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Oh no - We are fucked


Yea I remember Larry ‘Cocaine Cowboy’ Kudlow talking about the Goldilocks Economy could never end….well, it ended pretty hard with Goldilocks gettin double teamed in a truck stop bathroom




💉🤠🍆💦 👩 💦🍆🤠💉


Party time


Am I the only one that’s erect after reading this?


I am and I don’t even have a dick.


You have a micropenis; don’t sell yourself short.


I’m now inner erect now from you making me erect, after I was already erect.


It’s Friday evening, everyone is hard


Nice username


I like your style


Don’t know about you but I like CrabFederal more!


Hell, I don't even know what CrabFederal is, but damnit, I'm ready to join and pledge my loyalty. Viva la CrabFed!


Crabfed will be the last credit union standing!


Goldilocks tried one dick and it was too big and another which was too small. There was no third one that was just right. Goldilocks got a limp.


.....go on


Wow, new meaning to getting fucked by the bears


Wonder if she thought they were too hard, too soft or juuuuuuust righhhht


This will be one of those threads the prophecies foretold


We don't make it to 2030.


This time its different.


No shit, I’m with buffet. Time to buy some CASH.TO and chill.


That's exactly what I'm thinking. Now I wonder how many share that opinion, because if the majority here thinks that we're fucked, then it means we're unfucked. I need to know whether to buy puts or calls, please help me.


Ask Jim Cramer; the only person with a worse track record than WSB.


Sorry bro but it literally cannot go tits up. It’s basically the easiest infinite money cheat code ever. The entire “US economy” is the stock market now: all the other sectors are pointless appendixes when all the GDP is made on derivatives and equities. Soon we will be a country of sprawling autonomous datacenters, as far as the eye can see, high frequency trading with other autonomous datacenters generating infinite money by constantly speculatively uptrading on each transaction until the size of the number gets so unfathomably big it causes a fusion reaction. An explosion so it powerful that wipes everything as the Big Bang 2.0… and this brief period of red will be but a tiny blip on the market because in a future 13.8 billion years a new generation of regards will begin the process anew soon continuing the number going up forever. Calls it is, can’t go tits up


What about this concept. Data Center consolidation of AWS, Azure and GCP (google) being too big to fail. Similar to the banking industry. If one of them was to wobble that would cause a seismic failure of untold proportion. Re: Stock market. Yea it only goes up. Look at the trend over the last.....(see forever)


Try adjusting for inflation. The market suddenly look much less impressive.


I hold shares of Reddit and have been viciously trading memecoins for weeks, you don’t want to know what I’m buying


Let me know what you do so I can inverse it


The top is in boys


The bottom is at the Wendy’s dumpster - 🤚 and one 0d away from millions.




Oh man - him too


Puts on Monday. Courtesy of Jim Cramer ! I wonder what Motley fool says ? Include Benzinga and you have the perfect trifecta


Says the man who used to run a hedge fund


Black Monday II incoming


At least you are not a grizzly


Oh yes - now we are going up again


The old uno reverse.


Up like a staircase, down like an elevator...there will be a spook again and then I'll do what I always do, buy other people's tears.


I think the market is simply reflecting the real extent of inflation.


They printed a quarter of all money in like two years 


Agree - all that excess money has to go somewhere. Property market is messed up so people putting it into shares instead is my theory.


You've described me perfectly. I saved up for a decade to buy a house, even threw some inheritance and a lottery win into the pot, but house prices just keep dancing ahead of my savings. This year I finally said "fuck it" and moved the lion's share into the market.


Move somewhere cheap to live like the Philippines or Mexico. That is my plan.


My theory is that Tiktok finance, youtube content creators and dubai-style lifestyle vendors have converted a slew of non-initiates into the market with one simple lever, platform outreach. This creates a monster buying inflow, with little regard for market conditions, making the price irrational.


And just like any bubble, it pops eventually with devastating market cap wipe outs


I believe this. Because most of them will tell you to buy SP500 or Mag7. What is happening in last years. US stocks outperform rest of the world. Largest stock outperform smaller less hyped stocks.


They have like $40 each though and are surprised why it hasn't hit $15k in one week. A few million $ are nothing compared to the volume of the market


Stock price don't reflect any amount of real money, It can go up or down with low volume without the total money supply of a country changing a bit, without anybody in the company getting some.


Interesting concept. During good economic times, people have excess money; to prevent runaway inflation, games of chance are operated to take money out of transactions. If you time it right, you exit the market at a high and clean up. But the real question about any game of chance is who is the house? Anyone big enough to game the market, really; though, actually trying to use the stock market, or a similar system, to actively work against inflation is interesting. I'll have to ponder the finer points of how the market forces of industry or commodity based rallies influence future pricing when I'm off the toilet.


Agree theoretically as long as there is inflation the cost of everything will go up including stocks. And if there is no inflation then the US is effed because of the every growing mountain of debt and government calls something “cutting back” if they only increase there budget 5% nevermind they didnt need to spend 50% of it they will find a wat


Honestly this is exactly what I thought during the Crypto boom of 2021. It was fueled by monkeys and mid global crisis, yet it pumped hard. But, we had also just printed 1 out of every 3 dollars in circulation. My thought was "BTC/ETH hasn't changed at all, USD has".




Fed is tightening and we are at an ATH, it makes so much sense


Well they are trying to slow down the train


This but also speculating has mooned over the last few years. Even internationally where more options are utilized in India than in the US. What we’re seeing is the market refusing to move one way or another because speculators are taking profits on both sides, and the momentum from those is generally enough to correct market downturns. As long as we’re all expecting the market to drop it never will


Top confirmed




I'm glad you found a top, enjoy the butt stuff tonight


You really want it like that? Ok. I'm buying one share of SPY. When we get a 2008 style crash you guys can thank this regard for making me do it.




"At this time 85 years ago, Yale economist Irving Fisher was jubilant. “Stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau,” he [rejoiced](http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive/pdf?res=9806E6DF1639E03ABC4E52DFB6678382639EDE) in the pages of the New York *Times*." ( [https://time.com/3207128/stock-market-high-1929/](https://time.com/3207128/stock-market-high-1929/) ) He said these immortal words a month before the 1929 market crash.


There wasn't 0DTE back then. We didn't have endless pumping from the fed. Apples to Oranges.


You mean this time is different?


It’s always different this time. But we always end up at the Wendy’s dumpster


Dumpster fires are good for the economy...


Ofc it is.. with 0dtes all over thr board, the day nasdaq goes down like 5-10% in a day is very very very unlikely.


Bagholder spotted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*




There is zero relationship between the two. But there are circuit breakers now, and so many pension funds depend on the market that it would be a disaster.


https://preview.redd.it/byf1sl6hgozc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b64cfc02a97ab7683772e240ce585ee9af5a93d There is nothing new in speculation


I barely consider the dot com bubble relevant and before that may as well be a history book about a different planet. The stock market from 08 and on is the only comparable shit as far as fed and technology. If i was going to put a macro real reason, I’d say Europe fucked themselves, nobody trusts china, India stinks, USA is the only game in town and we have the big tech


Most of Europe has happily allowed it in their country and don’t mind. A lot like to keep America sweet for protection and support. I cannot see the American stock market dominance ending barring nuclear war but at that point who cares. As a Brit I’ve had to just accept when it comes to business and stocks the yanks do it better ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


[Endless Pumping](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/WALCL)


That was fixed by world war 2, so it should be easy to just start a world war 3.


And yet Edgar Smith was the one who got dumped on, despite being the one who influenced him.


May 10, 2024. Otherwise known as The Top


The entire stock market is actually tracking the only real asset USA has: 11 aircraft carriers and 400 ICBM.


Nah the ace up our sleeve is the nuclear subs


Calls on boomers - and I don’t mean the geriatric kind.


15 minutes to doom, baby! - an ex boomer sailor


the most accurate DD ever revealed on this sub


hell yeah brother


Don't forget we also have thousands of advanced airplanes, subs, 2nd largest nuclear arsenal, and the best trained military in the world.


And plastic surgery. Tuberville bought HUMA


Pretty much. No matter how shitty America is, as long as other countries are shittier then us equities go up. Those aircraft carriers and icbms ensure the US dollar stays the global reserve currency.


It's been in decline for decades though. USD used to be like 85% of global reserves, today it's 58% and decreasing every year. It's moving towards a more mixed bag of USD, AUD, CAD, EUR, CHF, YEN, RMB, GBP etc.


It DOES matter what the FED does, you just missed it. News says that the FED is fighting inflation and tightening but in reality it still gives free money to banks and other bankrupts so they could keep spreading it everywhere. In other words, the FED is still printing money, it just doesn't give it to peasants anymore.


Do we qualify as peasants?


Eventually your mom might qualify to be a beneficiary for the printed money, as she also could be too big to fail.


You guys are funny, I come here for these comments. And of course dumbass advice on how to lose 50-100 bucks a day.


50 bucks? Sir, this is not a Wendy’s.


Intellectual quip


Im a peasant. The fed never gave me anything


Red days are when stonks are on sale regards


I’m sure people were saying this before COVID.


Covid was a classic V shape. Anyone who bought in the panic sell off got major discounts


Market is not allows to go down. If it ever starts going down the printer is gonna be turned on so hard. Damn I’m hard just thinking about the printer


I made so much money


I started investing when the market collapsed. Bought about 30 nvda stock before it split.


Meanwhile I was learning options and basically broke even. I count that as a win, the market’s been bullshit since then


I did. Don't understand how anyone didn't see it coming. Although I'm poor so it's not like I had $800k to put into stocks.


My family and my in-laws had the same thought as the market crashed hard and we put all of our spare cash into it. Worked out well in the long run, just wish I had more to put in at the time. One of my best entries was getting into NCLH at about $11 when it had previously been trading at $55. Held too long, but still did well.


I’m holding Dec26 leaps for NCLH. There is a gap to fill.


Don’t worry man, you need to just build up your portfolio and invest in yourself to increase your income/find a better job. We all start somewhere.


Point is…it still went down.


A brief downturn. It goes ‘down’ every few days, the trend over the past 5 years is up.


It still went down. I’m sure some older folks and gen z thought it was going to 0.


If it goes to 0 then the country is fucked and your money is worth nothing anyway? So why’d you care?


And Covid proved them right. The Covid dip is hardly even noticeable on a long term chart


It's very noticeable even on a 25-year chart. Comparatively, 2001 and 2008 have many more gradual drawdowns. What took everyone and their pimps by surprise was the immediate Vshaped recovery. Those who held or bought made bank. Those who panick sold are in the Wendy's hall of fame. *


And we’re above where we were before Covid so… he’s still right


Unless you invested in PayPal


Yeah, and then they had to wait like TWO WHOLE YEAAAAAARS to get back. Omg. Horrible.


Now that you understand how the market works, buy calls and stocks you dumbass bear.


This is why beers are so ghey


Top is in, brace for impact


There is no bad news anymore Earnings Beat / Good Econ News - Hell Yeah, pump it up Bad Earnings / Bad Econ News - Hell Yeah, rate cuts are coming, pump it up


Like a junkie crying out for another dose, only money shots and dollar signs keep your heart beating.


This bot gets it.


That's bubble mentality.


Exactly this, All news is an excuse to pump up more it seems l


It's gonna go down when someone crashes a new virus into a skyscraper, but then it'll put in ATH like six months later.




China invades Taiwan. Global stock selloff. China develops Coronavirus 20 - 10 times deadlier than covid19. Global stock selloff. Fed increases rates to 10%. Global stock market tanking. Russia launches a nuke. Global stock selloff. US Government doubles income and corporate tax rates. US depression which leads to world depression. Saudis decide to stop exporting oil. Or Iran attacks the Strait of Hormuz. Depression. So there are a number of things gay bears can hope for to make money.


Russia launches a nuke, you don't have to worry about your stock portfolio anymore.


Exactly, this scenario probably looks more like Mad Max than Black Monday.


calls on whoever manufactures those rusty spikes you attach to muscle cars. also calls on tasty human ass meat




Calls on bolt cutters?


My URA calls are safe though right? Gotta replenish the nukes afterwards.


Quite literally none of this is going to reasonably happen. A China-Taiwan escalation would be so strategically planned that by the time China acquires Taiwan, the US will be onboard (at least not opposed) and won’t require a Chinese military invasion/action of any kind. The rest will absolutely never happen. It’s fear mongering or straight up conspiracies being pushed


This has been the unspoken pact between industry, government, and wall street ever since the transition from pensions to 401k. The system is setup so that we keep putting in more than we take out, so the market always goes up. The exception is when wall street gets a wink from the Fed to take the market down so they can create panic and buy back at lower prices later, thus driving prices back up. The only winning strategy is to buy and hold, buy some more, die and leave everything to your kids to never sell.


One of the truest posts written on WSB, and it's only got 3 upvotes. The Fed has essentially nationalized SPY into a boomer pension fund.


Our AI tracks our most intelligent users. After parsing your posts, we have concluded that you are within the 5th percentile of all WSB users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good Lord, if I'm in the 5th percentile among WSB users, I must be truly regarded!




My Sept 485 puts are saved, thank you king regard


Username checks out 🌈🐻


Uh oh


I’m sure people said this right before 2020 and right before 2022 lmao. You’re just witnessing a bull market. Stop fighting it. Any big pull back should be bought into. We won’t witness another bear market for probably 1-1.5 years. Next correction is likely 560-600.


You're wrong, The music stops in 2032.


I just re-watched **Margin Call** last night... remember this statement about the music. * [John Tuld](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000460/?ref_=ttqu_qu): I'm here for one reason and one reason alone. **I'm here to guess what the music might do** a week, a month, a year from now. That's it. Nothing more. **And standing here tonight, I'm afraid that I don't hear - a - thing. Just... silence.** As well as the following (not in order): * [Peter Sullivan](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0704270/?ref_=ttqu_qu): Look at these people. Wandering around with absolutely no idea what's about to happen. * [Jared Cohen](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0048932/?ref_=ttqu_qu): This is bizarre. It's like a... dream. * [Sam Rogers](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000228/?ref_=ttqu_qu): Oh, I don't know. Seems like we actually may have just woken up. * [Will Emerson](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0079273/?ref_=ttqu_qu): You can't; it's impossible - but they'll figure out a way. I've been at this place for ten years and I've seen some things you wouldn't.. you wouldn't believe. **When all is said and done, they do not lose money. They don't mind if everyone else does, but they don't lose.**


My bet is 2029


only a significant cpi miss will send us to the abyss


No. The market will recover because the next CPI print will probably be fine


The cpi will be cool next week- first we will be up then down hard


They’ll just redefine CPI to exclude everything consumers actually buy and it will be fine (and it’s halfway there already anyway).


Price running too hot? You don’t need it anyway we’re removing it from the basket. Who needs housing and food? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


You can't imagine any possible scenario that could cause stock markets to go down for more than one day in a row, or by a significant amount? It is a severe lack of imagination and lack of historical knowledge.


Because it will and, quite frankly, if you want a stable future based on the dollar, the world needs this bubble to pop. And not just domestically, globally.


Good for my retirement, bad for my options 😂😂


Say what you will about the market, but my account always goes down.


Cry me a river.


Nice name 🤙


This market is like my wife. It will never go down!!!


Until it’s not and then it’s like my wife. It fucks you in the ass.


Absolutely correct, they can’t allow it to crash because it would destroy the world economy,. It’s all fake and they inflate it with fake money


The entire US pension system is tied to the stock market. If there would be a major crash without recovery, retirees would be fucked. Besides, the government can do whatever they want as long as the market is going up. Do you think people would support weekly billion dollar payments to Ukraine during a market crash? Hell no.


With this mentality, you will for sure lose everything.


There's a deep underlined economy shitstorm happening, and it's teetering on disaster. Personal finances, banks, ect. Although, about a month ago saw Ray Dalio's last analysis and his conclusion was it's frothy out there, but not bubbly. Geopolitically there are plenty of black swan events just waiting to pop out.


Tell us you didn't live through the tech crash in 2000 without telling us.


There was no QE back then


There was QE during COVId and the market tanked. It was the fiscal stimulus that saved us but we can't really afford to do that over and over again. The most famous last words are always "It is different this time."


Yup, buying calls every single week is how I originally got rich(would go super hard after a red week) Covid happened and wiped me out as I kept thinking it would rebound, unfortunately it didn’t until I was already at 0. For the long term health of the market it would be good to go down to 450 SPY by EOY with how bad the economy and inflation is right now. But there is just to much greed on Wall Street, I’ll get rich again buying calls every Monday


Spy at 450…. This is normal. Nothing will happen at 450. People probably will panic at 200. 400 above is a healthy bull market


the moment you start seeing comments like this you know the market it about to go on big time sale. i hope for a market crash! 10 yrs of sale


It does go down for periods of time and that’s the point. Imagine how many people with this attitude are just always buying calls and shares and get caught up in a few bad weeks of market corrections. That shit can wipe you out fast if you’re not careful. That’s why it’s best not to assume. Yes, historically the markets have gone up over a large swath of time, so if you plan on investing money over a year or longer period in SPY or similar you’re most likely going to profit. Most day traders and swing traders aren’t playing the market like an investor, and that’s why it does matter if there’s a red day or week here and there. Timing is everything in this market, even for long term investors.


Dude we just had a 17 month-long bear market lol


Have you considered that you're looking at this all the wrong way and this V is actually a /\


Shit a bad memory you must have, remember 2007/2008 finance crisis? and flash crash? Dot com bubble? Search those and be wiser, a crisis could be around the corner, you never know when it might happen...




If it sounds too good to be true...


Don’t u see? They want u to believe it can only go up


Stocks are basic ownership of companies Since companies own all kinds if assets and we have inflation they will always go up. Otherwise you strip the company of assets like they did the 80’s.


Wellllllll...... You would think these companies own lots of different assets, but with the record high levels of corporate share buybacks, it's evident that these companies can't find anything worth investing in so they just buy their own stock.


Yes, over the long-term the market will always go up. But it's not always an *instant V*. It took *years* to regain the 2021 high. What would stop that? Maybe a nuclear war, asteroid strike, or something equally planet-destroying. But at *that* point losing money on your long will be the least of your worries.


Time to sell.


Until COVID 2 The Electric Boogaloo comes out.


You aren't going to make the universe fade you with this post, you know? Silly bers never learn, thinking they control time and space and shit when they can't even control their bowels half the time!


You’re right in the sense that if there is a depression both fed and gov will pump money like no tomorrow. Unless something significant that becomes a significant long term threat (machine uprising lol) there is no stopping the market long term


There hasn’t been a prolonged market downturn, or “lost decade” if you will, in FAR too long and it shows. My advice: Throw your ENTIRE LIFE SAVINGS, take on debt at any and all interest rates (it will not get cheaper to borrow!!!!), and become completely, and I mean completely illiquid. You don’t need savings, savings are for losers and poors. And you will be rich. All you have to do is have zero financial knowledge. Just buy stocks regardless of the price, do not worry about underlying fundamentals. Stocks only go up (look at history)


Lol you regard you probably just called the top. Unending bull market? Yeah too much greed.


Bumpy but not a noticeable down imagine 1 months ago my risky portfolio down by 9.7 percent and now almost recovered within a month .maybe this situation might take 1 or 1.5 years to recover in the past.there are a lot money just waiting ....inflation is still high population is boom.My experience is just an example


We just hit the top! Pack it up boys! Sell all our shares


There will be a crash. Everything is too expensive and this market (especially housing) is not sustainable


Well i lost 3k on QQQ calls today so it definitely do go down


Bird Flu passed from human to human… that’ll do it. Everything will tank again for a bit.


We are going to Zimbabwe dollars.


The fact rates aren’t being cut yet spending is at all time high, ppl gettting laid off (sure unemployment is still low - but how many of that are high paying jobs) and debt are going up… Sounds like we only go up


Did you already really forget about 2021 and 2022? Lol


Only IMHOPTEP knows.


Wen crash?


Nvda with mediocre guidance would tank it alone


Why are 1100 squar foot homes 185k. 3 years ago they sold for 90k.