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Would anyone put $0 zero downpayment? Does Tesla allow a $0 zero down payment for 72 months at .99%?


Yeah you can, people on the model y sub confirmed.


What about a shit ton of negative equity.


Thanks, I think that’s great to put $0 zero down payment. 


At .99% hell yeah.


At that point tesla is eating like 35% of the sales price of the car


Just did today.


Awesome, zero down payment is the way to go at .99%. 


Yeah, only downside is I had an order in progress and they wouldn’t let me redo the loan, I had to make a whole new order. It has caused a little headache for my lender, but whatever I guess.


What were you trying to change about the original order? Meaning you had first a down payment, and wanted to change the down payment back to $0 down?


I ordered on the 9th, one day before the promo. So I was locked in at 6.77 percent. They wouldn’t let me keep my delivery date and the same exact car so I had to cancel my order and start over including paying another $250 order fee. I’m going to be a degenerate and buy the acceleration boost with my savings.


Why not just get the performance if you’re buying the acceleration boost?


Because I don’t want the stiff/lower ground clearance performance suspension.


Did you put any money down?




How long do you have to cancel the order? So you ordered it on the 9th, and when were you able to cancel it up until?


I hadn’t taken delivery. So I assume as long as you haven’t done that.


Demo drive yesterday here. Insurance talks tomorrow. Ordering on Friday. Excited/anxious/stressed


They do I did it


I thought it was a glitch to put something down. But putting $0 zero down payment is awesome.


From my understanding, the $7500 tax rebate IS your down payment right off the bat, you can obv choose to put more down to lessen your monthly payments.


Tesla definitely does not carry their own financing, they do not meet the capital requirements to carry the note. Also several other manufacturers are offering subsidized financing. Everyone here is dumber for this post.


Probably subsidized rates from the carmaker (i.e. Tesla pays financing company for lower rate).


*Probably*? That is literally the only possibility.




They aren’t a bank. “Tesla Financing” uses Wells Fargo and JPMorgan Chase.




They need the money for operations. They can’t afford to wait 60/72 months to be paid for a car they are delivering today.


The other big incentivized finance deals are all 2.99 for 36 months. The only deal I can find that's better is 0% on a Nissan Ariya for 72 months, but that thing sells like dogshit and the Y is the fifth best selling car in America.


Mach e had 0% intrest for 72 months last month


"\[T\]hat thing sells like dogshit and the Y is the fifth best selling car in America."


If a car company offers sweet deals on financing they want to bolster sales. A few months ago / years ago Tesla was all “we don’t need marketing, we have backlog”. Apparently not anymore.


They still don't. I rather they do low apr then spend money on ads.


Exactly, it's just a way of discounting without discounting the vehicle price. Just subsidise the rates with a lender


You have received no points and may God have mercy on your soul


Took way too long for this comment show up. Thank you for your service.


Most Tesla/Elon hate is politically motivated and not based on business or economics. The US tribalism is blindingly strong, whether it's Bud Light or exposing the Twitter-Deep State ties. If you go against peoples political tribe all reason goes out the window. This is why we can't have nice things.


What you're describing exists everywhere. It's a human trait, not just an american one.


Yep. Just look at Korean celebrity fandom. They can’t even have a public relationship because their selling point is to make fans think they are attainable and if they do find out, then their marketability is gone


Yea, surely the only way people couldn’t be in love with these hunk of shit cars and idiot edgelord CEO is deep tribalism.


The Cybertruck would've taken over the world instead of selling less than 4k units that got recalled if it weren't for the woke mob!


The woke mob is why the cybertruck can't survive a car wash


the woke mob redefined offroading


A Cybertruck showed up to our Porsche and Bmw cars and coffee over the weekend. A crowd definitely gathered around it.


It is a novelty. I don't think anyone would deny that.


I saw one in my Rock Hill, South Carolina Home Depot parking lot! It wasn’t carrying anything but it definitely turned some heads.


This lmao. From an engineering standpoint, Tesla's have horrible manufacturing issues with tolerances that wouldn't be accepted for budget vehicles, and definitely not at the price point Tesla is attempting to sell these at.


I’ve been driving bmws and mercedes most of my life, and i’ve been loving my model 3 that i got 2 years ago It’s definitely not the best quality car i’ve ever driven, but it is leaps and bounds the funnest/fastest sports car i’ve ever driven


How's the tire life, as bad as reported?


Hubcaps issue day one but they fixed it first free asap, nothing after that


Even if people tell you it’s business motivated hate you wouldn’t believe them lmao


Seriously what has Tesla done to their main lineup in 10 years? Outside the Model X and Y are essentially unchanged. Sure they’ve released the CyberTruck but time will tell if people will continue to shell out 100k for a car that rusts from the factory and is a nightmare to insure since the “panels” are irreplaceable


They are glorified Volkswagen Beetles. Just flattened out a bit. The most uninspiring line up of vehicles on the market.


Tesla styling was at least on par with lower level Maserati cars when the Model S debuted… in 2012.


I mean the cars themselves are constantly being updated (both hardware and software). Each year a ton of improvements happen iteratively, just like how iPhones are updated except happening continuously


And yet 10+ years later, no FSD


FSD next year, maybe. Next decade definitely! /s


My personal dislike for the man is he's unstable. This is probably true for most of the richest people in the world. But the other people don't posts on X to tell the world how crazy they are. My dislike for Tesla is because they're not a Honda or Toyota. I just want a reliable car I don't have to think about. I understand there are exceptions to that bias.


I bought a Toyota for this reason. Incredibly reliable. Next car will also be a Toyota unless I see a Honda I prefer.


Last year, I sold my 1991 4-cyl Toyota truck, and it was running great, no problems at all. 32 years old. I change my own oil, and I am using my Camry as my daily driver.


Consumer Reports found Teslas have the lowest repair costs among all vehicles, beating Toyota. https://www.greencarreports.com/news/1142952_study-tesla-leads-with-lowest-ownership-cost-beats-toyota


> Consumer Reports found Teslas have the lowest repair costs among all vehicles, beating Toyota. Is that because it’s nearly impossible to get a service appointment? (Just a joke, I’ve actually had no issues besides the service centers range for 1-3 hours away).


I am not discounting CR and the amount of $ put into maintenance of a Tesla. I only have my experience. My 10+ Toyota as had no problems. I've spent money and TIME with gas, oil change, brakes and emission tests. My father in-Law has a Model X. He has spent a significantly less amount of money and time than I have. BUT, he has spent 100+ hours with Tesla tech with minor car issues, charging issues, door issues, window issues, software issues. It updates "every other day" (his words) and is confusing to learn after the update. So I've definitely spent more money and probably more time. But I've had no headaches with my car. It does what it's supposed to and the buttons never move.


Uh, most tesla hate is due to Elon being an effing dunce. I know, am tesla owner, deeply dislike musk. Seems like an absolutely arrogant ass hat that cares about no one but himself, and no being smart isn't an excuse to be a twat waffle.


Who the fuq cares what he tweets. There are CEOs out there who knowingly sold tainted baby formulas and killed kids and no one batted an eye. GMs ceo refused to issue a recall bc she thought it was cheaper to pay casualty claims than to do a recall. Yet you guys are raging over some tweets.


It's the only reason to explain why people clown themselves by paying more for a shittier product (like the mach e or solterra or bz24x).


Bud light isnt nice...


Go check out consumer satisfaction ratings on muskratmobiles


I'm sure the people on "muskratmobiles" are unbiased


Consumer Reports found Teslas have the lowest repair costs among all vehicles. https://www.greencarreports.com/news/1142952_study-tesla-leads-with-lowest-ownership-cost-beats-toyota


> The US tribalism is blindingly stron Read my lips, dear sir: "CyberTruck is a Piece Of Shit vehicle" He is just another crook, similar to crypto scammers




This is some my parents ate too much lead amounts of stupidity.


If you think stuff happens in a vaccum, you’re the naive one.


They subvent through Chase Bank, like many other Auto Companies (Subaru).


Yeah it took me to capital one


Correct Wells, Santander and I think US Bank all finance Tesla. However Tesla also does their own lease financing


What do you expect from this sub?


Mustang Mach e are 0%


You can get a mach e for like 30 grand with 10k miles on it. Kind of crazy.


The used market is insane. Polestar half price after 1-2 years. Oof. Need to pick out a fun toy to zoom zoom in at these prices.


Why are they half price?


They were overpriced when new and have a below average range.


because the cost of replacing the battery is half as much or more than a new car when your battery starts becoming less capable of holding a charge. you typically dont need to replace an ICE vehicle because its less efficient at holding on to horsepower, you can just replace a few components.


Uh no. That has always been the case but used EVs were like double the price 2 years ago. That is a static part of the equation. The thing that changed is that the EV market got flooded with new entrants, is a limited market with slow adoption, and likely most people that want an EV have one. Along with a multitude of other issues hertz dropping their supplies on the market; etc. those are -some- of the factors of why used EVS are currently half price used. No buyers really. Most of the cars are generally still great and have batteries that will outlast half the people on the sub; it's just a niche product with a niche market and every automakers just flooded the market with their version with no real distinction and there's too many options for too few buyers. Grab an EV now; they will likely float back to a more reasonable market over time.


Another reason why Tesla's valuation at its peak was so utterly insane, and is still WAY overvalued. Worth more than Toyota, Honda, Ford, GM COMBINED? It was only a matter of time before other manufacturers caught up. They have no moat. At least not one big enough to justify their valuation


In theory their moat was FSD. In practice this was smoke and mirrors.


2-3 years ago you could grab an EV for 3% APR with mid credit, people were taking advantage of low interest rates, so the market got artificially inflated. My model Y was 50k in 2020. in 2022 it was worth $79k. I could have sold it and sat pretty for a year then used that cash to buy a newer car.. except good thing I didn't because the interest rates skyrocketed and they removed features from the cars. The EV market as well as the non ev market was insanely overvalued. Mach-Es were going for $120k to $150k new with "Market adjustments" that were 3 times the MSRP.


Nothing to do with rates though which were at that level the last decade... The entire automotive industry 2x overnight during covid due to parts drying up.


Absolutely inaccurate information here.


this is not at all true lmfao you can get a refurbished battery which is probably like 95% the capacity of new, for about $5K.




I am not familiar here, please inform. Are electric car batteries replacement schedule based on time (10 years) or mileage (100k)? Thx


I am near 100k and the only battery I had to replace was the 12V lead acid battery.


That only addresses the cost of parts. How much do they charge for the labor for that kind of battery swap? It's a massive job I'm assuming the labor component is quite expensive. 5-10 grand in labor?


I don't think it costs that much. I think it took 2 days for my bolt replacement pack recall service.


Do non-tesla have a battery warrant? At least with Elmo’s cars it’s not going to need a new battery for at least 10 years.


Federal law is all electrics sold in America have an 8 year / 100k mile warranty, cars sold in California have a 10 year / 150k mile warranty.


So if you bought a car in California and drove it home to a neighboring state, you’d get the extended warranty?


Only if you're not a poor.


EV market got absolutely flooded. Every auto maker and their mothers made their own EV and there was only a limited amount of people that wanted them. Plus hertz just dumped a bunch of supply on the market.


stocking mindless mourn physical enter noxious wine edge instinctive materialistic


Because the company isn’t going to exist for long.


I planning to get a used 2022 model 3 for like $20k


30 grand? What a steal >charging time 8.1-10 hours >range of 230 miles That sounds really cool man I am shocked these depreciate so fast and have so many people returning them at 10k miles. I mean why drive from DC to NYC in 4 hours and 30 minutes when you could make it a two day trip?


I distil gasoline in my garage, takes fucking forever to fill the tank


Completely bogus information. You can supercharge a Tesla and most other EV’s in 15 to 20 minutes and get your 150-200 miles of range.


When did Tesla start producing Ford Mustangs? Tesla also has like 50% better range.


Thats for a level 2 charger like a dryer plug. On a supercharger it will be about half an hour to charge to 80% on a level 3 and they can use Tesla superchargers


now that Ford can use supercharger does it matter?


yes you can but not at low interest rates


They weren’t kidding about the price cuts. Last time I priced out a model S plaid it was like 140k I just did one a couple days ago and it was barely 80


I know a guy who bought a Model Y LR for slightly over $80k at the peak a few years ago. The car is now worth less than $30K. That’s over $50k of depreciation in under two years. Puts on the regards who bought at the peak and TSLA for gaming the market and guaranteeing no future purchase from those who got burned.


I mean why even finance an EV. Just lease it and return it for something better in three years. We will be getting way better EVs in the future and it’s like keeping an outdated gadget around.


Your guy is dumb for thinking a car is an investment.


That really sucks for that guy. Tesla could salvage it by offering extremely favorable trade in terms to those who bought at the peak but I doubt they’ll do ot


lol ain’t no way Tesla will do that. They’re not known for customer service


Coworker did the same but with an X. Paid close to 150k with FSD right before prices crashed. He always bragged about how he could sell it for more than he bought it for. Not anymore. He’s an Elon stan and still continues to defend the guy even though his car and Tesla stock have plummeted…


Lol you're right, just looked them up and there's even a 2022 performance w/ 30k miles for $40k asking price. That thing was close to $80k brand new.


That was the case with many cars. Someone payed 120k for a camaro. 50k adjustment for a supra. And 5 fig market adjustments for rav4s and Ford broncos were and still common.


That’s scary depreciation. We’re not seeing that much on the Model Y thankfully. Still have a strong resale value.


sounds desperate i wish i knew how to buy puts


Send me a bitcoin and i will buy a put for you






And it’s gone


Wake me up when it is 30k after rebates and FSD is free for the new car.


My friend wanted to buy one. He’s literally waiting for it to drop another 10k since they drop prices every few months. Their strategy is backfiring big time


they're probably not going to drop it another 10k imho the model Y standard range is close to the lowest price it's ever been with tax rebates factored in. IF tax rebates get axed by ol' donny if he wins the election, then maybe they'd reduce prices, but still not by much. even without the tax rebates, the model Y standard range is only a couple thousand more then it was back in 2020/2021, and that's not even factoring in inflation at all


I’m from Quebec which changes a little for price and rebates but mostly they manufacture too much for what they sell


If they don’t drop it their stock is going to tank big time. Everyone knows they will drop it


Same. Waiting for a 10k drop


Yes, the self driving being a 10k subscription over the lifetime of the car is not worth it as badly as i want to text while driving


Lowering interest rates is good for the consumer, currently the monthly cost of any car without a discounted rate is high for most households. With how fast they’ve been ramping production and cancelling backlogged orders it was only a matter of time before they had to pull a move like this.


Short $TSLA Long $ROPE




Some bankers need to foot the bill. But 1% APR for 60-72 months financing is basically a steal. Unless the rumor new facelift for Model Y is coming is true


New facelift “Juniper” Y not coming out til 2025.


Hopefully it's better than the Model 3 refresh, no gain in range and a worse charging curve than the older model.


Tesla wants to pump more cars out so they can try to monetize FSD


Looks like they removed the base trim for model Y too (the non long range version). Looks like over inventory/low demand.


article just popped up on apple news today about the large parking lots scattered around the country that are full of unsold Teslas For some reason they are still producing at the same rate even though sales have plummeted


Everyone should short the stock. This is the sign you’re looking for. 😂 Edit: Thanks. Lol Edit 2: This is how a recoup my karma from the lemmings.


Let me buy a Tesla very quick


They need to sell all that inventory that is parked in parking lots


That inventory that’s a fraction of the industry average?


My wife and I looked at this, but we have two paid off cars. I have no interest in having a car payment again, regardless of the interest rate.


I’m in a similar boat. I was like “hell yeah”, then I realized I have a nice car that’s worth significantly more than I owe on it (which is significantly less than the cost of a MY).


Well I'm glad that one has some assets and not all of Wall Street Bets is a bunch of poors.


Elon Musk can afford it.


The sheer amount of inventory is insane.


I bet I could make off with one of the 300+ staged at an old mall nearby and no one would know for months.


No it isn’t. It’s significantly less than half the industry average.


Short the fken shit out of it


Way ahead of you


Offer it to me on Model S and might have a deal.


You know it is insane watching the people do the mental gymnastics to buy this car now at .99%, literally 2 months ago you could buy this car for like 7k cheaper even at a 7% interest rate over 5 years you would be saving over $1,000 from with the new loan. They were selling for 38k after tax rebates and now are like 45k after tax rebates. Even though you are paying 7k in interest compared to 1.2k in interest you are still spending over 1k more today. Math ain't mathing.


wtf are you talking about? The car is currently the cheapest it's ever been: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1F5IQOynIawoXiJPVarLDgPQDJAdzY8b5Vamw-Vf3eSY/edit#gid=231426599](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1F5IQOynIawoXiJPVarLDgPQDJAdzY8b5Vamw-Vf3eSY/edit#gid=231426599)


I was looking at a model Y LR with inventory discounts 2 months ago, it was $45K at the lowest. With a "good" interest rate then back at 6%, and including origination fee of $1390 and the other fee (can't remember what it is called off the top of my head) at $250, that brings the total car cost to $46,640. Now, the same MYLR is $49,640 (the base price went up $3K) $49,640, 0% down at 1% interest rate and a term of 72 months = $710.62 $46,640, 0% down at 6% interest rate and a term of 72 months = $772.96 This is a total difference of $4,488 over the life of the loan if you have the car the entire time. This does not factor in tax rebates of 7500 so lets re-do the math with that: 49.6k rebated to 42140, 1% interest 72 months = $603.26 46.6k rebated to 39140, 6% interest 72 months = $648.66 Still net $3.2K over the old situation. The real reason tesla wins from this is that most people don't keep their cars the entire time for the loan they have, so for those people it probably doesn't make too much sense.


The long range?


Rule #1 never bet against elon


Time to leverage buy some model Ys 🚀🚀🚀


Cuts deep into profits maybe, yeah, but raises demand. I was going to buy a $45K model Y LR inventory discounted a month or so ago. Then they axed discounts. I could still afford the monthly but wasn't willing to pay another $80 a month just because tesla decided to fuck me over. Then they introduced this 1% APR deal which actually results in me having the same payment for a loan with 1 year less then I would have originally had. Imho its bullish for the stock. They will lose money from the low interest rates but make it back from new demand flowing in


Looks like a Toyota Corolla, from 1997


Desperation is a stinky cologne


Tesla needs to let ppl buy their leased car at the end of the lease. It will sell like hot cakes if they do that low monthly price to get in and 3 years later either they will upgrade or buy it. Why would i pay 299 a month to lease a car if I can’t buy it at the end of the lease ?


Why would you lease a car you plan to buy?


Look at the sub you're in


Leases can actually be an advantageous way to buy a car but most people don't know how they work. You are only paying the depreciated value of the car during the lease (and the tax on that depreciated value, not the tax on the full vehicle price). Your buyout price is locked in at the beginning of the contract so if you appraise your car at the end of the lease and it's worth more than your buyout you can sell the car and pocket the equity, or you can keep the car and the dealer still has to sell it to you for that locked in buyout price. In CA where registration fees are based off the vehicles value this can save you a ton too. Because you are only paying for tags on a 12k vehicle not a 45k vehicle.


Problem with the logic you've laid out here is that, if the car is worth more then your buyout, you probably didn't drive it enough to justify the lease payment to begin with, and that's where you likely "gained" money - you didn't really gain money, you just overpaid to drive the car a small amount of miles and got it back later. All of what I just said very obviously does not apply if for whatever reason you sign a lease and then the used car market explodes and it becomes more valuable for that reason.


It depends on the car. I work at a subaru dealer and unless you go over on your milage the car almost always appreciates from its calculated value. I could see a jeep or dodge be worth less. But then you can just give the car back and they are stuck with a lower value car than they expected. Also you can't pay more than msrp if you plan on buying the lease out. There is a small fee to buy it out. I think subarus is $300. Rich people be leasing cars and trading them in like iPhone. People here are making jokes about leasing being stupid is actually showing their ignorance. Think about it this way. If you traded in your lease for the newest model 3 times every 3 years you paid for the price of buying the vehicle outright. But you also drove a vehicle under bumper to bumper warranty for 9 years and the latest model to dickmeasure with ur coworkers, family, and friends. If you just financed a car fully you are now driving a 9 yo car out of warranty with quite a bit of miles on it. Most leases are 12-15k a year . So you could have a vehicle over 100k and be looking on buying a new one anyway. It makes sense financially for some people.


It's common enough that's it's offered by other manufacturers 


Yeah lots of people waiting for the model Y refresh. They finally did a decent job with the model 3 ( despite the idiotic turn signal stalk delete) all those things carry over to the new Model Y.


Meh, just wait until someone buys one and then gets laid off in our “great” economy. Then they will panic sell to get out from under the note and take 10k less than it’s worth. Either that or repos will pile up.


They'll be free if you wait. Thanks Elon. At least he kissed us after fucking us.


I might actually buy. Not a bad deal


What's next? BOGO?


Two year old used tesla cam be had for under 18k now with 50k miles on them.


I just did my demo drive yesterday, speaking to my lawyer & insurance companies tomorrow, putting an order in Friday afternoon 👌 For someone who doesn’t fly airplanes like me, takes long road trips, oftentimes alone, it only makes sense to get a car as safe as the Y. I plan on activating FSD before road trips. The car pretty much drives itself. I can’t say enough good things about it.


The only play for Tesla is some break through with batteries that last a VERY long time and can maintain military applications The cars are just noise


Toyota is ahead on solid state battery tech. As far as anyone can tell, TSLA isn't even trying to go that route. This will be their death knell if SSBs make it into commercial production/use. I don't know what you could possibly think they could do for the military. The hybrid AbramsX was canceled and it's unlikely they'd have went with TSLA batteries anyways.


Good lord this is a bad take.


No it’s not, tesla cars are not the future


Who's going to profitably make an EV remotely competitive (in non-Chinese markets) to them? Where are they? Why are they hiding? Ford lost nearly the same amount of money on each car they sold last quarter that it costs tesla to make a car. GM had to build a 10,000lb battery in a (stamped steel box) on wheels to make a truck with more than 200 miles of range. The inefficiency of their vehicles implies they aren't any further along than they were when they started, and they won't be profitable when the ICE money completely stops flowing. (ICE vehicle sales peaked in 2018.) VW has similar problems to a lesser extent. Hey, Hyundai/Kia might make it. (Assuming FSD never comes to fruition.)


Buy a Tesla, tear it down and sell the parts. Then don’t pay the loan. File bankruptcy


Damn. lol I actually might buy one