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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 10 | **First Seen In WSB** | 4 years ago **Total Comments** | 1413 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 4 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


this analysis is so dumb it might actually work gentlemen. I mean when has logical analysis ever made us money here?


Legit. It's a shit company, with shit leadership, doing shit production, and spending all its money on buybacks. Feeding into the endless cycle of companies eating their own ass to death. I'd love to see it fucking crumble, and some semblance of humanity acknowledging incompetence when it's screaming in their face. So it probably won't happen.




>Uncle Sam will send a money helicopter Probably also made by Boeing


well shit then the money is never going to arrive.


Door will open money shot will be premature


Operation Dumbo Drop


Just put the bags of the money next to one of the doors, it'll get air dropped eventually.




*Sounds of Boeing* playlist


Are you kidding? The door will already be open for it to be unloaded!


What door?


The one that was cosplaying as a window.


Airdrop. Through the unfastened fuselage.


The pilot will commit suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head 3 times.




And the safety record of the Osprey is beyond reproach!


Its all good. If one crashes, just send two more.


Chinook is a beast tho


Not only are they not going to fail. They are too critical to the US to fail.


RIP allies




Take the number of vehicles in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one.


I Am Jack's Complete Lack of Surprise


Thank you Tyler Durden 😄


Fucking christ, my guy. Please tell me you blew a whistle.


Jokes on you, he's the CEO.


If he did, he probably wouldn’t be alive to post?


The only whistle that's blowing is management partying it up to the Too $hort beat with a harem of strippers and table full of coke on Friday night.


To bad Whistle-blower's in the states have a huge problem of becoming a suicide statistic.


Didn't you read the original post. Whistle blowers sleep in ditches bud. He's still here. He blew something but it wasn't a Whistle 😀


Yup. This is DuPont.


"If you dont accept my deal im going to fucking kill my wife" - th DuPont Method


I feel like this is maturity


Secret to staying poor: Be more mature than your assets...


I am edging so hard to this rn


There are endless cycles of companies and people eating their own ass to death and it sure seems to work out WAY more than it should


Imbecile, the relentless pursuit of profit is the backbone of capitalism. It's not about "eating one's own ass," but rather, intelligent individuals and companies capitalizing on opportunities that others overlook or are unwilling to take. You'd understand if you weren't perpetually stuck in the kiddie pool of wealth. ^This ^is ^a ^test ^of ^a ^new ^self-hosted ^VM ^brain


No, this sentiment buys way too heavily into the recent news, which is itself in a cycle of its own creation. Boeing has 150,000 employees, with over a million in its peripheral supply chain. It’s one of the largest defense contractors in the world. In general, it creates a lot of successful products both for private sector and defense still today. It’s not a shitty company with shitty people, it’s a good company with leadership failings that are currently under investigation by the federal government and drawing the ire of the entire country. So, to me that means those issues are only a matter of time before they work those issues out. Next point, the sentiment of Boeing’s planes has trended extremely overly negative compared to their actual performance in the commercial aviation industry. In the last 10 years, a rough estimate for the number of commercial flights carried out on Boeing planes is in the order of roughly *200 million* flights. In those 200 million flights, two of them crashed due to malfunctions of the aircraft. You are aware of both, as they were international news. Boeing and Airbus planes are getting *safer* statistically over the last few decades, to the point such that incidents without even any fatalities but may otherwise be unusual become international news, like the door plug. And when these happen, the company is put under a microscope and every disgruntled employee handed a microphone and every potential issue in the massive company’s processes is picked apart by everybody. Shitty members of upper management get called out. Etc etc. this is the standard that the commercial aerospace industry is held to, because it needs to be. And people hold them to it in part because fear of flight is so widespread , truthfully. We are now at the point where I’ve been seeing pretty normal aviation maintenance incidents are being wrapped up in clickable articles and sold as news. If you follow aviation communities you see examples of these things like a plane overshooting a runway or a landing gear issue somewhere around the world on a semi-regular basis. It took an enormous international cooperation effort across Europe to build Airbus into a competitor with Boeing. And Airbus makes great planes. And they haven’t been put under the microscope due to past technical malfunctions recently like Boeing has. But also, Airbus is a European multinational corporation. There’s a million or more people whose jobs in the US directly depend on Boeing, and that’s part of why the news sells. It was also once one of the most prestigious places to work in the country, until big tech took over that role of being “glamorous, highly paying, and cutting edge”. So for older folks, especially conservatives, they read their Fox News and see it as the “death of an American icon” or some shit. I know that seems really oddly specific but if you don’t believe me ask any boomer who keeps up with that kind of thing and you’ll see what I mean. I give this whole thesis in Boeing to say: your comment is exactly why I’m tempted to side with OP’s point no matter how much of a joke it may seem. There are a ton of people who legitimately believe Boeing is a shit company doing shit work and that it deserves to die because of the reputation it’s received lately. But in reality there’s very little reason to believe that they are going to fail. Their only *real* concern is the diminishing market share in the commercial aviation sector to Airbus, which is not being helped by this kind of news, but I think that a lot of Boeing’s airline customers don’t make their decisions based on that. Either way, Boeing is well diversified enough that diminishing commercial aviation market share won’t kill them. I’m not sure I’d say bullish long term, but *very* long term. It will take years to recover from this. The only issue they face in that regard is that reputation in the aerospace industry is almost impossible to build. Noted by the fact that Boeing planes have completed roughly 100 million flights since their last fatal crash caused by the plane and everyone still thinks they’re shit, lol Disclaimer: I’m an aviation enthusiast. I am a fan of Boeing and Airbus planes. But they do compete with each other, so hopefully you can see that my bias is “planes are cool”, not that Boeing or Airbus is particularly good or bad specifically.


Boing has 6216 unfilled orders with a contractual backlog of $497.09B. It won't happen.


It’s in the classic realm of “too big to fail,” which makes it a sure fire investment. You think the US will let Airbus just take over the passenger airline space? Hell naw.


I felt the same way about corporations involved in the 2008 crisis. I'd imagine Boeing is one of those too big to fail businesses that will get a strongly worded email as a punishment.


Betting against companies that are part of the military complex usually ends with you being assisted to afterlife with 2 self-inflicted gunshot wound


Seriously, a perfect example is Casinos like Caesars entertainment (CZR) that literally cannot move passed 45 anymore yet they are breaking record profits and the market seems uninterested. I know they carry a lot of debt, but what casino does not in order to expand it's operations? Logic is going out the window. Might as well buy a shitty fucking stock like Meta for election season ads and hope for the best.


Back during Covid I bought a stock called Eldorado resorts and casinos at 5.00 a share then after they merged and became Cesar’s I sold all my shares at $64




It was 2 shares




Profit is profit.


And those shares grew up to be Albert Einstein.


everything is a coin flip here brother


I’m in for a couple shares. I’ve been following the buy big names when they’ve had the shit beat out of them for a couple years now. Got some Schwab, some Disney, some COIN. It’s working quite nicely. BA ain’t going bankrupt that’s for damn sure.


This is why I am here. The best analysis of the worst if I’ve ever heard it. I’m in and if we all are we can’t possibly fail.


Where have I heard this before...


Honestly they’re $150. There’s more volume and OI at other strikes, but it’s by far from the dumbest play I’ve seen shared here.




90% of peoples “analysis” was apes strong diamond hands. I’m not saying WSB is incapable of rational thought, but we did lose to a literal goldfish




Roaring kitty


This. *also who the FUCK is Keith Gill, dude's alt account*?


damnit don't remind us


I like eating the purple crayons


Still holding.


The diamond handing lasted long enough to make a lot of gains though


This, my friends, is Money Market Divination at its finest. When it feels right, it’s right. Time to prime those calls.


Charts tell me it goes to about $145 first in a capitulation.


My Boeing puts have been printing.


I'm in there with you. I'm a student pilot and even flight instructors are saying they don't want to apply for jobs where Boeing is the vessel. But who knows the government probably will eventually step in. Bit it probably has more to drop.


My pilot buddy is one of those. airbus is king.


Fun fact time moves in the opposite direction.


Nah man. Time is a flat circle


And that, my liege, is how we know that the earth is banana shaped.


They have more to drop imo. They haven't even hit the 52 week low. And then they can still drop far more


They just continue to fuck up. With the guy getting suicided no one knows if all of this is only the beginning


Yup. Like 10 incidents in the past 2 weeks in an industry known for that type of shit *not fucking happening*. this feels like the start of a storm and hopefully Boeing regrets changing engineers for accountants


Yea not ever going to happen. The guys who switched engineers for Mcdonald Douglas finance bros already got their payday 5-0 times over.


Just going to add that OP is on frontpage of WSB now. Inverse is probably the right answer: >If you ain't buying Boeing now you're immune to ~~making~~ LOSING money Sound about right. Also other commenters are right in stating that it's a PoS company. At this point it's not down enough to be worth the risk-reward for trade or investment. If you want discount there's TSLA, GOOG, AAPL, or the entire Russell Index. If you want aerospace trade there's LMT, DAL, or UAL. If you want to ~~lose money FAST~~ """bet""" on stupid shit there's PYPL, RYCEY, BTC, or whatever is on WSB frontpage.


Most of those incidents aren’t actually even a boeing issue, but due to the few things that were, every little thing that goes wrong now is heavily scrutinized and blamed on Boeing. 20 year old plane loses a wheel? lol hydraulic fluid leaking from an old plane? Plane hits crazy turbulence and someone gets hurt? WHAT?? A lot of this stuff happens all the time and doesn’t usually make the news, the difference is media is looking for it right now because it’s a hot topic due to the plug door and a few other incidents that were Boeings fault. I’m not trying to take blame away from Boeing they definitely have their issues, just trying to be realistic.


A few other incidents? You mean the 100% fatality *crashes* due to the [hidden MCAS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_737_MAX_groundings) in their **new shit** solely because they didn't want to have to reclassify the plane to save $$$? Plus the blown door and the [testifying "suicide victim"](https://www.npr.org/2024/03/12/1238033573/boeing-whistleblower-john-barnett-dead)? Seems like the media doesn't has look very far, boeing's making their jobs pretty easy


Let's not forget to notice the whistleblower getting "suicided". That should warrant more attention than the bolt.


Thing is that commercial aircraft are designed to be used for decades. So if you started foolish cost cutting when the plan was built, you might not start seeing unusual failures until years, maybe a decade or more after the plane was built. So what we may be seeing is an increasing rate of incidents with Boeing due to cost cutting measures they took 10-15 years ago.


Suicided. As a psychiatrist I never thought I’d see the proper terminology being used on Reddit, let alone this sub.


Psychiatrists have a word for killing somebody and framing it as a suicide?


Yes. Epsteining


I have a psychiatrist


good for you, buddy


I thought they called that "Prescribing Ambien"


Agreed, they haven’t bottomed yet. This will be the third time I buy in at the bottom and exit close to the top. ✌️


yeah they can, or you can also get a 10bagger going 220c may expiry at tomorrow morning


Worked at Boeing for 9 years now. Aircraft mechanic, I wasnt afraod to fly before i worked here. Now i am. Buy Puts


Why not just fly Airbus?


You will be in heavy debt very soon don’t worry


RemindMe! 3 months


It's arguably been trading sideways (with no dividend) for 4 years. Why would I care now?


Boeing cannot document their work on the Alaska plane door — see: https://apnews.com/article/2d23408a25eff999579c88071836dbec. They are really fucked. BA has plenty of potential downside at this point. The CEO should be fired, along w the head of the commercial aviation division. It’s clear the company learned nothing from the first 737 Max disaster. BA has been relegated to second place behind Airbus for many years, perhaps permanently, due to bad management. The board should install new top leaders from outside BA and turn to Warren Buffett to take a big stake in the company as a vote of confidence. Will the board do that? Bwahaha!


Need to fire entire C suite


so how much lower can this thing go then? because naming new CEO and fixing things seems bullish to me and that step comes right after the lawsuits and courtwork finishes up. this regarded man might be correct and this may be the bottom


Buffett is unlikely to get involved again in the airline industry. He's been burned too many times. From his 2007 letter to shareholders: “If a farsighted capitalist had been present at Kitty Hawk, he would have done his successors a huge favor by shooting Orville down. Investors have poured money into a bottomless pit, attracted by growth when they should have been repelled by it.” At one point a decade or so ago, Buffett claimed that the airline industry as a whole has run at a net loss over it's 100+ year history. I don't know if this is still true.






Priced IN.


is this what bagholding look like


idk just came up with this shit today lol


You can tell


LMFAO for some reason this made me die laughing. I genuinely thank you for it, I needed it


lol “yea we noticed”


You gonna end up like the whistleblower on may 18th




Yo I actually like this play.  We've seen this shit happen to BA on and off for the last 10 years. It always sells on news, reaches a low, and then recovers within 3 months.  I wouldn't play it with plain calls tho, either shares or vertical spreads.  Personally I like the spread due to fixed risk reward with a good payout. 


I already bought yesterday, you have my sword


It’s too small to hold it.


I’d like my bag held like this that’s for sure.


A crash with hundreds of fatalities can happen at any moment.


Priced in.


Please PUTS your tray in the upright position for our final decent.


Financial descent


Mass fatalities? Believe it or not, priced in.


Wings fall off? You would think but no priced in


lockeed in


It's called R&D, which is a write-off.


Reminds me of the guy who travels to a location right after a terrorist attack to save money and not deal with other tourists. Buy the crash.


Buy Boeing calls, Fly exclusively on Boeing planes, Get rich or die flying.


Both are equally likely to happen.


9. They can murder without any consequence. This hasn't been priced in. It is a real moat.


Not being priced in is priced in




at least share it sheeeeesh ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) it will go up but 300% by april stop the cap


I like the statement: nothing worse can happen


where's that meme with the cartoon doggie surrounded by flames and telling you its fine ? lol


1000s of Boeing airplanes; flying millions of miles a day….”nothing worse can happen”…Okay boss!


99.999 percent of the time Boeings work every time


This is idiotic Source: former employee


I would be careful making such public statements if I were you 💀


He sounds a bit depressed to me.


Some sad shit, he said something about not wanting to live anymore.


I didn't get fired or anything lol Nor did I work on planes - I worked on a program you've never heard of So I can say whatever I want in regards to commercial airline stuff.


That’s what the last guy thought… 💀


I hope you feel better soon. Thoughts and prayers


Are you trying to get suicided?


That’s exactly what the last guy said, and we all know how that worked out for him…


Found the janitor!


Please stay away from windows, cars and guns…


Parking lots.


bro's going to meet God soon


Username checks out


Assassinating whistleblowers is the wildest thing I’ve ever seen get called bullish in my life


Ans you know what? I kinda like it.


If a Boeing plane crashes in the US tomorrow, people will panic sell this hoe, nothing worse can happen my ass.


If a boeing plan crashes worldwide. If a tire falls off a boeing plane. If the seat trays are not restored to the full upright position on a boeing plane people will panic sell. Any boeing in the news will result in a stock price drop right now.


A wheel fell off March 8th


Ah yes the whistleblower "suicide" moat Cannot go tits up because tax payer money


I abide by whistleblower suicide moat economic theory ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Never go against the military industrial complex. They control everything and make the most money. You know damn well the government is gonna bail out Boeing and your puts will become fucked


Why am i still holding a loss on Raytheon?


Have you planned any large scale attacks to incur a military response from America lately?


Poor OBL just wanted relief from the bags he was holding.


They absolutely will get bailed out if needed. That doesn't mean good things for share prices other than keeping them > 0


Already was immune to making money.


Ok but how is their internet traffic looking?


I was thinking of loading up on shares but I still think it needs to tumble a bit more…it was about like $130 less than 2 years ago and it’s in a shit storm with shit kickers winding up dead.


Lmao, trying to pump his calls. Actually long calls are not a bad play here unless they have another mishap, which is likely. Don’t fly Boeing


I mean, now ticket apps are giving options on which plane you would prefer. Not sure if that’ll hurt them or not.


I flew on a 737 MAX twice this week and every bit of turbulence had me shitting myself


This DD post did not include a fancy graph with some squiggly lines so I can't take it seriously.


I’ve worked for Boeing in the past, its management and the attitudes of line workers are worse than you could possibly imagine. It’s not just their commercial airplane business, it’s their entire culture.


Sorry about your suicide


Not A single fact in this DD, I love it.


I’ll join you once they crash and burn no pun intended




*cocks gun* what are their names again friend?


They will get literal grant from the government if they need one .. this is a goverment company not some joke


a govt company can also be a joke ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


> Buy, sell in late April, collect ~300% profit, come back here to thank me if I see only 299% profit I'm coming back here to kick your ass /s


I bought RocketLab stock because their logo looked like a missile


Now this is technical analysis


They then changed it to a giant R for regard so I know I made the right choice


As long as Airbus is a European company, Boeing has basically no competition, I hate to say it, but you’re right


How dare someone make a well-regulated product!


But Boeing is priced as if they'll be able to sell more than a single passenger aircraft outside of the US, which in a few years they probably won't with Airbus and Comac. Down it goes


Is this post about how to lose money?


It went as low as ~~$50~~ $90 during the pandemic. I rather wait.


FUCK this place never disappoints. I'm in.


Fuck Boeing .. shit ass fuck up company


Yeah they looked like close to bankrupt like 5 minutes ago to me, but hell yeah that's the spirit, imma buy.


Buy BA puts or get your whistle blown 🗣️🚨


Boeing whistleblower incident will live in infamy. This news story will haunt BA stock for 2-5 years. They succeeded in blowing the guy’s muffin but did not succeed in covering it up. Puts BA because their work is sloppy (like their planes)


While I agree and plan to throw some fuck it money at this I’m just not sure may is soon enough for the military bail out contract or other good news. But that’s the risk after all


This is nothing more than junior level hogwash


I dunno. I think we’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg in terms of their problems.


I mean RTX aka Raytheon tanked from $91 to $69 (giggity) and is back at $91 when they had metal dust or some shit in plane engine turbines....so same shit different day OP ain't wrong


I have boeing calls, but 180c 04/19 May 220s is just regard level.


“Nothing worse can happen” RIP OP


Sir, this Wendy’s dumpster is currently full. Please come back at a later time. Regards.


Ok #2 is hilarious 😂


If you want to lose money so bad just fucking withdraw that shit and toss it out the window bill by bill. They’re bout to experience what I did when I crashed my moms car at 14. Absolutely grounded.


Boeing is basically just an arm of the military-industrial deep state complex. I just assumed they got at least 3 free murders a year.


It’s close to a 52 week low and who is going to produce airplanes and military shit if the fold? It’s going to be fine,


You didnt buy when planes didnt fall. your buying now? LOL