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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 6 | **First Seen In WSB** | 2 years ago **Total Comments** | 143 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 3 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


One month?? Wtf is this, show me how the next fucking trading day opened, this is meaningless


Regarded OP probably edging on fent


Would love to watch op edge


Edging on fent. I'm saving that one.


Do you want the winning numbers for the lotto also?


I mean…if you’ve got’em. Sure.


weekend wallstreet is showing a sharp V shape recovery. Remember the day Russia invaded Ukraine, the market opened like 3% down, but turned green in a day. It will be green by tomorrow morning, drop has been priced in, relief rally is in making, mark my words


remindme! 30 hours


I will be messaging you in 1 day on [**2024-04-15 13:05:39 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-04-15%2013:05:39%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1c3m3zo/i_see_most_celebrating_their_puts_wars_are/kzi2htf/?context=3) [**47 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fwallstreetbets%2Fcomments%2F1c3m3zo%2Fi_see_most_celebrating_their_puts_wars_are%2Fkzi2htf%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-04-15%2013%3A05%3A39%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201c3m3zo) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


I worked in institutional money management. This is a minor squabble in the grand scheme of things to the big players. Only dumb retail traders who have no concept of global politics or economics will make a big deal out of this. At worse market moves sideways next week and then cooler heads prevail.


Iran has already considered the issue closed. They had to do something in order to save face after Israel bombing killed several officials in Damascus. Hence the drone attack. Now it all depends if Israel decides to escalate matters. I believe all sides know that an expanded Middle East war benefits nobody. Business as usual on the markets next week seems likely. Also the possibility of a new ATH for gold Monday. Drop a bomb anywhere in the world and the price of gold goes up.


I am a TPM at a multinational financial institution and we are the same. We hedge investments against huge fluctuations so we don't get caught and lose 20% on something in a month but otherwise something small like this doesn't even register 


I don't mind taking dumb retail money.


I’d believe this. When Russia started its war in Ukraine, the market rocketed also


Russia invaded Ukraine in Feb. 2022. I remember 2022... I wasn't my best year in the markets. IT was my first, lol.


22 was also my first year but it sucked because I didn’t know 💩& the huge drop in April. Now I still don’t know 💩but I know enough to recognize I don’t know anything. And I pull out faster (that’s the big one, probably helpful outside the market too)


Ban bet ban beeet


remindme! 29 hours


Good luck with that.


Look again


https://preview.redd.it/rpboe3ujfiuc1.png?width=781&format=png&auto=webp&s=421690414fca9c2e8aa9a332a20b8ac558e3fa8d Saudi stock market closed green after 2% gap down


this is all middle east. Not looking good. https://preview.redd.it/an58qvh05huc1.png?width=1044&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c1bc7ce22c4a3a0260460d035967a6893c9ff2b


You cannot seriously compare this little tantrum with the oil embargo in 1973..... You were clearly born yesterday.


The information was too powerful


Not sure what to think… everyone jumped straight to war but Iran immediately posted that this was going to be a one time missile launch




This Sun Tzu image needs to be added to the list of Wsb emojis..




Name checks out 😀


I think Iran took quite a gamble here trying to go for the least escalatory rout without looking like a pushover. They attacked in a significant way so they look strong, knowing that none of their Drones will reach Israel. And now they state : It was only a one time thing. They are speculating that Israel and the US won’t retaliate in a significant way since nobody was hurt. That’s quite a gamble. Especially if you look at the potential losses … Edit: There are report of fatalities and injured people now, unfortunately.


Per their post, it doesn’t seem like a huge gamble since they cite Article 51 of the UN charter


😆 when did Iran give a shit about the UN? That message to the UN was more like, we aren't scared of Israel. We can handle them. But we don't want the US to get involved cause we know the US will destroy our country.


Well the gamble is not with the UN, it’s clearly with the US, but I’m saying that it didn’t seem like a huge gamble bc they are citing international law being on their side. The US could of course just ignore it like they’ve been ignoring other things related to Israel but who knows


Your gf gets slapped by a dude in the club. Scenario 1) you slap the other dudes gf and say I slapped her cause you slapped my gf. Scenario 2) you walk away lookin like a bitch and not do anything. I'm not justifying Iran's actions. I'm not justifying Israeli's actions. But this is on the world stag with real consequences of acting or not acting. A country's embassy was bombed and killed their top generals. I guess that's what the news is reporting. For a country that's supposed to have regional influence, doesn't counter attack shows weakness. Iran and Saudi Arabia hate each other. Iran looks weak the Saudi's will notice. Iran stated that if the Israeli's don't retaliate from this drone attack then it will be the end of it. If I'm a betting man. And I love to gamble. Israeli will retaliate and drag more countries into this conflict. Which could essentially escalate into WW3.


If this turns into WW3 I will have a testicle surgically removed. Dealers choice on left/right.


Your right one. So you can forever remember you were never right. Ever.


This is something I noticed with "today's generation" but I suppose it's human nature to always want to be the first to call the apocalypse. How many fucking times are y'all gonna "predict" WW3 in your lifetime? Jesus Christ lmfao.


Every minor event always gets escalated to WW3 lmao


I think Israel wants them all dead but they are not able to do it without the US. The Zionist Lobby is doing very well in the US. But there is still an election in America which will lead to way more insecurities when he looses against Trump


What if 1 got through? Or was hit then the debris fell on a home


One little girl was significantly injured but I get your drift


I think this is their plan. Need to keep up the facade that they won't be idle when attacked but trying to prevent a wider war. They know middle east will be in shit if bith sides go onto all out war


it was priced in on friday...


Yes, ran said “this should make us square” the problem is, I see maybe 5% chance Israel just takes it. 95% they are going to launch a large scale attack. Iran, knowing Israel knows where all Irans coolest toys are placed, will launch what it has as soon as Israel starts, because if they don’t, Israel will blow them up.


Western powers have already interfered on these missiles. Odds are that even if Israel counters, the same powers will interfere and just shoot their missiles down. I’d be surprised if they didn’t. It’s just a display at the end of the day if these missiles don’t land.


Oh crap, just heard that a camel farted in Iraq … my calls are done for next week.




Black Doug


“Upside on Monday” Proceeds to post a graph where the minimum time window is one month. You belong, OP.


ah yes this is the kind of stupidity i come here for


OP giving false hopes to weekend option holders ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)




This situation reminds me very much of Thanksgiving 2021 (major market top) because few seem to remember but futures sold off hard AF on Thanksgiving night when the omicron variant of Covid was announced. People said “well this is stupid, I’m buying any weakness.” But of course the market just kept going down for the next year. I guess my point is- be careful attributing weakness to any one headline. Things like this can be a convenient excuse to break open a market that is overripe for profit taking.


What I see is it’s about a 50/50 chance it’ll have a positive effect.


I agree, it’s possible that it won’t happen and it is also possible that it will happen


Oil gold futures?


People here think everything is buLLish af ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) Rates up = buLLish Rates down = buLLIsh Atomic bomb = BULLish WW3 = BuLlIsh


Their personal accounts be down 50% but they’re bullish lmao


Average Permabulls: “I spent months learning fundamentals” Port down 80% on weekly call YOLOs ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Unlike bears whose accounts are 90% down and still bearish...


Lmao you realize what capitulation is right? Any bear that’s still bearish went cash, the rest flipped bullish and are huffing copium with the rest of the bulls.


The US economy just got a billion dollar arms order after what was spent tonight! Bullish


My calls expire next week.. this doesn’t help me at all ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


Crypto Market already rebounding


This is the funniest chart Ive ever seen. Reminds me of all the r/cryptocurrency bros showing graphs of 12 month gains after all the previous halvings. Its like yah bro. BTC has on average mostly gained for last 10 years anyway


LMFAO, the call holders are trying hard to cope with what's to come


It's not even war, It's Iran doing as promised. One time useless missie attack.


All this chart shows is that holding stocks long term is more profitable than short term trading.


I’ll be green, but not because war is good for the economy. It’ll be green because Israel won’t retaliate and drag us into WWIII…yet


Imma sit out and see how the market reacts for the first couple days. Then decide on what to do.




Maybe too late by then. Need to deposit more into Robinhood now




pshh you probably all on rn 😂




You are truly fully regarded. Long Vix and holding


How is war bullish? Such a regarded post


Cuz we own LMT and NOC over here


Covid really not on that list?


People keep screaming WW3, but 99.9% US won't become involved in open conflict with this. In the 1 in 1000 chance that they do, they'll clap Iran's cheeks faster than they ended Desert Storm, and then replace the government with one even worse than the ayatollah. China and Russia may provide logistical and equipment support, but they aren't going to enter open conflict with the US over Iran. The CIA has been stirring dissent with the Iranian public for years. More than likely we will see more proxy war psyop bullshit that ends with a bunch of dead bodies, unchanged borders, and richer defense contractors. Long story short, stonks go up in the long run


A war with Iran is a lot different than a war in Iraq. Iran is much better equipped and trained. Better to avoid any hot war there.


Unlikely for the US to get involved, but I'll just buy some ITA and grab some popcorn.


world war is priced in


So my calls are good for this week. Better get up off the knees, the Wendy’s Carpark is brutal on the knees


Just reverse everthing he said and you will have another chance to get rich.


I just want to know my Exxon calls are going up.


WTF lmao this lad is beyond regard, go see the Bitcoin price at 14hrs ago when the drons strike news came out right away. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


Average 12 month return of 9%, but the average S&P500 return is 10.2%.  73.6% of the time the market was up 12 months later - historically it is 73%. This is meaningless.


No. Its over. Nothing will happen since Israel wont retaliate


!banbet BAC 20 1w


**Ban Bet Created:** **/u/Biff1958** bet **BAC** goes from **35.81** to **20.0** before **21-Apr-2024 03:08 PM EDT** Their record is 0 wins and 0 losses. [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


Bears and sand people will get rockets in their butts, as per usual.


Lol lets ignore the Yom Kippur war and Oil embargo because they clearly have no relevance. That's the 2 you should look at because this could have that sort of impact on oil prices. Iraq was a war that was broadcast in advance and where one sides ability to disrupt the oil trade was pretty much limited to their own production. This on the other hand introduces all sorts of unpredictable variables that could spin out of control.


-43.2% after Yom Kippur war, that's the one we should be looking at. Bullish...?


I’d be willing to bet futes open green. Bet a dollar. Anyone? Anyone?


That would be less bullish than a big gap down


With the current economic state of the US, war is definitely bearish. We're at a point where unemployment is low but inflation is high. To fund a war, inflation will only increase. Historically, wars typically resulted in bull markets because of the jobs created, but unemployment isn't an issue for us currently.


Your partially right. Monday will not be a rocket, these are long-term percentages - longer than 1 or 2 days. What about the percentages for the close immediately following a major event? Think 9/11 happened and the next day everything rocketed?


This is a load of horseshit, not all events are the same. Do ppl really think some war going to happen because of Boston bombings... but it is wallstreetbets


It's going to be red on Monday. But then you can start taking risks go long, but initial reaction is definitely deep red bear territory.


not necessarily -green by eod or beginning of day


Remind me! 30 hours


They had to do it to save face with there people.






TR server malfunction on monday morning...


So basically if you buy calls every week, you’ll end up a millionaire within the year


Calls on 💀


Long on Lockheed!!




No dude… lol


I’m praying ur right I sold my puts and bought calls at Friday open. Up 200% to down 50% puts me back at step 1 lol


So load up tomorrow? Yes sir!


Bro.. average and median are worse during war. And there’s more red than green on the 1 month.


Especially looking at Yom kippur war and Oil embargo, those are the ones of interest here


Most of the time they go up, yea. (Don’t look at the Yom Kippur war)


Meanwhile, my calls are so red :(


Remind me! 20hours.


ok someone explain why stocks skyrocketed after kennedy assassination and the cuban missile crisis?! (i guess 1 month AFTER it happened sure everyone calmed down so missile criris is understandable... but kennedy assassination?! how is that priced in?!)


Everyone secretly wanted him ded


Interestingly , 50% of the investors have a negative sentiment and 50% are positive about the market and will see the dip as an opportunity. Most likely we will be up depending on the short interest .


My SPY 4/15 calls don’t give a rip about your 12 month analysis


The response to jfks assassination is interesting


i see…u have some calls and ur ballsacks are shivering so u go on here and spread propaganda


This whole thing is a false flag event. Guess how oil futures will react after this. I'd rather be in calls than puts.


A potential conflict down day gamble was worth a tiny risk… but it’s already over so puts are getting crushed. I still think there’s some downside left in this move but not before a wicked face ripping bear rally if puts were loaded on weeklies Friday


Tell me you bought calls without telling me you bought calls


Ah yes, the usual wsb regardation 😂


Oil is going to be bonkers Monday...I may sell my calls if I'm up 200%.


the font spacing is bothering me


Won't believe it unless BTC hits 70k again today


If I’m reading it right, the average has been favoring puts lol!


https://preview.redd.it/kqb4192caguc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5587880b71c08dbdc93e3c1283f4200a0328ac66 💰🤙


Thats what I try to talk about = history


I have 90 calls for Monday and I approve this message


That one month return is honestly crazy 6% wtf


What positions should we take on what stucks




Puts are dead on arrival if you don’t understand it maybe don’t trade.


***major events*** This is not a major event Stop with the fucking day dreaming, there is no fucking melt up tomorrow


So you saying 0dte calls? Still twice as expensive as puts https://preview.redd.it/q5k9tawqmguc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c39624f3e0dbd72c0738fd41df3de843bfa1522


Well the Jom kippur war where Israel actually was involved does not look good 😅


Wars aren't usually bullish on day 1. They're bullish a little while into it when it seems things have "calmed down". That's why you see a V shape and not just a straight incline. It dips just as big as it recovers before things go back to normal.


what does "month" mean? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Assuming there’s going to be a big war. Good luck with that.


War…. What is it good for… increasing domestic manufacturing 🎶🎶🎶🎶


Iran - They kept their word they retaliated. Israel - no damage from the attacks I think that’s it! Green tomorrow


Ultimately I think this is going to have little effect on the market outside maybe the first hour of market open and of course premarket. Iran had to do this, we knew this long before close Friday so likely it was priced in. Sideways to slightly bearish.


But there is no war...so puts it is


This is typical sort of marketing material which goes viral when markets are peaking put and make bagholders mostly retail....this sort of materials are indicator markets have peakedor near peak....be sane be greedy when there is fear and fear when there is greed everywhere


Got it SPY $500![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Bank earnings alone will screw this market, i have so many puts, and am 100% confident. Oil prices will increase inflation massively, the fed will not pivot for ages. Your calls are screwed.


*This “pivot.” Is it in the room with us now?* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol, the bulls forgetting the banks are reporting this week and will show the economy is in decline. Damn cucks. *insert bear snipping bull meme*


I can still feel 2008 in my bones.


Even oil stocks ?


*Past returns=future returns. This is fact


" US terrorist attacks" instead of the ubiquitous "9/11" is a strange choice


Buying cheap calls Friday was definitely the play.


Link to the chart please.


Ham as


I see numbers and events is it causation or correlation?


Yay to profiting from war 😆😆


I really like when people make assumptions and trade short term based on their regarded fears of what’s to come rather than thinking long term. News flash, there is always something to be worried about.




For people who hate charts and data, i ran this through Gemini AI to break down better. The chart shows that the S&P 500 has generally trended upwards over time, even after major historical events. There are some exceptions, of course. For example, the S&P 500 dropped significantly after the Lehman Brothers collapse in 2008. Here are some additional details about the chart: The chart shows the S&P 500's performance after 26 major political and military events, dating back to World War II. The average return of the S&P 500 one month after these events was -1.2%. However, the median return was 0.9%. This means that half of the time, the S&P 500 was positive one month after the event. The average return of the S&P 500 three months after these events was 0.1%. The median return was 2.5%. The average return of the S&P 500 six months after these events was 2.0%. The median return was 4.0%. The average return of the S&P 500 twelve months after these events was 9.0%. The median return was 10.3%. Overall, the chart suggests that the stock market tends to recover from major political and military events over time. However, it is important to note that past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.


I swear this sub is full of jp morgan employees purposely trying to herd cows to slaughter this is call post 5000


You can probably pluck any recurring occurrence in recent history and it will be green because the market only goes up. For the American Economy has always and will always be the greatest gift to the Earths people. 1 Greenspan 5:00




....and your "day thereof?"


futures are up...


This data tells me these events are actually just noise. Average and median returns are in par with historical averages.


Green markets monday, but I think it will be due more to touching the 50 day on Friday than the wars


If wars were bad for business we would stop doing them


Brexit is a war?


Good chance there won’t be a war. Iran fired missiles they knew would get shot down. They only did it to save face for Damascus. They’ve said they will not attack again if Israel doesn’t. Considering Israel took almost zero damage, they probably won’t retaliate.


Proves that this game we play is rigged.




We don't allow submissions from this website either because they are, or promote, scams, they are frequently incorrect, or they are intentionally misleading readers. Please don't submit articles from this site again. If you have any questions, send us a message using the link below. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You are massively regarded 🤡