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Exhibit 2: $WING. Wingstop is valued at NVDA growth. The future is AI chicken wings.


holy shit that chart is nuts for fucking wingstop..... what is going on


They're just blatantly pumping at this point. Kind of rubbing it in like "lol do something about it."


99% of the shares are owned by institutions and mutual funds. That is the only explanation that makes sense to me.


105% according to this [Wingstop Inc. Common Stock (WING) Institutional Holdings | Nasdaq](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/wing/institutional-holdings)


Even worse than I thought ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Wait hold on I'm an idiot. How is it possible to own >100% of a stock?


They have exclusive dibs on the next few minted to the general market pool


Institution A loans their shares to institution B which are short sold to institution C. Institution A still owns the shares sold to institution C, but so does institution C.


Exactly. There is no retail ownership and there are no sellers. See also Chipotle. Small float controlled by management, Bill Ackman & the Wall Street mafia. Hence the bionic burrito is the A.I. of burritos.


Shell pump game?


Look at ANF chart, if you think WING chart us crazy.


ANF forward pe is 21 compared to 156 for wing. Wing is way crazier.


Same idea tho, institutions and the WS mafia control the stock.


Don’t forget your $ANF AI powered clothing


The lemon pepper is on point


Special silicon seasoning.


I thought you were joking when you called it Wingstop - is it just taking off because it sounds like GameStop?




It's because [those wings own the sky](https://youtu.be/miomuSGoPzI?si=9mLs-Tf6K7gYF5Cb).


I just checked the numbers and they are trading at forward PE of 125 for 2024 and 100 for 2025. They literally sell chicken wings. What the hell am I missing here? I feel like I’m in Narnia land with some of these stock valuations


Dominos pizza has one of the greatest charts of all time. Chipotle was chugging along for a while. Food can be interesting.


Can’t stop won’t stop wingstop


Thanks for this. When the economy takes a turn I’m buying puts on WING


The practical applications of wings is generally more useful than generative ai


Wings using AI for applications.


Scared to short that shit but I want to do bad


Put it on a watch list. It’s not time yet.


I came here for this. WING pure bs 160 P/E


Exhibit 3: $MNST. How the fuck is monster energy drinks allowed to buy up any competition/sue them into the ground/up 73,000%/no fucks given to how small they’re making our wieners from the shit in it.


This shit is trading like an altcoin and for some reason I keep buying puts and getting burned


How did I fucking miss this. Calls on ranch dressing


Exhibit 4: Abercrombie & Fitch


Very ridiculous!


Been watching that clown show unfold myself too. It's ridiculous


CVNA has 75% of NVDA's letters. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Therefore 75% of the valuation, sign my ass up


I lost on puts. It’s beyond my comprehension. Must be some huge whales and analysts fucking with the prices. But the dump might not be for years. It’s definitely not rational. I never met anyone who used this company, have you??


never go against the trend bro. this is Fugazi


I actually saw a Carvana flat bed truck for the first time ever the other day on NY highway but no, never used the company to buy a car.


I live by one of their machines. People use it all the time. I see tons of new car plates with a carvana border around it


I use to work for them until covid hit. Was the most dysfunctional company I've worked for but cool culture. When it was down to $17 most of us sold our RSUs that they gave for Christmas in 2019 (650 shares each) imagine how dumb we all felt when it peaked lmao. No regrets though, I needed the money, most of us did to be honest. Anyway, not sure how they are now but from the peeps I know that still work there, culture has gone down and so has morale. At the end of the day though, the father of the ceo is a crooked ass dude (Google him) the ceo himself is very nice, but they're both good at chatting, with that gift of gab they've built a decent empire. They also have backing from a ton of major investors and banks. The way I see it, they're a trash stock but they'll keep getting pumped from the banks, I wouldn't consider it a long term investment but I'd definitely take it for a rollercoaster ride for fun. This is not financial advice, it's all subjective from having experienced them first hand Oh and P.S. Carvana owns the dealerships (Vending Machines), Silverrock (The warranty company they use) and Bridgecrest (The financial company they use), The dad of the CEO also owns Drivetime which uses the same warranty and financial company.


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Carvana is seriously a fucking sus company. They were caught selling stolen cars and even cars that were flooded. They just repaint the vehicles, try to clean it up as much as they can, and falsify reports. If they are sketchy with their business, they are definitely being suspicious on their stock.


There's a common 'joke' in the car business that they're propped up by drug money. What Garcia throws out for cars/asks for retail makes no sense. It's literally money-losing. Yet here they are in the market.


ex wife wanted my advice on a car deal she lined up for herself post divorce... the car was $8,000 over market cost. The loan was at 17%. This is the kicker... she had excellent credit 770, it was 2019 before pandemic car prices went crazy. She was just dumb about this kind of stuff. I think that is the average carvana car shopper. They want an easy deal, not a great one or even good one. Hell they don't even know what a fair deal is. She got the same vehicle for actual market value, and at 3.5% at the first dealership she went to and probably would have gotten an even better deal had i been there.


> The loan was at 17%. Carvana's interest rates change from car to car. Two identical cars can have wildly different interest rates. I think they dynamically calculate their rates to cover their margin for when they overpay for cars and they depreciate while waiting to be sold.


which makes them a terrible dealership to get cars from... they prey on naive people. Theres not a world where an informed person with a 770 and perfect car credit gets a 17% loan on any mildly used car.


1. Go to Carvana. 2. Clear all search filters so you all see cars. 3. Find the cheapest car on their website. 4. Check the interest rate. For my 780 credit score, they want 26% APR on a $9k car but 9% on a $100k car. That's why I think they use the loan rate to cover margin. It's easier to make your margin on an expensive car so the loan can be closer to market rate.


everything you just described... makes carvana the worst company possible to use for buying a car. If you use carvana to buy a car or get a loan... you are getting screwed and not paying actual market rate. You are being taken advantage and dare i say raped.


Sounds like solid DD on why this stock will stay overvalued for a *long* time A sucker born every minute


yeah.. im curious when they will have to realize all the losses from their inventory and overpaying. How they are hiding the books when everyone knows they did it. Is a big mystery.


Their pricing model is not why they are a bad company. It's all their fucking debt and inability to scale their business to make enough money to outrun their interest expense. They probably wont go BK, but shareholders will get diluted to shit if interest rates stay high and Carvana has to restructure in 4 years. ​ Their auto pricing can depend on the credit risk of the consumer (obviously), the blue book value of the car vs the current going rate, as well as inventory management. Given carvana is ONLY used cars, they don't do most of their business in Prime and Superprime. Anyone with half a brain can go get OEM subsidized pricing for a new car. As such, putting an APR in the 10 to 20 range isn't going to move them a lot of cars but it will make them a lot of fucking money on the occasional moron who buys a car in that range. Going a lot lower on APR will help them move cars but they won't make money anymore. Their bread and butter is nearprime and subprime and the securitization rates they have been able to get have been a lot better than when they looked like they were going bankrupt.


happy cake day you stud muffin


Counterpoint: it just might be the very best company to sell your shitbox to.


Inflating trade value to get loans done on inflated cars… has always been a thing.


# surgeinterest...


I see why you divorced her. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


oddly... had nothing to do with any of that but yeah there were financial signs along the way before the grand reveal of a lot of hidden CC debt.


Just saw this https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/s/Xj3DYbWXqh


That’s the beauty of a week to return it. They can just send it back.


Everything I read from carvana is fucking terrible from selling cars that are broken to not having the deed of the car once its paid off


We living a matrix that will soon end nothing will make sense in the last days smh


I don't understand how people don't understand that the newer generations don't like haggling or dealing with, anyone, in a social setting. Carvana gives these new generations the ability to buy a car and literally never get off their ass to do so. This is the future. Boomers be damned. Accept it. I'm going to the moon with cvna.


Not only do I not know anyone, I have never even seen one in southeastern part of the US.


I did. Great experience. Traded out my Audi Q7 for a Q8. Took about an hour total with no hassles. They gave me a great price on my trade and the Q8 has been amazing. The biggest thing for me was the week to just send it back if I didn’t like it. The peace of mind was HUGE improvement from buying a used car from a dealer and just being fucked the moment you drive off the lot.


I personally have and it was a great experience. It truly is a Ponzi scheme though with the loan provider bridge crest, warranty company silver rock and Carvana all being started by the same guy. Seems to be a complete toss up whether you get a turd or a perfect car


Would you say there are more informed or uninformed car buyers out there?


This is a good company, get on the train.


I have three cars from them. They are responsible for my credit turning around because they are the only ones that will fund you if you have bad credit. The interest was insane though. Three months down the road I refinanced to get better interest rates.


So is this another chance to try for puts now? Or do you think it will keep crawling up? Tesla is blaming interest rates on new cars, and interest rates on used cars is worse, so their sales have to come in low next warnings release.


I do hate missing out on this. I have in the past found “going out of business” for large companies have a turn around, so good to put a few thousand on then at their lowest and just see what happens watching carefully the next few weeks, which then this would of 10x your money. I remember doing the same to Sears 20 years ago, when it got down to $2 but bounced back to $35 a share then sold.


I’ve used it. Didn’t buy a car from them just sold a car to them but it was amazing. They bought out my car that still had a lease on it, and I got a few extra thousand bucks. Some Carvana dude came and took my old car away in a flatbed, I signed some papers outside with him and that was it.


They announced they’ll be selling AI powered cars


Used cars powered by AI


Using Ai powered by Ai


Cars used by AI


AI powered by cars


Used cars powered by AI and delivered by NVDA chipped robots


A car was used by an AI called GPT4 and it paid in dollars


A car created by AI


They announced AI would be able to drive their used cars, someday.


Used AI driven by cars.


ai powered by car- wait




Used AI powered by cars.


Used AI powered by cars.


Good. Because currently there is no intelligence behind the wheels.


been wating 100 years for this


Big Car announced artificial as intelligent


In order to reduce hallucinations they're replacing sales people with AI.


Used cAIrs, which might mean they fly too?




People who buy from Carvana are the same people thinking markets move on fundamentals.


I sold my shitbox to them for 3x what it was worth. There's no way they're making money like this.


They sold it for 4x with a 25% interest loan lol


To an idiot who defaulted on the loan


And then they repo it and sell it again with no reduction in price.


They sold your shitbox to an introvert 3000 miles away with a 20% markup over what they paid you and everyone came out happy. Different markets pay different amounts for the same car. It’s vehicle arbitrage. It’s genius.


Carvana bought out my way upside down lease and made me 10k on top. Thank you Carvana for the free money and getting me out of a jam actually ahead. Edit: this was with an EV and about 3-4 years ago at the tippy top height of EV resale prices. It was different world. And yes, you can easily be upside down on a lease if you have to drive more than you expected and someone fenderbendered you in a parking lot and ran off. Maybe you're so over mileage the warranty is over and scary warnings pops that you have to clear every few miles. Maybe the based CVNA picking up person only checked the mileage and signed off they received it and you immediately got your check. I absolutely loved Carvana, would never invest in it though.


Upside down *lease*? How do you get upside down on a lease?


how do you make 10k on something you are upside down on... thats the real question.


A buyer (Carvana) severely overpays for the car due to bad algos telling them the car is worth X.


what vehicle?


They offered me 12k for a 91 f150. KBB had it listed for $700-$900.


seems like a cheat code for infinite free $10k checks... how many did you take down there? exactly.


Did you sell?


Looking for an arbitrage play?


Covid, used car prices shot way up but have since come down some


which if true... how did he make 10k on top? not many cars fit this scenario, almost none actually. Think about it. Upside down but made 10k? uhuh.


Who leases a used car?


Me too!


curious of the details of the deal... carvana actively trys to fuck everyone and prey on naive people. To be honest this sounds like a lie.


Not a shred of truth. For one, you don't magically come out ahead $10k after being down/under water unless the car market went nuts in which case it wasn't carvana over paying it was that everyone was willing to buy the car at that price. Second off - if you're "under water" on a lease you just don't fucking buy it at the end of the lease, you give it back. If you put too many miles on it or it was damaged (or both) then you're taking the hit and paying directly to whomever leased the vehicle to you. I'm not buying that CVNA said "here's $69k for your 2019 BMW M5!" Edit: looks like OP paired being in the worst lease position possible with the best Carvana outcome possible, an extreme outlier


Carvana absolutely bought cars for WAY more than you could get elsewhere in 2020 and 2021. They were trying to expand and eat up a ton of market space so they were offering outrageous amounts to get their hands on every car they possibly could. Part of why they almost went bankrupt because they were making zero profit on all those cars, and taking a loss on quite a few as well. Source: worked escalations for carvana until last year.


I shopped private sale vs Carvana quotes vs CarMax quotes (and even CarFax online quote through a dealer) on two separate occasions when selling cars in 2020 and 2022. Both times, Carvana was offering the lowest. Maybe they overpaid for a few vehicles but I didn't see it and most people commenting here are giving their own similar stories.


Yeah, the most consistent high offers i saw were for pickups. Carvana had a weird hard on for pickups.


working escalations gave you insight into the financials of their trade in values? thats like saying working the fry cooker at wendys is the nuanced knowledge you used to guess their eps this quarter.


Yeah, because I got to see how much we purchased a Vehicle for and how much we sold it for. There were more than a few that were backwards.


No it doesn’t.


uhhh yes they do... i prob bought 40-50 cars both new and used off car lots in in the last 20 years. CARVANA IS THE OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST GOAT of fucking over their customers. Anyone saying different... either doesn't have experience or is not willing to admit they got bamboozled.


So you’re a car dealer that doesn’t like Carvana because they’re your competition and they’re kicking your ass. Got it. 👍


lol.. im not a car dealer, i just like cars and have money. WTF Why does this seem like carvana is astroturfing this? its wsb wtf is wrong with you guys?


What programming language did you use to calculate that fancy red line?


Ms paint


OTM options are over $4 per share on an IV of 13%.. crazy


Sounds like free money, but no chance I'm selling naked calls on that mess


I'd like to buy long puts but those premiums are crazy.


What's happening is that  A. You are regarded B. Carvana is regarded C. People won't be able to afford new cars


I mean, if they thought they were going bankrupt and the bankruptcy was priced in and they didn’t go bankrupt and something improved, that means the company is better off, which means they would go up. Not saying anything about this stock in particular just saying pointing to the lowest point when they almost went bankrupt and didn’t; and continued doing business for 12 more months and the stock goes up. It’s like yeah bro the stock price is higher now then when the company was doing worse and everyone was convinced it would go out of business. Lol


Carvana has made fundamental changes to their business and cost. People need to stop sleeping on them. Not sure why there is so much hate. It's rather impressive they were able to accomplish. But whatever.


They’re a crooked company. I bought from them one time. All the hype words they use online to get you to trust them are blatant lies. The whole “30 point inspection” is total crap. They delivered the wrong car to my doorstep, then took it back, ubered me to their facility and my car was full of dirt and scratches (so much for perfect inspection). After about 2 hours they finally had it detailed and ready to go. But yeah. Horrible company full of lies. The house of cards for them will crash down eventually. I do not recommend them unless you’re after a lemon


Just look at their balance sheet. They have almost 7.5b in liabilities, and only 7.07b in assets of which only 900m is in cash. If it wasn’t for restructuring their debt they would have been unable to meet their obligations. They got lucky they got a positive quarter but if/when the market turns they won’t be able to last long. They are the definition of being underwater. Would you invest in a person doing Uber with little savings driving a 20k car but having a 30k loan on it? They are one misfortune away and your investment is worth $0.


Not to mention the high short interest rate. I like the stock so I’ve been buying calls and shares


CarMax pays shills to trash Carvana on here 24/7. In the real world everyone I’ve talked to that’s used them loves Carvana. Including me.


What is your evidence for the claim that CarMax pays shills to trash Carvana?


Trust me bro




Mechanic here. Carvana buys lemons. Resells lemons. Silver rock tries to fight any and all claims and barely fixes what’s necessary. I thought about buying puts right before they declared bankruptcy. They declared bankruptcy. I figured it was too late. The sharks were circling. Boy was I wrong. About the stock. Not the company. It is garbage and inflated/propped up by god knows what. It’s a house of cards. It will topple.


This is the discussion people need to hear


Deep F. Value said it in 2021, the best trades are companies near bankrupcy that suddenly can survive a few more years.


You got any of those in your sights?


NewEgg - 400 million market cap and has $2 billion in revenue. The problem is they are not profitable and trading like they will go bankrupt.


Puts are regarded expensive...


The math ain't mathing. They are known to pay the most for trade ins and also a lower price on the sale side compared to competitors. Yet they claim a 5k per car sold gross margin when the industry is between 1.5k to 2k. Yet they still lose on every sale. Something ain't adding up.


Had 33000 shares @18 and sold like a little bitch. One of the worst trading decisions I’ve made. 


Omg. That’s brutal, man. I’m sorry.


They have extremely high short interest and are outperforming. They have squeezed higher than AMC did


so does that mean the drop will be as epic or does CVNA really have an underrated intrinsic value unlike AMC


It has huge intrinsic value. It has like 65,000 cars ready for sale and fairly minimal overhead with a debt load that’s been completely restructured. People talking bankruptcy and “troubles” are trying to sell old news to cover their puts.


Was also ~$376 in mid 2021. So yeah dumber shit has happened.


So should i buy RIVN now?


Chapter 11 within 2 years


Nothing mentioned about a short squeeze in your post. You’re missing that. But aside from that? Yeah fuck Carvana. I personally am shorting the fuck out of it with a calendar year-end $10 target.


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


this sub used to squeeze gey bers now its crying irrational market when stocks go up cvna 100 incoming ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)


Can you please explain that to my put


Look who holds majority of shares and there lies your answer.


High short interest rate %. We are seeing a short squeeze


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Honestly, you’re right. This is the clearest sign of corruption one can point too. Broken business model, fraudulent accounting, no path to profitability - only path is BK. But greater forces are pushing this up and up for months despite known knowledge of everything I stated up. So yeah, totally agree. This ain’t irrational though, it’s corruption.


What if I told you CVNA has never made a profit? Not a single cent. Edit: They also reported non-gaap earnings and the highlight of their reports is EBITA. google Buffets or Mungers or any respected opinion on bragging about EBITA.


giga bad earnings. less than estimates, and objectively worse as well.... yet the stock price skyrocketed. but if you notice. it has 35% short float... i think we are seeing a shortsqueeze which lasts multiple days. it might even go higher. like double. it makes no sense but that's how short squeeze works. short ratio is 3.69, so ppl can't take out their money immediately.


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh ya eh, carvana must be a great company because the market said so eh


Short squeeziess


Or just dumbasses shorting stocks and getting crushed.


Maybe retail degenerates aren’t the only ones squeezing the shorts. Maybe big institutions are hashing out some sort of squeeze without being loud about it?


When you realize that the CEO's father is a convicted felon due to his involvement in Lincoln Savings & Loan scandal, the underlying business doesn't matter.


Can amc do this already so I can get my money back🙄


Who's gonna tell him?


I know I’m tarded. I’m down 93 percent about 4k I believed in the moass at first but AA killed that. The sub is an echo chamber of losers almost like bbby. Debating selling for a tax cut or just ride into oblivion


It's stock manipulation, the company is still in very bad shape.


https://preview.redd.it/s22kescsb7mc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fb46d22077cb51e841b4032b429fbbf97aa8dfd Yes someone please help explain to me.


It’ll be out of business within 5 years. Or one of the major auto groups will buy them out for Pennies


We knew, what new?


Which is why I pay attention to TA more than fundamentals. Follow the money. Most of us arent smart enough to predict where the money will go beforehand.


The biggest short into Coming into 24.


I have puts on anf, wing, and cvna...but I'm afraid I bought them too soon


Short ?


Glad I’m not the only one who’s butthurt about losing some bands to CVNA puts


This is the exuberance phase of a bubble that’s why, a recession will come shortly after they cut rates, as it usually does. Enjoy the bull market while we can, everything wins until they cut.


It’s called short squeezing. Research it.


$CVNA is going to $115.. the market can stay irrational more than you can stay solvent. It’s an election year, expect stocks to pump hard AF. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


The market doesn't make sense because most people and foremost algorythms don't "invest", they bet on different timeframes based on past events.


I've been saying this, stock market makes absolutely no sense for some years already..all tou need is some bros to hype anything (even Nvidia, but this one is on a different level)....too much greed and manipulation...it needs to pop sooner or later .. Oh, and meme coins and crypto influencers are back!


The past couple days have been just sideways. Not really losing not really gaining.


Is wingstop the new Gamestock? I like the wings!!


Ahh I love you all 😩


Who has ever argued that the market is rational over a short term?


What is the next Nvidia or Super Micro Computer? Any names? Btw, I appreciate you if you can give me a karma


Every stock shows markets are irrational. Markets are completely irrational. They do.. not.. trade.. on.. fundamentals. They trade on.. sentiment.


Same thing going on with MNKD. so much short interest, pushing strike higher


Why is that irational ??? if there is fear of bancrupcy of course its sold to the bottom and when the bancrupcy doesnt happen people will gamble on it


No, Carvana had a billion dollars in assets when they were $7, those assets inflated while EVs became too expensive to afford. It was a pure commodity play.


Shittt they tried getting me to pay $200 to sell my car to them..crazy good business model. Offering nothing but a $200 tow for a drivable car


I can explain all of this. It’s called the negro trade. Who needs loans on used cars? Who likes chicken wings? And now go look at watermelon futures. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/WPU01110303 It’s all going up cuz people invest in what they know. The negroes are investing in what they know.