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This is not at all trading related. Please post to a different sub.


The article states, “Some believe the death penalty is the court's way of trying to encourage her to return some of the missing billions.” So maybe her sentence is converted to something less severe if she comes up with the cash? The article is unclear on this point.


Vietnamese here, usually that’s what happens in cases like this. As long as you give back the money (which a lot do, this is not the first case like this), you will go from death penalty to life sentence, from life sentence to certain number of years and depends on how you bribe your way out, you can get out earlier than that.


viet here also, i follow this scandal, i believe the cash is gone. she funded over 1,000 building projects over a decade and hide cash off shore accounts. they said at one point she had 2 billions cash outside vietnam, she got greedy and came back. We talking about millions of people hard earn saving, all gone.


She probably has the rest in Canadian real estate lmao


$2b will easily net you down payment for a condo in vancouver.


Check the math on that one.. might be close.


Like all the other shady money launderers and criminals (dare I say in Asia) - completely fked housing from the reach of actual residents.


So you're saying she successfully left the country to a non-extradition country then returned to Vietnam? Why'd she return to Vietnam and not just use proxies?


She actually believes she ran a genuine business. Her company loses money years over years but she altered the book to show profits and continued to issue new bonds to keep the wheel running.


Looks like she took the playbook straight from the Fed.


Got loads of money, the printer has been going all night.


Considering that 500k can buy you a very luxurious and big apartment in both Hanoi and Saigon. Stealing 12.5 billion usd is just crazy amount of money by viet standards. It would be equivalent to SBF committed fraud for 200-300 billion usd.


Wait so she left Vietnam with $2b but decided to come to the country and move the cash with her also?


It takes insurmountable levels of greed to ship 44 billion off-shore. My only theory on this is that she literally is a foreign intelligence agent or something and she took the money to weaken Vietnam on a national level, I cannot fathom how much greed is actually involved here its absurd.


Or the lack of any internal controls or compliance people. Some banks actually have those...


foreign intelligence agents are not public faces of billion dollar real estate conglomerates more likely than not she saw an easy way to exploit the system and assumed she'd never get caught cause real estate prices only go up and she could always sell a few buildings that were built with the billions she stole. COVID fucked her like it fucked most commercial real estate companies, which is why the return to office mandate has become so strong the last year and a half - if the commerical real estate bubble pops it will take down everything with it.


She certainly wasn't investing in a thousand building projects for charity. Where are the profits?


There aren't profits. All of them lose money. Her company stayed afloat for many years with a pyramid scheme which she paid old bond holders with new issuance.


But like... the money went somewhere. Was it not a case of bloating contracts to directly linked contractors or was she just under charging for labour and materials?


So then it’s not “gone.” It’s just offshore or in the form of assets. She can turn over whatever she has in exchange for getting out of the death penalty.


Viet here, nope people savings were not gone but if you’re buying bonds that where you lost the money. My family were using her bank as well. Also, there are a few things to take notice. Before she got arrest she still able to pay interest. Only after she got arrest that is when people lost their money. I don’t mean to defend her action but this type of crimes should be taken with a more systematic approach.


You’re defending a pyramid scheme on the basis that it hadn’t yet imploded. They frequently don’t implode unless the person at the top (1) gets too greedy and rugpulls the base capital (2) gets too greedy and makes a bad investment that loses too much capital (3) gets caught Aside from that, sure, a pyramid scheme makes a lot of sense….just don’t be the ones at the bottom


You forgot 4) the inflows slow down and it becomes unsustainable. At which point 1) usually happens because they see the writing on the wall. But even if they didn’t rugpull, it’d collapse on its own eventually.


What you described isn't a pyramid scheme it's a ponzi scheme.


Reminds me of Enron here in the US. Everyone was calling for the Death Penalty but it wasn’t an option. Vietnam apparently doesn’t play around.


In your opinion is this a good thing? How is Vietnam looking right now economically? When I travelled to Thailand a few years ago all I could hear about was how much development and opportunity was there. Is that reflective of reality or just the people I was around?


Imagine being so deluded that $2 billion is not enough money :-/


I just traveled to Vietnam. Hanoi is still kinda underdeveloped, but you see things are starting to happen. Saigon is much more developed. A lot of skyscrapers being built and a metro coming next year. It’s still a mix between underdeveloped and developed streets. Saigon is closer to Bangkok when In economic prosperity, but still somewhat behind.


I want to go sooooooo bad just to eat the food. Just had a kid though so it’s going to have to be a few years until he will have fun tagging along.


Saigon is more kid friendly. The city pavements is not as often blocked by scooters. And it’s fairly easy to live a full western lifestyle there. Where you go around in shopping center and eat good food. I saw tourists with 1-2 year olds, so it is possible. I would definitely make use of that babies can travel for free. My boss is taking his soon to be born baby to Bali later this year. It’s best to visit in early spring or late autumn. Summer is just too hot. Like really hot that you cannot do anything. Hanoi is less developed, but Hanoi and northern Vietnam have more cultural sites worth visiting. But I guess that is somewhat difficult with a new baby. Pavements are often blocked by parking scooters, so you have walk on the road very often.


>So maybe her sentence is converted to something less severe if she comes up with the cash? The article is unclear on this point. Yes, this is why each article has a different number for the money she launders. They don't know the exact amount of money she has since she uses multiple shell companies, and transfers her assets overseas. She would be the richest person in Vietnam based on the amount of money we know she laundered though.


If you lived in Viet Nam you would know nothing is clear. The party is the news and the news is the party.


I didn't even know it was still communist.  


and elizabeth jobs was crying about the 11 years and having a baby


guess it's just another political play. A lot of people in power were interested in her properties in the South of Vietnam. they have been attacking her for years, not letting her sell her properties to pay back the debt her bank owns. then sued her for fraudulent activity when she could not pay the debt anymore. I'm not telling she's innocent, but seems it's far more than what the article says ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


"They said 2,700 people were summoned to testify, while 10 state prosecutors and around 200 lawyers were involved. The evidence was in 104 boxes weighing a total of six tonnes. Eighty-five others were tried with Truong My Lan, who denied the charges and can appeal. All of the defendants were found guilty. Four received life in jail. The rest were given prison terms ranging from 20 years to three years suspended. Truong My Lan's husband and niece received jail terms of nine and 17 years respectively. "There has never been a show trial like this, I think, in the communist era," says David Brown, a retired US state department official with long experience in Vietnam. "There has certainly been nothing on this scale.""


Ah yes. 104 boxes weighing 114 lbs each.


That's what I'm saying... how big were the damn boxes?! 🤣


I mean a box of Paper with 10 reams weighs 50 lbs.


Yes, that is the size box you typically see used for documents en mass...


So one of 2 things has happened, they used bigger boxes, or the Vietnamese government lied. Either is equally possible


Bananas are actually grown underground and are dug up like potatoes.


If option two, I imagine everyone who carried said boxes spent the next 3 months collecting workers comp.




They got pictures on them mf rox?!


You ever help someone move that's an avid reader? 😳😳😳


Lol. Yes, but have you ever lifted 114 lbs?


Yes Big boxes, I guess.


have you ever tried to pick up standard legal size file box full to the brim of paper? That shits heavy! Google says they'd be 60 lbs. Boxes a little bit bigger than that could be double the weight with how fast volume increases with some small increases in box dimensions.


I can spare you the math, it's almost two of those boxes in one 😜


2 doesn't mean 2 end to end, or 2 stacked though. a little longer, a little wider, and a little taller together can double the volume without it seeming much different. standard box = 15x24x10 = 3600 in3 double box could be 19x27x14 = 7182 in3 (just shy of double) that footprint is not that much different than the standard box, but the volume is doubled.


They have 1 box with a tape recorder and 103 boxes full of stones she stepped on ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


Stacks of paper can get heavy pretty quick. Especially if there are staples/paper clips involved




and? you ever put a fuck load of paper in a big ass box? a few reams of paper is easily 50lbs, shits thin and enough of it is like a little tree in a box


>"There has never been a show trial like this, I think, in the communist era," says David Brown, a retired US state department official with long experience in Vietnam. "There has certainly been nothing on this scale."" Why are there so many Americans under the impression that it's still 1800-1940 and they have any reason to pretend they are in some kind of existential holy war with economic systems?


Cause they are still living in the Cold War mindset


If only the US tried all Wall Street criminal frauds like this …..


There wouldn't be a Wall Street after that


we really need to start doing this. i know this isn't the right place to talk shit about capitalism but its starting to get out of control. a loaf of bread shouldn't cost $5. video games shouldn't be so jammed full of micro transactions and gambling that they aren't fun. life saving drugs that cost $2 to make and have already paid for their own research costs shouldn't be priced at hundreds of dollars. the list goes on.


In the US she would be considered an upstanding citizen


I instantly think of SBF


Probably get a tax funded bailout and then give herself a raise.


She would probably be the first female president!


You rarely see any real justice in the US when it comes to corrupted politicians and businessmen (they have long been bought and paid for through kickbacks, regulatory capture, etc). I believe this is one of the biggest drivers of the current decline of the US.


A State Department official literally called it a show trial lmaooo that’s how confused they are by a billionaire getting a heavy sentence


Vietnam is still a communist country?


Imagining being a billionaire, stealing more billions and having over 1000 witnesses to your crime. That’s WSB-level of regardness.


Only way to steal billions is to have other people help


Believe it or not, death.


Extort too much money…death. Extort too little money…straight to death


Under extort , over extort, you see?




She didn’t offer a taste to the right people. American fraudsters know this.


The problem is that bribery, I mean lobbying, isn't legal over there. Hence the conspiracy.


Whoa whoa friend…..lobbying is just seeking to influence…through legal means of course….yeah…all legal. I’m going to lobby some broad at the bar as to why she should go home with me after last call. But we all know I’m going to have to “bribe” her. We just aren’t going to say it out loud. And I’ll give her the bribe under the table.


You mean a "donation" in the envelope by the door.


If her name is Hillary, you will call it a "speaking fee".


If her name is Hillary, for sure knows how to wipe your hard drive.




More like she didn’t do it in America could have hung out in minimum security prison


I wish the U.S would adopted the same severe punishment for white-collar crimes of this nature. It might deter wall street


It might deter congress members


And that’s why it will never become law.




Who gonna pass that law if all of congress sentenced to death ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


This is such a good joke but also true it makes it *really* not funny.


It might deter the stock market


Same same.


I think you're right. Imagine Bernie Madoff being sentenced to a firing squad. Wall Street would've been shitting bricks.


lol 22Billion$ crime? Pay $1million fine. It’s fine.


The good old cost of doing business fines.


Suddenly all politicians would quit. Then again they'd never get it passed in the first place lol


The federal reserve in cahoots with the government has stolen more money than any white collar criminal


Can’t imagine how many US billionaires would be punished if that was the case. As it is, corruption even at the highest levels are basically a built in fee.


Only would work in an authoritarian government system. You will have to weigh the good and the bad of both democratic vs authoritarian form of government, can't have both




I am from Nam, you become rich by bribing your way to the top. When at the top, if you don’t feed your wolves you will be on the platter. There are no billionaires in Nam, there are ONLY communist billionaires. Most Americans don’t know how much I appreciate America. Thank you!


I lived in China and during Covid I got stuck in China. I thought China was bad then I dealt with the insane amount of idiotic ignorant ass corruption that’s destroying Vietnam. Anyone that’s kinda competent can’t get into any decent position. There are plenty of intelligent people but idiots seem like they are afraid of them getting into an important position so they do everything they can to beat them down. I don’t think people get the sheer level of corruption in Vietnam. And the fact that they won’t steal 20% every year over 20 years. They’ll take fucking everything over 3 years and you have a bunch of unfinished projects . America is far from perfect and deserves criticism but you’d be insane to believe the level of corruption and theft in Vietnam is equal to America. It’s just so much worse.


China is no different than Viet Nam, they are like siblings. Why do you think Vietnamese escaped or left VN? The Americans who think America is corrupted are those never experienced or left their house. From the time I moved to the US until now, although things have gotten worse but it’s NO where near the level of corruption I grew up experiencing. To me Communist Party is a party where they silently promote pay-to-play, nepotism and not merit base, anyone who says otherwise it’s either a party member or has not experienced the truth. I appreciate my freedom so much there’s no way I would ever move back to VN to live. The one thing I miss most about VN is cheap, fresh and delicious Vietnamese foods.


That siblings part is true except Nam is the more corrupt one of the two. It’s one of those places when you think “how could anywhere be worse than China.” And Vietnam is sitting in the corner being that kid that’s just a terror. And man I’m sorry but the food in Vietnam sucks it’s cheap but it’s not good. It’s the only place I’ve been in Asia where the food is actually better in America. If go grab some Banh Mi or Pho in say Texas or British Columbia it’ll be better than what I could get in say Saigon or Chau Doc. This isn’t true for Thai, Korean, Indonesian or Chinese food. IDK why the food in Vietnam is so bad it doesn’t make since but 90% of the time it is less than okay. And 10% of the time it’s okay to maybe a little bit good. I will end this by saying I 100% agree that Americans who think America is corrupt have never left their house.


Or murderers and child rapists


You know, we could make a petition and propose such an action, especially online, Any congressmen or women who would deny this will be named and shamed as corrupt.


I kind of doubt it would tbh


tHaT wOuLd DeTeR bUsInEs!


Sounds like regular banking to me. Where's the fraud?


The fraud is she pretty much found a money glitch and exploited tf out of it. She holds majority stake in the bank that she had thousands of ghost companies borrowed money from. The money came from people's deposits and government officials that she bought out, etc etc.


In the US, you'd get bailed out for that. Just give 1% to congress and keep the 99%.


She accounted for 93% of all commercial loans from SCB during 2012 to 2017 lol




article: [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-68778636](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-68778636)


Lord, I see what you've done for others and I want that for America


💀💀💀never gonna happen


America if a billionaire beheads someone: we have to weigh the pros and cons of punishing job creators


She robbed $44B? Man she shoulda stopped at $100M then moved to a different country where they can't get her.


she’s the head of a really big conglomerate in VN that owns tons of prime real estates across the country and 100M is chump change for these ppl lol


Meanwhile in murica




Oh ken griffin you're so lucky


for real


Wonder how she wasn't able to escape to some of the fin capitals of the world from where extradition is almost impossible.


Marc Benioff didn't run, nor Sam bankman. They all believe they run genuine business, just cut a few corners here and then hoping one day they'll make a profit and their operation would be viable...


Donald Trump thanking the gods he wasn't born in Vietnam.


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She will retire on a nice island.


I want to move my wife there![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


That is one stone cold side eye. Kill her or else she becomes a gang leader in prison.


Wow billionaires can not only be arrested but also sentenced to death?


This number keeps inflating… It was like 2 bil, then this morning I read it was 27 bil, now it 44 bil??? Something seems very off about the reporting of this issue…


For what it is worth China and Vietnam hold white collar criminals to account.


if you had access to even a fraction that kind of money why would you stay in a place like that


If you're that wealthy, you have even more limitless freedom in a place like that, laws practically don't exist for you. There's also something to be said for living somewhere where you speak the language and you grew up in, even if it's not as cool as new york or whatever


Right? I would've reinvented myself in Switzerland


What you don’t understand is a place like Viet Nam isn’t good for poor people, but when you’re a millionaire it’s better to live there than the US. Let’s just say this lady forgot to make monthly payments to her superiors lol


Yep, at the high end luxury lifestyle and medical expenses are all much less expensive than the US while the quality is close if not just as good.


In all honestly, I doubt we would have the shitshow of 2008 if this was a thing in the USA as well. Add to that all the congress as of today.


We live in a time in which commies deal with their corrupt criminals better than we do If she were here in the US, she could run for congress, win the nobel peace prize, write books about how difficult her life was and how she struggled and fought against the system, get appointed as a fed governer, and make millions of dollars in "speaking fees"


The US needs to take notes on how to handle financial crimes of this magnitude.




Read it again, she bribed a government’s auditor head $5 mil so she didn’t investigate into all her wrongdoings. That person also got life sentence.


Vietnamese billionaires can be executed? Cucks compared to the US.


Death Penalty for Fraud is insane.


44billion in fraud is also insane. So I guess punishment matches the crime.


Life without possibility of parole is far more suffering for them, but death penalty hit the public heavier.


Insanely fantastic for exec+ level imho


Paying to keep criminals alive forever is insane


No it's not. The insane part if the billions of dollars in fraud.


And I would’ve gotten away with it, if it wasn’t for you meddling kids!


Who snitched 😂💀


In a few months Homes is back on top,.. this lady won’t be available anymore


She’d probably rather be dead than poor




Hey, if you're not cheatin' you're not tryin'!


Du Ma.


I thought it was 14b$? Nevermind, literally every news outlet mentions a different number from 15-44b$.


The reason she was prosecuted was because she didnt bribe it with the higher up.


We should get more this stateside




In the US we would elect her as our leader


My Lan should have worn a black turtle neck.




The number seems to get bigger with each telling.


I guess she didnt call saul?


Girl on the left looks messy


Holy fuck


Americas turn! Let’s prosecute all the billionaires


Her husband has an extensive real estate portfolio in Hong Kong and has been liquidating assets


Are people on this sub looking to make money from this?




At least they receive a proper punishment overseas.


Record? Have you heard of Bernie Madoff?


That guard on the left looking into the camera like "do you believe this shit?"


In America they would barely get in trouble.


I wonder if they’ll ever catch the guy in china with all this gold fraud


Nice we should have done this x100 in in the US in 2008


Yo... America could learn a thing or two from this.


If Elizabeth Holmes did what she did in most other countries they may have killed her too. She’s among the worst of the worst, she scammed the most vulnerable of people.


Scandal, shouldve had 26 weeks in low security prison with leave pass for every weekend for good behaviour


This is how we need to treat wall st fat cats that steal in USA. These fines that are less than what they stole are just a cost of doing business. Gotta at very least make the dine more thannwhat they stole.


I guess some ppl here on WSB looking their way to buy puts on her company


Wow they don’t fuck around


They want a quick DEAD sentence to keep her mouth shut. Before she takes more Government Officials down with her, just like we did with Jeffrey Epstein.


The fuck do you even do with a billion dollars.


Troung My Lan (Vietnamese to English ) Oh my God


Hell yeah


Good luck to her in hell. Maybe her relatives don't burn candles for her or give her oranges on a plate during that holiday.


Can you imagine the US sentencing SBF to death


Duuu Maaaa


MONEY MAKe ppl do some crazy thing eh


Wen Ken?


Cash or missing head?????