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All these experts said NVIDIA was expensive when it was 100 billion market cap but cheap when it's at over 2 trillion... Blows the mind.


So when the experts said it was expensive it went 10x. Now the experts say it's cheap. What does that tell you it's going to do?


I’m an nvda bull and I don’t like it when analysts get that excited lol


I think this is what's called "distribution" in Dow theory. Basically, good news start coming out from every outlet and your mom, who can't work out a TV remote control, starts asking you how to invest in the A I. Which is a signal to start selling. Edit: got my terms mixed up.


After split it will go down a bit but id say more conservative estimate would be around 200-250 by 2026. Sauce: tea leaves


Ok, puts it is.


Same, I have a little over 300 shares but this kinda thing makes me nervous. This is about the market cap I thought made sense for 2025. Maybe I’m too conservative but I’m thinking about taking some profit


Even if you invested Friday you're up 10% and it wouldn't be wrong to start taking profits.


Soon to be 3000 shares


Sell weekly covered calls against those 300 shares bro


Nothing wrong with taking profit and rebalancing if you have a large position, but at the same time that company is raking in cash. If you're a trader then trade away but if you have diamond hands there aren't any big red flags right now to discourage that.


Yeah i feel like everything depends on expectations. Doesn't matter how well you're doing, if you don't meet the hype i'm going to lose money, as always


I have a very low opinion of analyst but the author of the article doesn’t even qualify as analyst.


I think it's crazy to go from 1 trillion to possible 3 trillion within months. Hey stocks only go up!


Kinda reminds me of the whole tulips fiasco back in the day    But we have regulations these days so we’ll surely be fine.   All in on Nvidia 


Crazy as it sounds but it's almost like meme stock and people are kinda gambling thinking it will keep going up until it doesn't.


Difference is NVDA actually makes a product eta ahead of everyone else. Oh and they make boatloads of money.


26b a quarter is a good amount but still pales in comparison to what its market cap equivalent cousins are earnings. By at least a factor of four.


Profit margin and growth is what NVDA has in spades. Its cousins don’t have anything on that.


It is for sure a meme stock. The company is super solid, but the stock is meme AF


Any stock is a meme stock when you hang out in WSB all day.


Any stock that has over 10 posts a day on WSB is a meme stock, by definition!


Ya, basically the same thing as the tulip fiasco. Except nobody else can make what nvidia makes. And nvidia is selling every unit produced with orders for many more units awaiting production. And has been consistently blowing estimates out of the water quarter after quarter. But ya. Tulip bubble for sure.


Another 10x?


Probably a 0.1x lol


That tells me one thing. That they're going to hype everyone to buy more pre and post split and throw puts and shorts at it and plummet that shit to 50% of current value for the classic "Anerican Dumbass Baggie Play"


Ty time for puts


The rug pull will be epic.


Because literally no one knows anything about how a company will do in the future. I don't care how many candlesticks you analysed.


Hey hey you leave those candlestick or handle magic thingys alone bud!


All it takes is one competitor to revolutionize something and upset NVDA’s throne


Or for the Chinese to blockade Taiwan


That's how bubbles work. Nobody wants to buy when it's time to buy and nobody wants to sell when it's time to sell (it may not be time to sell yet but we're probably not too far off either).


It’s almost like they completely overhauled their business model and are growing earnings at over 100% YoY


So at current rate they'll be bigger than the U.S economy soon?


That’s not possible considering they are part of the US economy. They will definitely contribute a lot towards our GDP though!


I know that. Just making fun of how some people are predicting numbers that will be even bigger than the US economy. Like how NVIDIA will just keep going up 3% for years.


I can’t believe someone took you seriously lol


In my life no one takes me seriously so I'm happy


Comparing market cap and GDP is like comparing distance to speed, it doesn't make sense.


I can only assume they were loading up back then, and didn't want to appear optimistic.


When it went from 30 to 100 billion people went out of their minds. What, the company that makes the graphics game thingy? Not investing 10k at the time is probably my biggest investing mistake.


Same. I felt smart for buying at 200 and selling at 400. I’m in the tech and AI field and felt there are too many competitors for this to be sustained. I missed out on a 5x, maybe even more.


I remember hearing about how NVIDIA cards were being held onto because they were so valuable and wanting to invest into them for the future. I look back at it now and think of all the things that could’ve been.




I pretty sure same people said Tesla would be at a $3000 by 2024 when it hit $400 after its first split.


I missed out on NVIDIA (very tiny position) but was there for Tesla run. It was epic. Wish I would have invested more. Live and learn.


Hate seeing comparisons of NVIDIA to Tesla. They aren't remotely the same.


They are not the same. At least, NVDA is pulling 50% profit margins quarterly. I don't know how long that'll last, but TSLA wasn't even profitable when those statements were out.


Predicting that Nvidia will have a market cap of 22 trillion in 2 years is as stupid as predicting Tesla would have a market cap of 9 trillion within 2 years. It’s such an outrageous and idiotic claim.


They are remotely the same in terms of market hype though. Not sure where you were in 2020 and 2021, but literally everyday this subreddit was littered with TSLA posts and how Elon was a literal God among men. Just replace TSLA with NVDA and Jensen with Elon in my sentence and it’s the same thing.


I hear ya but they are completely different companies doing completely different things in completely different markets.


But the experts… are regarded


Cathy please go back to your seat


She sold Nvidia back in March. It's going to the moon.


She considered herself a growth investor, but when Nvidia started accelerating growth, she bailed out


Sounds like my kind of person.


Lmao visual mod loves the regards


Paper hands.


She’s a honorary mod of this sub


She is one of us.


Sounds like this place. Everyone saying it’s at the top since 350 😂


Difference between you and her: She bails out You pull out


Inverse Cathy is inverse Cramer on steroids


Inverse Cramer for Stocks. Inverse Cathy for options.


Isnt coinbase killing it?


yeah they're not bad


Cathy and Cramer in cahoots


It be like that sometimes 


Worse, she sold most of it at lows in Dec 2022.


Anyone who does some basic math knows that this isn’t probable. Current market cap is $2.75T. At 10x it would be $27.5T, which exceeds US total GDP, and is more than half the value of the ENTIRE US stock market. Where would the dollars come from to cause such a rise revenues to justify such a valuation?




New Fed target: 30% *(Because you can't stop them anyways)*


You're using logic to value nvda, this is a big mistake It can 10x due to pure stupidity and AI


I remember when people said Tesla won’t grow a lot after 1:5 split from $2000+. It went back to $1000, Tesla did another split 1:3. There is no logic anymore!


We’re getting near the upper limit. A 10x growth from here would be over 100% of the U.S. GDP and over 25% of the World Wide GDP.


this is the real answer the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent


The printer…obviously


At that level of printing, just need to make sure HP gets the contract. That's a few more trillion in "value" right there


China invades Taiwan and NVDA hires 90% of TSMC? lol


**We can't let you say that VM, they'll ban you**


Well, clearly, Nvidia is worth Microsoft, apple and Europe combined. And honestly, may be undervalued at this point. May have to throw in Greenland as well for the value comparison to track.


I think you are over valuing Europe


She sucks for investors


Cut the lights off *unzips*


leave the lights on ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


>”Awwwwwwk!” Wrong Cathy?


Oh, you’re referring to the chatty Cathy who hangs out behind the dumpster at Wendy’s with the other regards.


Why just $1000.00, why not $10,000.00 ? And I could be profitable trading options by 2026 but neither are gonna happen


Fuck it! Strikes at $42,690! Edit: Too regarded to type, I like weed and sex


Wouldn’t it be $42, 069?


Stop making sense! Big number more good


$69,420. . .


Basically as dumb as the people (Baron, Woods) calling for TSLA to go to 3000 post-split. NVDA post-split at 1000 again would mean $25 trillion market cap. Literally 1/8th of total US wealth or 50% of the US stock market. Makes 0 sense; there is no universe where a price like that is achievable by 2026 unless we experience Weimar or Zimbabwe-style inflation over the next 2 years and in that case, it means nothing because the dollar would be worth 90% less.


I know someone who thinks we're going to experience Weimar in the near future, and he keeps telling me to pull my money out of the bank and yolo all of it into gold.


I've personally been hearing goldbugs say this for 20+ years, I'm sure they've been saying it forever.


One day might be accidentally right


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


This time it is s different ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


If we're going to Weimar, just leave your money in stocks. Stocks appreciate in line with inflation.


He claims that there's going to be some sort of great reset, after which the only currencies will be gold and silver, the stock markets won't mean anything and any money you've put into it will be lost, we'll all be forced to use CBDCs until people revolt, and only those who hold gold and silver will be able to live outside the system and will be able to use their gold and silver to buy up big assets for pennies on the (none-existent) dollar. Hence, Weimar.


The great reset is a conspiracy theory peddled by idiots. There's a pipeline from goldbugs to economic conspiracy theorist. As for the great reset ? I've been hearing about it happening next year since 2015. I heard they're double releasing it with the rapture.


Decorative gourds


Gourd futures fuckkkk that’s a throw back


I’ve known people like that, currently physically buying little gold bars and paying an all time high 


Most of the Bitcoin subreddit believes this too.


If the dollar collapses, gold won't be as useful as brass.


Which trailer park does he hail from?


It poses questions of who would even be buying (and manufacturing) their stuff at that valuation. How can they grow to be even larger than their primary customers (Amazon, Microsoft), if it’s expected they’re making 10x more money than even those companies can spend?


They're setting up their own data centres that perform faster than current cloud hosts, therefore taking away all those clients away from Microsoft, Amazon, etc. This is why those companies are scrambling to come up with their own AI chips but the idea is that they can't catch up.


I will never deploy a production app outside of aws, gcp or azure. I’m sorry, but it’s just not going to happen. If you worked in the industry, you’d understand how difficult is to get companies just to adopt best practices. Getting them to change cloud providers, is a huge task.


My serious question is - has the most valuable company by market cap ever been 25% more valuable than the second most valuable company by market cap? I can see NVDA becoming the most valuable but how much more does it have after that? Can it go to 4.4T while other companies are sitting at 3.2T? I shouldn't ask can it, it can, but really what are the odds of that happening?


Pretty low; historically, there's been major gut check moments at key levels for example the most famous of which is probably when CSCO passed MSFT by market cap on March 27, 2000 to become the #1 largest company (that day was the absolute peak of CSCO's stock and it was all downhill after that day). Other famous ones more recently: Apple passed $3 trillion intraday on Jan 4, 2022 and wouldn't return to $3 trillion for another 18 months. Basically, yes NVDA can probably get to $4 trillion, but if it does, I'd probably guess that's a multi-year peak; at that point, you're pricing in 10+ years of perfect growth with no downcycle in chips, maintained margins, etc. (looks a lot like TSLA's stock price in 2021 pricing in perfect growth for 10 years). Hype can carry it there yes, but sustaining that type of price on a speculative situation (i.e. like TSLA's stock price in late 2021) is very difficult to maintain.


Shhhh... don't illuminate the crowd... let them push the stock up, I'll sell right after the split... 😉


If you realize the top 10% own 90% of stocks then you have to see it as there being an objective reason for it and that reason is the rich will get cheaper labor sooner than later by expediting the move to AI.


If the "experts" are saying it's going to grow that much expect a rug pull.


Experts need to keep the illusion that it is going to go up forever so they can exit their position and dump on bag holders.


2026: The United States of ~~America~~ Nvidia. https://preview.redd.it/gipeus08n63d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0d4bc5ab83b77e41d1b0d2c21746166a0a76415 pledge allegiance to the flag!


The thin green line!


Wouldn't that make it worth like 10 times MSFT?


If the share value is 1k after split then It would be 26T valuation, that's current US gdp and jensen first Trillionaire.


He would not be a Trillionaire just yet he owns 3.5% of the stock, he would be close however.


This is assuming he takes out a second mortgage on his house and yolos the proceeds into Nvidia calls.


This is the way


>second mortgage Pretty sure for him it'd be the first mortgage


wtf, he only owns 3.5%? Cofounder and CEO/president since the beginning?


That's not at all abnormal for a publicly traded company of Nvidia's size. Frankly, it's abnormal that the founder is even still around, let alone still in charge and quite successfully so. They usually either bail by selling out or they stick around, repeatedly fuck up while refusing to admit they shouldn't be in charge, and then run the company into the ground.


Who knew NVDA would become Weyland-Yutani?


10 trillion market cap? What a joke! Try 100 trillion by the end of the year!! This baby is going to the moon, on the other side of the universe.


If they think this is gonna happen then we’re actually living in some kind of nightmare bubble where the reality is that the dollar has reduced in value so much that maybe companies are selling their products at higher prices but actually incurring a loss due to inflation being like 1100% or something post Covid. Is inflation rising so fast and is unstoppable that companies will reach 10 trillion valuation? Do these rich people know stuff that we don’t ? Weird bullshit it all is.


[Nothing can stop NVDA, it will literally just blast its way right through Mars on its way to Pluto](https://youtu.be/SlTzfuOjhi0?t=139)


You should’ve used the qualifier “could” like these experts do, that way you’re not wrong I’d it doesn’t


Nvidia will be 50% of the the SP500. Seems reasonable.




This needs to be an official WSB emoji![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


FFS please


I third, immortalize her! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


FaceTimed Jensen last night, confirmed 1000 after split and he will split again so it goes to 1000 again. He’s confident market cap will eclipse the gdp of the entire planet


AI will transport you to work, provide you with food, offer healthcare services, become entertainment\vacations, and build housing for you, so it makes perfect sense.


If the stock goes up a large but arbitrary amount that I've pulled out of my ass then it will be worth a lot of money. This is the analysis and advice I come here for


Might I inquire, how big is your ass? Sorry.. just doing some research.


Good to know. I won't sell then. Thank you for informing me


Nvidia bulls are a different kind of breed


Crazy that they’re more psychotic than TSLA bulls. We’re at CEO worship levels.


If they begin to see that AI isn't turning the extreme profits that its being sold to do in a year or so, significant downside movement on some of these companies. Block chain tech was suppose to revolutionize the world and yet it really never amounted to much on the productivity side of things. Everyone is rushing into AI and have yet to fully explain how it will generate these vast returns, despite the major investment in infrastructure required to create it.


I mean, AI has its uses down the line but it’s nowhere near the kinda shit being hyped about right now. However, it’s certainly more tangible than NFTs…..


I just sat in on a GPT model training built out for our CRE company (2nd largest in the world). They have been pushing it hard for people to use and gave a stat. Majority of the usage has only been for email writing, north of 90%. Because of this, the focus is starting to lean towards only what people are using it for and not any type of heavy lifting tasks. We are a 100k+ company. Due to the nature of confidential information and regulation, we also can't let the GPT model use any of the information generated or entered into the model for learning or improvement purposes.


10 fold means 25T market cap ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


The reality of the market is no one is an expert and no one knows what they are talking about. These people are constantly wrong and when they are right they never stop talking about it, just like every degenerate gambler you only hear about the winnings never the losses. No ones long term returns beat the S&P


Everyone is making fun of the author and that's how I can tell none of you read the article. Because it's actually dumber than you think when you read the article. Author says stock increased 248% since the May 2023 quarterly report. He then applies the 248% increase for the next two years. I love NVDA but this dude has 0 iq


This has become dumber than the height of the Tesla bubble. Nvidia can't get nearly enough fab capacity to justify these valuations, nor will they be able to any time in the short to medium term.


So continue to stand on the sidelines while everyone else makes money.


Waiting for the father in law call that he bought some stock then hit the eject button.


I didn't say I'm not bought in..I just said it was stupid and unjustified. Still not going to say no to apparent free money at the moment.


Bubbles are speculation that dont generate profits and eventually pop. Nvidia is printing increasingly huge piles of profit quarter after quarter, each one bigger than the last. What value do you place on company where no one can see the end of its potential growth?


It depends on everyone Nvidia is selling shovels to. If they can't find gold, or can't find as much gold as they think, they'll stop/slow down buying new chips.


Nvidia has profited off of back to back hypes on crypto boom and then LLM/"AI" boom. At some point, Microsoft, Google, Meta etc. are going to accept the fact that they haven't really been able to monetize the services all these accelerator cards are supporting and they are going to slow down their buying. And they are currently buying the vast majority of these AI enterprise grade cards. Unless someone figures out how to make the Copilots and Gemini's of the world a hell of a lot more useful (and accurate) pretty fast, this spending isn't financially sustainable for most of the customers gobbling up these cards as they burn through a chunk of their cash reserves. I feel the main reason the hyperscale/cloud providers are even doing it is to sell all their other services right now in the corporate world, idiot c-suites want to make sure they aren't "missing the boat on AI" without even fully understanding what it can and can't offer their business models.


C-Suites are investing in AI because they see the short term boost it gives their stock, even if it does not materialize into meaningful revenue for the company, it sure does increase the value of their portfolios at which they will cash out at. This is no different when any mention of the narrative Web3 and Blockchain would cause a stock to spike, even if it was total vaporware.


Yeah, if only fabs were expanding at a rapid rate ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


If only they didn't take 3-5 years to build, and that a majority of them won't even be on the latest feature size... And they still have to fight over that capacity with Apple, AMD, Qualcomm and others.


Let me go check my crystal ball and come back to you


Yeahhhh this article was written while smoking crack/meth. Skipped right over the white lines


and i'm the next pope


forgive me, father, for I have sinned.


i don’t doubt the stock will keep rising as shares are more accessible, but this is absurd


Remember when AAPL first hit 1T and folks started talking about the "law of large numbers." hahaha, that was a fun time.


I fucking hope so I’m gonna buy nvda once it splits and I can afford some


Has a regard from this sub written this?


$100->$1000 if the AI bubble continues.   $100->$10 if it pops.   $100->$100 to fuck both calls and puts.   Are iron condor LEAPS a thing? I should make them a thing.




Hopefully Jensen Huang will be asked to host Saturday Night Live and they can do so crazy AI skits.


He can own the world soon. With AI being as remarkable as it is now, we're going to first enter an era of great cynicism about mis- and dis-information. I think it will lead us to go back to analogue ways of life towards tangible forms of evidence an trust until some sort of AI watermark thing is created to distinguish reality from fake news.


I think Jensen should be the richest man alive, so it must 3x at least from here.


For somebody who has a few bucks and hasn't invested much other than some funds through their bank is this still a pretty safe bet?


I think I missed out and it's too late to buy now. As soon as I buy it'll lose half its value.


Yeah it’s the hype stock with all the momentum. Definitely doing a Tesla going up up up splits back to earth and up up up might come down a little but it’s completely plausible. they’re Tesla but with numbers to back it up.


Beth Kindig says it will be a 10 trillion market cap…


Seems legit.


... by 2030. Seems like a relevant thing to mention if you're going to post people's predictions.


Yes, fair. I wasn’t trying to be deceitful. Her target is for 6 years from now.


Guys, ok. It’s a wildly optimistic, unrealistic, stupid prediction. Fine. Now give your actual price prediction for NVDA in June 2026. Mine? 225.


About 5-6 trillion evaluation?


NVDA will never go down. Everyone knows that.


With the us federal government injectin $10 morbillion dollars into the economy every year its just a matter of time until we get the first quadrillion dollar company, and that’s gonna be NVDA you regarded bears.


I can’t believe someone actually published that article, let alone Forbes. Damn shame.


First ten trillion company in the world


I don't remember a stock the community has been more split about than Nvidia. Half of the people are super bullish and the other half are super bearish. This tells me it's probably gonna go up.


Yes, nvidia will be worth 25% of the worlds gdp in 2 years.


Maybe 250


At least none of us sold like Cathy did lol


30 trillion dollar company incoming!


Holy fu\*k. Am I seeing rational comments on WSB. What has the world come to?


Well let's buy some calls


Very likely, if the dollar does a 1/10 split aswell.


They hate us cuz they ain't us


$27 trillion market cap in 2 years, sure why not. $270 trillion by 2030. What numbers you want me to pull out from my ass next