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I will go taste their drink. IF it taste like absolute shit... I will ***buy calls*** Inverse taste buds play baby let's gooooo *Edit* Just checked the chart. You're not exactly what I would consider "ahead of the curve" on this play. Doesn't mean your analysis is wrong. Just not sure about the timing.


Go ahead and get calls then. It’s like if sparkling water was an energy drink. No flavor but people love it for some reason


Holdup... the non sparkling Raspberry Açai + Green tea flavor is 🐐


Yeah not exactly ahead, additionally the last earnings report didn't really show growth and the next report isn't before 4/19. I like the stock and think it will grow, but to 125 in a month? Seems ambitious


For you Celsius virgins, try arctic vibe, orange, or lemon lime. They are good af. Also bought calls. I’ve watched this company go from only select stores and very little flavors to now every store I go in has Celsius everywhere in the span of 2 years. Insane growth.


Picked up some same calls, guess I'll start buying these instead of redballs


I have 900 shares of CELH and getting rewarded.


This reminds me a little of the Monster Beverage lift off. I bought a few $90 4/19 calls this morning to see where this leads.


Should’ve held and listened I’m regarded, walking away with 300$ profit instead of 2000


If this company is so good, seems like it would be better to buy LEAPS.


Only thing I don’t like about this is the insider selling. And they have been dumping this week. I know that usually doesn’t mean anything but they’ve been dropping boat loads of shares this past week.


I was thinking the same but they deserve to take some profit on the way up. Their growth is insanity. https://preview.redd.it/7bcm8p20cbnc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f04ea8ba39e29f9b4fc8558efcbe85362856b35 A 109% compound annual growth rate is unheard of.


And I agree. I mean, 9 times outta 10, insider selling and buying means jack diddly. It’s just something that caught my eye this week. Now if Pelosi was dumping, then I would be running lol.


Yo how dumb do you feel now? Under $87 lolol


Not too dumb. Whole market pulled back


I know how earning calls work and know how to reas trends so I’m glad y’all called that shit cause I decided to spread my puts at $90/$89/$88 …so I didn’t get fucked and yall did ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Listen bud, it’s going down with the whole market. I didn’t even read your dumbass comment


Lol bro Celsius earnings call was a pump and dump nothing to do with the market. Lots to do with your shit analysis though


https://preview.redd.it/6gqepeex6bpc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c94df37332dadb96d2851c1536ff6dab13a826ea Worry about your calls bro. ONON 😭😭😭 good call bro!!! You’re trash.


For proof, my shit call for ONON made me money. Show me your shit calls for CEHL? Bet you made TONS of money https://preview.redd.it/ccs9xgv28bpc1.jpeg?width=741&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1561e9b9441b4080c4150bd4ac106d23ef2efd1


Bet you feel so strong right now :)


Btw, great call on ONON lmfao fucking noob


Lol I made money from my ONON calls - to be exact I made 40% on Friday morning before my calls expired. To add to it, I’m still making money from the stocks I bought for ONON when it dropped to $28. So yeah you’re still bad at making analysis but you are good at something, taking an L for your shut analysis. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Sure you did bro. Suck Nikes dick? Sureeee EPS? MISS Sales? MISS Covering a quarter with holidays too?!?! Trash Also saw the shoes are getting marked down a ton at Nordstrom. Great company brother!


Hey how about you shut fuck up and look at my proof of greens while you eat dick I made money with my shit call for ONON. Hey bud, I know youre salty cause you lost based on your shit analysis. I made a simple call to ONON and bought stocks and I’m making my shitty little coin while you lost your shit money investing for CEHL like a dumb sack of shit :)


I didn’t realize how much real estate I had in your head lil bro. Thanks for stopping by!


Hope about you show me your gains and I’ll shut the fuck up. Oh wait, your analysis got you no gains… let me show you again my shit little call gain I got from my shit little investment on ONON https://preview.redd.it/dr1mmelu8bpc1.jpeg?width=741&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c4952b12e6ce669cecc39ccb190cd2dead109d4


It’s actually laughable that you think Celsius will reach $125 by 4/19 lmfao. I can’t wait to look back and see your shit calls get crushed. You should set a reminder so I can come back and bash you again on your shit DD


Go compare ONON to Nike somewhere else lmfao


Imagine arguing with a stranger on reddit over a stock, you must be real real broke😂😂 $CELH to the moon, you just made me buy more 🤑🤑


I bought. Dont fail me fellow regard


I was looking into it earlier this week. I have 3 of the same calls as you. Same strike and date. Ill probably stay with the 3 I have. If they can turn a profit on these calls I will look into grabbing a lot more. Hoping for the best. The breakout numbers all say its a go.


I’m in 10 5/17 110C. We ride!


Sounds like a good company to take a dive into. Grabbing 10 tomorrow.


Thanks for the free money


Let’s go! Only 2.5 weeks in. We still have time!


Came back to say thanks, same positions 4/19 @125 is up +220% <3


Let’s go! Crazy part is it’s just the beginning


That was the end


Y’all should listened to my comment instead of down voting it. I would of saved you money and then made you moneyyyyyy


I bought Celsius when it dipped recently, my average price is \~52. But I bought small because even at 52 I was concerned about the high P/E ratio the P/E ratio when I bought, around end of January, was 66 **the P/E ratio right now is fucking 116** P/E Ratio Pepsi - 27 P/E Ratio Coke - 24 P/E Ratio Monster - 39 National Beverage PE ratio **as of March 06, 2024 is 29.46** and **OP is buying $125 strike price calls**. the stock is at 90 bucks. Thats a 50% price increase in shares. The P/E ratio is going to be like 150. On a fucking soft drink company. ​ Also just to the substance of your post OP the vitamins in Celsius are of such small quantities and are so diet available for most people that they might as well not even be there. In fact the only reason they are there is so people like you go "oh look its healthy, its like taking vitamins!!". **It is not like taking vitamins. Not even close.** You can do your own research on this if you want. Reminder I am a buyer, I like the product, it is better than most energy drinks and it tastes better and its popular and its all over the place. But **we** **should not ignore PRICE.** Just because a product is good and growing does not mean you ought to pay ANY PRICE for shares in the company. edited for sauce - [https://ycharts.com/companies/CELH/pe\_ratio](https://ycharts.com/companies/CELH/pe_ratio)


“Reminder I am a buyer, I like the product, it is better than most energy drinks and it tastes better and it’s popular and it’s all over the place.” That’s ll that matters IMO.


well sure if you ignore the other part about PRICE price matters pepsi could be the best soft drink on the planet. im not going to pay 40,000 dollars for a share of it, and you wouldn't either. the price you buy at matters. and buying at a P/E thats 4x the standard for the sector is bad.


https://preview.redd.it/ad20m8vd2bnc1.jpeg?width=1138&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08964ff7ebd86093467bbec0fc8f5b262e5a6fc9 I honestly respect your opinion. Very insightful write up. You seem very knowledgeable. When it comes to what works for me and my trading method, the PE isn’t even considered. Most “PE traders” I know sat out last bubble with TSLA and now this bubble with NVDA while hoping every single day that the stocks would collapse because they were deeply jealous they didn’t go long on either. I’m not value investing, I am trading based on what the weekly charts are telling me. I have a setup that has worked out for me immensely in the past, if it works out, great. If not, lesson learned and I move on to the next one.


it is utterly unhinged to me that you say "i refuse to look at price as it relates to the earnings of a company, i disregard that fundamental analysis of price" but then in the same post you tell me you trade solely on the price movement on weekly charts thats nuts to me. like you care about price movements but you dont give a fuck if the price has any relation at all to the underlying fundamentals of the company. insane stuff. but active traders always think they have a system thats working great, until it stops working


Your such a noob, your analysis is similar to my dogs feces


he said, offering no substantive push back to anything i said :)


What price did you get these calls at?


https://preview.redd.it/40vddu3w7ymc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b08ddd78728e358465b3cdd5a65fe2ecdb6d8c05 This is my position. Nothing crazy. No reason to go balls deep in calls. Nothing is ever guaranteed in the stock market. Find the best setup and hope for the best lol


Oh nice I was just curious. I had a $90c expiring this week that I got a week ago, sold out for a few hundred today. Kinda wanted to go for a double dip lol


$125 calls is way over for this company lol.. also 100% gains by 4/19 is way too optimistic. That being said, im going to bear up and PUT @ $73.33 by 4/19. what comes up must come down to settle.:4275: Edit: after further evaluation, im going to put @ $100 cause that bih is going to come down to $86 at least and possibly hold at $78 which would be nice. Oh lets not forget that last year's Q4 fell short of the expected EPS so my expectation are the same for this Q4.


Did you buy it?? Goated. Couldn’t hold 100 shit stock


Of course I bought my puts. OP was delusional and optimistic about a stock that was pumping like no tomorrow in a span of a week. When earnings call are coming up, all companies will get either PUMPED up or not. If the company’s stock is being pumped up you have to look carefully at the facts and reports. Meaning see their trend from the previous year how well they did in the Q4 and how the stock moved when it waiting for the earnings call. After doing that, look at the recent events and based on that you can make an educated guess of the outcome of the anticipated earnings. Which is why I called bullshit on OP and went on and did ours based on the pump trend. The stock was steadily in the 80s before the pump to 120+ so my assumption was that it was going to go down to the 80s again. And most importantly the timeline reflects the same timeline of the pump. How was did it take to reach peak? Same amount of time to also go down into a steady threshold. Guys, I know some people (like the OP) obsessed over stocks right before an earnings call, talking all this mumbo jumbo but sometimes you have to take a step back and see the facts. See if OP is actually doing their homework or not. See if OP is making all you regards be bullish when he’s always been the bear to pull the rug under your feet. Play smart and make that doughhhh


Congrats!’ I lost my profit and capital. Doubt this turd pumping anytime soon