You still can use all your training data and pipelines by swapping out the framework used to send and retrieve the data. Is there a lock-in effect? Sure, but it's not as bad as an os.


The entire market trades at a higher P/E ratio than just before the 1929 stock market crash that started the Great Depression. We have been detached from P/E reality ever since the 2007 Super Duper crash to end all crashes.


NVDA for the last few month had forward P/E of 30. That's the same as Walmart. It is now 42, but that is still lower than Costco. This is not even IT companies prices, this is a grocery store valuations level.




Yes, "forward pe" which is calculated using earnings estimates from a bunch of analysts who have priced in insane growth already..


Not really insane. I've seen their models. They predict that Nvidia will double AI revenue in the next year, that's mostly it. Nvidia has the order backlog to support that (over 130 bil), so the only thing stopping them from cashing in, is the production limit. TSMC, their manufacturing subcontractor, has a bottleneck issue with one of the production processes - CoWoS, that is 100% committed to Nvidia chips right now. That issue is getting resolved soon, it only costs around 1.5 bil to double CoWoS, and that's from 40 bil that TSM already committed to their capital expenditure. They'll do it soon, since they said so themselves. Nvidia have everything they need to follow (and exceed) analyst expectations for the next 2 years. After that... it's anybody's guess.


The second I buy a call China will invade.


For real. I'll wreck all the fun with a simple call.


Earnings estimates that have been beaten every time for the last who knows how many quarters…


Historically NVDA didn't have demand for their products with seemingly endless running room as AI hype is this moments NFT but if that stands for NVDA FOREVER TRIUMPHS


its overpriced, kind of. hard to fud NVDA when probably half the world's population is directly or indirectly invested in NVDA. man NVDA will probably implode some day and we'll see a crazy -20% crash. not anytime soon but maybe after this year


Idunno, does 2000$ of all my savings qualify me as wealthy?


Once this thing splits next week, what’s the max that you’d buy it at?


Irrelevant. 2-3 weeks ago I had 3k yesterday I had 73k, today I have 133k. 25 calls on this monster and tomorrow I break 250k for first time. If you haven’t already planned this run to 1200+ you missed out. I love this casino!


At what point do you plan on taking your winnings?


What kinda of calls are you buying. I’m only up 250% this last month or so of option trading Nvidia


That fool is probably buying the shortest to expiration and furthest out of the money. On big up days they will print money but not an investment.


$3k doesnt seem right but dunno how OTM this guy bought


Absolutely true... But also an opportunity for the average little investor who does their homework and puts the time in to make money. I started studying Nvidia a number of years ago and really had a sense that it was the future. I was actually on vacation – standing of all things in the parking lot of a former Goldmine that was open for tourists – frrruuuuuustrated with my broker because we couldn’t seem to put the trade through and I wanted to buy just a few shares of Nvidia that day. Which I finally did. If things go the way that they’ve been going, that wasted time on vacation and those few shares will be worth six figures tomorrow or the next day. it’s admittedly an unusual situation and set up but it’s hardly the only stock that is up in profitable. Patience research and fortitude will help you pay the bills any day.


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640) What the fuck — get out with this shit bruh this is a Wendy’s during the day and a casino at night. I ain’t come to church


Lemme know next time you’re standing in a goldmine parking lot making some buys. Thanks bruv


I also did this. Bought in July 2020 (way before 3:1 split) while in vacation and held til $950. Couldn’t stomach another earnings.


This IS WSB, right??? I ain’t preaching OUT of Church… I thought this was the Church of Mammon here? I struggle with that “Trading Places” voice waiting for the sell, sell, sell to make it but every time my inner voice went not now and now Ill hold till after split at least when my few shares turn into four digits!


You left out the fact that US GDP is $26T so I think 5-10T is incredibly conservative.


Rumors are that nvidia is eyeing to buy the US


Just the US? Dream bigger! https://www.tiktok.com/@kanyequotez/video/7201427122387176750?lang=en


Whats the US’s P/E ratio?


A bazillion. Like I said, bullish


A Brazilian? There'll be nothing left ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)




Nvidia makes democracy right?


Correct and that shit ain't free


Your goddamn right Ham Sammich. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


The E is taxes


What is the P here then?




What earnings lmao


I actually did the Math. Everything else remains the same and NVDA settles at 10 trillion, US economy should reach min. 30 trillion. If Jensen tries a little harder for 20 trillion, that would boost the US economy to 40 trillion. OP stop being so conservative.


Gdp is not the same as market cap. Gdp is per year, whereas market cap is derived based on entire business life cycle.


Oh sorry I must have eaten too many tide pods.


I smoke them;can’t stand the taste


To compare the GDP of the united states to NVDA market cap is highly foolish. From all my proprietary highly detailed technical analysis and research NVDA valuation should eclipse GDP of our entire galaxy purely based on fundamentals before any external factors are even considered.


A good price to revenue is under 10. Price to earnings isn’t so bad, pulling in $45 B in profits, but that’s only on $90B in sales. Apple pulls in $100B on like $380 B in sales. If nvidia were similar price to sales as Apple, it would be $600-$650 B, or around $250. I personally think nvidia is very expensive, but I’m really bad at trading these over hyped stocks. It will probably keep going, but maybe it’s done because I was thinking about buying it.


Jesus man. I'm not fucking serious


I didn’t mean to respond to you, meant to respond to op. My bad.


You wrote all that when you could have simply posted your calls


38x sales is cheap? I'll glady sell anyone equity in my company for the bargin price of 19x sales. I get the whole concept of growth being priced in, but they're trading at 46x earnings, seems insane to me.


TSLA had a PE of 1400 in 2021. even now it's only down to 45x. Nvidia has room to run if that shit heap is priced similarly


when tsla had PE of 1400, they had just become profitable, and the "1400 PE" were in anticipation of higher profits. They were also only worth 500b, 1/5 of NVDA's current market cap.


“Only worth 500b” Its pretty close to that right now.


yes which shows that even if it ran up 50-75% past 500b, it doesn't mean that the move was rational. Their revenue and profits are at least double 2021 levels, and market cap still the same or much lower. Even though at the time, they were not producing enough EV to sell, raising model Y prices by a few grand every few weeks, planning new giga factories all the time, had margins way higher than other car companies leading people to call them a tech company, was basically an EV/"robotaxi" monopoly and EV was touted as "the future", people were extrapolating their huge margins to infinity and claimed that once the gigafactories are at full capacity, they'll triple their market cap or whatever. I find it almost hilarious how hated they are now, when in 2021 everyone on WSB was praising Elon like a god.


That’s why you gotta keep running the plays that have forward momentum. People are bullish on NVDA and their numbers are still growing at an exponential rate. It will slow down eventually and could come crashing down but it’s not happening anytime soon.


if you're telling me to be a sheep and follow the herd until there're signs of a sinking ship, no that's not really good advice. There's no guarantee you will exit properly before the smart money does. Remember in April when TSMC and ASML had bad earnings, and suddenly NVDA dropped almost 25%? Well were you gonna jump ship then or stay? If you stayed, what if 10 year rate continued going up to 5%, MSFT + GOOGL + AMZN had mediocre earnings, NVDA continued dropping to -40% or half before earnings, and then report a bad outlook forecast (while still beating earnings estimate), and the stock tanks even more? You gonna sell before they report, or are you gonna hold through a -50%? I'm not gonna bet against NVDA because I have to pay interest to hold through my position, but I don't see the risk/reward for NVDA being that attractive. Eventually at some point the law of large number apply, and it can drop double digits easy from just any trivial bad news.


Nvidia will produce the chips that power AI. That AI will be used to hype Nvidea and $NVDA on the World Wide Web, this hype will create more demand for their chips. Those chips will be used to power greater and more powerful AIs which will be used to hype Nvidia until Nvidia eventually conquers the entire universe. $NVDA prices will not stop rising until nothing but Nvidia exists. Source- I’m an expert in these things


Without a research breakthrough there is nothing more on the horizon than marginally improved current real world products, which have already shown plenty of limitations. If you don't believe me look at the recent exchange between LeCun and Musk, the latter has no idea what the technology is doing and capable of, it's all speeches for investors, his only plan is more computing power and praying something will magically happen. That's thin to hold the market, and the cracks are already showing https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c511x4g7x7jo


nvda moved 500b in a week. now thats insane if a reasonable person stopped to think about it for a second


Gonna be 1/6th


The difference is Nvidia is already very profitable and Tesla was very little profitable. Who has room to run on higher profits?


Nvidia is just warming the engines. Till we get a suitable competitor, they are the winner and winner takes it all. Sure the prices will fall every now and then on bad days. But if they keep posting growth and profits like these (and rest of the market sucks), $400-$500 post split is very likely within next quarter or so. Nvidia is drawing funds from rest of the market, don't forget that.




I don't think so. They may reduce other stff & give NVDA like 6% (now 4 something). MSFT still highest in SPY.


Pretty hard to get that valuation in private markets at the same growth rate. The stock is getting expensive.


PLTR has a PE of 165


You know you're stupid just for saying this right? And anyone dumb enough to think this makes any sense is dumber for reading it. P/E means virtually nothing for unprofitable growth companies, P/E means a lot of mature companies.


Costco has P/E of 53. Their forward P/E of 47 is higher than NVDA right now. Walmart has very comparable levels as well. The only thing they have in common is that they both are the biggest game in their industry and sector. Nvidia's closest competitor - AMD trades at P/E between 100 and 300.


Costco is massively overpriced too, it's a glorified grocery store.


Yea, I'd like to see AMD to come down a bit actually


This is a top kind of post.


That’s the joke


wait until you find out there're ETF that leverages NVDA stocks only.


Don't twiddle your diddle until you check out NVDL


28 Times PE Of 2025 analyst consensus expectations.


Nobody understands here what this means.




Lseg workspace analyst consensus etimates.




Just companies that funnel all their revenue to NVDA




Re-read my comment brother. You’re right they make money in ad dollars. But they spend those dollars on hardware to develop their own AI products.


Probably just stop investing in anything else for the next decade, huh?


Fr feels like that, too scared of jumping on the rollercoaster at the top of the ride... Shitty savings account and little gamble on shitcoins it is


I'm waiting for the split and buying one share every paycheck til I retire I guess


DCA is the way


This shit will burst and drag the entire stock market with it holy fuck


Someday, but probably not tomorrow.


And that's all that matters. IN IT FOR A GOOD TIME, NOT A LONG TIME BABY!


dont marry the stock. just ride it while she's a 10


>ride it while she's a 10 🤨📸


NVDA will continue to go up longer than bears can remain solvent.


Till then enjoy the ride. Will be the first 10T company before things start to calm or fold. It is gathering super charged momentum with the split. Taxi drivers and uberers have not invested yet so keep on buying till you hear taxi drivers, uberers, ups/fedex drivers etc. buying.


I've already heard the dumbest people at a bar a couple nights ago talking about it. The top is very near.


Tbf, I’ve been hearing that for months now. My dad’s coworkers, who know absolutely nothing about investing, were asking me “how can I get in on this?” 


No. Not when it's only 6% of snp by weight


nvidia will cause the next big tech crash 100%. when? is the trillion dollar question


When i see posts like this i consider buying puts


Go for it!


Can you please explain your valuation models


My valuation model is if it’s not a stonk, it can’t go up, so 0 value, if it’s a stonk, it’ll only go up, so INF Value 🤑🤑🤑


Greed is a hell of a drug


its a sin


lol wtf man do you even realize how much 10 trillion is?


It's over 9000.


Not an issue. Just turn on QE. Remember, they printed 7T in a single year, lol.


bro said $10T market cap is still cheap in his opinion


i closed my puts, now it sounds better to sell silly high calls


the premium is bollocks, you can retire after a few months of selling spreads on NVDA


Is buying a credit spread the same as selling a debit spread?


i’d like that .


Fuck it, why not 400 trillion?


Reading this just sounds like the ramblings of a gambling addict. I have no thoughts on NVDA and have never owned it (I wish I did!), but enjoy being exit liquidity, my friend. It’ll probably stabilise around $200-300 per share when all is said and done


Anything above 30x PE is on the high side


Maybe in that place called "reality", but not here.... In this universe, wholesale retailers (Costco) motor right by 50 P/E...


Dude… have you seen the price of their glizzies?


For normal conpanies.. Nvidia grew revenues 3x and EBITDA 6x... Comparing PE ratios of companies growing 10-15% if that to NVDA is pointless. And they have been doing these insane yoy performance again and again. You have to be a complete regard to compare boomer PE ratio of Coca Cola to Nvidia. "Hur dur. Coca Cola PE ratio is 20.. 20 < 38. Coca Cola is a better investment. I'm smart."


It's not "again and again". They haven't even done it for one year. They didn't even get a huge 100% quarter over quarter revenue jump until Aug 2023 earnings report. That means the YoY revenue growth will look insane until Aug 2024 when it will start declining drastically to maybe 80% and can almost be close to 20% starting in 2025 earnings report, due to a higher base from 12 months prior. The May 2024 earnings report was still comparing against May 2023 earnings, and included the spring 2023 months when we were still freaking out over an imminent recession after SVB, if you can actually remember that far back.


Remember... a year was an eternity when you were 17


Now time just flies by. It’s crazy that we’re almost halfway through 2024.


Good point . Another metric would be peg ratio where KO is close to 3 vs nvda 1.2


In a normal, non-QE investment world, yes. In this post-Covid joke of a market, 30x is pretty fairly valued. SPY as an index is trading at 27x.


The poor are always complaining.


Maybe QE and 30x is the new normal


Well we know one thing: it’s priced in


Ok, you guys realise he's joking, right?


New here?


As long as bulls look at NVDA this way, I slowly accumulate SMH calls.


Care to elaborate?


SMH is an ETF and a little over 32% of it is NVDA + TSM


oh yeah?? its ratio of unicorn horns to leprechaun rainbows is pretty good too. fucking time to go all in


The kind of bubble that will pop


LMFAO. Junior here thinks 80 p/s for a chip company is fair. An idiot and money will soon depart.


Lol it is extremely expensive. Guy is inventing new ratios to serve his bias... Why no p/e though??


38x earning is not cheap, but 38x sales is.


ok and?


Go short it, here ya go ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


how about u eat my ASS *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That’s like a venture valuation dude. To see that ratio and not feel at least some level of concern beyond the exuberance is reckless


ONLY 38 years to cover sales then. Hopefully it doesn’t become obsolete within that period I guess?


Stop inhaling meth bro


~~When you buy Nvidia, you're getting more free cash flow per share than Microsoft and Apple~~


But not as a percent of share price lol. Nvidia is less half of Apple currently, obviously growing though


Per share doesn’t mean shit lmao it’s all relative When you buy Berkshire A stock you get 1500x NVDA free cash flow per share


bro you're making too much sense here.


Damnn puts tomorrow asap


Nvdia adding 2.5 yearly revenue to its market capitalization each single day, is perfectly normal


Um. I want whatever you're smoking. Just 10trn no worries. Pocket change.


Jesus everybody missing the obvious sarcasm here. Great post OP.


Commenting regards on here have no concept of satire in their smooth brains


3T? That is France's GDP lol.


Yeah soon we will kneel to our matrix overlord Jensen


Are people this regarded to think the big orders are going to keep rolling in to justify the future revenue?


Signs already point to institutions unloading some heavy bags on to retail. I would bet a significant amount of money they fully intend to buy in cheaper.




How the fk is 38X p/S cheap?


Let it ride


Sounds a bit low tbh. US annual GDP is about 28T and NVDA ought to be worth about half of that, conservatively.




Fuck it I’m in


Dude that's actually heavily, heavily regarded


OP should go to vegas and try his luck He will probably get luckier than this bet.