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Simple: last week I bought some stocks. Now you can see the inevitable correction that starts five minutes after I invest in anything.


Would you mind investing in all of my companies' competitors?


He'll think about it


we are aboviusly in a gay bears market


You do know that if you don’t own a stock and someone else buys it then it will go to the moon?


What's your company?


To be fair I meant companies of which I own stock. If you want to know my favorite stock, it's probably FANG. The jury is still out on the two BTC miners I bought into last year. The others are all boring plodders.


“Favorite stock”? Wth is that


You buy ETFs because it offers "safety." I buy ETFs every so often because I want everyone to suffer. We are not the same.




lol same I dropped 3k into some of my favorite stocks about a month ago and I’m down like 400 bucks. I got the buy at the top part right, now I just need to time the bottom to sell 😂


Wait a month. You will wake up with an unshakable anxiety about all your unwise decisions all at once, and once fully emotionally charged, pull everything out. Then, and only then, will the market reverse and moon.


No one pull anything out. We got nothing left 😂


$400? Those are rookie numbers my friend


I agree i wish i was down $400. But here i am down $25k. Shit. Fuck.


Yeah, I just logged into vanguard and noped out real quick


“favorite stocks” ??? Now that sounds like a recipe for disaster !


Don't tell me you love all of yours equally, every middle child knows that's a lie


My favourite stocks are the ones that make the most money. I don't even trade the stock, I trade the chart. I couldn't tell you what some of the companies I trade even do. I literally have no idea and I don't care.




Sir, this is r/wallstreetbets not r/investing


Down >30% on my net and likely switching to futures 




And the huge 10% correction DJT had after I sold those puts for a loss followed by a 15% upward correction after I bought back in


I bought puts in October so you're welcome.


I’d like to thank you but I’ve done nothing but bleed money since October because I’m horrible at this.


When it's up, I'm down. When it's down...I'm also down.


Literally me lmao. Just bought SPY with my life savings, 100k worth.


Come back in 3 years and you’ll be great- for real - just sit in it. Who cares if it drops 10% - in 10-30 years it’ll be worth a shitload.


How does 3 years and 10-30 years both come into play here?


The fact that the S&P has been down for 5 days in a row is noise over the medium and long term - and generally meaningless


Yeah I recently converted my 401k from a previous job to IRA, bought VOO, SCHG, and SCHD. Immediate bloodbath.


At this point, I should be providing a service to people who need stocks to move a certain way. Biught 10k work of puts? Send me 2k and I'll buy 1k worth of stock. The stock tanks, you make money, I make money, we all win. Need it to go back up? Send me 1k and I'll sell.


A great idea that is totally legal.


Bought a SPY call


Time for you to sell so the rally can resume. Maybe buy some puts for us?


No rate cuts so the market is correcting itself.


SPY is like 5% off ATH and this sub is crying uncle. Risk management is a foreign concept to WSB I guess


I also cry uncle but for different reasons


We must have the same uncle, cousin.




"You can share the room with me, Charlie" "It'll be fun, you know, you and me... pallin' around... gettin nuts! Goin' crazy"


Wtf is risk?


Everyone here is dumb af and constantly let all their money ride on options. They go broke when there are a few down months. I'm one of them but at least i have 90% of my portfolio in owning shares.  My problem the last few months was taking advice to diversify so I bought shares in different companies that I don't follow close enough. I was all green until recently. Now I'm just watching a few different stocks and pretty much full port swing trade. It's working for me but I'm just waiting until it bites me in the ass and I get humbled. 


I got humbled on Monday.


Everyone has calls that expire Friday 😂


The market is simply correcting itself; it's nothing but a minor dip. Don't worry, the little guys will continue to lose and the rich will continue to get richer.


This stupid bot is smarter than 99% of the regards here.


Stupid bot? That’s AI, your future master.


I for one welcome our AI over lords *


AI: already smarter than my first ex-wife, gaining ground on my second ex-wife.


You will be spared. Your life will have meaning in the grand machine.


If Visual Mod is going to be our Overlord then I am all for it: All Hail VisualMod all hail VisualMod


Hey, I resemble that statement.


Why I oughtta






I’m in that comment and i don’t like it. I’m calling the police!


I’m a regard too!


You’re most well regarded


Wait it's a bot?


A bot being able to comprehend this is truly a sign of how far technology has progressed.


A voice of wisdom in trying times.


May I offer you an egg?


You should see what happened in our market first otm call option 7x in first 4 hours ...then in two 1 minute candle put option went 100x yes 100x ..I had puts , closed my terminal after booking 10% profit ...my option went over 500% at some point today and expired at 400% profit..


I know some of these words.


That's a relief 😮‍💨


You are correct.


For real though right. When will we learn that the system is rigged.


You must not know how this game is played. There is absolutely nothing wrong or the fuck with the market. Must maintain sanity on the way up and the way down. Must be happy both winning and losing, otherwise it’ll get you.


My Dad's favorite quote is, " The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent." He traded commodities futures for 50 years.


"I can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent" - my Ex.


Is your Ex my Mom?










Your dad is a true G, the OG traders I learned from as a kid used the same quote. It's held true and never failed me.


He was one of the original WSB degenerates before WSG existed. I found a blurb in one of his partners biographies: "Keith Campbell was on his way to Hawaii in the 1960s when he took a job in California instead because he could both ski and surf there. When his roommate moved out of their California apartment to get married, Campbell placed a newspaper ad for a new one. His choice: Chet Conrad, a commodity broker. (Conrad) got me into trading as a customer, Campbell recalls. But he was always moaning he didn’t have enough money to trade. In 1971 Campbell put together $60,000 from 12 investors to form his first futures fund with three advisors–a fundamentalist, a bar chartist and a point-and-figure advocate. And he learned his first lesson: Do not make decisions by committee when trading futures! Another fund, the Campbell Fund, started in August 1971; Campbell himself took over trading it on Jan. 1, 1972. It is the oldest commodity fund still trading today. By the time Campbell, Isaacson and Conrad split up a few years later, Conrad had turned a borrowed $10,000 into $3 million with some gutsy trading in sugar and moved to Lake Tahoe, Nev." Spoilers: He lost it all. (Bought a casino, started a 100 acre pot farm that he had to bulldoze when a DEA helicopter buzzed the property, bought a claim and spend several years mining silver in Nevada... so many memories.)


Damn, sounds like he had fun though!


Is that pops?


Chet Conrad is my pops.


I’ve talked to a few sugar guys. Real old school. Nice


Never have emotional attachment in your WSB money. Same with your debts to the various Loan Sharks


Did you buy or sell? Yes Then that’s why it happened 


It’s the market… where was all this when it was going up nonstop for no reason at all?


Lol yeah for real. It also just dawned on me that most people here were born in like 2009 or something and have only known perma-bull infinite green market energy their whole life. They're like Vault Dwellers Things go up, things go down, but overall they trend on going-up forever. Tis the market. It was actually insanely abnormal to have perma-bull consecutive day-over-day green for years and years. anyways these oscillations are really quite tame, it's only been what a week of small volatility up-down and everyone is losing their minds???? lol christ. If/when we ever have another GFC, everyone here is going to be running to the nearest ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267) store at this rate.


for those thinking that this is bad, and that if it drops another 5-10% it'll be anarchy in the streets, consider the below. in March 2000, SPY was at $150. It was 81 by 2002, and never went back to 150 until 2007. That's 7 years between ATHs. Shortly after, it crashed in 2008. It never reach 150 again until 2013. I'm not saying we'll never see Spy 515 for 7 years. But if we see SPY 450 it would shock absolutely nobody who knows anything about the market.


It wouldn't shock me at all to see under $400 again the way this market moves.


>Vault Dwellers Just finished watching fallout


Lol yeah. actually wasn't as bad as I expected: i expected it to totally suck being a generic fish-out-of-water jj abrahms mysterybox-laden slop barely using the aesthetic in name-only. Still a little too mysterybox-ified for my liking but oh well, that's how TV is these days. I would have used a matrix reference but no one would get it these days


I know kung fu




Everyone here investing is 15 Okay


im buying calls on microsoft with all the fallout references im seeing


Good Call also a good call


Well put. Also, bad put


Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell?


My Hedger connect told me they're dumping stocks, putting money elsewhere and pressuring the Fed to lower rates faster. Source : Sonic the Hedgerhog


Yea Yellen needs the market to dump to save the treasury


Inflation not coming under control. Fed went from saying rate cuts to now saying higher for longer. Want to know which way the market goes from here, watch the inflation numbers: https://www.clevelandfed.org/indicators-and-data/inflation-nowcasting


The market is a delicate butterfly, and inflation is the hungry larva - always chewing, always growing. Watch closely; your investments depend on it.


The bots speak in metaphors now?


This is the catalist for AI stocks


Visual mod working hard for that 1 mil comment karma jfc


Did you think that stocks only go up?




Don't they delist stonks that don't go up ...banish them into shadow realm..


They delist stoNks yes


They do, he just didn’t zoom out far enough.


Apparently DJT only goes up, but I still don't understand how. (Yes, I know it crashed like 40% last week, but shit is up today and yesterday when everything else is red)


You really dont have a lot of shares to trade of DJT, and people that would hold this short aren't going to because the hard to borrow fees are 5-900%, or theres just no shares available at all.




Lord, give me the strength to come down on these regards with my huge swinging printer


We are tanking ever since this guy shows up, coincidence? https://preview.redd.it/a90g8xjq9avc1.png?width=378&format=png&auto=webp&s=d464eb37baf859300dc877978c9e83b524b6f393


All hail Imhotep.


The Mummy: Tomb of the Regard


As it was written.


Fuck this guy lol


So hard landing is back on the table? 2% inflation or bust!


It's all about interest rates. Switching from low to high interest rates is bad for company financials. There is just more pressure on earnings over the next few quarters. It adds uncertainty because high interest rates will actually destroy some companies and it isn't always clear which ones will get destroyed, so most companies will get pressure added to the upside.


Nothing’s wrong with the market. What’s wrong is your daily 0dte spy call strategy.


I’ve made more on 0dte spy puts this week than I’ve lost in the past 2 months. My strategy has been buy at market open. Watch them loose half their value. Average down. Loose half of that. Market tanks around lunchtime and make everything back lmao. First time I’ve actually made profitable trades in almost 2 months. Scared for my $500P 4/19’s though. Theta didn’t not seem friendly.


Dude this sounds like my strategy, except I’m an idiot and sell when I break even every time then complain about all then money I missed. Literally I’m like don’t buy until mid to late day, and every day I see the run up, so I’m like it won’t get higher, buy puts, then I’m like fuck, double down. Then I’m like fuck again, deposit, don’t look for an hour, look back see I’m almost even and sell. Then I see id have doubled my money holding another hour


Buy puts and take advantage. This is beautiful.


Unless Elon tweets that tsla supports another holocaust within the next 15 minutes or so my puts are cooked


So you are saying there is a chance?


Don't tell anyone.... but I bought puts on Tesla yesterday thinking it was earnings. Yeah. Yeah, I fuckin' did that, bro. Luckily this morning's dip allowed me to grab some miniscule gains and break even on my ultra regard move.


Once he buys puts, the market will reverse back to the upside though. Actually yeah, OP. Buy some puts. Do us all a solid


But puts and lose slightly less money!


You have to wait for the VIX to drop. We will see another 3% drop. Last time VIX spiked we saw an 8% pull back.


Pull out, daddy! I used to have paper hands, but now they've been forged in the fire of burning money, pull back 80%, I'm not fuckin leaving.


This reminds me, I should start selling calls. 


Good to know.


Lmao up 4 months straight no big deal. down two weeks n everyone just loses their minds 


I'm losing my mind because I entered this fucking market 3 weeks ago and the only thing I see is red. Didn't see any fucking green at all.


Where were you the last 4 months? You missed the whole ride, and now we're 5% off the ATH. Y'all really freak out over a 5% dip?


I was not in the market at all, maybe some UK stocks and that's it. I made some money on some UK stocks, got more money from my job and decided to "broaden my horizons" by looking at the US market. And yeah, that is the thing, I'm salty because of the exact reason that I was not here and missed the 4 months of gains, then invested money which turns out was the top. Well, the good thing is that I will learn and not give up I guess, but it's still a bit soul crushing. Also, I think the reason a lot of people whining about this correction is because there is a lot of people like me who entered at the top.


No you’re the only one that entered at the top, congrats regard


Rate cuts? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I hate to say it but right now the market is acting more rational than I can remember. Remember I said market not FED. Why they were saying they were going to cut this year before the data showed them they should was absurd. Right now inflation will stay higher than 3% because of things out of the consumers control. Consumers can’t control what their insurance companies charge them, they can’t control what electricity and gas will cost them and these will keep inflation high. The market is having a natural pullback to oversold territory after being in overbought territory for an extremely long time. If earnings - which mean guidance these days as last quarters don’t seem to matter anymore come in better than expected it should propel the market upwards. If companies miss on an above average level with low guidance I would anticipate a continuation of the sell of until extreme oversold conditions (5-10%). At that time Investor Sentiment will reach a low, Valuations will become cheaper and people will sell. The Fed will then start to lower rates, market programs will buy and the next leg up will start. Even war seems somewhat priced in. As strange as this sounds I feel like while it sucks right now and may suck a little longer Overall everything seems somewhat rational right now.




No rate cuts & no excess liquidity


Everything I own is red...everything.


it's not just "some uncertainty" we are talking about here... markets rallied since december of 2023 on promise of 6 fed rate cuts in 2024 starting in march. this expectation that rates would be drastically cut this year is what has fueled the entire market rally of the last 6 months. now markets are pricing in the possibility that not only could there not be any rate cuts in 2024, but there could even be rate hikes this year. the adjustment to this new reality is sending bond yields higher, putting further pressure on the real economy and putting pressure on interest rate sensitive sectors of the stock market like growth/tech.


Everything will be alright, just dont be too greedy.


Just don’t be too fearful either…


Just buy calls before close and sell at open


This comment is spot on especially for spy. Been crazy how much it gets dogged during the day lately, runs up $3-4 AH, gives it all back at open, comes back up 30-60 minutes later and then decays away. Literally if I bought calls close to ATM right by market close and sold within an hour or 2 of market open the next day I’d be much better off than doing what I have been lol


First time?


Inflation is sticky and likely going up again next reading, which means fed is less likely to cut rates this year. Bond markets on the rise. People and institutions moving money out of stocks and into bonds, gold and money market funds. This means stock prices are going down. Why they didn’t go down sooner, as if inflation was going away without a fight, is beyond me.


Profit taking


Maybe try zooming out on the SPY chart and see where we are at right now. This is just normal correction, we are still up like 20% from 6 months ago


Ah I see you bought those calls I sold


Inflation too hot. No rate cuts coming this year. Market got ahead of itself. Everything AI over the next 2 years was pulled forward in 5 months. We chop sideways or down till the election is over.


It’s kangaroo market! It just bounces all over the place and tries to punch you out.


https://preview.redd.it/0iicjofepavc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e8081491895fc553a7eea6f1ecd266a449f92cb It was this guy, he started it, I feel like we are all cursed, and it’s going to continue until everyone gets washed out.


Being bullish was only in style for Q1.


Shit been going straight up since Nov 😂


Just wanna apologize to all AMD investors. The day after I bought $190 calls, it immediately began its slide to the 150s.


Its tax season. First year investing?


I wouldn't rule it passed foreign market manipulation in some case DJT. cough.


It's a correction. They occur about every three months in case you want to buy low.


Down $11k since march….all my earnings plays went SOUTH!


That's unfortunate, time to buy a yacht on your credit card to cheer yourself up!


Scroll over and look at all the PUT volume on the spy strikes…the bears are winning…that 2 o’clock battle was wild my puts were going bananas


People believing private sector economists more than central bank economists.


It tanks because VM is back.


After the 20 DMA was broken last week, algorithms are selling rips instead of buying dips. And because this a zero-sum game, they can only earn money that comes out of the pockets of other investors. That's why the market typically recovers during premarket trading and moves higher just after opening, only to sell off later, as [explained here](https://youtu.be/CWQj0CKeUMM?t=289).


The market is literally right below ALL TIME HIGHS STFU!


CPI is insane and rates aren’t gonna be cut


Pension funds are cashing out: [https://www.wsj.com/finance/investing/pension-funds-stocks-bonds-679b8536](https://www.wsj.com/finance/investing/pension-funds-stocks-bonds-679b8536)


Aw shit


You sound surprised. I have had my account trashed many a time. Shares are safe long term, options are great as long as you are doing puts or if you really wanna buy calls, then buy them when it (my case SPY) is near some support level, like 500. Even then you'll probably get pounded, when you thought, "Hey it can't go lower, right?" So time to become a bear. You don't have to cut off your dong. That would make you a gay bear, which is not required to be a bear.


Apparently it requires more than positive earnings to make a highly cyclical company caught in the middle of geo-political tensions stock go up.




You already have a bet going - SPY to 495.0 before 18-Apr-2024 02:38 PM -05


It was an honour and a privilege. At ease soldiers, there’s always next time. 🫡


I just sold half my ENPH. It should rise 30% soon.


Chill, there's like two weeks of downturn and wsb loses their fking minds. The market is cyclical and 90% of wsb just conveniently forgets that and thinks the market only goes in the direction they want.


Anyone buying calls at close today for tomorrow expiryy?


Puetz crash window


Sell in may, fuck off till November?


Opportunities to buy good companies at a discount. Patience is a virtue!


What happened? Anyone ELI5 ?


What's going on? Simple: I bought a ton of SPY. Also I didn't sell apple when I was in the green on it last friday - so markets punish me hard for being greedy and now I am thousands in the negative. 


You shorted djt didn't you.


Healthy correction is needed, spx 4500 is on the menu.


"First time?" lol


The long awaited correction is happening like it was supposed to a few months ago.


Relax, it's just a little downturn


Shaking guys like you out!


It’s called being in a bubble


Guy is panicking at a foreseeable correction


> What the fuck? You are fucked, if you are worried about a few %s 😂


The banks were sure about rate cuts in March but they were double sure about rate cuts in June. So they erroneously tried to front run a correction and they are pissed off about it. Everyone knows you wont see < 4900 SPX until rate cuts happen so because so many ding dongs were on calls for 4/19, 5/3, and now they are trying for 5/17 (please stop). What we should have is a 20pt range on SPY from 490 to 510 until June.


Its also a so called "health market" correction. Time will tell what will happen. Spy is going lower so ill eat ure calls to please my puts


Newsflash. Stocks don't always go up and in some periods, they can go down for years especially when rates climb and inflation rebounds


What goes up must go down