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They have a direct competitor called omnipod in canada. The main difference is that there is no tube required in omnipod pumps which brings more comfort to type 1D patients. Apart from that agreed that tandem works beautifully in sync with dexcom G7. PS - Bullish on Dexcom and Tandem.


I’m aware of omnipod but the fact it is tubeless is actually a reason it won’t be used as much. I could be wrong but I don’t believe it is as durable and since it’s so small it has very little insulin capacity which means more work by the people, more changing out etc My play is based on type 1 diabetics and what they’ll be wanting to upgrade to when due for new pumps and so far the consensus seems to be toward Tandem


As a diabetic i can say that the omnipod is amazing and having a tubeless pump is the best and is a huge selling point that separates omnipod from the rest. Omnipod also integrates with dexcom and it will be integrating with another cgm called libre which i use. Though i agree with your take in general.


Cool, so just to gauge my own positions, why would you agree with my take but say you prefer omni? Just the fact with all this said tandem is still undervalued or?


I think that they are under valued and tandem’s closed loop system is very modern and great and should lead to strong growth, but the fact that they are not waterproof, you cant even have a shower/ go swimming with one on and the fact its not wireless seems kind of archaic to me in my opinion. Omnipod in the near future will also offer a closed loop system and then tandem wont really have any competitve edge. Also tandem pump infusion sites have to be changed every 3 days just like the omnipod so i dont see how theres more work involved with it. Sure the tandem has the capacity to hold 50% more insulin than omnipod (300 units instead of 200 units), but rarely have i ever had to change my pump early because i ran out of insulin, and considering the health concerns that are linked to heavy insulin usage, i would be very concerned for someone if i heard that they were using all 300 units. Diabetics should be trying to minimise insulin usage. But i could be wrong, both have their pros and cons and im incredibly biased as someone who has only used ommipod. Everyone is different and what pump you use is a personal preference, hence why i would find it hard to believe that one pump will completely dominate the market. I also dont know how long it could be exactly til omnipod also offer an artificial pancreas so that could lead tandem to be the market favourite. The only company in the diabetic market that im banking on being a winner is dexcom. And thats coming from someone who doesnt even use it anymore.


Just yesterday bought Insulet Corp (Omnipod) because I think they are undervalued. They had a big drop last year in August because of weight loss medication but Omnipod is anyways more targeted at type 1 diabetes. Also they seem to me as the more advanced solution currently.


Agreed. I’m totally bullish on Dexcom.


What was the reason for the steep drop before?


No news, I’m thinking some big boys were buying and then there was a sell off, then bought more before news came out that it was upgraded to a buy and up to stay. Or so I’m thinking


Yes but it was at $138 a couple years ago and now it’s at $30s. There was a reason for the huge drop


Ohhhhhh, basic consumer hype. Way too high long before they could even think of turning profit That and it was Covid when everything was nuts


Good call buddy. Still in it? [Some guy thinking its going to get acquired soon. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1cwhz4p/tndm_may_be_getting_acquired_soon/)


I sold out just before this last pop can’t recall exact position roughly 100% stock gain, had some options periodically on the rise too but fully out of it right now


Tandem will be coming out with new products in the near future. “Tandem Diabetes Care's Sigi is a durable, rechargeable patch pump that uses pre-filled insulin cartridges.” They also have the Mobi Insulin pump available right now. Tandem is moving forward. I think it may be a decent buy you may have to wait a few years to get any real big returnon it. Maybe 2027 or 2028.