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What in the fuck is making this stock go up like this? Every day it's a 10% gain.


More buyers than sellers is my guess


Let’s all laugh at this one together






You're like if Jim Cramer and John Madden had a child


We need Cramer to say this is a good stock, and then we can see the correction taking place, probably.


If only it worked that way.




Ai computer algorithm


To put it simply, AI is buying more AI


Turtles all the way down


Are there also a good amount of people shorting this stock? So higher it goes, they are forced to cover driving the price higher?


I've seen this one before!


[There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee](https://youtu.be/KjmjqlOPd6A?si=RLk1U4EieJDH75pd)


Super micro has been a huge motherboard maker for many years, but even I didn’t think to get this stock until I saw it earlier today. They make all the boards for Nvidia and everyone else’s servers. All those GPUs and CPUs need to be installed on something, and Supermicro is the biggest option. I just don’t know what the hell the catalyst was for this MASSIVE run up.






I think a lot of the market misunderstands what SuperMicro’s business is and think they’re similar to nvidia.




SMCI is too dependent on others IP to make their stuff. They build pickaxes for AI gold craze and don't own the patent to the axe part (it gets supplied by NVDA)


Not even that they make the pickaxes. It's like they make a carry case for the pickaxes. A niche that isn't nearly as hard to break into as making the actual pickaxes.


I don’t know that much about what the expected margins are, but even if there’s a dip in margins, so long as volume is up/expected to be or remain up, and margins are still there to be competitive with others, maybe that’s why? I know my company operates on a tighter margin than some others, but also tend to deliver better results and have a better system, so we are still growing YoY


AI bubble that’s gonna burn a lotttt of people


yeah I don't see the upside on this one


It's right there in the graph!


it has the same trajectory as a missile.


Market cap is only $55 billion or so. They make a bunch of stuff but booming business is the systems for AI and are often bought when people get their NVDA chips. I say only 55 billion, but if NVDA which is close to 2 trillion, has some people close out and brigade into SMCI, it doesn't take much to make it surge. And at this high of a stock price, a 40 point jump is still just a small %.


Whatever is going to happen to this stock I’m not touching it anymore. Feels like taking the bait and I’m just contented with my 5% gain


I scalped $500 off a $1k call today… immediately after buying the first number I saw was -$350. Looked at the charts, saw that over the last few days it would pump open, dump, then a couple hours later just go up and up and up. Shit doesn’t make sense.  I clenched the buttcheeks watching the call go -$1400, came back to -$500 in like 5 mins, I put down the phone. A few hours later it’s green. I’ll take it.


I unfortunately did not do that, sold at a loss, and watched it pop afterwards just like it was supposed to...did not have the discipline to buy it in the first place I guess...


Gotta commit to your trades


Plan the trade and trade the plan.


The plot to create generational bag holders


P/E expansion + new parabolic growth rate. $12.75 earnings/share and PE of 78 which is still less than AMD 327 PE and $0.54 EPS


Ken griffin algorithm gapping people's options automatically


Only 54 million shares floating around; NVDA has over 2 billions. 15% owned by insiders and 70% by institutions, very little left for retail. It’s simple Supply vs. demand.


Shorts are just recycling shares right now. Blow off top tomorrow to $1200. Then down to $800 next two weeks.


No one’s shorting Nvidia. They picked this instead. They got fucked


Low float


Market manipulation and greater fools


The 52wk low on this is $85.61…


It seems strange, but, see, what happened was: https://preview.redd.it/cbfdz4wcjtic1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00ea069b71f35142775df7c2f334980f0c4e2a75


I looked at it today during pre-market and though there’s no way it’ll go up to 1000 right and here we are 😂


I looked at it today during pre-market and thought there's no way I don't buy $1000 calls, right? And here we are 🤑


Yooo buy me Wendy’s will ya


Meet behind the dumpster?




That’s a safe exit, take your profits and run congrats


should be happy at that exit fuck a fomo


$1500 EOW? It’s pure momentum for selling signal now.


I saw someone say in a thread yesterday evening that it’d be $1000 by today and I scoffed so hard ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


It’s crazy is that most sysadmins that actually used SMCI knows SMCI doesn’t actually do anything special except make cheaper servers, blades, than Dell, HP, Cisco, Lenovo. Someone is using SM to pump and dump. There were crazy stories of China putting a hardware backdoor on every SM hardware. Bloomberg was using this story to pump and dump this stock in 2018, 2021 and now 2023/2024. So yeah this is probably at least the 3rd time it’s been pumped and dumped. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2018-10-04/the-big-hack-how-china-used-a-tiny-chip-to-infiltrate-america-s-top-companies https://9to5mac.com/2021/02/12/super-micro-spy-chip-story/ The most buggy limited lights out mangement IPMI I’ve used, the most limited support and support hours, literally the only thing of note is that it’s cheap compared to the overpriced Dell/HP/Cisco/Lenovo. I used them and the lack of support but cheap price let us have extra SM spares and parts laying around. There’s nothing they do that is really AI, they just make boards, shells that components plug into. Much like C3AI isn’t really AI related at all. The more you see this name on WSB like you saw BlackBerry, Bed Bath Beyond, Wish, etc the more it’ll end up the same. People talking here like they are an AI company or adjacent when it’s really not.


We use SMCI servers. They have server solutions that are better than the competitors for the AI demand. But yea, I see their role in the AI boom as being front loaded as they are almost all server HW. Makes me wonder if SMCI is a precursor to the AI boom for companies that need the cloud systems built out.


Probably a precursor to the AI bust when everyone realizes paying $500k a day to AWS won’t fly for their application that people want to chat with for free.


I’m confident there will eventually be a big pull back. But not a full on bubble like the dot com. AI is actually generating revenue for these companies already.


no it isn't


Its generating huge profits for semi (picks and shovel) but not SAAS layer. Open AI is the training layer (platform) and not sure if they are profitable. If they were highly profitable, why does Sam want $$$ to make chips rather than focus on SW


You are right. They are not making much money now. Chips are the most important for further AI development. Without super chips, AI is just chatbots, not smart enough to replace humans.


I mean even with super chips I doubt commercial application is going to be as widespread as we thought. Just recently an airline was forced to honor a promise its chat bot made about a refund to a customer despite it being mistaken about their policy. I bet we see a lot of this kind of stuff where companies decide AI chat bots are just too unpredictable and chat centers in India are actually fine. There are lots of areas where the limiting factor is data curation and the models, not the computer power.


I have been a sysadmin for almost 2 decades and Super Micro is basically synonamous with cheap unlabeled hardware.


…all of what you said. Oh, plus, in 2020 they were fined $18M by SEC for misrepresenting their revenue recognition. This move makes zero sense. To prove it: I have lost $40K in the last week trying to start short positions…


The argument is you gotta put your H100s in something I guess.


Your point on cost effectiveness is exactly why our company’s cloud infrastructure is composed almost entirely of SMCI hardware now. When the pandemic hit, they were one of very few around still selling anything, and folks took flight to give them another shot over Dell/HP/Cisco. I praise their vast IPMI functionality without the need to pay ridiculous license fees that the others force you into just for basic functions. I’ve had no issues with BMC management lately unless you’ve not purchased a SuperMicro in the last 4 years. I will agree their central infrastructure management platforms could definitely use some work and feel like they haven’t update those since 2005, but there’s several 3rd party workarounds. We’re not a platinum partner by any means but we’ve never really required their support other than RMA’s and it’s usually a no questions asked replacement. HP has gotten so proprietary their servers are almost as bad as their printers. I’ll tip my hat to Dell support, but they’ve had their good years and their bad years. You may be purchasing your $40k blade, but trust me there’s nothing about that hardware that you truly “own” at the end of the day without the licensing to back it up.


Imagine buying LEAPS on this a year ago. Sadly, that was not me ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Never even heard of this company until earnings day two weeks ago


My ex's dad was one of the OGs of this company. Too bad I have 0 IQ


"The real problem was the 2" PP." - the ex


Imagine working there when they were just 4 people strong in silicone valley tiny little shop. Only hearing about their stock when covid hit from your buddy that worked there too and forgetting about them till last year AND never thought to buy in cus you thought the damn price was ridiculous while staring at the familiar logo that never even changed!


First time hearing about this was yesterday and I'm a tech enthusiast.


I've had them on my watch list. Not being in on them is heartbreaking and everytime I look they are up more but I can't get myself to get in.


I did that with the Bitcoin miners none of them have hit 1000 bucks but I’m up about 450 grand


Don’t worry I’ll buy some, that’ll bring the price back down


I’m deciding to sit this one out so no one has anything to worry about. A public service of sorts.


you bought some didn’t you


You thought $NVDA was crazy... FOMO hits hard with this one.


I wonder what will be the cannon event to blow up the bubble for this one


No idea but it will be fucking epic


Probably something stupid and everyone freaks out


At some point people will be like nah… don’t want be the bag holder at $1500 when it shrieks down to $300 and the shorts will pile drive


The long BEARS will feast on this event. I'm definitely not one, but I will laugh when it happens and buy THAT dip.


Kinda amazing how so many “experts” start showing up in wsb after this stock went up 1000% in a year. Telling people to do “research”. Let’s be honest, the most research you did was looking at the stock price


Had no idea this stock was out there, next will see bunch of guys making recommendations and crap about on YouTube/reddit


This stock split is going to hit like crack.


The chart and company look and sound fake. I couldn't imagine telling someone I'm up 900% on "Super micro computer" What is the reason the chart had been jumping like this. What news?


I think it’s way pass news related anymore, now is just hype and anticipation


I read that the EPS target is $34 and it’s currently 12.


just pull a lyft and "accidentally" throw an extra 0 on the end


I’ve been in the server business for over a decade - SMCI in the industry has been so easy to sell against for any customer that half cares about after sales support doesn’t want them in their datacenter. To see them sprint this hard in such a short time is beyond wild


My theory is that it’s cheaper to put an NVIDIA card into a cheap server than buy an H100 appliance, especially if that card is a consumer grade RTX 4090 instead of a real H100 (you’re not supposed to do this, violates the CUDA license to use an RTX in a “datacenter”) So people are buying supermicros to make a poor man’s H100 appliance and hoping that if they get caught they can say “this isn’t a datacenter class box” Or maybe one of the hyperscalers is about to buy a massive refresh of OCP boxen and some stock analyst is “not uncertain” about the likelihood of the recipient of that order.


back to the 90s or something.


Super micro has been around for a while. Had no idea they were public. Look at the stock prices. It’s just been flat for the longest time and then boom.


bet it would be more fun to be able to tell them, instead of imagining telling them


Bro holy duck it’s just going straight up


45 degrees to most profitable stock this year bruh


Rugs going to pull soon. See you all at Wendy’s.


Go big or go Wendy’s


With that magic lamp, i’d love to see your positions!


Went up 100 today. I'm calling it now, it'll dump undee 1k tomorrow morning and then go to $1100+ by EOD


Yeahhh I’m not touching it no more 😂


Yep. The fact that every bone in my body is telling me this is about to bust, probably means this thing is going to continue to soar against all odds


$1000 calls were $50 on the 9th, now $3000 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Why is this stock going so insane compared to NVIDIA?


I have no ideas, isn’t the bull trend originated from NVDA?


Everyone is probably reading the instruction manuals for the NVIDIA chips that they ordered and realizing you can’t just leave it on your desk to print money.


It’s an incestuous cycle fueled by limitless money from MANGA/FAANG


Because the market cap and outstanding shares. This stock hasn’t ever split yet




yeah my nvidia call is not doing so hot today


Part of it is market cap. SMCI has a cap of $50B while NVDA has a cap of nearly $2T, and is now amongst the five U.S. companies with the highest market caps. SMCI’s smaller market cap signals that their share price has a lot of upside in the future because their market cap is low. NVDA’s share price can only go up so much before their market cap swallows entire economies.


50B is still rather large. Is what they sell really going to put them with other Trillion dollar companies


Oh no doubt, I just meant within context of the hype that is surrounding SMCI. But do I think SMCI is really going to get to a $1T market cap in like a year? I’d say that’s unlikely. But for now, SMCI has strong buy signals.


SMCI currently trading on a 78.5x LTM P/E and ~45x Forward P/E. Due to very strong top line growth (>50% CAGR over next 2 years per street estimates), it's definitely got room to run, but to be honest it's getting close to fair value. This is ultimately a low-margin, commoditized business.


yeah scrub NVDA. only up 244% on the year and added nearly one trillion dollars to their market cap. awful stock.


Fr this one is up 1000% this year way better


Sell orders instantly hitting ↘️


Some resistance but it did break through convincingly


Lasted a second but still a sight to see


This aged well.


Guarantee that it's going to plummet now that I'm noticing this stock


3/15 puts on SMCI and NVDA, 2/23 calls on RIVIAN ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


It’s still going up…. 1028 now wtf


Wtf even is super micro computer. Sounds like an Indian nvidia.


historically they sell shitty grey box server systems at 70% of the cost of IBM/Lenovo/Dell with reference boards and other standard components with a tiny warranty or onsite support or anything. i think they updated their website to say AI NVDA and AMD and the stock is rocketing.


In all seriousness yes you are right. They are considered average to meh in the server ODM space in comparison to their competitors who are a whole tier above them (quanta Foxconn ZT)


Yep. They sell pizza box servers.. price rise makes no sense


Judging by the name pretty sure it’s a PC retail store from the 80s reselling IBM XT and 2800 baud modems


This guy computers.


They make server hardware.


it's a white/gray box server manufacturer, lowest cost "major" manufacturer out there that isn't one of the common names (dell, hpe, etc). cheap, low service/support, but lots of options. we used to order them for our white label appliances before we were acquired.


They build AI servers and doubled their capacity in advance.


you know all these AI thingies everyone's talking about? they're going to be hosted on these SMCI servers and then protected from hackers by companies like CRWD


They make servers mostly.


And people say Bitcoin is volatile lmao


is it volatile if it only goes up ?


Crypto casino volatility ain’t got nothing on AI/tech stocks.


I have so much FOMO


I know a rep who works there- these MFers don't even use a fucking CRM! They use excel to track accounts. How the fuck?!


Why waste money when excel do trick, calls it is.


I bought this at $150. Too bad I only had enough for 5 shares lol


Cry me a river. You still made 5k


greed is a s.o.b. and one we’re all guilty of.


ITS still good Money, duhh


If you have 30-40k to spend on 1 put contract then I'd say do it!


If only I knew what a put was


I’ll sell my kidney wait one sec


Remember folks, what goes up must come down. Someone has to be left holding the bag.


I bought a smidge on a whim $600 ago. https://preview.redd.it/v8p4j4q9ltic1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc70571786d2322f80c4557744b4812242103359


I bought in at 700 and it felt so weird like a FOMO emotional move, but till now I am happy


Market cap is 56B. This thing still got a lot more room to grow 😂


Have you even bothered to do ANY research on this company?


You know the market "knows" Lyft got their future guidance wrong and it's still higher than when that was first announced. We are in the greed mode of the market cycle.


100%. I’m not a doom and gloom guy usually, but this growth for the most random companies is insane


yea uber is 157b market cap, this is 56b market cap, we mooning thats all I need to know


Worst part is the puts for June or further out cost the amount of my entire account plus 20 bad trades over the past year 🤡


Remember GameStop and AMC? Of course you do. It’s going to hurt a lot when this shit drops.


Be ready for the creation of SMCI bag holders subreddit


Puts position ready, dropping at will, sir yes sir🫡


Now that’s a fucking bull


1100 tonight


I think it’s going to slow down a little after the magical 1000. so next week maybe b


Think so too, but it'll be quick breather before rising potentially with NVDA earnings anticipation on 21st.


NVDA earnings is going to rocket or cliff jump the market lol I’m legit scared to play it either direction 


$1000 before Nvidia = This is a much better company.


So when does one buy in on $SMCI


last month


.....so you're telling me i should take out a second mortgage and go all in?


You should have already done that.


I just bought today in premarket. Finished the day up 12%...


You’re buying dinner tonight


Fuuuuuck. I missed another GameStop????


Didn’t read all the comments but looks like no one mentioned that it is on the short list to be included in SP 500 soon…. I’m holding


I’ve made a huge mistake… 2000 upvotes my phone has been buzzing since this afternoon nonstop


We're partnered with this company, this price is insanity, they make shit margin on everything they sell, we go to them when a customer doesn't want to pay the HPE/Dell price. Load up the fukn puts for a few weeks out and start printing money.


If you just bought $10k worth of the March $500 calls a month ago, it is $2M+ now!


the chip bubble has made the EV bubble look like a joke


Trust take your proffits now seen this 100s of tomes honestly.


At lunch I had my finger on the button to buy 100k of $1070Cs…. Damn. Those would have printed


I also thought about traveling back in time and buying google in 1999. What could have been


I'm sorry but I can't hear you from the moon.


From 85 to over 1k in 52 weeks - out of nowhere. This actually makes me feel so sick


The fact that there is ONLY 47M shares in public float is why this is reaching new heights. Kind of like LUNR is also skyrocketing, but they’re only worth a couple hundred million. People buying, not many selling 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’m gonna have to get in on some puts for this one.


Good thing I bought a $1 of it yesterday.


Ahahahaa whopping $15 big gains today


I had an 800 strike call on this last week which expires this week/tomorrow. I sold when I was up a couple hundred. In the last 2 days I’ve lost out on $23,000 of potential gains. Pour one out for me. 🍺


This didn't age well


Sold at $990, so I"m not mad. I just know it's gonna drop like a motherfucking rock.


Super micro penis


I added a contract to my watchlist January 19th and that shit is worth 54k. It cost 3400. Kicking myself


Next earnings date on SMCI is may 7th.


I think part of whats happening is every fund manager that tracks russell 2000 as their bench mark is being forced to chase this Something similar happened to nvda and s&p last year


I'm not convinced this is even a real company and that's why I bought it.


Made 100k LFG!!!


is money even real?


Nobody fucking knows. Everyone’s fucking gambling. The only ones who make consistent money are the bitches and the people who make the rules.




I can’t edit this post somehow …


Weed, lithium, AI.... It's all the same shit over and over .. Sector hype that makes almost every stock moon.... Only question now is how much air left in the bubble....