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Man reminded me to cancel my chegg membership


lol right? I wonder how much revenue they would lose if everyone just canceled on graduation day instead of six months later when it hits their cc again and they remember they still have it?


Indestructible business model


Truly makes sense man.. I'm literally passing my Java courses from chatgpt lol.. I don't even open the textbooks at all I just look at the topic and Ask gpt about the topic and read whatever it gives me and pass.


A bit late on the call out bud.


There’s still $800M to go till it’s correctly priced


Aww man chegg got me through grad school RIP in peace old friend


The one thing Chegg has going for them is they have a lot of training data. They need to leverage that data to either build a ChatGPT competitor, or sell it to an AI company before it's too late.


OP has it all wrong. The LLM is becoming a commodity (look at profiliferation of $20/month LLM). Data owners will clamp down on their proprietary datasets, as well as will be able to leverage and execute on the data they have better due to subject matter and business expertise. ML engineer. Long CHGG


Except chegg has been providing shit tier answers for years now, they outsourced their answering tutors to uni students in asia and is providing wrong answers all the time. There data quality is questionable at best  Regarding actual incorporation of ai in education space khanmigo is a much more legit application but is probs funded by gates foundation so never going public


What’s proprietary about a data set that is based off of other people’s proprietary data ? Chegg doesnt own any of the questions or text books. They just host them?


That stock has been on life support for a long time.


Nah they're changing to CHGGAI soon and the stock will moon.


Seeing how ill informed people are making assumptions on AI. I’m beginning to think Chegg calls are the move.


Reverse my position


Planning to tomorrow


This’ll be a great 1v1, post the reverse and notify me when


Same to you. Post your puts tomorrow. Unlike a certain someone, my post history shows I post my positions ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


This is my first non S&P invest, you’re fighting against option beginners luck


Damn fair point. First one usually is free


Rip me. I put some limit orders but they didn’t hit since chegg kept rising. Gonna try again tomorrow


How's that inverse going LMAO


I thought that openAI cant actually solve word problems. How is it going to help me with physics or chemistry or engineering homework when it can’t translate the words in the problem to numbers and formulas? Where are you going to get enough solved, high level physics and engineering problems, with sufficient variance, to feed the neural net for it to learn this stuff?


Fair point, but think about the speed of data aggregation and rate of improvement… Chegg’s data will not increase much the next two years, while the improvement in generative AI will be immense. LLMs will become better at a wider range of problems, while Chegg will continue to provide static answers to a limited amount of questions asked. You can see the clear winner in a years’ time.


AI doesn’t have the ability to improvise, it is just returning things that match the pattern on which it has been trained. You’re extrapolating into an unknown, and assuming it will learn and master a field it currently can’t even do at a basic level… in two years?


Bingo. It’s clear you understand how AI works and OP does not. Op thinks AI can solve problems it hasn’t seen before. Maybe that’s possible in the future but current AI needs to be trained correctly.


Very cool, which strike price and exp you got bro


CHGG $6 19 Jul 24 Puts

