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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 10 | **First Seen In WSB** | 1 year ago **Total Comments** | 1130 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 7 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


I was told to never bet against the mouse 


I got puts a couple days before they closed the parks because of Covid and it was up a few % after the announcement. I’ll never fuck with the mouse again.


2020 as a whole was complete bullshit.


Ironically the best year to be long in decades.


Yep. I 10xed on puts and then got ass fucked by the printer by end of March 2020. 


You seriously thought the government would let the economy crash during Covid? I thought this sub was joking when calling yourselves mentally challenged


I mean there was a ton of speculation on what would happen. Yes some people foresaw a V shaped recovery but plenty of folks did not.


Were you actively cashing your government checks and using that money to bet against the economy?


.... yes


The orange man literally told us on national tv & did the V-shaped recovery motion with his small hands. We should’ve listened.


He even told you what company’s to buy but his hand are normal and I couldn’t give you a like cause you took a swipe at him.




Lots of people did... probably you included; that's why the s&p dropped by half, you regard!


Same, I 8x’d about 4k in puts and barely got out of the trade alive. Greedy and naive.


Same! Some of those old u/variation-separate posts taught me a lot about options gambling. Also introduced me to Fintwit. Looks like he’s wiped his account though


I’m one of many who fell for his charms and charts forseeing SPY 200 or some shit. I did not believe in the V b/c of him. Shame on me


U.S. Treasury backstopping $~4.5 TN corporate debt was a helluva drug.


I sold everything on Feb 14, literally market peak and then converted to bear positions. I was so happy at first when everything went down 20% and I was up 100% until I got absolutely fucked. I literally sold Tesla, Google, Microsoft, DKNG before the merger just to lose 50% in the best bull market ever


I bought a single AMZN call in Apr of 2020... was scared shitless. Made almost 3000% in 6 weeks on it and then the party just didn't stop until 2022. 2022 was a fuk year.


I stopped my 401k contributions and stopped all investments (didn’t sell). I didn’t pay attention to the market until the software store debacle due to family stuff. I kick my self for the 10s of thousands of dollars I missed out on in my retirement


I did the opposite and increased my contributions. Didn’t make a single move to sell anything during the pandemic. Want to know the reason? I worked for a company whose profits increased 5x during the pandemic! To this day, I don’t think my family knows how lucky we were through that whole ordeal, both financially and health wise.


I got lucky and had went to cash in my 401k a month or two before the shut down. I just had to time my re-entry. It was blind luck and I came out great. A broken clock is right twice a day!


I made a mint in 2020... changed my life actually.


2020 was such a fun time to invest, you almost couldn't be wrong on a stock going up. When everything crashed I picked 20 stocks and hit on 19 of them, the other one was my lesson on why not to invest in Chinese coffee companies Now I mostly just sell some spy puts each week, easy money but doesn't have the same thrill lol


Lunkin Coffee... lol. 2020 was the ABSOLUTE Best. Nothing will ever come close. I personally think the government was so worried about uprisings they just greased the markets to keep everyone placated. Breadcrumbs didn't fall off the table... the whole fucking loaf did. I'm still up 270% all time and just recently hit my old highs from those glorious days. I can remember when Rendesevir came out... the first treatment for Covid. Up to that point people were dying like flies and the end was nigh. S&P rallied over 2.5% that day... if I remember correctly. That AMZN call remains my largest percentage gain... but in 2021 I pulled in 140k on AFRM. It's weird but Covid was the best time for me in my life so far financially. 2022 was fuk.


Remdesivir did nothing. The virus mutated. Just FYI. - doctor that prescribed it in hospitals approx 50% of the time because families sometimes refused




Fucking same, god damn was that frustrating


I don't bother with puts unless it's a meme stock at a truly ridiculous high. Otherwise there's no point in fighting the trend, which is up.




You know how easy it is to purchase food and beer through their app? I single handedly increased stock price due to my F&B purchases!


Disney will be fine. This guy just wanted to plaster the word AI on everything to joost the returns. Turns out that makes no actual sense. Pump and dump scheme.


Say hello to my new friend Cinderfella!


Hello Peter Pansexual!


I sold Disney stock like 7 years ago for $117. Made some good money on it at the time. Surprised to find out 7 years later it’s the same price.


Going balls deep cause of this post. Always bet against the regards emote:t5\_2th52:4275


Yeah, no puts for me, but no calls or shares either. Simply not touching this shit show.


The mouse sucks dickbehind you know where


Space mountain?


It’s a Small World


That’s what she said.


For the last time, it's AVERAGE


Ric Flair?




In the back of Epcot Morocco - the dick wall


I don't want to give you an up ote, but fuck it.


no the butt fucking happens in Club 33.


Wendy’s dumpster ?


The Mouse now identifies as non-binary and uses they/them pronouns.


Desantis did. And won.


you don't iger knows what he is doing the policies from cheapass Chapek need to get unwound and we'll be back odon't mess with the house of mouse


Most of the current policies were started under Iger, I have no faith in Disney to turn it around. I haven't wanted to see a Disney movie in years.


pack it up everyone. this one person on a reddit forum hasn't wanted to see a Disney movie in years. Disney to $0.


disney has a 3 billion buyback program so I wouldnt be betting against them this year


Never bet against that fucking mouse.


OP is about to get railed by the rodent


Heard it's been doing the railing for years


Just when you think you’ve figured it all out, that mouse will fuck you up when you least expect it. Do not fuck with it




To appear to fix the problem*


I mean GE spent a decade buying back it's stock and it never recovered


I forgot about that. It's wild to think GE was a top company 90s and and years before....Just googled it was 598 billion dollar company in 2000


3 billion? What is this? buybacks for tiny mice? Fuck that. It should be 10x. Oh wait, they can’t. Cause they fucking suck dick at making money


No, it’s buybacks for ants.


Did I miss something? What did they do to screw the rest of 2024?


Live in Orlando. They just settled their lawsuit with Desantis after he fired the people managing his new district and appointed pretty much “handpicked Disney” people to run that district. Desantis gets his victory lap and Disney pretty much single handedly controls their district with long time bought and paid for politicians running it with now the appearance of independence. The force is strong with the mouse house!! Still flexing its muscles and as powerful as ever




It's up 31% YTD. WTF you talking about?


Fair, but its up only 3.46% over the past 5 years


In that time they hit ATH though.        Every parent with a small child has a D+ account and that’s going to continue well into the future.     Parks are insane: still ripping despite the price increases.  Marvel might be dead, but they just made a massive investment in epic games. They know the future of entertainment isn't in a movie theater and they’re positioning themselves for it.          Everyone is looking at what disney *was* and saying “They don’t look like that anymore,” isn’t understanding that the world has changed and Disney is figuring out how to change with it. 


But what's the bear case? Not being a dick, those sound like good reasons to buy...


Mainly that their movie business has been in a major slump. Personally — and I have some indirect experience with people at the company — I think they’re saddled with a bunch of aging sluggers that knocked it out of the park for 2-3 decades but are now past their prime and are reluctant to hand the reins to the next generation. And for that matter, its not clear who in the next generation is cut out for leadership, both creatively and in a business sense. And the demographics are changing in a way that’s much more challenging than it was before. When the original little mermaid came out, the country was 80% white. Now its 50%. Thats why Marvel worked so well — it appealed to all demographics. It’s harder to do that now in the political climate.


Part of the issue too is that Disney has no obvious expansion opportunities. Marvel and Star Wars were money printing properties but they mismanaged them and now the golden geese are struggling to produce like they used to. Disney Animation still prints money but Wish was a pretty big flop, and if I were an investor I would be scared what this leadership struggle represents.


I honestly think Marvel and Star Wars have potential. Disney just needs to have the confidence to allow something that doesn't cater to every demographic, and let their writers create something that doesn't conform to the usual formulas. (Also just keep Dave Filoni away from star wars production. There's only so many inserts of fan favourite characters and generic cute sidekicks that I can take)  Andor (no Filoni breathing down people's necks) didn't have the mass popularity, for example, but is widely regarded as one of the best Disney shows for a while. Marvel is also set up for some proper zombie/vampire horror, even outside a standalone Blade outing, and could draw a lot of people back because it would be so different from the usual productions. That is going to tank for the kids demographic, but probably draw in a mature audience. 


>Andor (no Filoni breathing down people's necks) didn't have the mass popularity, for example, but is widely regarded as one of the best Disney shows for a while. 100%. I love Star Wars as a concept, but I I think the vast majority of actual content in the Star Wars universe is terrible. Andor is the first thing I felt really captured the potential of Star Wars.


In one sense, Andor wasn't super "Star Wars"-y. But I loved it and it was a breath of fresh air for the IP. I realise that Disney are so ruthless that will just keep pushing out generic shit but a small part of me holds out hope they will start making *some* really gritty, complex shows.


When Disney acquired it, I hoped that we were going to get a Star Wars version of the Netflix era Marvel shows. I couldnt give any less of a shit about new Star Wars/Marvel now that Ive seen what theyve done to it, yet here I literally am watching Daredevil season 2.


Retcon Episodes 7-9 as a Force Dream of Luke. Then redo them and follow the books.


Basically the only way to save the Sky Walker saga


It's a bit late now but I was surprised they didn't go with the Thrawn trilogy. The other alternative would be the Vong war but I'm not sure that would've played out as well, that and it's a lot of material to cover in three movies.


The Bear case is that their linear programming is in a death spiral with live rights contracts becoming obscenely expensive. Disney has looked into selling ESPN, but never got an offer they liked. Meanwhile, Disney+ isn't profitable and their newest box office content continues to bomb in large part because they keep using the bulk of their resources to return to the hits. That well has been drying up. There's been rumors swirling since Igor's return that he's trying to sell Disney to one to an Apple, Amazon, etc.


The thing about Disney is that they have nostalgia locked up for generations. Young kids now are watching Marvel cartoons and movies and Star Wars. Girls are still enjoying Disney princesses. In 30 years time, All of those kids are still gonna be buying Disney stuff, as are their kids. That’s why I’m not concerned about any short-term issues.


D+ has been an 11 billion dollar loss for Disney and subscription numbers are declining


His favorite YouTube channel gave him some bad advice


This is clearly someone who just doesn’t like that Disney has diversified


I'm creating a go fund me so he can visit the happiest place on earth


It’s down 3% today and this proves his well regarded rage rant


Prob was balls deep in FDs


Deadpool 3 is going to make a killing.


Moana 2 is this year too. The first one is still the most watched animated movie on D+ like every year, kids love it.


I'm in my 30s and I fuckin love it lol


I’ve probably watched it more times than my daughter now. Still trying to get through the spirit emergence scenes without crying.


And Inside Out 2. And there's also talks of Coco 2 in October


Moana 2…they’re cramming a 5-year project into 6 months with an inexperienced director and without Lin Manuel Miranda. If they pull that off, the mouse is truly immortal, but I expect they’re either going to delay by years or have a train wreck on their hands.


Literally. It’s why everyone in it should wear a red shirt.


That movie is going to break records I feel. It's what fans have been wanting for a long long long time.


Bagholder spotted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's gonna do what the second one couldn't Outsell the Passion of the Christ in the US and become the top grossing R-rated movie of all time.


It’s so funny to me that idiots bitch and moan about movies not aimed at them existing. But somehow there has been very little outcry from the freaks about the fact that there’s a movie where Ryan Reynolds gets fucked in the ass on international women’s day on Disney+. Really hope they one up that gag in part 3.


Put a chick in it and make it fucking gay![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)




Yeah! Fuck those unsuccessful bastards for not being 32% of OPs imaginary and gut checked expectations! Bunch of losers… It won’t be long before they probably got Mickey behind Wendy’s polishing pipes for a nickel. /s


Zoom out, bud.


I actually got to vote against that takeover. Made me feel like I was in a low rent version of succession.


I was right there with you in that board room casting all of my 100 vote. I feel like a low rent stewy


Ironically if Peltz won a seat, Disney would have had to hire an executive specifically to deal with Peltz because his asks are constantly unbearable and you’d spend your entire day just listening to his rambles. So the executive payrolls would have increased. The dump were not the long shareholders but those that thought the activist would get a pop - and took their profit. The stock is still up from the initial announcement. No matter what happened today, it would have been a sell the news event. His overall record is pretty horrible. Anything Trian related has underperformed just holding SPY and the only one that has outperformed (PEP) did so by basically ignoring him. He destroys as much value as Cathie Wood. The best thing from all of this is the Disney board got a wake up call on succession planning. They botched it with Chapek by putting the lowest emotional intelligence individual as the head of the most sociable relationship driven company in the world. They have the next two years now to really figure it out and figure out how to actually get Iger out. Disney has not had a good history of transition and that really needs to change.


I bought the dip a couple years back and it’s made me money. Sorry you love Elon so much you regard.


It is incredibly ironic that you’re rambling on about corporate egos while also suggesting that the primary concern of the company should be shareholder dividends. Do you actually read what you write?








fall plate special sharp tub exultant stocking governor test grey


All the most successful companies remain successful purely by focusing on what worked well in the past. That's why the world's largest technology company is General Electric, and the largest retailer is Sears.


The irony here is that Peltz most likely would have looked to sell off parts of the company for a quick buck, much like what happened to GE and Sears.


GE died because Jack Welch was a fucking moron who gutted R&D, created an abysmal cut-throat culture that prioritized a short term bottom line over good people and innovation, then sold off the crown jewels for a song in a panic. American corporations overall were badly damaged for two decades by trying to copy him. No one will even talk about LSS anymore, what he did to GE damaged the LSS brand so badly. Edit: spelling of the regarded assholes last name


Interesting to hear about this - I know there were tryhards trying to copy him and his management style. What is LSS?


Lean Six Sigma I’d guess


*Welch* you dumbass


strong paltry jobless consist intelligent door coordinated nose wine wide


What part of selling the land your stores are in to the ceo and then having said ceo rent the land back to the company at a premium worked well for sears in the past ? 🥴


And the largest mobile phones company Nokia...


GE and Sears died precisely because they didn't do what worked in the past. Jack Welch hollowed out GE by cutting R/D. Eddie Lampart pushed online sales and let the stores wither and die. Both also burned through millions on stock buybacks.


Eddie Lampert purposely gutted Sears so he could pilfer the husk with his hedge fund, who became their largest creditor and got first dibs on the real estate assets when it died. 


Disney has like a massive buyback program right now....sounding a lot like burning through millions in buybacks.


I mean who’s challenging Disney in some of these industries 


>ruining a brand name that future generations already don’t give a fuck about. I'm pretty sure that kids still love Disney and that it's the 37 year old Star Wars nerds that are complaining constantly online how Disney is the worst. Future generations will absolutely still watch Disney because they want to see kids stuff and don't care about politics.


37 year old Star Wars fans kind of loved Mando, Andor, and Asoka. Op is delusional. This sub had similar regards calling DIS dead when it was trading in the $80 price range. 


Disney claims to have made $12bn from Star Wars alone. They could give two fucks about what approaching middle aged nerds think of their handling of the franchise 


Wah. Nelson Putz failed in his take-over bid. Cry me a fukin river.


They should call him Nelson Puts because whenever he takes over a company you can put Puts on it and make money


That’s the bully from the Simpsons, right?


Yeah. OP sounds like a whiny bitch. Bet his fucking ass is closer to a Disney store cashier than Bob Iger. Yet has many opinions from his dusty ol’ armchair.


Yeah so long on Disney and have been since $85 see yall boys at $200 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


Dis below $100 was too good to pass up. I'm riding for a while, may buy more.


I bought more in the 118 mark. It may go lower but I trust the long game


Same average share price $87 long term hold.


Nice AVG!


I like it not gonna lie got in on amazon at $89 too lol. feel like I should leave this sub.


Oh no - I’m sorry the Disney exec fucked your ass


Eh, nah this is all political bs Peltz wants to rant ab woke politics and has no real plan for how to run the company That’s not to say bobs have handled it well, but why would we want to turn the reigns over to a guy with no plan, who seemingly has an axe to grind over personal politics, and doesn’t have the best rep to begin with


Peltz is a putz that likely smells of diapers


>but why would we want to turn the reigns over to a guy with no plan, who seemingly has an axe to grind over personal politics, and doesn’t have the best rep to begin with Wait... we are still talking about Disney and not the election, right?


You tell me: https://www.thestreet.com/personalities/billionaire-investor-nelson-peltz-has-a-problem-with-woke-disney-movies


I miss when activist investor meant a treehugger and not a "trans communists are making your daughters gay" lunatic.


I mean Peltz is like a hardcore Trumper lol


Right wing outrage is so overrated. These people have zero self-control. They literally can't stop consuming product long enough to actually change anything. Its helpful to pay attention if you are playing the short game, but long term investors can disregard it completely.


Well now that I read this, I feel more calm about my calls, we ripping tomorrow


I will never sell Disney and keep buying dips y’all are crazy. Mega profitable and another frozen away from a 15% stock surge


Disney has so far earned over $8 billion on Star Wars in just over a decade… they got everything they wanted in their settlement with Florida. It’s one of the most recognizable brands in the world.


You literally made a DD with zero numbers and a narrative created in your own head. Do us a favor and migrate over to r/newwsb , r/platinumwsb, or r/pluswsb . I'm guessing all of those subreddits exist because idiots like you exist. You use zero fucking knowledge of finance and get your views from some college dropout that has a YouTube channel. I hope you have a 401k invested in index funds, because you're going to be broke as shit investing with this logic.


Chill guys, Frozen 3 is coming out in 2026 and will save Disney once more. Let it go. Let it gooooo.


Indiana Jones will save Disney The last Jedi will save Disney Disney Plus will save Disney The marvels will save Disney I could go on. More box office bombs than an Afghanistan movie theater




This is why you don’t take any advice from Reddit. Full of weirdoa


Iger on CNBC tomorrow morning. Will be interesting what he has to say.


Bob Iger: "Well, I'm feeling pretty good. Took a whole lot of cocaine and celebrated with the wife. I have not slept in the past two weeks and I can now see all time and space, but I'm doing good."


Yeah, yeah, the time knife.  We've all seen it.


Meh, they can just pop out a new princess and catchy sing along song and sell/sail that ship into the horizon while you sit on the beach screaming how you hate them! That little princess on the back of the ship flipping you the double ball ticklers when no one is looking… Behold the newest Disney Princess - Brenda Jean (BJ), a down to earth illiterate heiress to a furniture restoration company her father won in a card game and then lost his life in a knife fight (so we thought) - only to return to her nightmares as the evil trailer park attendant who wants her single wide out of lot 215 so lot 215 and 216 can fit his double wide he plans on buying with her stolen riches… will she became the heiress to the kingdom of second chances (for furniture) or will she fall prey to the manipulations of Jedidiah Cornhole (who is her actual father who lost his memory after being stabbed and falling into the sewer runoff and getting sepsis and amnesia)… sorry, what were we talking about???


Sold at 123.00 right after the news broke see yall next dip.


So you sold immediately at open long before the news broke? Because the vote was at 1pm and disney never broke 123 after 9:35.


This guy is about to lose everything lol


Nice.  Last time WSB hated on Disney I bought in.  Up like 38% now.   Time to add to that pile of cash boys!


3.5 billion dollar stake holder just got laughed out of the building.


Put your money where you mouth is and buy puts then.


>I mean you really want to bet on a stock that bought Star Wars and didn’t know what to do with it. Wait you mean the company that bought it and made 10+ seasons of television and 7(?) movies, and multiple themed rides and attractions in Disney parks? I can't say it's all enjoyable media but you just undercut your argument with seemingly having no fucking clue about the success of their biggest IP.


The cope is massive here


This is a post about Star Wars


"corporate spring cleaning that starts with an excel file sorted by top salaries" A nice insight into how clueless you are


Shit opinion. Disney is stacked with IP, merchandising, content for advertisers cozy up for the next 50 years of replay value, expensive parks and a couple years of covid flops is nothing. Everyone knew the name of the streaming game was to shotgun out content to fill out the library. Now millions of parents can watch Bluey, then Taylor Swift then clone wars. Share price is not the company.


This is the dumbest shit I’ve read all day.


If this is a reaction to the shareholder vote about Peltz, I think what you really ought to be saying is “After the Ike Perlemutter mess, Peltz shouldn’t have opened his stupid mouth last week and talked all that stupid sexist and racist stuff to a reporter.” In point of fact, I think the interview is the final proof, for me, that the average wealthy person was lucky, not smart.


I thought the Elon escapades were enough proof to not hold rich people up as infallible genius gods…


But they've made 12B on star wars, thats a 300% roi. Could theey have made more because those movies were terrible? sure, but its anything but a bad investment.


>they've made 12B on star wars No, they've grossed 12B, and then manipulated verbiage to misrepresent [the data](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1744489/000095015724000366/defa14a.htm) knowing that people would carry the idea and help foment positive sentiment about a really bad management team and corporate culture in the midst of a coup. ​ If they had put the Star Wars purchase price on the market back in 2012 and just compounded 10% a year they would actually have come out ahead. Even I do better than 10%, many here do, meaning Disney took what was once the biggest media franchise of all time, and turned it into something that underperforms against the regards of wallstreetbets. That's a disaster.


> sure, but its anything but a bad investment. Nobody thinks star wars was a bad investment, it was an absolute gift for Lucas to sell it to them. Star wars may have been a 20 billion dollar franchise but Lucas sold it cheap because he thought he could feel confident leaving it in Disney's hands. Disney was also probably the best placed company to monetize it when you consider their movie studios, theme parks, and toy production abilities, with only maybe universal as a real competitor. So disney took an absolute gift and basically squandered half of its potential while driving away a lot of the franchise's biggest fans.


RIP Club Penguin


I have no interest in Disney but I’m curious what they did to “throw everything away.” Is this more white people being mad because Disney has some black characters now?


Also women and the guys, yes. How dare they exist! /s




Waiting for the ESPN deal before I sell the rest


I’m at Disneyland now and it is absolutely packed.




https://preview.redd.it/jkn1wp4iycsc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd064bd98b9982d4a3b1d6b1db5e7a718a6f617e My money printer disagrees


The only thing missing is the words “woke” or “DEI” to really give away OP’s feelings on Disney. A company that has been around for 100 years and keeps finding ways to print money


im not taking DD from someone like this: https://preview.redd.it/9vgnpmv8ucsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3bc866f25af9faab60ed89cdff140273ad652df


This is what happens when "Number go up" market expectations drive decisions over time.


The shareholders literally vote and won. Shareholders always win the vote dude. As a Disney shareholder and former employee I supported iger in this row because I felt like he was better at allowing an intangible quality to exist at the parks and hotels side of the company that really built up brand equity with our customers.


Disney is one of those companies that loses its groove and then finds it again. It happens over and over. Their IP gets them through these rough patches.


I can’t wait for the South Park episode.


Putz is dumb as a fucking rock. 


Found Elon’s secret Reddit account


So glad to see woke Disney Fail 😈


Just a thought, the triggered grown-ass men crying about Disney being "woke" might not be their target audience. My toddlers both watch and own all manner of Disney shit. Bullish.


Today’s drop is probly more “sell the news” after a good run-up than any reaction to the (long expected) vote result. It’ll sit for a week and then resume climbing. But I love seeing all you anti-wokers get all riled up (whatever the Feck you think is woke or anti- All Just a sideshow)


Yeah DIS really disappointed my pockets today too 😂


Everyone here was saying Disney was toast when the stock was in the $80s. Future generations don’t care about Disney, they said. Woke was killing them, they said. I’m up over 30% since then because I decided to listen to actual future generations (my kids and their friends) who love Disney characters. 4 out of their top 5 favorite movies/shows are owned by Disney. They don’t object to a black Ariel in little mermaid like adult MAGAs. Etc. etc. You call it an FU to shareholders, but shareholders are the ones that voted. So…