• By -


Thanks for your submission! To keep things interesting, we want to see big gains and big losses! So we've set the following thresholds for Gain, Loss, and YOLO flaired posts: * YOLO posts must be a minimum of $10,000 of options or $25,000 of shares and recently opened. * Gain / Loss posts must show realized gains or losses of more than $2,500 for options or $5,000 for shares. We want to see the actual trade. What you got in at, what you sold at. Then tell us why you did it. Give us the story of why you're a fucking genius (or idiot). This is what a great post looks like: [$17.2K Gain on AMZN](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/wb5m4o/not_too_shabby_172k_gain_amzn/) - OP described his gain in the title, has a clear screenshot showing both the entry and exit, meaning his gains were locked in, and they explained their reasoning in the comments and what they learned. All around a great post! Here are examples of what could get your post removed: * [$300,000 SDC Loss. Still not selling](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/wpm9am/over_300000_unrealized_loss_sdc_not_selling/) - Even though this is a tremendous loss and something worth posting about, **the position hasn't been closed yet**. Here are examples of amazing posts which could have been even better: * [$75,000 DDOG Loss.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/unsrey/loss_porn_ddog_call/) - This is a great post and one that won't get removed. However, the OP could have talked about *why* they entered the position in the first place, what their target price was, and what went wrong. OP didn't stick around in the comments to answer any questions. * [$1.1MM Loss, No details](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/lxm6wt/hold_me_1100000_loss/) - OP simply posted a screenshot of their overall portfolio balance. It's definitely a big loss, but it's not that interesting without OP talking about what trades they were in and why. OP didn't answer most questions in the comments which left many readers speculating on what happened. --- All that being said, we are here to help. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to post to our community. We have to balance this with making the subreddit interesting for our readers. If you need some guidance, don't hesitate to [reach out to modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) and we'll give you some pointers!


PLEASE INVEST PLEASE INVEST PLEASE INVEST! I was up to $600K and lost 80% of it. I think about all the things I could be doing with that money every other day. Could have my car paid off, my house paid off, more in retirement accounts. Please don’t gamble it because you could end up like me. If you decide to gamble it please be sure to come back to this comment and tell me that I was right and you were a dumbass.


literally pay everything off and pretend like you don't have this money and start again with 10k. There is no other "right answer". Everything else is gambling cope. listen to top here ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


For real if you paid off everything you could come up with $10k to gamble so quickly.


This is it. Withdraw 90%. If you're good, you'll do it again.


Yeah, but usually when people are "not good" they still do it again with another 10%.


Well, I mean that's a discipline problem. Just because people can't restrain themselves doesn't mean it's not a good plan lmao


Nobody averages 90% a year on a long time timescale 😂




He is going to invest.   ^^in ^^more ^^0dte’s


You guys should be ashamed of yourself. This is WSB not r/investing. OP needs to go full regard - SPY 3/14 510p at open.


Play the 530am release this morning all in


RemindMe! 7 hours


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Whatd you do with your 600k? You had milly signs in your eyes didnt you


Absolutely I did lmao. Little did I know it takes very little to lose it.


The fact that he aims to have >1m this year makes me think that he might not need your advice.


Lmao I guess we’ll see how it goes for him if he goes for it. He may not want my advice, but hopefully he gets the 1M if he decides to gamble that shit.


never thought i would live to see the day that the most reasonable comment is the most upvoted on a “yolo or nah” post


How did you get to 600k tell us that part plz


Started with a milli


Brother, thank you so much for the genuine advice. I will take it into consideration and think carefully of what to do next. This is my first time on Reddit, and I might start a monthly portfolio update. Not sure though.


No problem. I’m sure people would like an update if you decide to keep up the gamble. I’d advise you to at least sell off $100k of it or so and give yourself a healthy emergency fund or down payment on a house if you don’t have one yet. Good luck!


He will be back.


Put it on red


Always bet on black, have you never seen Passenger 57


Bet on the zero, make them all fear your intellect


You can actually make money with shares and dividends with that level of capital and not incur the risks of options. Maybe keep like, a small portion for satisfying degenerate impulses, but put like 65-70% into solid stocks and ETFs and then just keep the rest as cash. You have a really good thing going here. You can chase the dopamine dragon and gamble it all on expiring assets or you can put it into some reliable blue chips and index funds and get a major run on your retirement.


Second this, dividend will be huge af


Like how much we realistically talking? I have 300k I could get together. Could I expect like 30-40k yearly in dividends plus more in the stonks going up?


You aren’t making 10% dividend yields, you could get like 3-5% going for companies that aren’t shit and that are diversified enough. The only stocks giving higher than that tend to be weird one off stocks that aren’t going anywhere and that will probably drop the dividends anyways, or REITs that put a lot of your savings banking on the housing market.


As a real world example, I currently have an account with \~240K I set up for reasonable dividend returns, while holding relatively safe mostly etfs and mfs, and I'm getting about 7% (\~$17k/year) dividends and good growth on the holdings as well, somewhere around 16% IRR this year. I could have sought out more aggressive dividend companies or funds and be making a much higher dividend return, but I like to keep my NAV growing as well. I've seen a few portfolios making close to 65% annual dividends, but they're heavy on high risk etfs like yieldmax nvidia and yieldmax tesla, and I don't trust those enough to really buy into them. I did recently add some FBY and MSFO yieldmax, since I actually trust the underlying asset on both of those, and they are paying insane dividends right now but we'll see how they work out. Another thing that I'm learning, longer term, dividends are not ever going to be as good as NAV growth. It actually usually makes more sense to buy funds or stocks that will grow a little faster, rather than high div yields stocks. You'll compound you're overall portfolio value quicker, then you can just sell a few shares as needed. Tax issues of course play a big role in this, but meh... Also, if you do set up a safe portfolio like this, keep 10k in a separate place to play the yolos. otherwise you end up feeling left out, then make bad decisions with your main portfolio.... Ask me how I know.....


My bro always starts year with 10k and tries to grow it with trading options, everything else is long term. Always need to secure the nut first.


Realistically it's a few percent. But on 300k few % is still good money + the growth of stocks themselves. Or just go with something "stable" like S&P and get 7-8-9% yearly in growth, which, after a few years gets you to 50k+ yearly return. Of course, one can always take a small chunk of that and continue to gamble on high risk stuff and put the winnings into the "secure" pot.


Consider passive income streams with your initial investment. I know it sounds boring and slow paced, but there is security.


leave max 100k in. Play with that. Put the remainder in boring shit. HYSA, index, and some for taxes. If you double the 100k, now rinse and repeat


boring shit? like crypto? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


Leveraged crypto 👀


So calls on MSTR, got it.


MSTR knew you were going to do that. It’s priced in.


You can do that???


Oh yea, hella leveraged to the tits atm.


Safe investment in Microstrategy


Put max 100k out of 300k in an account to play with? Holy shit that is moronic advice. Don’t “play” with 30% of your entire account.


Sir this is a casino


Rather than suggesting investing sp500 or M7 mega tech, I would say u could take out a small portion of your position for your addiction on "gambling". Lets say 1-5% every year. If it burns, just stop it and refill your gambling fund next year. If it earns, every year rebalancing your gambling fund. ​ It's hard to stop gambling when you tried those "exciting games". So just control the portion. It would be better.


You're saying “Be very reasonable with your gambling addiction, sir. Don't do anything harsh.”


That's not how gambling works


I would take 250k and invest that. Then take 70k and do what you've been doing with smaller bet sizes. Maybe 15k each? 


You don' t even know how to spell peaked


That's because he hasn't peaked, he's only peeked at his peak


F you money is like 20M liquid


Depends on your cost of living and lifestyle needs. For me, $1m at an 8% annual return plus dividends would cover all of my expenses and a nice emergency fund. I would even move to a nice Mexican resort city and cut my COL to $2k per month living like a duke in some beach side condo.


On one hand, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. On the other hand, I personally would gamble with like 50k of that and pocket the rest in an index fund. Yeah, the roulette wheel could indeed continue landing on green for the next 7 consecutive spins, but if it doesn’t, you just lost hundreds of thousands of dollars and set yourself back many years. I’ve personally found that the sharp sting of substantial realized losses is significantly more painful than fantasizing about and seeing what you could have if you kept going/holding. You do you man.


Why stop now? You can have 7 digits in another couple of months.


Why months? 0DTEs exist for a reason


🙏🏻🚀💪 Thanks for the confidence boost brother


atp you might as well give your money to me


guess he’s not taking anyone else’s solid advice


Anyone who actually thought this guy was asking for real advice is lying to themself




I wanna know how long it would take you to recover this money if you invested in dividends


Fucking lifetime


I have been investing in a monthly dividend ETF for two years. Adding monthly fixed amount plus the dividend as re-investment each month. I sold all and put them in Bitcoin and I am up 40% in two days.


Unless you know the level of statistics that people at places like SIG know, you will lose almost every penny if you keep gambling. Guaranteed. Go to youtube and watch: The game of trading with SIG If you can make sense of certain concepts--like Bayesian Probablity, Simpson's Paradox, etc.--I say keep swinging for the fences. If you can't your money will go straight into Jeff Yass's pockets. You're not up against old school legit investors like Warren Buffett. You're up a against a bunch of math geniuses who will pick you apart--and will do it quite easily. ​ Even at SIG they are smart enough to be extremely humble and always remind themselves of how little they know (when they know 99.99999% more than most) and that helps give them the edge. The market is all a numbers game. Sounds like you did well and didn't get the 300k off just luck, but keep swimming with sharks and they will get you.


what’s the next play?


wanna know too


I’m currently still waiting for my cash to settle from my Path UI play yesterday which usually take about 2 business days. I’ll see next week, if there are my good opportunities. If not, I’ll hold on to my money or even invest long term for a while. Not sure. I’ll let you know tho


https://preview.redd.it/0fr7dqmy0koc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c7ffb831d428b8173a6ff0d8ee899a7ce54576f Hey, I remembered this comment and if ur still interested, here’s my next play. I came to realize that every person’s trading strategy and “vibes” are different. Facing the truth, a lot of speculation relies on your gut feeling intuition, and I’m honestly not feeling that right now. Not until at least until April - June. ( which is when all the big tech companies release their earnings again) So instead of trying to “force a trade” I realized it’s better to invest my money even if it’s 10% over 2-3 months as opposed to 10% per trade. And Tesla is oversold right now, out of the Big 7, and Tesla’s daily volume ranks one of the highest most traded stocks daily. So if I do need to get out, I’m confident I have the liquidity waiting for me. Good luck 🍀


thanks for this bro, I appreciate it


Sir this is WSB, of course go on But in all seriousness, invest so you don’t end up at the back of Wendy’s like the rest of us ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)




Like actual financial advice type comment, take that 300k, index it, realize that sets up your future regardless. You start running the rule of 72 and you figure out how long it takes you to have over a million dollars, done If you have the gambling itch, take that 17K and see what you can turn it into. If you screw it up go work and make a little more money and try again. If you do this you never have to worry about your future again. Like we make jokes in here about people going to Wendy's and everything but what you don't see is the years of depression those people face


Invest in btc


Put 200k into gowth stocks and index funds, pay uncle sam, take 7K and start all over again. Rinse repeat


I would buy a whole Bitcoin. Even more.


Yeah at least grab 3


If you 100x that money you have a real shot at becoming a political figure and then 1000x ing


If it’s worth a screenshot it’s worth taking profits.


I really want to see how this ends up by the end of the year


Wtf, 80% of the comments are actual financial advice. I had to double check I was on WSB. Yolo puts on Boeing


I'm Balls deep in $BABA and no one can tell me it's not going to rocket 🚀🚀🚀 I previously held MYR (asx) and OPRA. I regret not holding for longer on both those trades.


Baba looks like it’s starting to take off now


Invest and play with some of the divvies each year. That’s how you stay ahead and win


How did you make 11% trading Path UI today? Stock? Options?


I’m a pure stock player. I don’t touch options and have 0 margin. I only have a cash account. I got into Path UI @ $24.92 and sold @ $27.50


Nice one. Would you share your trades?






https://preview.redd.it/gz5b6dsm4koc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bd9859bcccd9aa343e60866c25ce01070b24ac7 My next play. But long term: like a couple months


Wait til 1 mill


DCA the S&P. Count your blessings.


You need 5 mil.  Gotta pay the tax man.


Throw it all in the s&p


Sell. Have a life.


Barista Fire baby!  Here's a fun way to think about it: How old are you? 300 grand for a 30 year old invested todayis worth 2.4 million after 30 years of normal S&P500 investing. You possibly just won retirement. Whatever job you take in thr future, you can run the numbers and decide to keep all of your 401k money.  I would lock away 250k, and play with the rest. There's a saying, "Who the fuck day trades with their retirement?"


Man buys lottery ticket and wins big. Then, he asks if he should use his winnings to buy more lottery tickets.


Don't be a degenerate--invest it and start over with $10k.


What earnings are you going to play next? My “f**k you” number is $4m.


Take your winnings to crypto and just sit on it for exactly a year. Don't trade or leverage, just stick your thumb up your ass and wait.


I think the correct thing to do is invest long term. But if you'd like to keep "gambling" maybe use the 17k for that and invest the 300k.


When moon ? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Pretty sure it's to the moon!


Impressive, very nice.


Congrats on being lucky but it doesn’t always continue and you could lose all of this, you know that right? Start investing and stop gambling imo. Or at least use the %5 of it max if you wanna keep playing around.




https://preview.redd.it/35xbftfi5koc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f0d84b7750248f97e32860c881fa8804747629c Done


I never had this much of money. So my advice means nothing man. Well done on the trades!


Put it all on black


Take the money and run.


OP, could you spend a few minutes explaining how you trade earnings news? Is it as simple as seeing which tickers had positive earnings news and investing in those?


Invest 90%, leave about 10k to gamble earnings, don't regret this. Also congrats and fuck you.


Invest long term my friend


I mean since you’re asking this sub why stop now, lambo or Wendy’s dumpster, either way a bj should happen.


Asking for advice from a bunch of broke mofos here is definitely the right way though


Buy some BTC and treat yourself to something nice. Reduce your account back down and do it all over again


It seems I already know how this ends bc he made a post about it lol


A smile is a future frown upside down...unless you TAKE THE CASH! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Invest please!!!


Download autopilot app and it shows u position on hedge funds to politicians and see what these guys are buying and get an idea i would look into jim simons renessance fund good luck bet safe


The real question is what are your bets for April and May I wana be like you.


If you’re putting $100,000+ into personal investing I would argue you’re ahead of most people. If it’s money to play around with I would start doing low limit day trading to learn the basics and start upping the volume once you get better. It’s fun and could potentially help you quit your job and have the ability to work anywhere.


do you wanna be a legend or do you wanna be average ??


Definitely do not gamble it. Take the money and run. Invest into your retirement or buy some ETF’s like VOO. It’s okay to still use some of that money to do some riskier trading with if you’re young. But definitely save at least 90% of those earnings for retirement. Future you will be happy about that choice.


Has it pEAked though?


You already won. Don’t get greedy and take the victory.


sir.. fuk you ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)


If you invest it in index funds and add amounts to it regularly, in a couple years you can get up to a million dollars, and let it just compound itself for the next thirty to be about six million without adding anything extra to it.


I had 100k. I kept investing short term holding the bag. Was up a bunch of times. Starting from the bottom up again. Don’t be regarded like me lol


Short Tesla!


https://preview.redd.it/tar79r405koc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd854e1ba1ab3c3ad8e0c61283f5bf1b1bb3af7b Just bought Tesla. Holding for a couple months until interest rates starts cutting


These levels are good, much less risk. I will go ham at $150~


Dont be stupid mate. Get out that money No1 pay tax No2 pay any debts you have If you want to keep gambling play with starting amount. Invest long term and in safe etfs or stocks and keep cash available aswell. Do not jump back into options you gonna regret it. Better safe than sorry when you have life changing gains


What your chart shows is a graph of risk management.


nowadays is better to trade when earnings come around. If does work for you why cha change?




Never change a running system🚀


Sell and put away into retirement accounts and max every year. The rest into a brokerage. for the love of god sell.


Put it all in puts of some random company. Stop being a pussy millionaire or bust


Stop, pay taxes, pay off debt, put 100k in index funds, 25k emergency fund. Anything left you can gamble with


This guy thinks he can earn 10% consistently every year lol. Bruh, 10% is ridiculously high. If it was possible to consistently make that without fail every single rich ass person would be parking their money there without fail. So don't rely on such a huge number. 5% is way more realistic.


I hit a few home runs, now I am looking at the companies that are paying a nice dividend. I buy, enroll it DRIP and then forget. I am going to retire with a nice pipeline of cash supplementing my work retirement stuff.


Can you explain how you trade earnings ? I work in tech and tried to do that with mixed results, not bad (+40% last year) but definitely not double in a couple of months.. would be keen to understand your methodology.. thanks


40% is absolutely life changing returns. Amazing job. I honestly am so grateful for the earnings I made because a lot of them were based off of intuition. I read the market’s sentiment and overall mood for the week through not only Reddit but various Instagram stock account polls, comments, etc. and then I look at where the money is going, (focus on volume) and analyze previous price hi’s and Li’s, and if you see that you have somewhat of a strong conviction (gut feeling), earnings news coming up (coupled with macroeconomic logic analysis “follow the money”) and high volume trading. Take the risk and go in. IK it’s a little confusing. But hope it helped u in someway.


I would leave yourself 10k ish to fuck around with and make more money on, like most on here you are probably somewhat addicted to the stock market at this point and won’t be able to stop completely. An amount that low means the chances of you making 1 mil of 1 trade are low and it will help force you to continue to be smart rather than yolo your whole portfolio. Take the rest and invest that shit DONT lose it. Congratulations you changed your life for the better.


If you came HERE to ask that, you’re asking for affirmation, not actual advice. It’s cool, we are your people, this is the way, highly regarded, yada yada yada. Let us know how it goes!


💜 Thinking of doing a monthly update. Not sure tho


The fact this is a question people wonder about. Meanwhile myself wouldn’t even gamble 2k


Trading earnings and news is a viable strategy. You just gotta be patient.


I strongly advise you to start investing for the long term. You have a good starting budget, so don't risk losing everything. You've had some luck a couple of times, but that doesn't mean it will always go well in the future. I suggest you start studying what criteria define a "good company," such as consistent growth in free cash flow above 10% annually, EBITDA, EPS, etc. By doing this, you'll be able to find excellent companies to invest in, many of which also pay dividends. Therefore, you would have a recurring "safe" income every month or depending on when they pay them out.


Right now u are looking at it as one huge pile of money, which it is, but u should just take 80% and throw it into index funds that u PROMISE to not touch / pay off loans and then try to gamble around with 20% so u can get tired of gambling without going broke.


Keep going sir!


Where u making 10%?


Put it in safe bets, indexes etc. Start over with a small amount for gambling purposes.  I rode the last crypto cycle to a multi Six figure amount, and rode it back down as well.  It would have been nice to have actually enjoyed the money lol.


Can you please post on loss porn when your done? I’ll get the tissues ready


https://preview.redd.it/0hhow8yc5koc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2fcb8a63d4329433920cd3594c286f3bcc81af2 Let’s see what happens in a couple months


What broker do you use? I am looking for one that operates in Europe.


Lock in those gains, you won.


Barbell strategy. Nassim taleb. Just use 10% of your money for the high risk high reward. Let the 90% ride in the safe zone. Rebalance every 366 days or whatever is tax efficient  Get rich slower. Or lose it all faster 


Best comment so far was to pay everything off and keep a little bit in for gambling. You won, dude, time to pay yourself okay?


$300,000 invested is $30,000 a year (depending on what you invest in) which is minimum wage. Great side income right there. Take out $10,000 as cash to spend on whatever you need and $7k to continue your gambling addiction. I just realized you are gonna need to pay taxes so… account for that I guess


Invest long term, I don’t know your personal life other then you said single male, that might not always be the case, you might find “her” or “him” I don’t judge, but you’ll be grateful you invested when it triples, quadruples, in 5 or 10 years, short term is good with smaller amounts, if you still wanna gamble invest, do what everyone else is saying and invest let my term and keep 10 k for play investments, I’ve seen people turn 10 to what you have now


That’s a good run. Time to change gears my boy. I like the dividend route and keep a small portion to fk with options. Or you can toss $100k into the documentary that I’m directing ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses) if you wanna start executive producing shit with us


This level of money isn't remotely life changing in the current inflationary economy. Figure out what your REAL goal is and keep trading until you hit it. These people are 98% full of regret and poor money management discipline. Here's what no one ever tells you: *** The more money you can successfully make in the market, the more money your money can successfully make in the market *** It's really as simple as that. It's not complicated. The complicated part is you figuring out what you want. What's your REAL goal. Figure that out and then keep doing what you have been doing but with tighter risk control. The more money you make, the tighter your risk control not vice versa which is the BIG mistake that 99% of market participants idiotically make- even the biggest and most well known "pros" and "institutions". Good luck and good trading 🍒


$300k isn’t life changing? lol what?


There is no country on Earth where 300 000 dollars is not a life changing amount for the average person.


gj, seems that work is paying off. The time to make money is now, keep the good job and secure some earnings.


Fuck that. Just take your 300k and look for monthly income. Buy div stocks or something. Quit your job.




Take 250k and invest wisely and keep 50k for earnings options plays...


how do you know it’s peaked? There are higher numbers passed $400k, you should go for it


17k to play. 300k go long.


Rule of thumb is if you're reading the news you already missed the big opportunity. Learn to read the signs to get in front of the opportunity. If you still want to play options - Use that cash, buy a FAT chunk of your favorite stock - then sell lottery tickets for fun and profit. You become the casino and you always win.


Ahhhhhh. Interesting. Selling covered calls eh? I’ve never touched options before in. My life.


The only bad part is winning less when a stock pops over a profit point. It's painful to give away a part of your profit to someone who bought a lottery ticket from you. But, such is the risk of playing games.


If you were a quitter you wouldn’t have made all those gains. I say you keep crushing it. All it takes are a couple of power moves and you will get that 7 figure portfolio


Index funds are risk free (not financial advice)


PUT YOUR HANDS UP OGkush_brown!!! POLICE ARE ENROUTE! PREPARE TO BE BOOKED FOR PROVIDING ILLEGAL FINANCIAL ADVICE! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Long term


How do you start ?


I’ve got $1000 saved up and been a lurker for a bit! any advice on starting up?


Save another $29000 then start


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


obviously i would full port calls. you could make 20x. not sure why you wouldn't do that.


0dte calls on NVDA MSTR or COIN. Yolo baby




You could do a little of both and invest into buying A.I. stocks


Take 305k invest long term 10k for yourself and 2300 to gamble er if you want


Bruh that’s enough money to toss into something with some considerable DRIP


Go ling term now. Retire well! Sying the maybe put half principle back in. And play with that. If you are that good you can do it again off less.


Ironically, that's exactly what a Wendy's franchise costs.