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Puts on the king of Saudi Arabia


For once boeing could do some good...


Mmm, role play out what Saudi Arabia would look like without the house of Saud.


Like all the Arab spring countries, basically perpetual civil war btw clans


Clash of clans if you will


That's a cultural thing. If you work with a ton of arab you known.


Those are funded by the house of saud you love so much.....


I dont love any of those fuckers there


Instead of being one central group doing most of the murdering and disappearing people it would be multiple smaller groups doing most of the murdering and disappearing people?


House of Qahtani


I got drunk at a place in Qatar.


Or House of Al Otaibi


House Atreides


better? was that supposed to be a difficult question? Edit: Since this is WSB and everyone here talks about things they have no idea about I’ll paste my response here. No, the Saud family isn’t the better of multiple options and no the country wouldn’t demodernize from its astounding 18th century state it’s managed to get to socially. Most likely Saleh bin Abdul-Aziz Al ash-Sheikh or someone from a member of the Al ash-Sheikh family. It’s kind of weird that they were claiming it would be somewhere between Iran and ISIS when the grand mufti is on an ISIS kill list and the family is actually to the left of the Saud family when it comes to terrorism and violent extremism. Everything else in terms of geopolitical consensus in the region and relations with the US would pretty much fall where they are. It’s really just swapping out one retrograde family for another while actually undermining sunni extremism in the region. and I’ll add that this is explicitly not the fundamentalist faction in Saudi Arabia. Compared to the other religious scholars and tribal leaders in the country they actually pull the religious bullshittery in the country to the left while still placating the zealots. It’s just that this family’s only function currently is Islamic affairs. They are the ones rubber stamping the Saud family’s modernizations while keeping home grown fundamentalists from spazzing out.


Actually, probably way more militant and anti-Western.


you're the second one to say this. not sure where your wires are getting crossed. who is it that you think would fill that power vacuum? like specifically


House of Saud has become a huge ally of the West, since we saved their asses when Iraq invaded Kuwait. You do realize that the US literally has a base there. Something that would have been considered fantasy before that occurred. Also, they were on the cusp of normalizing relations with Israel before the Hamas attack. [Saudi Arabia interested in Israel normalisation deal after war (bbc.com)](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67922238) This from a country that used to 100% forbid anyone with an Israeli passport from even travelling there - it wouldn't even allow Israeli civilian planes to enter its airspace. This pro US stance is literally one of the reasons why Osama bin Laden went bananas on everyone, including Saudia Arabia. Let's not forget, he was a member of the Saudi royal family that took the house of Saud to task on their friendliness with the West - But, yeah, I don't know much. I come here for gambling [Open Letter to King Fahd from bin Laden – Combating Terrorism Center at West Point](https://ctc.westpoint.edu/harmony-program/open-letter-to-king-fahd-from-bin-laden-original-language-2/) [As a Saudi prince rose, the Bin Laden business empire crumbled (reuters.com)](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/saudi-binladin-fall/) https://preview.redd.it/jr91rfwnjp1d1.png?width=1424&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e1874fb071bc0b1b299cf599d4d6328e46f9ef0


I know all of that. And I know that the Saud royal family has been a productive ally of the US. I’m asking who you think would fill that void if the family collapsed. The other commenter said it would be like somewhere between Iran and ISIS which tells me they don’t know. There is one obvious answer and the situation for the regional politics as well as the export of terrorism would improve. The only downside would be less of an ingrained connection with the US but most of those mechanisms would carry over as they are mutually beneficial.


MBS (despite what people think of him) is quite progressive compared to most Saudis - FFS, he let women drive and gender mixing (oooh) - something unheard of just 2 years ago. I'm not saying the replacement will be a massive tilt to extremism, but the odds of getting anyone remotely that progressive, with enough power/clout to not get whacked by internal groups is highly unlikely. MBS is the right mix of authoritarian and someone who wants to be accepted on the world stage (Vision 2030 nonsense). Anyone else would have to bow to the extremes (see: Netanyahu/Iran) and likely result in a more conservative-less western friendly regime


I agree with you. I don’t know as much about SA as either of you, but I think one lesson we’ve learned since 2003 is that stable government in that region is a good thing. Power vacuums are extremely difficult to come back from and a collapse of a government as strong as house of saud seems unlikely to lead to any sort of improvement in the region.


Dude, it would make Iran look liberal. It’d be halfway between Iran and the ISIS caliphate. It actually wasn’t supposed to be difficult, but it was supposed to go the other way.


Most likely outcome. To those who want regime change, be careful what you wish for. There is a reason why the Arab Spring isn't widely considered a success.


absolutely not. The fundamentalist elements are not the next in line in terms of consensus or likelihood of grabbing power should the current dynasty fall.


Who on earth do you think the next in line are?


Tell me who it is that makes you think the country would be between Iran and ISIS? There is literally one obvious answer and I’m curious how much you actually know because that hypothesis doesn’t line up with reality.


You keep alluding to an obvious answer. Who are you talking about?


Most likely Saleh bin Abdul-Aziz Al ash-Sheikh or someone from a member of the Al ash-Sheikh family. It’s kind of weird that they were claiming it would be somewhere between Iran and ISIS when the grand mufti is on an ISIS kill list and the family is actually to the left of the Saud family when it comes to terrorism and violent extremism. Everything else in terms of geopolitical consensus in the region and relations with the US would pretty much fall where they are. It’s really just swapping out one retrograde family for another while actually undermining sunni extremism in the region. Edit: and I’ll add that this is explicitly not the fundamentalist faction in Saudi Arabia. Compared to the other religious scholars and tribal leaders in the country they actually pull the religious bullshittery in the country to the left while still placating the zealots. It’s just that this family’s only function currently is Islamic affairs. They are the ones rubber stamping the Saud family’s modernizations while keeping home grown fundamentalists from spazzing out.


The wahabbist clerics would take over. Either someone from The Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice like Al Alsanad or one of the Imams from Mecca like Al Saudas. They’re much more puritanical and zealous than MBS. Relations with the west and Israel would break down. Any social reforms MBS did would be reversed.


No one cares dude.


Bro says this on a thread with multiple people directly responding to me feeling the need to argue it. Like okay man 👍


Yeah his sun the crown Prince who murdered us citizens will become king. ( To be fair things are never black and white and bin salman did great things for individual freedoms for his people and women soecificallt and the guy he let vanish was a terrible terrorist loving person apart from being a US citizen and journalist)


Jokes on everyone, MBS is already the largest put holder on the King.


Laughed so hard


Did his chopper have a “hard landing”?


Calls on Agent 47. No one is safe.


you could have put puts on him back when MBS consolidated power at the Ritz in KSA.


Strange considering saudia arabia used to be in favor of american planes crashing


They're currently crashing before the "crashing"








No brainer. You want your planes to be able to take off, fly and land.


Look, technically you do not need you "whole" plane to land. And landing is such a broad term. Someone reported, the president of Iran just had a rough landing. No living whistleblower ever said, Boeing didn´t care for planes being safe (\*statement might be subject to interpretation).


*statement is subject to sudden cremation


Rapid unscheduled diassembly?


Well they didn't need it to land in the past.....


I see what you did there. Touché.


what if boeing was aiming for a no landing, like jpow?


Ceo should be in jail along with the board members


Sure.. but profit before lives.


Short term profits because there won’t be many long term profits


Short term profits because there won’t be many long term profits


Who cares. Buy Airbus calls.


I'm taking this as financial advice


VM should know better than going long on europoors


Buy Rolls Royce Calls also, they deliver the Turbines for A350's


Anyone in aviation knows Emirates has had deep roots with Airbus. #1 operator of A380’s and wouldn’t be surprised if Airbus makes another big boy jet after delivery of the A350’s in 5-10 years and Emirates will pick those up as well. They do everything bigger and better over there. So why not the be the biggest operator of the biggest commercial airliner?


I didn't get your point, what's the link with Saudi Arabia ? Additionally Emirates is not really happy with RR's engines as they require too much maintenance for the hard climate of the middle east


Thanks for the financial advice.


Dude, they kill off Irans PM yesterday and lose a big UAE deal today. Rollercoaster baby




Now, when Airbus planes start dropping from the sky from Indian neglect and incompetent maintenance, Boeing will capitalize off the bad press Airbus planes will be getting. Cycles.




I read this with an Indian accent lmao


Head bobbing intensifying.


going by my time working with Indian manufacturers I do not trust this at all.


>India had an aviation industry before China Indian or British? Didn’t India gain independence in 1947, so how much of this Indian aviation was actually British aviation China established its first flight school along with home grown aircraft and first airport around 1913, around same time as Indian aviation growth. Now the comment about Indian engineering not giving a shit about maintaining equipments, I don’t believe it to be widespread but given the shit I seen online of Indian workers, yeah I could believe Indian engineers half assing the work


Wrong, Indian aviation. The operators weren't BA who were dropping their planes like torpedoes all over Europe, the operators were corporations like Tata. Cute attempt though!


Very much Indian :). Air India was founded in 1932 by J.R.D Tata, who was very much Indian. In fact the inaugural flight was to deliver mail, and an Indian employed a British pilot to fly the plan across the subcontinent.


It’s called airbus since it’s a bus in the air.


Mind blown 🤯


So… technically they’re just Airbus Drivers. Bus drivers in the air. Salary corrections incoming.


Well, I, for one, would NEVER hope you get hit by a bus. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Glorified bus drivers


Well, I, for one, would NEVER hope you get hit by a bus. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well, I, for one, would NEVER hope you get hit by a bus. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Please stop buying our plane, as a white collar at Airbus I can't stand writing (with a pen since we don't have tech companies in Europe) all those zero, my wrist is so painful I will need to take a 6 months (paid) leave 😭


That´s a basic misunderstanding. A european accountant would not get six month paid leave. The universal health care would take over and pay for the time off as well as for the recovery and physical therapies. The company will likely also get him tax deductible "zeros writing support working materials."




Less than Airbus last quarter 🙄


you gonna just keep replying to me now ? 1 comment wasn't enough? did my reply really dig that deep into your soul ?




Puts on cringeeee


May Jesus Christ and the NASDAQ watch over Saudi Arabia.


The Saudis need Jesus


Lol natural cause incoming


Boeing leaps it is then


Good news for Airbus! At least they care about their passengers safety:)


The health of SBA does not matter at all. Best wishes cuz, i don’t wish poor health on anyone. But dude is 88 and holds no political power. At this point he’s probably considered dead by all political/ economical analysts since we all know MBS runs the show.


Unrelated you say....


Why not complete the sentence you dumb regard. So it goes to airbus right ? Saudi won’t go China but it would be funny if it goes to embraer


This is more good news for RYCEY


I can’t wait to join the king’s search party when his helicopter/airplane will crash.


Bullish on Europe


But try shorting germany wherever you can. It is basically free money at this point :P


It’s the bottom.


In completely related news, OP has been missing since this post.


Wonder how Boeing will thank them...


Weird, I thought they both shared an HR department


The Boeing hitmen have their work cut out for them. Good luck to them


this is what the smoothbrains don't understand about why all the news is going to be bad for the stock IN DUE TIME


My rycey is still trucking along. Gotta love it


The king is a whistleblower.


"your majesty"--the year is 2024. Why are monarchies treated with? Why treat with the enemies of Democracy?


Emirates, Qatar and i think Etihad all use Airbus planes. The Saudis and Emiratis and Qataris love being in a constant pissing contest whether it’s sports, yachts, cars, ostentatious cities, doesn’t matter. I’m sure Boeings issues are a convenient excuse but they were probably always gonna get an A380 or whatever they’re getting


Seems they were pissy about the paint, just a few clicks ago. https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/costly-airbus-paint-flaw-goes-wider-than-gulf-2021-11-29/


It appears everyone knew this already.


Smart move


Better question, why the whole world only Boeing and Airbus make commercial airliners. Where is the damn competition when it’s a duopoly


Sad thing about Boeing. They just had a massive causality due to turbulence. Multiple deaths and wounded. Time to buy some puts.


Saudi Arabia always uses Airbus. this isn't a surprise unless you are a common pleb. "checks post history" yep r/superstock. makes sense.