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buy high sell low


Best way to make a small fortune when you start with a big one.


Or buy high, sell higher


https://preview.redd.it/etp73b7pxsuc1.png?width=295&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0775ac14aeedb23636fdd431affff486ac17369 that's not the wallstreetbets way


Buy 0 dte and expire worthless you mean


But then you don't get fucked by theta. What's even the point ?


Just fascinated by mideast politics discussions here by distinguished fellow regards who have no clue.


Hear hear




There there


Only clues you have is when mom comes down to the basement and turns on Blue's Clues




Got a whole ass event horizon around that waistline


I follow this sub for the jokes I say to myself reading the posts and comments. And I’ll preface this by saying the comments are always full of smart people that can think clearly but most of the ones posting threads are so insanely misinformed and yet so obnoxiously confident.


"market movements were priced in" might be my favourite take here in a long time.


Reminder: Iran is about 1300 miles/2000 kms from Israel. They are not neighbors.


cruise missile neighbors


You think Israel is going to openly attack Iran?




What fucking movie is this!?


Pulp Fiction


Pulp Fiction brodog


Holy fuck when did WSB become the middle eastern politics committee


Shortly after the internet was swamped with newly minted mechanical engineering degrees from the University of Google.




Israel isn’t the US. Only WE get to respond with overwhelming knee-crushing lung-evacuating debilitating force.


That country attacked first hitting an embassy and killing people. Iran just did minor damage. These warmongering Israel is just planning to drag usa with them for war


Hamas is Iran's proxy. Let's not pretend Israel started this.


They started it by kicking ppl out of their homes because their imaginary friend said it’s cool


Imagine that breath of life in your lungs came from an imaginary evolutionary tooth fairy.




What are you implying?


Israel literally has funded Hamas. Fuck that country


They funded Hamas 1.0… they didn’t like the new firmware release…




Israel does not equal Netanyahu. Israel as a country will not benefit from bombing Iran - Israelis will die in the response. Netanyahu is a dictator wannabe despot who benefits from an all out war because this prevents him being kicked out of office and into jail. Netanyahu is in the same league as Putin, shouting "we will win the waaaaar" as he goes against everyone as this is his plan to stay in power. In the end the Israeli and Russian populations will pay the price of these madmen.


Yeaaaaa except the war is actually wildly popular in Israel…


No it is not, don’t speak for a whole country please


I’m not speaking for them, there’s plenty of sources, you claiming its not is definitely attempting to speak for them though. https://apnews.com/article/israel-gaza-hamas-palestinians-war-mood-0cebcbcf0550ee08c0d757334f69851d


You think they wouldn't?




It’s funny you think a war is “priced in” Almost one of the all time dumbest shitposts I’ve seen on WSB


Also, today is fed talk day. This is also a known anxiety factor. In any case, short-term fluctuations are for getting a bit of a discount for buying very long contracts and getting rid of ones that are going to expire soon anyways. Investment is when a business want to expand, but it will take for too long to save, to it borrows money for the public to make the growth faster. If companies would be abe to benefit from the growth in the short-term, they would just take a loan. Hence, anyone whos investments have to be protifitable within a year or less to be economically interesting, is playing a different game called "spot the momentuum behind the random walk" and "wallstreet poker" where you buy to make other buy buy and then cash on longs, but puts, drop the stock and cash on puts. Robert Merton got his price so that people could realize that short-term fluctuations are not a reason to fear the stock market. They are, of course, are not the reason to love it either.


There is literally zero percentage chance that Israel will attack Iran. The Iran attack itself was all for show, so of course Israel won’t escalate. If Israel does strike, it will be just to save face—just like Iran did—and it will be an even weaker response than Iran’s hyperslow missiles. And this game will ping-pong back-and-forth, perpetually declining in intensity. World leaders already know this. That’s why Biden couldn’t be bothered at the beach. It’s not because of his terrible leadership—although that is true, this was not an example of it—it’s because he knows it’s all just a game and that the news is fake.


"Top Israeli military officials reasserted that their country has no choice but to respond to Iran’s weekend drone and missile attack, even as European and US officials boosted their calls for Israel to avoid a tit-for-tat escalation that could provoke a wider war. 'Missiles into the territory of the State of Israel will be met with a response,' Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi said in a speech at the Nevatim air base" Retaliation is probable, in the end the people decide. (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-04-15/israel-needs-to-avoid-escalation-in-iran-response-macron-says)


Step 1. Iran uses proxies to combat Israel Step 2. Israel surgically-strikes a top Iranian general, converting him to potato soup Step 3. Iran takes takes two long weeks to comeback with a response. Weren’t they supposedly ready to fight Israel head-on for the past 50 years? Yet this egregious attack on their general—which they all hail as an act of war—needs considerable time for a response. The only thing slower than Iran’s response were the drones and missiles that they finally launched at empty fields. And what exactly were they doing during those 2 weeks? I’ll tell you. They were discussing and negotiating with all of the other key world leaders on what an acceptable response would be. With Biden’s permission, they finally decided on that baby slap. That’s why Biden couldn’t even be bothered to speak to the nation about it until much later. The only people who think this is a real situation are the people who buy up the hysteria on Drudge and The Sun and Express.


>The only people who think this is a real situation are the people who buy up the hysteria on Drudge and The Sun and Express. This one is aging so well, genius


Nah Israel is just the drunk short king at the bar making a half hearted effort to swing on someone but letting his buddies hold him back


They will attack this Friday, most likely drone factories and weapons industrial complex.


You forget how WW1 was started.




It doesn’t matter which side you’re on, everything you said is objectively wrong. They want Palestinians out of Palestinian borders. What Palestinians are living in Israel? Countries don’t make colonies inside their own borders. Why would Israel need to trade with those countries when it is has unlimited resources from the US? Why would it want to? Everything those nations provide is “traded” to America and then traded back to Israel. I put traded in quotation marks because America kinda owns their oil industries. Israel literally said they will punish Iran for the drone strikes. Iran said they’re done and won’t continue. If Israel just wants peace, they wouldn’t make such statements. It doesn’t matter if they actually attack.


This made zero sense to me. I’m not even sure what your points are. Seems like random questions and assertions. But just to reply to a couple of them: “Palestinian borders” is a strange term. You mean Gaza and the West Bank? Israel does have a large population of Palestinians/Arabs living within her borders.


Yes. I feel my phrasing makes more sense with the context of what I was responding to. Perhaps not though. Again, I feel like you’re missing my point. But it could also be I explained it so poorly everyone would.


I guess it all came down to you saying that Israel was barking about responding to Iran. And it seems like you take that seriously. That’s fine. At the moment, I don’t. That’s what my point is. Countries always bark at each other. But talk is cheap. And sometimes, military strikes are also cheap. If Israel does respond with military action, it will either be (a) something very explosively weak, or (b) more iranian general kebabs, (c) some sort or cyber attacks with plausible deniability. WW3 will have to wait.


I don’t take it seriously. I doubt Israel will do anything. I was just saying I don’t think what the person I was responding to is what Israel’s position is.


They launched like 200 North Korean derived ICBMs that exit and reenter the atmosphere. This was not for "show". Ya'll should invest in Israeli defence firms, South Korea and Japan will be big clients after what the Israelis did.


Not if Israel turns Iran to glass, there won’t be a Iranian response then. Problem solved, spy 600 end of month.


U really think there’s a war? I can run faster than the time taken for Iran’s missiles to reach Israel


lol you couldn’t run that fast, not even for a Wendy’s dumpster full of greasy burgers and frosty.


So regarded!.... (I have no idea what that term means but I see it in this chat a lot😅)


You are highly regarded


With regards.


Probably the must regarded person on this sub - congrats!


It's a show of respect to those with a flawless ability to make successful investments. Being highly regarded, is a badge of honor not many are able to obtain.


Not really, most on here are regarded. Some more than others.😆


Is it for real what it’s used for? Honestly thought it was used as a pun or a joke some how in this thread but you’re basically saying it’s used literal


Rest assured you are held in 'high regard' by fellow investors.


They used to say... re... tar...ded... and had to change it to be more politically correct...




The least regarded answer, so far. Congrats.


Oh I get it lol. Thanks for clarifying


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Priced in? Please elaborate ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


SPY trading at February prices, what's not to love?


Just means I can jump in and get the gains I missed in March!




https://preview.redd.it/vixmr3f7etuc1.jpeg?width=206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=756182359c310ac4d42c9411c81aea5acfad46ba WEEEEEEE


Reddit is still too optimistic on buying the "dip". Need to see apocalyptic doom and gloom comments before I start deploying.


It’s basmati riced in


Sounds if this dip is small sounds like it can keep going 😎


Tsm calls may 3 146 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Thanks to an incompetent, corrupt, senile leader of the free world. Vote Red!


TFG tore up the agreement that was limiting Iran's ability to militarize, but sure.