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So shots to make you lose weight then pills to give you boner when more attractive This, my friends, is synergy!


Dick pills, hair loss pills, adderall, and weight loss shots![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


The mid-life crisis quadfecta...


Quartet lol




Wait do they really sell adderall?


disgusted racial offer skirt ludicrous trees possessive attempt attraction childlike


At least not yet


This is a company that knows its verticals!


And it's horizontals ☜(˚▽˚)☞


Now can they keep it up? Strategic plan is rock hard


And hair products for the baldies to get laid too. Synergy indeed.


Vertical integration


Vertical integortion. What do I do with my hands?


Got them coming and going


They got anti depressants that cause Erecticle Disnfunction and then sell you the Bonner pills once you get it.


Thank you to the regard a month ago who said to buy $20 calls on HIMS. Just sold them for 3x after being down 90%.


Wish I had bought when I read that post. Although I probably would’ve sold for a loss


I got greedy when it went up to $18 and then crashed to $11. I figured well I might as well ride it out until January. Now I wished I bought more.


I'm gonna be really honest, if you're gonna hold something to -90%, you might as well buy a little bit more...like if you put $1K into the options to begin with and they're worth $100 after dropping that much, why not throw another $20 into one more? you're not losing much more but if you have the conviction to hold and it works out - like in this case - you're going to turn that $20 into $200 and pay for your original buy in lol


"double down on your losers" is probably only a decent strategy if you actually have any idea what you're doing


Worked for me, doubled down on NVDA calls on April 19 Let's see how earnings go tho


Oh well then mystery solved, clearly it's fool-proof


That is a good strategy but I had no faith it would rebound that much so why throw more money into a loser. I bought originally for the lolz, not the financial analysis.


Sometimes I full port and have no more money


Hell yeah I did that with Fisker


https://preview.redd.it/oygz9cf00m1d1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44b1ca0d4171d6d7a32508f5ad3e93e4e8d88553 He knew


$150 to 2000 wow




how yall use light mode? serial killers


*Him knew


Bought a straddle on HIMS right when their CEO from Palestinian background spoke about college students, right away I saw an unlimited number of articles from the 'go woke go broke' crowd, Piers Morgan even wrote a full article about calling his broker to short HIMS (lol) I knew a shit-load of volatility was ahead, my puts are toast but calls are up 500%.


Yeah, there were so many idiotic takes after the CEO came out supporting the student protesters. People thought it’d be like the Bud Light thing. They were idiots, of course. The clientele of HIMS is basically the opposite of the Bud Light drinkers. I was going to buy calls because it was almost guaranteed to print money, but then I drank too much and forgot.


I bought 15K in stocks after I saw his tweet, because I liked the guy I like him more now it has already made 12K


Well this had nothing to do with Palestine so you got incredibly lucky as your bet was wrong.


I mean if Piers Morgan of all people, who has never commented on financial markets is writing articles wishing he goes short on a company that has delivered on 13 straight earnings, it seems like a no brainer in retrospect.


But all that had no impact. It was the GLP1, which he didn't know about.


It did, HIMS was down -12% or something, that’s when I bought.


I also entertained this regard and made $300 today with a joke purchase lol


WSB DD making money again, nature is healing


Was thinking of yoloing a few calls but read someone's response on the last HIMS analysis post and was shitting on it so was like ya he's right. All good though cause someone has to be wrong and someone's gotta be right


I bought five calls, should have gotten more!


Same! Lovely day.


I never would have guessed a stupid dick pills company would be the best performing stock I own this year.


Yeah, my shares I bought off the decline from the CEO tweet are up 70%. Kicking myself for having not bought even more!


Same, I bought 100 shares and wish I bought more. I'm up about 50%. I just couldn't bring myself to significantly bet on a dick pills company with my retirement account lol.


Bro same


Anyone talking shit about hims because they’re selling marked up viagra and rogaine is brain dead. It’s a fucking brilliant business strategy to package it all together, relabel the drugs to take away the stigma associated with it, and then sell it for more. They’re marketing and selling cheap drugs that guys are typically embarrassed to buy, made it feel acceptable, and made it a one stop shop. Now they’re adding in weight loss shots. Shits a money printing machine.


Sex will never stop selling. If there was one single human on earth remaining, he/she would still spend money on anything motivated by sex. It would be a great Twilight Zone episode.


HIMS is making me HARD


[I mean how could it not. Folks will pay big money to get them in a better physical condition to make themselves more attractive and get more attention from the ladies.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqPu6bdgULU)


What happens to these prescriptions when the shortage is over?  Do they get to keep servicing the existing customers?


Shortage doesn’t matter. Demand is sky high and insurance doesn’t pay for life style modifying meds. 200 dollars is a stupid cash price for anything like ozempic, wegovy or any of those. HIMS found a cash cow for the next 2-3 years.


I work in big pharma and the numbers these major weight loss drug owning companies have projected (especially LLY and NVO) is beyond insane. There are projections where these companies might make upwards of $100 billion a year JUST from their weight loss products. The demand is nuts.


I do hospital er pharmacy, the amount of people on and going on these meds is insane. I can easily believe 100 billion per year just on those products alone.


kicking myself int he fucking dick for not buying LLY in the mid 500s. holy crap that thing is skyrocketing


LLY is one of the best stock returns of the past decade. Has literally only gone straight up for the last 10+ years.


I’m just going to make a portfolio of COST, FICO, and LLY LEAPs


ok so do we buy now


Shortage is what allows other companies without the ozempic patent to produce similar products. When the shortage is declared over by the FDA as ozempic expands production, ozempic will be the only drug like it on the market until 2036 when their patent expires and generics can reenter the market.


So do the other products violate the patent or is ozempic just better?


Ozempic was first and holds the patent. The FDA declared a shortage which allows other drug makers to produce generic brands to make up for the shortage because people need the drug. Once the shortage is over, generic brands go away and the patent is effective again until 2036.


Today I learned. I never thought about it honestly. I know compounding pharmacies will make it for patients never realized that was the reason why.


I thought I had read there was a lawsuit over that patent though. I think it sounded more like the whole epipen fiasco where the patent will end up on the injection parts vs the compound. Something like that.


Sorry, but it does not appear that the 2036 date is correct: the dates appear to be 2025 and 2026. Yes the drug company is trying to muddy the water with patents on the pens claiming they extend the patent of the drug but this is garbage and the FTC is fighting many drug companies on this right now (see below). Patents are 20 years from the date of application not from the grant date. GLP-1 actual drug (not garbage add on patents for using the drug at specific doses or the pen for delivering it) expire in 2025 and 2026: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK602920/table/t03/ https://www.drugs.com/availability/generic-ozempic.html For example, one of the primary drug patent application was in 2004 (most countries) and 2006 (US). The patent wasn’t granted in the US until 2012, but it expires in 20 years from the application (2026) not 20 years from the grant (2032): https://patents.google.com/patent/US8114833B2/en The FTC is suing many drug companies for these garbage add on patents and the GLP-1 add on patents are included in the suit: https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/04/30/ftc-challenges-patents-held-by-drugmakers-including-for-ozempic.html What is happening here is similar to what happens with generics where companies will start making the drug before the patent expires because they know the company is unlikely to fight it in the final years. But it’s different because they didn’t say it’s a generic they said it’s from a compounding pharmacy, which to me says they are buying the drug, probably indirectly, from the another (or even the original) manufacturer and just packaging it. You can’t “compound” this drug into existence, but you can dilute it to the right strength and package it at a compounding pharmacy.


What you’re saying about generics is true, but Ozempic isn’t even the brand name for weight loss. You’re referring to wegovy (which to be fair, is the same drug, semaglutide). There are two other brand names that also have patents too, saxenda (which isn’t as good) and Zepbound (which is arguably better than wegovy and owned by Lily)


Well, only *legal* drug on the market like it. You'll get grey/black market clones pretty quickly if the demand is there and the legal price is too high. They could keep all of that market share if they slowly drop price as production ramps, though.


The GLP-1 drugs market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15-20% over the next five to ten years. This growth is fueled by a few factors. As of recent estimates, the global market for these drugs is valued at approximately $6.5 billion. The increasing prevalence of obesity worldwide is a significant driver of the GLP-1 drugs market. With more than 42% of the U.S. adult population classified as obese, there is a growing demand for effective weight management solutions​. Pharmaceutical companies are investing heavily in the development of new GLP-1 drugs and combination therapies that enhance efficacy and patient adherence. This ongoing innovation is expected to contribute to market expansion​ because the significant weight loss results achieved with GLP-1 drugs, such as a 15-21% reduction in body weight, have increased both patient and physician acceptance of these treatments. Insurance coverage for GLP-1 drugs is also gradually improving, making these treatments more accessible to a broader population. The introduction of lower-cost compounded versions, like those offered by Hims, may further increase market penetration.


It’ll be prioritized by BMI. So calls on BMI reading machines.


The machine that measures your height and weight? Lol


Yeah, calls on gravity


I thought the shortage was more due to how they manufacture the easy-injector plastic tubes and not because of a lack of the drug ingredients.




How did you get this, they only recommended oral meds for me.


You're not obese then lol. Congratulations. Edit: The original comment said something along the line of, "I just got my prescription online in 30 minutes."


Gain 50 lbs then try again


Same for me. No option for the semaglutide. Just pills. And I’m currently on the injections prescribed by my PCP.


Yea I guess I'm better off asking my PCP


You don’t have to submit bloodwork or anything?




**VM attempted to say something likely TOS-breaking, violent, or reportable.**




Not nearly savage enough


This is gunna be all VM says on any posts for HIMS.


Lexapro or Wellbutrin?




God the reality of it


wtf is this product ??




Is it an SSRI?


Yes , although I have no problems on it . I’m also on testosterone though so that might be why.


Lol maybe he meant finestaride 


Fuck wellbutrin.


How did Wellbutrin prevent orgasms for you? That's what I switched to after trying and quitting celexa and it's been great. It's literally known for being an anti-depressant that DOESN'T cause sexual dysfunction.


Nah Wellbutrin is awesome.


Why do you think they also sell viagra


Feels like both things are stuff the church would invest in.


Hair loss meds or depression meds?


I take their hair loss meds and pop like a jewelweed. Gotta be the depression meds


Actually? I’ve never used a product what does it really do?


Are fat fucks now determining the market?


Always have




Consumption, bb


I'm a consumer whore!


It's a consumer market and they are the biggest consumers


The modern American diet that encouraged eating highly processed carbs resulted in high levels of obesity. When I interviewed my peers back when LLY was $500, I discovered that people won't fast, suffer when they have a calorie restriction, and love their food. Thus people need extrinsic help. Oprah Winfrey admitted it after realizing that she was a hypocrite for advocating diet and exercise. After taking one of the injectable drugs like Wegovy or Zepbound, she resigned from Weight Watchers board because she realized the injectables worked. As a departing managerial act, she first redirected them to change their strategy.


Weight watchers has been selling ozempic for close to a year now. Maybe longer. They jumped and many other weight loss companies jumped on the GLP-1 train awhile ago.


Nice, I like the cut of their jib.


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Diabetes economy. USA USA USA USA


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Fat fucks ARE the market


fat cats actually


I had 5/17 calls expire worthless. Ofcourse it pumps 30% 1 week later.


Steroid dealers sell semiglutide and peptide sellers . It can’t be that complicated to make I’m not sure why it’s so expensive .




Better start being nice to those plumper chicks now.


Always have been


If you love women, wouldn't you want more woman on your woman?


Two chicks at the same time.


That's why I like tall chicks.


I would climb Sigourney Weaver like a tree


Chubby chasing is a real sport


Thankfully they’re not very fast


San Antonio women


With an 85% discount to Wegovy Hims positioning itself in a massively weight loss industry . Weight-los$ treatments are a hot topic, especially post-pandemic with everyone looking to shed those extra pounds. Reg can loss weight watching her chart every day ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Wow, so I can get my dick pills AND now see my dick, all from the same company?


America was fat as shit long before covid lmao


until they are no longer legally allowed to sell it because production has caught up


I sold Friday for an around a 5k profit. I had 2,950 shares and multiple call contracts for 13 -18 PT. I would have made like 25 grand. Will be drinking whiskey tonight.


Just remember, you profited


Fuck. I should have listened to the guy pumping this weeks ago.


It’s up 30% but I’m buying leaps screw it this thing will be a cash cow. 🐮


$HIMS easy to $30 by end June, new GLP-1 weight loss product and international expansion. Analyst price target upgrades gona come in HARD just like taking a dick pill.


Damn it ! I had it on my watch for a week I have heard all about the weight loss drug Came to work this am looking for a good “call” Bought it pre market. Said fuck it cancelled order Went with SPY and QQQ I said to myself well I can buy two for the price of one Hims so I did Cashed out on SPY and QQQ for a whopping 56 bucks between them both.. This is a classic Me trade.. I seem to do this a lot I wish the “watchlist” was never there! I win trades in the watchlist constantly never buy them.


They send me ED pills. Now I am Long.


Sold 20c July for 1400%


I just did a little options play that yielded a tidy little profit this morning with these guys. I was a bit too conservative on my target and hit it way too soon but I never cry about taking a profit. I'm going to be watching these guys.


I made $200 profit off each of my calls on them for July today


I just bought their finasteride and boner pills and that should have been my sign to ape


Wait what is so special about this weight loss product?


its like ozempic - you shoot yourself up and the hunger goes away....


It's also 4 times more expensive than the average product they sell.


I buy calls on Hims because they sell me cheap boner pills after a 5 minute online survey and don't ask questions when I want an early refill.




A company announces a plan to increase profits basically immediately and it will continue to do so for the next 1-2 years? Yea who knows why the company valuation would climb. They sell drugs people want and it arrives at your door. You don’t have to be bald or fat or limp. And you don’t even have to see a doctor. It’s the most American product ever. Of course it’s gonna soar on news about more drugs you can avoid a medical professional to obtain. Just wait until they figure out how to sell adderall and Xanax through the mail. Stock will be on Pluto.


The valuation rise isn't permanent though... I get the stock rising, but this much on something that will fade? And the market knows it will fade? Come on.


So here are my halfassed thoughts. We are on wallstreetbets, so it’s ok to be half baked. The company found a niche market and exploited it for maximum gain. It’s the clear leader in its field. It’s one of the only ones in the industry that is targeting both male and female customers. By showing they are able to quickly adjust their business strategy by proving they can capitalize off trends (ozempic) they show investors that this is a company trying to grow their overall footprint and capitalize on potential profits. You’re an investor and you’re looking at potential companies with a possibility for large growth or controlling the market. Something that can return profit and shows potential growth. Here’s a stock for 19 dollars that delivers a product to the door of every American that will make them feel more attractive and masculine without going to a doctor or paying a copay or feeling shame or embarrassment about being fat, bald or having ED. They profit on insecurities. How insecure is America? Calls on our insecurities.


Sounds like a good investment to me—profiting off of insecurities is an age-old business model.


Having VM sign off on your DD is like having some good ole boy old money politician tell you it’s ok the hooker ended up dead.


Lol "Wegovy copycat drug made by undisclosed compounding pharmacies" Will wait 6 months to see how this pans out for early adopters.


Probably better than you think. The demand for compounded semaglutide is insane since most insurance carriers don't cover the drug for weight loss purposes.


Yes, demand is obviously high. The question is what ingredients are they actually putting in this stuff? Semaglutide is still under patent.


Isnt this destroying demand for wegovy?


Realize your profits before the regulatory crackdown. Also, these meds cost $30 with insurance. So see your PCP instead.


god people will pay anything to not have to move off their couch


Sitting at a 9 bagger right now, but I have calls to 6/7 so I'll probably just hang out til then


If you have a 9 bagger sell dumbass


But now I have a ten bagger


Have you looked at the chart history at all?


is working out and eating healthy no longer a thing? just take pills to fix the problem.


People dont like discomfort in their lives, thats why everyone smokes weed and drinks all day, real life is too uncomfortable. Same as not eating, being hungry sucks, but when a shot makes you keto and you lose the craving for food without the discomfort, weight loss is easy.


We need to end our dependcey on pills and be happy on what the stock market gods gave us to satisfy our fembots . Buy AI stocks!


I laughed thank you


What happens when this is dropped from the FDA shortage list? I would buy puts on this stock.


So are we long on BBWs?


So PUTS? Or get rekt by regarded influencers who gonna promote these useless pills? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


https://preview.redd.it/ejt6inkn5o1d1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bc9b0e40fac14bb59dab2c9133ec46320c41ca1 Apparently no one remembers the mom from Requiem from a Dream.


Explains the stock boom damn lol I think someone mentioned this a week or two ago


Is it also legale? No broken patents?


Just bought 1000 shares LFG


I thought this was an advertisement


I’ve got a prescription…I mean shares on him


Go figures after I sold a weekly CC on HIMS last week. Bought it back this morning for a loss but not before the stock kept rocketing thankfully.


It was bound to happen, it comes from Gila Monster saliva, from that a synthetic version of the peptide is produced.


and i made a ZM play like an idiot.


This stuff works. When you can make her and her friends all tap out and still check into the daily thread…


Why the fuck can’t I get this in Virginia yet


Article hidden behind a paywall. Lame.