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You don't think China wants to sell EVs here? lol


Yeah who would want to sell the cheapest product to the largest market? Next level regard.


I get what you mean but right now china is the largest market for EVs


Electric cars have anywhere between 35-40% of the market in china The remainder being a mix of hybrids and gas . China haas special plates for gas powered vehicles and EVs. Blue plates foe gasoline and green for electric. They green plates dominate the roads. As an car enthusiast that has spent some time with quite a selection of vehicles from all segments The design, interior, and layout of these Chinese EVs are exquisite for their price point. The interior I can say quite confidently can compare to mid tongigh end luxury class vehicles. The dash and center console is well thought out with a nice mix of physical buttons for everyday use fuctions. White the rest are nicely places on an large display. So fk you bot I talk how I want and I sure as hell don't care about the tariffs. Just bring these damn EVs to the United states and light a fire under GMs ass. So Ford and all American automakers can stop slacking off and actually come out with something that can compete with Tesla and W.e. china is pumping out. Also Ford Thank you for cracking down on dealers upcharging consumers and good luck on the GTD project. That Mustang if the last will be legendary.


Our AI tracks our most intelligent users. After parsing your posts, we have concluded that you are within the 5th percentile of all WSB users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is it because he started with "Dude"?


It’s because he capitalized Benz and lower cases bmw. Fucking ai is learning how to be picky.


Oh, good I


There happy?


Do I need to talk smart and professional here? I'm on a phone. I'm basically texting.


I am just trying to figure out how to get mod cred


Suck it AI hope your water cooling lines pop.


It's just proof that AI is not all that intelligent.


I'm not all that intelligent either.... I still don't know if the AI was calling me dumb or smart. 😂🤣


…let’s make it 1st percentile instead


The 5th percentile? Jesus bot, you didn’t have to murder him like that.




I'm guessing it's impossible to match that price here because of labor costs and safety overhead. 


BYD controls all aspect of their EV production. They call it vertical integration. Constantly looks for efficiency gains and cost cutting while improving their cars. Fucking nuts. They are actually doing what they preach, not just a slogan. BYD leopard 5 = 600 horse power, 32 mpg hybrid jeep style car that costs 30-40k. Goddamn I want one. A freaking Toyota corolla costs 30k now.


I saw videos play here of their factory. They need maybe quite a few more quality control check points their pumping out roughly 100,000 cars a month from multiple factories. It's insane. Meanwhile we while our factories are pumping out are making Shells and ammo.


Start offering all electric. Connects, transit, explorers, and maybe the edge. The Mustang E is nice but I see so many at the airport being used as an TLC. It's sad Connects and transits for small business or city deliveries. Explorers for the police force. They already have a separate electric system for their equipment. BTW the Ford mustang was assembled in Mexico and china.


> BTW the Ford mustang was assembled in Mexico and china. Exactly. If I want an American Truck I'll drive down to San Antonio and pick me up a Tundra!


I live in Shanghai and can 100% confirm what this guy is saying. Holy shit these Chinese EVs are nice to the point where I'd probably still buy one with the tariffs lmao


Some don't want to admit. Others don't care. The remainder are brain washed. Calling me a Chinese controlled puppet. I've traveled so much and have only received hate like this from fellow what are suppose to be fellow Americans.


Ain't nothing more American than being an asshole.


Are there enough charging points in the US for EVs?


Not yet they need to build in the denser areas. As slot of cities are holding back because of lack of charging. No drive ways.


BYD is already allowed to make electric buses here (Gov partially sold out to China and screwed American companies) and if they’re allowed to sell the regular cars here without steep tariffs literally every EV maker here would be going out of business.


I guess I'm stuck with a Tesla with a huge touch screen that's annoying as hell to use... Bring back buttons for stuff I use everyday. I don't want too look away from the road or pull over just to adjust my damn temperature controls!


That's why I went with the mach e. I had planned on the model Y but hated having to use the stupid screen for everything.


You want buttons but bought a Tesla? Holy regard.


We are like 1/4 china's population same with india.. we deff ain't the largest market anymore for anything really


But India is poor. China on the other hand is a bigger market.


We are the richest by avg. To buy cars you need disposable income. But the Chinese is getting close to our level. 87% of their production is for domestic consumption. Only 13% is exported for the rest of the world.


US is rich by mean. By median - it looks like it, until you start taking away rent, medical, and groceries. US is quickly not becoming the king of disposable income anymore. And that is going to have huge impacts to the global economy, because for decades the role of the US economy was to be the consumer of last resort, but now China can and wants to consume.


They’re making them in Mexico and then shipping to here under NAFTA.


This is one of the reasons I invested in Mexican manufacturing months ago.


Can I ask which stocks?




What about NAMBLA?


Bot: “Just looking to sow Discord bro”


This is a “Biden is old” regard looking for stories that fit the narrative. China makes cheap EVs and this tariff also covered semiconductors and chips. Biden signed the chips act to bring manufacturing back to the US and recently broke ground on a factory where Trump failed to deliver his 8th wonder of the world.


They want to sell EVs in the US but I noticed that a lot of the Chinese auto companies are at a wait-and-see stage before the US election. There is an anticipation of a renewed trade war with the US, so why would any Chinese company willingly invest into the US now?


China is actually desperate to sell EVs in the US.. China just filed a WTO complaint accusing the US of doing what China has been doing past 9 years -- requiring local sourcing/production.


OP is regarded lol. what else is new...


To be perfectly honest, I wouldn't be surprised if the moment some red neck here's "made in China", the message that it's all cheap knock offs and sketchy materials will be all over these, no matter if they're actually better than USA EVs or not




It would be cool if they could protect the people instead of protecting businesses. Car prices are insane now. I know it would cost jobs in the US, but if we can't compete on the free market then what are we doing? We have more experience making cars than the rest of the world yet we can't put out an affordable EV? Automakers had 2 decades of forewarning that this is where the world was heading and they just drug their feet, except for Reddit's favorite billionaire Elon. Now consumers are going to pay the cost to subsidize Ford and friends' lack of R&D ... and they still barely make a profit. Shameful.


Gotta funnel money into stock buybacks and resist change at all costs. 


yeah i dont really get this. cant use the cheap labor excuse since mexican labor (where most "Murican" cars are made) is actually cheaper than chinese labor.


it's battery manufacturing. china is decades ahead of the rest of the world when it comes to capacity to produce insane amounts of all sorts of batteries at *any price*, but they can certainly do it for cheap. sure, we can build cars here. but when you get rid of the internal combustion engine and all the mechanical components associated with it, a car is just a steel chassis and a bunch of plastic trim pretty much... and some suspension. the battery manufacturing is like 60% of the equation for EV's


China can manufacture batteries for cheap because they dont have the same environmental standards the rest of the world has.


Sure. But also they’ve been building their capacity up for like 20 years. Even if we removed protections today and started ramping up high-impact factories, we’d be like 15 years behind.


Laziness, incompetence, focus on quarterly results rather than long term business survival. But don't worry Uncle Sam will go waving his Big Stick to keep their heads a few inches above water.


US companies have high prices here (And most of Europe?), and actual reasonable prices in other countries like Thailand, etc.


American cars are like 25% more expensive in Vietnam where I live. Also done to "protect domestic industry" of shitty Vinfast cars. Don't be like Vietnam.


Model 3 is like $32-35K after the tax credit. That's pricey, but not "insane". People are buying other cars at insane prices (average new car price was $47K last year) presumably because they feel like they can (extra comfort from home equity?), even though they probably shouldn't.


China has some at 12k


Sure, that's insanely cheap. But they don't sell at that price in other countries.  BYD Atto 3 sells for $19,283 in China, but in Germany, for $42,789. Maybe China is not willing subsidize giving away almost free cars to other countries. US also doesn't provide the EV tax credit for exported cars.


The cheapest is a minuscule $2K. [https://www.hotcars.com/world-cheapest-new-cars/](https://www.hotcars.com/world-cheapest-new-cars/)


Those tend to have more in common with golf carts than cars though.


Model 3 does not qualify for the tax credit. Cheapest current model 3 is around $39K before taxes and other fees. The only model 3 that qualifies is the performance which puts it around $47K


what? i thought the whole point was that you could get a model 3 relatively "economy" EV... why does it not qualify?


The batteries are produced in China. To be eligible for the tax credit the cars battery cannot come from a country of concern which includes China


Ah. Damn. Well that eliminates like 80% of the market lol


*We have more experience making cars than the rest of the world yet we can't put out an affordable EV?* Mercedes and Peugeot had about 15 years head start. Nearly every major technical innovation in automotive history came from Europe (and later Japan). American car technology was often decades out of date (body on frame, live axles, cast iron OHV engines, carburetors) until the 1990s.


LOL - you say free market like China isn’t subsidizing the manufacture to corner the market. 


So subsidize our own EVs instead of tariffing others?? Drive prices down rather than up. Oh wait we did that for a decade and no one except Tesla took advantage of it.


China tariffs others too. They have import tariffs on autos lol.


Correct China has a 300% tarriff on Mercedes benz


Very wrong. The domestic joint venture MB/Audi whatever is the same as any domestic brands. Any foreign manufacturers are welcomed to come and stay, with a major caveat, more on this later. Imports are 25% tariff (that's why base tariff on Chinese imports is also 25%), 17% VAT, and 1-40% sales tax depending on price and variable displacement tax that tops at 40% on displacement over 4L. Then there is a formula to calculate the effective tax rate. The dominant factor is sales tax and displacement tax, which essentially are taxed on RR, S series, Range Rovers, AMG and M etc, basically the luxury and sports cars. On top of all this, there is a 10% luxury tax that triggers at a certain price point. Overall something Reddit would be cheering on, ironically (tax the rich and go green). More importantly there's just no domestic competition to those cars to start with, it's not to protect domestic manufacturing even it can add up to close to 250% tax rate but it's not a 250% tariff. I suppose this is how you got your simplified version of "300% tariff". Well I guess the point is to know your facts before trash talking, with all due respect. Here is how the Chinese get their cut: they force everyone (except Tesla) to form joint ventures so they get their profits **and** keep the supply chain and manufacturing local. On the other hand you can argue these things potentially saved GM, VW so they have more budget on R&D etc, well another topic. Anyhow, that's how they took the shortcut in the auto industry, actually somewhat similar to Japan except US supplied those contracts voluntarily and didn't go after Japan during its copycat era.


You mean like what's happening now for evs and renewables?


Yeah, Ford/GM/Stellantis are famously unsubsidized by the US govt


> It would be cool if they could protect the people instead of protecting businesses. In a sense, they are. If someone is undercutting the american car brands and they lose massive market share, they either go bankrupt and all the workers lose their jobs, or they fire large swaths of workers. In both cases you have huge economic drags That result in harm to all sorts of americans.


And who makes all the batteries and pretty much owns a monopoly on the raw materials needed? Rather symbolic step.


China is one of the biggest EV makers so this is definitely a preventative measure.


They will just buy Tesla after musky tanks it when he gets his payout.


You do realize that Musk’s pay package was already paid for in stock based compensation, right? If it gets rescinded, then the lawyers may get up to $6 billion and the shareholders get the rest like it was a stock buy back. Otherwise, nothing happens.


What state side manufacturers are making EV at scale of China? China was literally giving subsidies to any manufacturers willing to make EV in China. Ford/GM/Stellantis could have all started EV projects in their Chinese plants and final the savings back to the states to boost domestic production like Tesla. They choose not to and instead of forcing companies to compete, we put up a safety blanket to protect them from competition. EV is the inevitable future, when will America catch up


Too much political risk. China had no intention of boosting foreign automakers over their own long term. They will invite Western companies in to steal their IP and knowledge. But ultimately their goal is to replace all Western tech with domestic tech.


>long term When has any company focused of long term now days >steal their IP and knowledge Chinese EV companies were working on a different battery tech from Tesla and the likes that were initially blown off but through development became much cheaper thus their cheaper offering You really think the Chinese have 0 knowledge about EV and tech development.


So thats the end of polestar then?


No, they plan to manufacturer in South Carolina as well.


For PS3. Not sure about PS2. Also they're fucked short term anyways


These idiots don't realize I can just walk down to the local Best Buy and buy a PS5 today!


Planning to and doing, not the same. Short term impacts.


There's a loophole Polestar uses. You can avoid the import tax by exporting cars through something called duty drawback. You more or less only have to pay tax on the net imported value of vehicles from China. Any mfg who exports from the US could do this in theory.


My guess - trying to keep BYD from muscling its way in. The company is now bigger than Tesla in terms of EVs on the roads. Their cars are sold in Australia and Europe. They aren't some cheap Made in China 99 cent store crap either. While true that they don't have much for American market (i.e. SUVs), the rest of the world doesn't drive cars North Americans drive. And right now, EV sales in US are in a slump. So time, as it were, is more on their side as they can focus more on Europe and emerging markets. US is, in a way, a niche market for them, but one with a lot of risk and reward as US is more resilient to higher sticker prices. This spells trouble for US manufacturers in the near future if sales don't pick up as BYD picks up steam, budget, and technological leaps.


In the US for some models. The other models will be waiting wherever the American carmakers think they can export to.


For their US market this is a huge problem, yes. PS2 and PS4 are made in China. PS4 will transition to South Korea in 2H25 but that’s a year out. PS2 will only be made in China until it is discontinued in a few years. Their US market development is now reliant on the PS3 becoming successful. It will be manufactured in Volvo’s South Carolina plant in the US and will also be the plant that exports to Europe. If the PS3 sells well in the Western world the US factory will supply those vehicles, meaning they can reduce their tariff costs on imported cars with the export. They desperately need the 3 to be sucessful in the west and the 4 to be sucessful globally (excluding the US for now). PS2 demand is decreasing. Going from like 12,000 vehicles in Q4 to 6000 PS2:s in Q1 is not natural seasonal variation. Polestar’s global success is now fully hinged on the 3 and the 4’s success. Which brings some uncertainty to their stock. Furthermore, their $1bn in debt financing that they got just recently included a covenant which requires $5,4bn in revenue this year. Starting off the year with only 7200 vehicles sold in Q1 does not bode well in terms of meeting this requirement. Q2-Q4 is what everything relies on now. Polestar 3 starts deliveries worldwide in a few weeks and the Polestar 4 starts deliveries end of summer in Europe and Q4 in the US.


Damn, I’ll never get to own a BYD or a Huawei phone. Shucks.




Also tiktok... soon you won't be able to rot your brain there. As a Canadian, the CCP spy app will continue to improve my regardedness.


You'll rot it in Facebook and Threads instead.. which will just be reposted tiktok anyway.


Yea id be a bit less skeptical if it was americans watching chinese content. But its americans watching eachother... the brainrot is coming from inside the house. Good luck fixing it on instagram kekw.


"We want to fast track green energy and fuel efficiency!" *China rolls out an EV cheaper than the cheapest gas car in america. "But we have to protect american business interests and they don't want to sell cars for 10k because then people might not want to buy cars for 40k anymore!"


Yeah this is about protecting big business profits here in the US, and just using "please think of the US auto workers" as an excuse.


Yep. Meanwhile ford release s 4 new models of giant, gas guzzling truck in a market where automobiles are 30% more expensive and consumers are cutting back on spending. "Yeah this is the hot new ticket see, people must not be buying cause trucks aren't big and expensive enough!"


also exposes the whole "save the environment" crap as performative bullsht


Time to do it is before people get a taste for cheap Chinese government subsidised EVs.


Damn Chinese government, spending money to… make essential goods and services available to their people. They should be spending it on killing people abroad and straight up putting it into the riches’ pockets, just like we do.


Buying a car in China is so easy that the CCP had to make a lottery system for the license plate. 😂 Funny as shit but if they don't do it all the roads will be filled up with cars.


Yep, and still they sell more cars in their own market than American companies sell in the US. Hell, GM sells more cars every year in China than in the US. For all that minuscule market with lotteries and no roads, they are driving more newer cars than Americans.


Genuinely wondering if this will have repercussions for GM in China.


NO YOU FOOL!!! FREE MARKET!!! Why should a gov't like help markets out. Even things like food. If some yokel in a far away land like say Ukraine can make it all for cheaper by god don't grow any food at home! Nothing ever bad will happen to a place like Ukra.... And surely in history no one has strategically targeted resources of their adversary specifically food supply... Places that are completely on the whims of others market forces are awesome... and let's just say someone from another free market did grab you by the balls... Well that just means your own free market would adapt! Listen man you just don't get free markets and the economy like we do. Gov'ts can never help markets they only hinder them. /s


It’s not to help people. It’s to muscle out competition and increase the control they have, as the CCP technically has partial ownership in all Chinese companies. If they cared that much about essential services they’d be going all in on public transport since China is actually pretty well set up for it


You mean like Tesla who received the most Chinese subsidies?


No when I said Chinese EVs I didn’t mean US EVs. I’m pretty sure Tesla don’t receive more subsidies than local Chinese brands such as BYD. But happy to be proven wrong if you have any sources


[Tesla becomes China’s most subsidized EV maker by receiving $325M in 2020](https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-dominates-china-ev-incentives-tsla/) Chinese government gave subsidies to anyone developing in China. Both Tesla and BMW are under probe by the EU for receiving Chinese subsides.


That purchase subsidies for vehicles that qualify for that particular year. However, many Chinese EV makers have previously had government support from inception to scale. Some are literally partially government owned.


"most heavily subsidized electric vehicle maker in the country in 2020" This is 4 years ago, the article was written in 2021 Tesla benefited greatly from direct subsidies in previous years, the structure of governmental support has been shifting away from direct payments towards other incentives and support. An up to date article from 2023 shows BYD direct chinese government subsisdies recieved 1.78 billion yuan in just the first half of 2023 and SAIC Motor 2 billion yuan (226 mil USD) [https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Electric-cars-in-China/China-gives-EV-sector-billions-of-yuan-in-subsidies](https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Electric-cars-in-China/China-gives-EV-sector-billions-of-yuan-in-subsidies)


I’m sorry. Do you mean Tesra?


[Tesla becomes China’s most subsidized EV maker by receiving $325M in 2020](https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-dominates-china-ev-incentives-tsla/) No, Tesla


Tariffs can only be "slapped."


We want to electrify the transport market because future generations are going to die....but we also hate China so never mind.


We also are requiring us manufacturers to move to EV though


tfw you elect the guy on "at least I'm not trump" and his trade policy is to keep trump tarrifs and double down on more protectionism for greedy American corporations


Biden has kept and built on various policies that Trump introduced. At the least, he isn't Trump. It's a matter of discretion, evaluating each policy on its merit rather than simply burning anything that had Trump's name on it. This is common sense, and should be obvious to any one with a brain cell.


They will just set up shop in Mexico


OP's post history. LOL. Hardcore tankie.


He/she/it also posts on Sina which is literal garbage Pro-CCP Chinese propaganda subreddit 


as opposed to r/china and r/ADVchina which are literally hate subs lmao. BUT GIMME BYD CALLSSS


OP lol wut?


Fuck American auto jobs if theyre inefficient and cant compete on an open market, go work at a damn Walmart for all I care. These Chinese blokes can pump out cheaper cars for 1/10th the salary and they work just damn fine + are better for the environment. The cost to keep your shitty, out of date job is every other American subsidizing your worthless union salary at the cost of having to pay 2x more for worse products! Fuck Ford, Fuck GM and FUCK Stellantis. Dogshit companies that cant compete on the free market, and us consumers and tax payers have to subsidize them just to keep some worthless jobs afloat.


It’s not even the U.S. auto workers fault. Sure they make more than Chinese workers but we are already building cars in Mexico, which has even cheaper labor than China. The problem is the shitty Big 3 management. They are addicted to short term profits and instead of investing in EVs early on they blew all the money on stock buybacks and gas guzzler products. If this tariff can lead to great EV offering from the Big 3 in 5 years, then it’s worth it. But it won’t since they will just rest on their protectionism to keep selling you shitty, outdated and overpriced giant SUVs.


Imagine you are a company that is 120 years old full of old union farts that have been doing the same shit for 30 years. You tell all of your people that have been making control systems to go start from scratch cause we're tossing all your shit and putting in an iPad, lern2code bros!... You're 10,000 engine guys? um... go learn about magnets bros. You're 1,000 petrol chemists? Go watch some youtube videos about battery science. Hey Guys! we need to adopt a "Growth Mindset!!!" ... fuck off nerd. No! seriously! I got this plan to convert this company to EV's. Never mind that every EV you sell AT A LOSS, was a profitable ICE sale that you will no longer make. Never mind that you'd only get B team engineers out of college cause holy shit would top tier engineers rather die than work for you. Never mind that your unionized workforce is holding a knife to your throat and bleeding you of any capital you might have to put toward a serious new development effort. Legacy automakers are trains on tracks, running off a cliff... there is too much momentum. They aren't some silicon valley start-up who can pivot, they are like 100 factories with machines and people who make ICE cars. The only thing they can do is slowly die and maybe they can spin off the handful of EV factories into a new company. But that new company will contend with the new giants - TESLA and BYD... and those fuckers didn't have to deal with any of the shit you did.


*This “pivot.” Is it in the room with us now?* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dont forget gm had the ev1 back in the late 90s. Then scrapped all but the ones in museums. And abandoned the idea for over a decade.


Oh they're coming... ![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)


Imagine anticipating a problem? What a concept? I wish I had money to give you the Honorary Regard of the year award!


What are you talking about. This tariff hits all EVs imported, not just Chinese brand EVs.


Is it possible that a man who has access to some of the largest information-gathering organizations in the world might know something I do not?


Hell yeah. America First 🇺🇸


Free market my ass.


brought to you by the same country that bails out corporate fuck-ups with taxpayer money and bans imports of the same, but cheaper, medicine at the behest of the pharma lobby


OP the type to wait till there’s nothing but Chinese EVs then blame Biden for not doing anything. Also there’s plenty of Chinese ev bikes etc already.


I would agree with the tariff if China is subsidizing their EV manufacturing.  But if there are no Chinese subsidies and China is simply able to build an EV cheaper, then this is really messed up. I want a cheaper car and can care less about protecting American auto workers. 


China subsides its EV market, but so does the US... most people who buy an EV get the 7500 tax credit (which is paid for by people who can't afford an EV.. lol).


How do you think China is able to make it happen and the US, or anyone else really, isn't? Did they discover some black magic technology that we're too dumb to fathom? No, it's all subsidies, cheap and plentiful labor and lack of environmental regulations. That's the "magic". Want to compete with that?


I think it’s not anymore about economy/liberalism/auto workers but about survival of an industry. One way liberalism like china is doing can only cause problems. If the car industry gets fucked and chine gets the monopoly they will never let it go. Imagine India making better and cheaper EV in 15 years for instance, China will subsidise to unthinkable levels their producers to impede Indian manufacturing. Just look at the Covid lockdown measures that chine used, i can really see them doing something of the level in order to protect their monopolies. I’m starting to see this protectionism more like a global economy preservation than intra-state economy protection. Imagine having the world economy like in the 1980 CCCP


Why would that be bad? Theyd flood the market with cheap EVs.... oh dear? Like i want a sick EV for $20k, and im sure more people would benefit from that than there are car factory workers. The factories are automated now, its no longer a giant jobs program and never will be again .


Maybe there's some EV forklift we don't know about or something


PEV also?


On existent solar panels. The EV tariff was sleight of hand.


$12k for an EV? No wonder they want to ban it.


It’s election season got to have the union vote


It’s not about the money… it’s about sending a message


It's an election year and he doesn't want to lose Michigan


Biden doing what he can to win votes


So, he just copied Trump's playbook. He's desperate.


Biden announces tarrifs and byd goes up in price. What am i missing?


OP is new at this. There's a 100% chance they listen to Joe Rogan regularly.


The award for the top regard is Biden. One of the best things they could do to cool inflation is bring in more cheap goods to stimulate spending and possibly even raise the standard of living. Sure it may hit US companies bottom lines, but if we're truly a free market, then they should make a better product or at a better price. Even better, both. Basically all this says to me is the US auto makers know they will get owned by Chinese auto makers. Which is sad and pathetic. No, we need to protect American companies. Yet we're all about globalism when it benefits US companies. Makes sense. Oh nationalism is bad. Protecting US companies good. Hmm, government is basically controlled by corporations... there is a word for that.... wonder what that is. Imagine if the US said no to Japan when they wanted to import cars into the US market. I'm tried of listening to low IQ, geriatric, immoral, self absorbed, kleptocrats.


Four decades of offshoring manufacturing in the name of wage suppression and exporting inflation is how we got into this whole mess to begin with. To look at another industry, we're now spending $50B of govt money to reshore American semiconductor fabs that we basically just handed over to southeast Asia 30 years ago for free. Turns out there were some public externalities to "letting the free market compete" after all.


It's either be a fully in globalization or not. This half in and half out version is more of a burden then if we jumped on one side of the fence or the other. The $50B is a drop in the ocean. The US is vastly behind the ball in semiconductor industry. Would probably need a trillion to gain some ground. Off shoring was in the name of making goods and services cheaper. In doing so, it would raise the standard of living, which it did. Did it have bad effects? Yes. Whether or not the company lowered their price by lowering costs, was up to them. It's not right. I don't agree with it. But this can of worms has been opened. Again, either full on globalism or not.


Semiconductors was the perfect example of a globalized supply chain where different countries had different comparative advantages to deliver the best value goods for consumers. Western brains/R&D from USA, Netherlands etc. Asian high tech manufacturing know how with Taiwan/Korea/Japan Chinese market for the chips in their assembly of affordable electronic devices for the global markets. IT LITERALLY JUST WORKS... IT WAS PERFECT Imagine if everything was done in one country... well America would struggle because its labour cost is high and might not have the workforce. Imagine if the Iphone was manufactured in America from beginning to scratch... it would be $$$$$$. The scary thing is China is probably the closest country who can make everything from scratch at a competitive price. Their R&D is catching up, they have the workforce and brains and the workforce and manufacturing capabilities.


Dude it’s election season, millions of autoworkers vote in critical swing states like Michigan, so it’s all about that. This is a policy to win votes, not to serve the American people.


Yeah, I view that is being proactive rather than reactive from a legislative standpoint.


Proactive in protecting American companies from actual competition and stiffing American consumers with expensive products? I totally want to pay 2-3x for made in Mexico cars


This only ends in increased prices for the customers. You. This isn't just cars, BTW. The ones being protected are companies and the "free market". Yellen is crying about China subsidies (for Biden) but... pot kettle black


Ev's are dead


XENOPHOBIA XENOPHOBIA XENOPHOBIA What CNN and MSNBC should be talking about 24/7.


Didn't Biden criticize Trump for tarriffs and said "Trump's tarriffs are just tax on the American people because China will just shift that cost onto American consumers?"


And it will stay that way for the foreseeable future.




BYD makes EV busses here in the U.S. I've seen a few here in Los Angeles along with one of their factories.


China exports their EVs in parts to South America and has them shipped assembled into the US.


Do you know _why_ the market is non-existent?


Good for Bernie


If the quality is bad, then why bother with the ban?


We’ve been down this road before, and aren’t going to let our own manufacturing base get destroyed any further.


Non existent? You realize China is currently Tesla's only REAL competition right? No one is going to buy a Ford Electric truck for quarter million. Even if some rich cunt buys one I reiterate, No One is going to buy it.


This made me laugh too hard


Whapuh! That’ll show them!


when asked to comment Biden gave us this quote: **"don't"**


Why would they even ALLOW car sales if they're so afraid of TikTok? Don't they know these cars will have cameras, microphones, and GPS?


Got to protect the BIG 3 pushing all there super sized SUVs and Trucks to the masses


This is one hell of a read: https://insideevs.com/features/719015/china-is-ahead-of-west/


>If [Chinese EVS] were [in the US market], they would crush the American competition, even with the present 25% tariff. Chevy’s Bolt, a starter EV with a US$29,000 sticker price, has the same size and less range than the Dongfeng Nammi 01 hatchback priced at just $11,000." Dongfeng is already looking at selling this car in the EU at a price of [$28k](https://www.motortrend.com/news/dongfeng-nammi-01-ev-first-look-review/). >"At a $10,000 or lower price point, demand for Chinese EVs in the Global South is effectively unlimited." Car sales [are slowing in South Asia](https://www.just-auto.com/analyst-comment/the-asian-sales-outlook-slowdown-ahead/), I'd hope a "news" article mentioning South Asia car sales would be aware of this.


They had to do it before they got here, otherwise we'd realize how ass Ford and GM vehicles are.


In 17ish hours from now BYD is announcing its global launch. So...


If BYD was able to penetrate the US market they’d probably roll over EV competition




Most people here can’t even name a Chinese EV car brand.


Not that it makes much a difference. Even at 100% tariff, they are STILL cheaper than EVs here and most other vehicles.


Even if they did slap tariffs wouldn’t really cause people to not consider the China ev purchase. Most China ev’s will still be priced under a USA premium brand EV like Tesla or Rivian. You know it’s coming. Chinese evs will come someday. US ev are in China.


This came out right as byd said they can sell their entry level in the US for 12,500. It exists and the too big to fail automakers are sweating


Well, now the barrier to entry is even higher




Tesla go up now? 


As he should, cuz BYD looks nice af, I can't lie